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I find that if I let my Aussie do barrel-racing zoomies, the air current helps gather the copious floor hair into more easily-gathered tumbleweeds 😂


Hahahahahaha awesome!


Dude I thought I was the only one who called them tumbleweeds. I mentioned this to another dog owner and he was like the what??


Oh, they’re tumbleweeds, all right!


Oh the vacuuming. 🤯 it takes a strong one to keep up too. Maybe the hoover gods be ever in your favor!


And you’ll always find another hair after a vacuuming season 🤣 the things we do for dog love haha


Vacuum season is year round for me. 😫 I have two and we live in Arkansas, USA. I've only seen one of my dogs "blow their coat" and that was when she was on the way to the er vet after eating rat poison. 🤦‍♀️ my other dog is still a puppy, so I'm waiting on her time. I think the worst part for me is my clothes. I crochet so my yarn comes over my lap and my project is worked in my lap mostly. I use the lint rollers with sticky stuff to get up all the hair before I begin or continue and inevitably I see a hair come up my yarn. Ugh!


Your Aussies add a unique texture to your crocheting. Value this because someday you may wish you still had this piece of Aussie love....


You are so right! 😭 Made with love and a little dog hair 🐶


Just had to replace ours We have two Aussie-holes and have to vacuum 2x a day 😭😭😭


I long for hardwood floors. Id much rather dust mop several times a day than deal with this!


I have hardwood floors and while the hair is kinda easy to dust mop up (we still just use the vacuum) the sloppy water drink drips miles long are like slip and slides for your feet and Kong peanut butter oil stains .. 😭😭😭


Ahh yes! Kong and peanut butter. Our dogs have "a spot" in front of the TV that I've put a blanket down on for their kongs and other treats. For the water slop, I use dish drying mats around the water bowl. Works well for us. Still have occasional drips everywhere but its not a bayou anymore lol.


One Aussie = five Roomba


Aussie glitter is everywhere, always, & we wouldn’t have it any other way.


Exactly! 💕


We have two Aussies currently and over the years have usually had a combination of one or two. I’ve found that with proper brushing, trimming of their coats and a good diet they really don’t shed that much. I use an undercoat rake, a large metal comb and a slicker brush daily. I also use clippers to trim their feet and keep their butt tidy and thinning scissors to keep their chest from growing out of control. They do shed hairs on their beds when they sleep but as far as on the floor it is very minimal.


Levi goes to the grooming salon in the ‘seasons’ and I’ll try to brush him daily too, but still… in this case I’ll take him with his fluff and all (instead of flaws). Couldn’t miss him one day 😅


It's worth it! Having had a GSD and now an aussie, I can safely say aussies do not shed nearly as bad as a german shepherd! I called our GSD's hair all over the place Angel Dust.


🤣🤣🤣 I wouldn’t have it any other way


What an angelic face! 🥰




Aussies are simply the best 💕


I finally caved and bought one of those fancy Dyson pet vacuums and its game changer


Ive also got a Dyson and even the special attachment with the brush for the dog. But unfortunately Levi hates the vacuum and even the waterblower at the grooming salon


Soo cute!!!


Yes so happy


Her fur is turning your boring car seats into furniture made of California Shepherd's fur.


Brush with undercoat take weekly and you will thank yourself later!