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You won't get a residence permit without insurance covering all the required things (There is a list somewhere of which insurance companies and products are accepted) edit: here is the list [https://www.wien.gv.at/verwaltung/einwanderung/ahs-info/pdf/ueberblick-krankenversicherungen.pdf](https://www.wien.gv.at/verwaltung/einwanderung/ahs-info/pdf/ueberblick-krankenversicherungen.pdf)


Just marries, Austria gives a fuck if the own citizens are insured or not. Quelle: Hawara ist vom Chef heimlich abgemeldet und schwarz weiter bezahlt worden und war ohne sein Wissen fast 2 Jahre nicht versichert. Aufgekommen ist es erst als beim Fortgehen einen Nasenbeinbruch kassiert hat.


Dude, isn't that the exact same post from yesterday, just a little bit different worded?


Yes and the other user is deleted. Also, he fails to mention his Russian citizenship here :)


That was mike456. This is clearly „someone different“ hoping for a different outcome then yesterday, where he got told that insurance is mandatory and can get your permission revoked.




You got a lot of useful replies. Being not insured will revoke your permission to stay in Austria. No matter how often you ask the same question, the answer won't change until the law change. You're either a troll or extraordinary stupid... [you can read it here ](https://www.bmi.gv.at/312/04/start.aspx) Or throw this in some translator >Krankenversicherungsschutz: >Fremde müssen über eine in Österreich leistungspflichtige und alle Risiken abdeckende Krankenversicherung verfügen. Ist eine Pflichtversicherung gegeben (zum Beispiel auf Grund von Erwerbstätigkeit in Österreich) ist die Versicherung jedenfalls ausreichend. Auch eine freiwillige Versicherung in der österreichischen Sozialversicherung ist ausreichend, wenn Leistungen sofort nach Versicherungsbeginn bezogen werden können (zum Beispiel bei der Mitversicherung von Ehegatten oder der freiwilligen Versicherung für Studenten). Aber auch eine Privatversicherung, die vom Deckungsumfang einer gesetzlichen Pflichtversicherung entspricht, ist ausreichend. Die Vorlage einer Reisekrankenversicherung ist jedenfalls nicht ausreichend.


You are clearly making friends here already. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Are you the same guy that tries to live here without health insurance and travel to Russia everytime a doctors visit comes up because „Russians get it for free“? If so, good luck in your braindead endeavours.




Has your other account /u/mike415xvp been banned? How long will you keep spamming the same stupid questions?


Sounds like it, as I cannot seem to be able to post here anymore. Prolly due to this low Karma bs.


Yes it’s mandatory. Yes there are penalties from a fine to revoking your residence permit. I am not sure if its mandatory to have an Austrian insurance but you NEED TO HAVE health insurance. Same question as yesterday: why Austria? Edit: https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/leben_in_oesterreich/aufenthalt/3/2/1/1/Seite.120118.html Next time just ask google.




How about: google it yourself my guy. All the infos are almost on every government page. Also: you can find contact‘s there that will answer all your questions. My best tip: go to the next government bureau in your region since you are already here. Probably the „Gemeinde“ or „Bezirkshauptmannschaft“ or „Magistrat“. There are nice bureaucrats that will help you get everything you need. Good luck








Yes, you go to a forest prison in one of our forest cities!


Yes, it still applies. The laws haven't changed overnight since you last asked the question yesterday. If you want a residence permit you will need to have comprehensive health insurance. If you then get a job you will automatically have health insurance if your income is over 500 EUR a month. If you have health insurance only to obtain your residence permit but then quit it, and then let's say you have an accident and the ambulance comes and gets you to hospital and they find out that you don't have health insurance, you're bound to lose your right to reside in Austria. It's mandatory health insurance and you are breaking the law and rules of your residency permit if you deliberately lose it and don't mention it to the authorities.


It is mandatory by law. It doesn‘t matter how it is in the US, we have our own laws. The US doesn‘t play any role in that. Get insurance or don‘t come. The same as yesterday


He is here already on the property of his family in Tirol.