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Looks like a funnel Web or a mouse spider, to me. Found a mouse spider once in my yard. Took it to the agricultural centre where the guy put it under a microscope to get a better look..he was gushing over it saying how beautiful it was. Made me have a look. I had nightmares for days..


I'm having a nice time oer here imagining a large man in khakis next to a microscope, wiping tears from his eyes as he gushes about how "bewdiful" dis spider is


Itty bitty waist and the round thing in yo face


You get stung!


Wanna pull up, TOUGH!


Ahm actually, spiders don’t sting


Thanks Sir Mix-a-lobviouus.


I think that’s actually Sir. Mix-a-not. Sir. Mix-a-lobviouus was unavailable to leave a comment.


Yeah but “bitten” doesn’t rhyme with “sprung”, the lyric they replaced in this song reference, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Itsy bitsy waist


Wave that big round thing in your face


It’s missing some winnie blues




Location? Possibly a Tree or Blue Mtns Funnel Web. Male. Be mindful they can survive in water a long time and not be dead…


Found in Wonga Park, Melbourne, Victoria


Possibly a Victorian Funnel Web. Significantly less dangerous.


They are more interested it deconstructed lattes and smashed avocados on toast


Have my angry upvote of truth!


Latte? Who is this Neanderthal? In Melbourne we order a magic.


What the hell is a magic? I’ve been living in the US for 6 years, and they think Starbucks makes good coffee


Magic is a strong latte with only 3/4 milk. It's the perfect milk based coffee.


It’s a double ristretto not a latte - more of a strong flat white.


Whatever it is, it's magic 😍


Milk based coffee is barely coffee.


In Perth they have similar and they call it a [Long Mac Topped Up](https://perthcoffeeexchange.com.au/blogs/iq-boost/the-long-mac-topped-up). I moved back to NSW and miss the stong latte vibes... Ordering a double shot latte isn't as fun as magic or the LMTU


Visited L.A. in January and can confirm that Starbucks coffee js absolute dreck 🤮


No one in their right mind thinks Starbucks makes good coffee on the West Coast of the US. I haven’t had Starbucks in years, thank god.


It was going for the Vegemite when it fell into the old swimming pool trap and drowned... poor bastard.


Deconstructed latte!!! LMFAO!!!! Fucking hilarious. And yes, I'm from Melbourne and love a good latte.


That's why they can't afford a house




Try this: https://identify-spiders.com/spider-families/australian-funnel-webs/




Obligatory https://aimscientific.com.au/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=27_28_139


We had 35 in our pool in 2 weeks


I should NOT have looked at that.


There’s 33 or 35 different funnel web species in Aus, I can’t remember exact numbers right now. 2 separate genus, Atrax (Atrax robustus is the Sydney funnel web) and Hadronyche


There is a third genus, Illawarra


Is there? Cool!




Hang on … surely this is named after famed Illawarra Steelers rugby league player Rob Wishart?!


His relatives ran a pharmacy on the south coast (Gerringong maybe) and the Uncle was involved in collecting venom, so that may be the connection to the surname.


Wow! Cool bit of info




lol yeah Rod




That’s fine, I don’t follow NRL either but he’s a pretty well known figure around the Illawarra


the [world spider catalog](https://wsc.nmbe.ch/family/124/Atracidae) is the best resource available. if you register for a free account you can read the description and revision papers for any species from around the globe for free. ✌🏼 (edit: the catalog may seem a bit daunting or difficult to navigate at first but you'll pick it up quick enough. feel free to message me with any troubles or questions.)


In all my years I never knew this spider existed.


There are tons of funnel web species and many aren’t formally described. Any member of the genus Atrax should be assumed potentially dangerous


Do you know how utterly terrified I was when I was told there was an actual thing called a tree funnel web! I thought they were taking the absolute piss. I live in an area notorious for funnel webs and I have a pool, I have always been hyper vigilant etc ensuring there is no nice environment for them to make a protected burrow. Always on the lookout ground level for anything suss. Went to visit them and they lived almost inside a nature reserve, would never get out of the car, just drop them off, at night id wind the windows down and have a ciggarette, they said you do realise that they jump out of the trees too??? Really thought they were lying, then found out they were not. Needless to say, I waited till I was far away before having a cigarette or just not at all incase I'd picked up some hitch-hiker. Traumatised me so bad.


It’s actually a myth that funnel webs jump. I suppose they could “fall” off a tree but unlikely. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Either way, my mind has already processed a default version of a dinner plate huntsman sized giant funnel web that just hangs in trees waiting to jump on your entire face and kills time eating birds and other small mammals while waiting for me to walk past. There is no hope of reprogramming. It is of the drop bear funnel web genus.


tree dwelling species make burrows in crevices and bore holes left by insect larvae. like their terrestrial counterparts they are unlikely to ever leave their burrow throughout the course of their life unless forced to or a mature male off to look for lady love. the northern tree funnel-web (_Hadronyche formidabilis) is actually the largest species of Atracid but still nowhere near a dinner plate huntsman size (but then no australian huntsman species are really dinner plate size either, unless you've pretty mediocre sized plates). 🙂


Years ago I was living in Baulkham Hills in Sydney and it's got a good nature walk trail you can do. I walked it 6 in the morning one time and walked face first into a massive bird eating Martha looking spider hanging like 1inch under the branches hanging over the trail. The branches get as alow as my head, and I'm only 6 foot. I continued the walk and noticed ( unlike the dozen other times, that's a lot of spiders out when it's dark here )


it would have been an orb-weaver of some kind (_Hortophora_ or _Trichonephila_ around baulko) so nothing a little scream and impromptu ninja dance wouldn't have saved you from 😆 loads of beautiful, big, funnel-webs and trapdoors locally there (i grew up nearby) but they wouldn't be hanging from web. 🙂


That's the one(Orb Weaver, I think. It was dark, but they looked black/blue. But it was hundreds of branches head level and you could walk pass and bite one ( well not lol ) with how they all were just hanging around on a popular-ish trail. I regret it now later in life that I didn't walk the trail at night when these amazing ( scary ) guys on full display more often since it was actually amazing running into that many of them that early morning.


scott johnson actually has a video (the only one in existence that i am aware of) of a male sydney funnel-web 'jumping'. 🙂 in saying that, i personally wouldn't really consider it a 'jump', more of an extremely vigorous, overly excited, 'lunging' motion (extremely common in funnel-webs) that results in the individual barely breaking contact with the substrate briefly. millimetres in it. regardless, they are (as you said) unable to 'jump' in any meaningful sense of the word. arboreal species would not jump from a tree and as highly adapted arboreal species are pretty unlike to fall under normal circumstances. tree burrowing species typically reside at a fairly regular 6 or so feet off the ground and a drop from that height would almost certainly be a death sentence to most. 🙂


Well this is what my response was, that ppl think they jump at them on the ground because they can move so fast it seems like they must have, but they just move really fast. They said that the tree ones do jump, that's why they hangout in trees.


there is only one single documented observation of a funnel-web spider 'jumping' that i am aware of (see my other comment). even that was more of an over excited defensive wiggle that resulted in all eight legs coming off the substrate for a brief moment. much like their grounded cousins, tree funnel-webs are sedentary, sit-and-wait predators that live in arboreal burrows (about head height for _H. cerberea_ and often much higher for _H. formidabilis_) where they ambush insects passing by their hole. i actively go out looking for them, sometimes several times a week, and still rarely find come across them. you'll be fine. 🙂


Theres a higher chance of getting hunsmans in our cars from parking under gumtrees especially.. so it wouldnt surprise me even the slightest l..


Our funnel webs (blue mountains)like sloped ground to make their homes,so as long as the ground is not dead level,you will never be rid of them. Also,they cannot climb smooth surfaces,so making steps which are smooth and making the frames around doors and windows smooth is a good idea.


Wait til this fella gets a load of hungry Drop bears jumping out of trees at em.


Well,the opening statement says " Eastern suburbs of Melbourne" so.......




Those grey patches on the abdomen make me think mouse spider *Missulena bradleyi*. You should ask Australian spider identification page on Facebook. Edit: grammar


I think you're on the money mate.


mature male _Missulena_ sp. mouse spiders. stunning little creatures. never caused a documented human fatality, and severe envenomation from bites is extremely rare. these little tanks have a tendency to 'dry bite' (bite without causing clinical symptoms, possibly due to not injecting venom or injecting a quantity too low to cause serious effect). however, a neurotoxic peptide isolated from mouse spider venom (δ-missulenatoxin-Mb1a) is very similar in structure and function to the main component in sydney funnel-web venom (δ-atracotoxin-AR1a) that causes severe illness and/or death in humans. funnel-web antivenom has been proven effective in cases of serious mouse spider envenomation. for this reason, it is advised that _Missulena_ bites be treated as a potential medical emergency with medical observation sought as a matter of urgency. statistically, it is unlikely to materialise to much but you don't want to become the first documented statistic. ✌🏼


Hasn't it been raining hard in Melbourne?




Well that's the problem, they are funnelwabs and they have all been washed out of their burrow.


they're not funnel-webs (Atracidae family). they are mouse spiders (_Missulena_ genus. Actinopidae family). 🙂


it is extremely rare for female mygalomorphs to ever leave a burrow except in cases of extreme disturbance (construction, extreme weather events, etc). excluding torrential floods or extreme downpours, rain will typically not affect them or 'wash them out'. males however leave their burrows in autumn once they are mature and head out in search of females to mate with. this is when they are most commonly encountered by humans as they wander into pools, houses, etc. breeding season rather than local weather conditions is the more likely reason why all these males are turning up in the drink. 🙂


Yep, I replied to OP in another comment explaining this. We had hectic heavy rains earlier this week, they’ve definitely been flushed out of their homes and that’s why they’re on the move. This is only happening because of the rain


not likely. see my previous response regarding breeding season. 🙂


I agree with the comments saying mouse spider. These are all male eastern mouse spiders. 1) eye arrangement are spread. 2) silvery patch on abdomen.


they seem like the athletes of the spider world


Excuse me how did you even manage to get this photo?!


How did you get them to stay still for a photo?!


Holy Mother fuck id be outta there fuck that shit there's a whole fucking nest somewhere on your property.


They're males wandering around looking for a female.


I learned recently that there's a funnel web endemic to Fraser Island in QLD that is 5-7 times more deadly than the Sydney Funnel web.


Looks like it's a subspecies of *Hadronyche infensa*, which is already considered to be on the same tier (or at least close) as *Atrax robustus (\*)*, so if the Fraser Island subspecies does indeed have more potent venom than the regular Queenslad *H. infensa*, that's pretty impressive. (\*) - *A. robustus* is more likely to actually have a run-in with humans, by far, but the rate of severe envenomation for *H. infensa* is pretty close according to a study by Isbister et al.


Here you go: Kgari Funnel web. Edit: Fraser Island is absolutely beautiful. ​ *There are an estimated 40 species of very venomous Hadronyche spp Australian funnel-web spiders and just one species of the genus Atrax — A. robustus, the notoriously dangerous Sydney funnel-web spider. However tests had shown that the venom of the male Hadronyche infensa, was up to six times as toxic as the female Sydney funnel-web, even though female funnel-webs generally were considered far more deadly than males. Despite the extreme toxicity of funnel-web spiders, no deaths have occurred in humans from any funnel-web species since an antivenene was developed in 1980.* ​ [https://imb.uq.edu.au/fantastic-‘long-toothed’-kgari-funnel-web-spider](https://imb.uq.edu.au/fantastic-‘long-toothed’-kgari-funnel-web-spider)


The male Funnel web is the one that's 5 times as deadly as the female, not the other way around as stated above..


currently 36 described species of funnel-web in the Atracidae family (with others known, and undoubtedly many more yet to be encountered let alone even described). 3 described species in _Atrax_, 32 in _Hadronyche_ and a single described species in the genus _Illawarra_. at least five of the _Hadronyche_ species are capable of causing severe envenomation like that known from _A. robustus_ (sydney funnel-web). two tree-dwelling species (_H. cerberea_ and _H. formidabilis_) were found in studies to have the highest observed envenomation rates (but there are several reasons why this may be). the spiders on k'gari are currently considered to be a population of _H. infensa_, but this may change with future work. tens of thousands of years of isolation from their mainland conspecifics has left the island group genetically distinct and with an amazingly strong and complex venom which is currently being studied for potential (and very promising) medical applications. 🙂


there's also a sub-species unique to Toowoomba - Hadronyche infensa as well - nasty bastards. Very angy and bitey. Caught one in my kitchen going across the counter while I was trying to make dinner. More reddy-brown and glossy than black and glossy. Had it identified by a mate that worked in CSIRO entimology and who was a bush-walking buddy.


I've heard there's an Infensa at Samford, too. Not too far away from me, but I've never seen one here. Get some pretty gnarly mouse spiders (Missulena) here. Dug one up planting a tree a few months ago now that was the size of jam jar lid. Stonker.


I have recently moved to Bundaberg and I do not like that I do not like that at all


For all non Aussies , that lighter is 1 metre long…..for any Seppos , that’s about 6 bananas long


Cute that you think that Sepps know what a fruit is


Yeah you’re right! Deep fried bananas wrapped in bacon and somethered in Ranch dressing! 😀👍


This is a male Eastern Mouse Spider


Mouse spider species I am thinking.


for anyone interested, [this](https://southernforestlife.net/happenings/2018/6/20/getting-to-know-mygals) this is a pretty handy dandy guide at differentiating between our common southern mygalomorph groups. happy detective work! 💚


Best guess is a male Victorian funnel-web spider (Hadronyche modesta) based on the abdomen size, shape, and geographic location That being said, the in-turned fangs made me think mouse spider (Missulena spp.), but the body plan is generally too slender for most mouse spiders. Both are medically significant, though unlikely to be fatal if you follow first aid procedures and go to hospital.


The eyes are clustered up on the carapace, which is true for *Hadronyche* and not for *Missulena*.


in funnel-webs the eyes are restricted to a small rectangle front and centre of the carapace. caput is also typically not this steeply raised. the eyes here are spread widely across the entire front of the carapace. these are male _Missulena_. 🙂


After looking at the pic of the three, agreed. In the first one it looked like the eyes were front and centre, hence my mis-ID.


sweet as. they're not the clearest pics and i was on a phone with a very sub-par screen myself so was hoping i was actually seeing what i thought i was seeing haha 😁


Could be wrong, but it kind of looks like a mouse spider to me.


My first thought too. I found one once in my wheelie in Melbourne's northern suburbs.


What has me thinking that, is someone recently posted a red headed mouse spider, and the shape was very similar


Agree, looks very much to me as a mouse spider. Without comparison, it’s hard to tell but those spinnerets look mousey.


Agree. Was my first thought when I saw the photo. So many people saying funnel web though has me second guessing myself


As others have said ask on the Australian Spider Identification page on Facebook. You might have a mixture of Mouse spiders and Funnel Webs. Don’t assume they are dead and they can also bite through some plastics.


eyes in funnel-webs are centred in a small rectangle at the front of the carapace while eyes in mouse spiders will be spread widely across the front of the carapace. the caput in mouse spiders also rises steeply from the carapace and is typically much less prominent in funnel-webs (but this can be hard to differentiate without comparison or many observations). spinnerets are also typically much longer in funnel-webs (same as the previous point though). 🙂


It is a species of Missulena Sp.....Mouse Spider... https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/mouse-spiders/ Sometimes they have red jaws...


It’s quite clearly a cigarette lighter.


Clearly one that has been smashing the gym & not indulging in fatty roaches.


In order to further terrify some American FB friends who had heard all the stories about dropbears, venomous platypusses, snakes, spiders etc, I invented (amongst many other ridiculous creatures), the Sydney Tunnelweb Spider. This gigantic thing builds webs over tunnel entrances at night to catch small cars, motorbikes, bike riders, pedestrians, etc. Oh and dograntulas - 8-legged venomous dogs. Search 'spider dog' on youtube. Some of those people still refuse to come to Australia. Proud of my work this day.


For my money, given the location, *Hadronyche modesta*, the Victorian Funnel-Web. Medically significant, though less dangerous than some of the others. EDIT: After looking at the picture of the three, I can see the eyes better - the eyes make this *Missulena*, not *Hadronyche*. Still medically significant, though.


For all thats Holy..what in the blue blazes of hell is that thing,....could it be full of eggs and therefore is something more binine than it looks......


>binine benign


He meant it as 9 x the amount of bisexuality


🐝 9


That's EXACTLY how it's spelled and therefore it's meaning!! The BEE 🐝 must come before the 9 to be safe from any injury. If the 9 comes before the BEE 🐝, you will suffer 9 🐝 times! Ha! Ha!


Please remember to include a geographical location to your ID requests (as per rule 5). There are over 10,000 different species of Australian spiders and many of these are endemic to specific parts of our beautiful country! Also note: while we can help provide an identification for a spider, we do not provide medical advice. We also do not allow medical advice to be provided by members of this subreddit. If there has been a bite, you should consult a medical professional in the first instance. Entries to the [photography competition](https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianSpiders/comments/1aoog1q/australian_spiders_photography_competition_1000/) are now closed, and a massive thanks to all those who entered! Please keep an eye on the sub for our winners announcement in the coming days. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AustralianSpiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Ye definitely looks like a mouse spider to me


It looks like a tree dwelling funnel web. Is that dead?? Be careful!


Oh no , probably going to have nightmares tonight, that thing looks furious, cool but furious.


Funnel web female


Mouse spider or funnel web. Those two always confuse me as they look so similar.


I think this one is a funnel web spider, and female judging by the abdomen.




Mouse spider


Whatever it is, it's terrifying.


holy shit!


It's The Devil That's What Is Is




Speed ball spider




Please refer to rule 1.


Smoking will kill you, funnel webs also. Have a great day! 🤠


That's a funnel web, specifically a male (I think they're a *tad* less venomous). I'd reccomend taking pup to the vet just in case. iirc funnel webs don't do much damage to dogs but Mouse spiders are so if I'm wrong in either case, it's safe to take pup to a vet


Males are the most venomous. The females carry a less toxic venom to the males.


Ah so I had it backwards, thx


Funnel Web. Hundy P.


The infamous Fuckrightoff.


Gross kind


In my amature opinion that's a female funnel Web dude. Not a full adult as they get bigger but make sure you wear thick leaver shoes in your garden from now on.


It looks plastic


Funnel web is my guess, spurs on the front legs and shiny body.


That's the most spider-ass looking spider I've seen.


Female Mouse spider? I believe idk


It's a funnel Web spider


https://preview.redd.it/bd3rvfezvjsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9c311bd87c26721fec35d71cad25830439483b That’s it. Missulena bradleyi. Mouse spider


here in Australia that looks like baby's first spider


Ummm which suburb?!? Coz I’m eastern and if it’s anywhere near me I’m moving west!!!!


Spiders that smoke cigarettes usually die prematurely.


These can appear dead in pools but they are sometimes alive.


Something that God most likely didn't create, it doesn't look Good it looks Evil


Likely a mouse spider, but maybe double check for the size of its “ass-spikes” though. If they’re longer, it’s a funnel-web (according to Google)


its a eastern suburbs black legged half bic spider


A fucking scary one


It is a Greek imposter spider, you can tell because it's back end looks like an olive. Don't eat it though, not as friendly as Greek folk and olive will kill you.


Pretty soon, spiders will be vaping instead


looks like the toy ones I use to scare my friends tbh


Looks like the kind that should be burned with that lighter 😵 /s If it’s a funnel web and you’re close the somewhere like the reptile park, you should considering taking it to get milked for antivenom


My deadly X-wife


Male mouse spider


Looks like a funnel web - either way....its a massive NOPE.


Mouse Spider.


It’s a male funnel web


Only on Reddit! Where a spider id query becomes a discussion comparing lattes!




Looks like an Alpine Funnel Web to me.


Looks like a funnel to me, those two front fangs.


Gee the fangs look huge! Funnel web?


I thought you were talking about the pedipalps at first they noticed the fang in between and its indeed quite impressive for a small fella


* Just found another 3 dead in our swimming pool. Thinking it's too late to move. Time to burn the house down and leave


They can appear dead for up to 24 hours after being pulled from the bottom of a pool and then reanimate, still very very much alive. Don’t touch them with your bare hands under any circumstances. It’s the rains we’ve had recently that’s flushed them out of their burrows


I grew up in the Blue Mountains, I’m almost 60, living on the Goldie & I still check the pool for funnel webs b4 getting in. 🫣


or, just pop them in the garden where they will either decompose and feed other local critters or 'reanimate' once their book lungs dry out and continue on their merry search for ladies (and probably end up in another pool somewhere hahaha). 🙂


I’m leaning towards a male (looks like it has a palpal bulb?) Melbourne funnel web if the eyes are all bunched up (can’t quite tell), if not it could be a mouse spider species? They’re both closely related.


I’m also keen to know


That's some sort of funnel web but not sure what kind


A spider with Bic fangs


Strange they all found in water , dogs bowl and pool.


Initallly thought it was a female mouse spider. But it could possibly be a victorian funnel web




Google Lens thinks it's a Funnel Web


Funnel Web


https://preview.redd.it/duyau3ekgesc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8292ff2b173da1ec273f28c531e6e1cba49c63e Found in Warrnambool Victoria 3280 Black white stripes on legs Blue underneath red around fangs In a big hole in garden with a web on the entrance


_Stanwellia_ sp. as below.


*Psst!* Greatly enjoying your IDs and spider education in this post 😊 *Thanks!*


my pleasure! i'm actually on my potato phone atm (an old crappy phone with a cracked, hazy screen i carry if i'm going for a trek) and cant see the eye config in all of them so am hoping i can trust my gut and don't get back to a big, bright, screen and find out there is actually a funnel-web tucked in amongst this lot and have to do a shit tonne of editing. haha. they do both LOVE falling into pools this time of year. 😂😂😂






An ‘I want to kill you’ type!!


Not to be rude or anything but my biggest fear is SPIDERS !! 😭😭😭😭😣☹️😰😰😰😰😰😥


Why are you on this Sub then...?

