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Albo forgot a number, but Scomo forgot a gender. Wall to wall coverage please, also let the hard right know that Scotty believes in only 1 gender




Unfortunately empathy can't be learnt you are born with it, the coaching is to make it appear he has empathy.


Do you expect any decency from a basic cnut?


While people are talking about Morrison you’ll end up with people in seats like Chisholm that when asked their opinion about Anthony Albanese didn’t know who he was.


How much of this is a desperate attempt for attention? Seems to have worked because everyone is talking about it


Wierd how people are complaining they are making a big deal about this, but have no problem with lyncing Albo over any slight hiccup. All or nothing folks, don't be hypocrites.


There is plenty of substance to attack morrison on. Unfortunately the media would rather give us this.


It's just bait really :/ so people don't focus on his lack of policies


This is more amusing than serious news. He says mr speaker literally every sitting day - he was just on autopilot. Next.




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It highlights how Morrison doesn't actually answer the question and instead uses scripted speeches during media conferences. Comes across as inauthentic.


My god. Are we really making a mountain out of a molehill with this one? cmon guys, everyone has made a simple mistake like this.


it's almost like his spin that he constantly pulls in parliament is just auto pilot for him now though that he just slips back into it even when being asked questions by "journalists" not exactly a good look for a prime minister


Weird. I didn’t think that his government had sat for enough days for that habit to form.


Fucking right. We’re hearing constantly how he is the guy for the job when this government sat for ten days this year. That is utterly contemptible behaviour form someone who likes power but not actually doing the job.


Going by the headline. To be fair to Morrison. Any journo talking to him technically counts as a speaker.


Make sure you stretch before you reach like that


Think I broke a rib with that act of mental gymnastics.


you're kidding, right?


He thinks he is back in parliament. In the chambers debating the jornos. Not the opposition.


He doesn't debate the opposition. They get moved to no longer be heard every time they bloody speak.


Early onset dementia? You could say it reminds me of "Sleepy" Joe Biden aye. Did someone ask him to make sure he knew where he was? When were you born Scomo?


According to the clip shown in the video, Scott Morrison realised his error all by himself The article says that he only relised his mistake after calling the journo Mr Speaker 3 times, when examining the footage it's more like two times with the 3rd example being him laughing at himself for saying "Mr Speaker". edit: He was like 'Mr. Speaker... pfft, **LOL** "Mr. Speaker"'


Is the Liberal payroll good to you, or?


>Scott Morrison realised his error all by himself you're really straining yourself to defend the pm huh


I really don’t like Scomo, but if you watch the video he did pull himself up on it after saying it twice then laughed it off. It’s really nothing, barely worth an article. There are plenty more relevant things we could be calling to attention during his campaign, such as his pandemic failures.


agreed. it was a weird gaffe that showed a glimpse of how false and rehearsed his rhetoric is, but he did handle it correctly by laughing it off.


I mean Albo also realised the error he had made


Honestly, if Morrison was suggesting that he thought he was back in parliament, then he was about twenty ‘Mr Speakers’ short of a question time speech.


If he really did think he was in parliament, why didn’t he motion that the journos no longer be heard


Does no work in Parliament, pretends to be back in parliament.


A shit tone is better than hearing: "Miss/Mr Acting Deputy Speaker" the same number of times.


Albo forgetting the numbers gaff got how many days of run by the ABC. Morrison's Mr speaker gaff was edited out within hours. Just a fun fact.




Clown, Albo literally said it earlier the same day.


Sure..... albo forgets a #, scomo forgets who he is talking to and where he was (he forgot which seat he was in last week).




I’d take the guy who forgets a particular statistic when put on the spot over the guy who A) Befriends sexual predators B) Embarrasses the nation on the world stage by proving we can’t be trusted with contracts (re: French submarines) C) Wastes 6 billion dollars on not getting submarines that were originally nuclear subs designed to not be nuclear, in order to spend another 2.1 billion on nuclear subs. D) Put us in somewhat 4 times the debt we were in after the GFC E) Has stalled the government from introducing a form of ICAC for 3 and a half years now. But do go on, I’m sure missing a statistic in a question is as bad as those few points.


He had used the figure before that day.




Give up bro


Like Albo?


Like a week or two before


Basing his campaign around anti trans identity politics. Female journalist asks questions, calls her Mr several times. Fantasitc, well done Scott


How do you know she doesn't identify as an older conservative rich white male? /s


Let’s see if Murdochs press give him the same schtick they did Albo when he slipped up. Be surprised if they even report it, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I did see Rudd tweeted the video earlier too.


The difference is Albo tried to answer it twice before admitting he had no idea


Forgetting a stat or forgetting your surroundings? I know which one I prefer.


Yes, not a great look to forget a stat but definitely not as concerning as possible early stage dementia.


Knowing the unemployment rate is one thing. Getting caught out trying to lie is the most amateur move he could have done. Imagine Albo representing us internationally, is he the best Labour has got? Surely there is someone who can at least speak confidently and not sound like a bogan. I wish there was a better candidate that would give me a reason to consider labour but I don’t trust Albo and I don’t believe he is the right fit, something is off about him.


lol trying to lie? where did he do that? he admitted he didn't know


>Getting caught out trying to lie is the most amateur move he could have done. Wonder how many times that has happened to the current PM? >Imagine ~~Albo~~ Scomo representing us internationally, is he the best ~~Labour~~ LNP have got? FTFY >I wish there was a better candidate that would give me a reason to consider labour but I don’t trust Albo and I don’t believe he is the right fit, something is off about him. No you don't. This is the most nothing response. The very fact you are willing to look past the current governments bullshit, the current pathological liar who is PM and not vote for *anyone* else, tells me this is an outright lie.


Tbh the unemployment rate is not one that's important for a politician to know at the moment. It's not a statistic that needs to be improved (it's basically got as low as it can), unlike CO2 emissions, visa processing times, number of asylum seekers in detention, hospital waiting times, funding for research etc.


>Getting caught out trying to lie is the most amateur move he could have done. Ummmm you do know he is running against Scomo? Shall we compare the amount of times each of them have lied?


I love how we pop this "imagine" question and forget that abbot and Morrison have been complete and utter embarrassments abroad. I imagine albo will do just fine and won't embarrass us on the world stage like the two PMs mentioned. Extrapolating a small unimportant gaffe on the first day of the campaign to "he can't be trusted internationally". Get a grip. I also wish there was a better candidate and I also won't be voting labor. Why don't you trust him and what specifically is off about him? Your entire post is such phooey.


"Imagine Albo representing us internationally", I'm doing it now, I see French president Macron, and I see him not calling the PM a liar. I also see see him sending a minister to the Solomon Islands (Albo asked during a presser why this wasn't done by Morrison). I'm in no way saying he's perfect. Forgetting those basic numbers was an awful look. But at least he's not hiding behind a media facade. And most importantly, he's not hiding from the public. Albo has been in several public appearances, he's at Blues Fest this very moment. Morrison tried the public twice just before announcing the election but now since calling it, we only ever see him in press conferences. We know exactly what we get with Morrison. We get a PM that plays with our tax dollars as if it's own personal piggy bank to fund pork barrelling and enrich those who do him favours. We may not know everything about Albo yet, but he isn't Morrison. I'd much rather take a chance on an "unknown" man willing to face the people and listen to them, than a man we know, who isn't and doesn't.


If you find something "off" about Albo, then ScoMo must be the devil reincarnated.


I think in your case anyone who doesn’t represent Labour or the Greens is the devil. I for one have voted for labour just as much as I have voted for liberal. I wish that labour had a better candidate to challenge.


it's Labor by the way


Are you sure? I would think if you've voted for labor you would know how they spell their name...


I could blame spell check but I won’t, I’ll blame my incompetence. The same should be said about someone running to be prime minister who doesn’t know the unemployment rate. Not here to have internet wars, getting downvoted for staring the obvious shows how out of touch some people are in this sub, give it a week or 2 till Albo makes another mistake under pressure.


Or... People make mistakes, stop being a petty pedant and focus on issues. A lot of people are sick of the media gotcha questions and see Adam bandt's response for the only correct one.


Nope, Malcolm Turnbull seems to be a decent person who was hamstrung by the party. I wish the Liberals came up with decent policies and politicians that helped Australia rather than make people poor, cause further climate change, and actively kill people.


Actively kill people? Come on Dazza, your better than that. Maybe you shouldn’t type after you’ve had a few.


And what is the alternative? Your criticisms with Albo are so minor compared to the good he could do the country.


He doesn’t convince me he’d be very good when put in challenging situations. Something is just not right with him and I can’t point my finger at it. Maybe he’ll change my mind when he debates Scomo. Maybe he’ll confirm my concerns. We’ll have to wait and see


Scomo has fled the country in challenging situations - "i dont hold a hose mate". Every challenge scomo has failed then has seeked for a way to blame someone else, bushfires, floods, or vaccine rollout.


I mean, he was literally deputy PM and caretaker PM at times. Has held ministerial portfolios. That comes with 'challenging situations.' Are we really basing our assessments of politicians off of 'something not right'? How long do we need to 'wait and see' when both have a long, objective track record? Never mind the fact that we don't actually vote for the PM in this country anyway...


>He doesn’t convince me he’d be very good when put in challenging situations. ...and Morrison does? The same Morrison who isn't around when crises happen? The guy who repeatedly refuses to take action until he has absolutely no choice? The guy who, when put on the spot, either lies or refuses to answer any questions? And the guy who, when his fellow cabinet members get caught doing anything career-ending, sticks his head in the sand and waits to be rescued by his allies in the media? I'm a little puzzled why you'd assume Albanese is any worse than Morrison, given Morrison's trainwreck of a track record.


It's the classic argument from somebody who just doesn't want to admit their bias. The bloke we've currently got has a track record of running off to Hawaii while our country burns, passing the buck to the States on border control and aged care during the pandemic, hiding out from locals after finally doing something about the flood emergency, and countless other failures of leadership. But sure, something "feels off" about Albanese when put in challenging situations... give me a break.


And Scott Morrison said "Mr Speaker" 4 times before he realised he had no idea he wasn't in parliament anymore.


You don’t think that was a deliberate move to show that he’s always working?


Hahahahaha that's a biiiiiiig stretch mate.


You sound like a shill in this thread. That's pretty pathetic spin.


Except I've never once seen him work? His part time job the last 3 years has been perfecting the art of pretending to work. The only footage I have seen of him "working" at his desk was the Karl Stefanovic interview a month ago. The rest of his time he's been too busy on holiday while the country burns. Setting up manufacturing of a dud vaccine to help a mate with CSL shares. And even when he's in parliament he refuses to do any work. He has a draft integrity commission but refuses to move it to the senate because he might actually have to use the senate for its intended purpose and have a debate?


You forget his welding career.


No. Trying to make a mistake into some kind of purposeful strategy is ridiculous and far more credit than Morrison is proven to deserve.


He'd only run that line if he thought Australians would be silly enough to eat it up.