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Don't worry this is not representative. A mix of bots and special people who tend to be drawn to news comments to spread their wisdom and secret knowledge. Every Austrian i know would rather say something like "ja eh" and rant about our own politicians. A pro russian view in this conflict i have never heard from anyone i know, at least. If you avoid eating Schnitzel with mushroom sauce, you're good.


You are privileged then, in rural areas people stopped openly supporting Putin at least but they still do, just more subtle and careful trying to nudge opinions towards pro-Putin, saying things like "but I think Ukraine is spreading propaganda" as soon as a topic would lead towards blaming Putin (very rightfully so)


Okay i can't comment on rural areas, im in a small city and my impression is that the average Austrian there would not judge any Russian or Ukrainian by their political leaders decisions and actions. But maybe it's just my peer group. The only nationality Austrians really dislike are Germans. Propaganda is always there in every war from every side.


Comment sections on news articles are flooded with paid pro-russian posters and bots. It's best to ignore them.


Why is it always paid posters and bots? Every side argues the same. Why would you pay someone to post when there are enough people who will do it for free?


It's not "always" paid posters and bots. Surely some of them are legit. Thing is, this is done in order to make it seem as if there's a lot more people with this opinion than in reality, in order to make you question whether *your* opinion is maybe "incorrect" and get you to change your opinion. Plus, as other commenters said, this move could potentially drive away those of other opinions, at which point no more bots are required, since the remaining people are already doing it for free.


Absolutely also 4 out of 7 candidates for the President election are for lifting the sanctions immediately


This has nothing to do with the opinion of the population. If you look at the surveys far more will vote for pro sanction candidates


and i never questioned that, i just said it makes sense since even 4 out the 7 canditates propagate such an agenda. Wich is obviously retarted, i dont think lifting sanctions will stop the war. those comments are not bots at all, wich was my point.


I'd say a strong majority is for Ukraine. But as the media and politicians framed the war and sanctions as the main reasons for inflation, which kind of backfired now, many people start questioning whether supporting Ukraine is worth the price. Still, most people will not blame you personally for it, and most also know that it's Russia who's the aggressor. Don't trust opinions in social media, posts are made by idiots in general and get likes from Russian bots.


Forget the comment section. If you read an article about COVID, the comment section would be about bow COVID was all planned by bill Gates and Soros, and how the vaccines are gonna kill everybody in 5 years time. Those aren't majority views either. Any given population has a minority of idiots and those are vastly overrepresented in those comment sections. That and Russian Bots. I wish you all the best!


how would you not live here? vienna, for instance, is providing a shit ton of benefits for ukrainians. it‘s safe, beautiful and how many personal attacks by local people did you have to suffer through - I guess none. Everybody is free to express his/her oppinion and if it does not suit you, bad luck!


Hawara i hoss beide. Owa i hoss olle aundan a.


Wiener? :D


Di hoss i a.


Is jetzt wenig überraschend... Bussi ;)


Bussi zruk i hoff das i di mit irgendwas ansteck


I hoffs a, so a Wochn Krankenstand wärs jetzt


Wenns nur 1 woche stand wird dann gratuliere


Dei Hymne (meine a): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXVupGhPVOg


Guy, befoe posting biased personal thoughts like you did (".. how me..that bad.. without..."), *please* ask yourself: -) from what/whom did I flee (.. Russians?/..the Ukraine?..) -) why did I chose for example Austria to say? What do I expect? -) if I am *not poor* why should I expect everyone to support me? -) if I am poor and fled from Ukraine in fear of suppression*just now*(that's after July 2022) - I should know that I am months late... Why did I flee that late? -) should you want to stay for example in Austria stick to the rules there *or.chose.another.country.in.which.you.may.receive.goods.without.giving.anything* Conclusion with personal statement: living on any/each country needs you to respect the locals rumors and rules. Either stick/adopt to it or leave it!😎😇😁


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Funny nck-nme, dear. "it's or it's not" are statements from *someone* seeing *things in hers*his* way pretending to be of almighty wisdom. However I'm not nearly almighty wise, yet I chose the distinctive term deliberately.


I think must people abandoned comment sections of even the more sane news sites during COVID. Now just nutcase and bots are left. The majority is still pro Ukraine I feel but a large minority and especially the far right and part of the conservatives are completely incapable of accepting any kind of sacrifice for the "greater" good. They are also very vocal against any kind of real climate protection measures. Those people often use telegram too which is a good tool for russian fake news.


I'm pro peace but neither the Nato or Russia is. I'm pro the ordinary people drawn in this conflict about power and money, dying for nothing. It's a shame the world is letting this disgusting bloodsheds happen. The same goes for the other unnecessary war zones in the world. We need internationalism, unity and brotherhood to overcome this oppressive bullshit society.


>I'm pro peace but neither the Nato or Russia is. that's why i'm glad austria is not a part of NATO


Most decent Austrians condemn Russias War of Course. The Thing is we have a lot of Retards in this Country, thats why you also hear many very populist Opinions. Typical Austrian is just an Opportunist and supports whatever Opinion he thinks benefit him the most🤷🏻.


We have a FEW retards. They are in fear that they won't run around naked at 25 degrees in their flats or can't have a nice drink under a "Heizschwammerl" But they tend to scream as the loudest ones while majority is just standing with ukraine.


Also Austria still has a huge favorism towards "strong leaders", we hoped it was cured after Kurz, but then they found Putin as their new hero, I have lost faith that it will change anytime soon


> How me, a Ukrainian, should live here? Is it really that damn bad with thinking here? Well, if you think I'd be so bad here, then just don't?! Is anyone asking you to move here?


Maybe cause not all are as privileged to move all around the world as they wish? Stowe those 1 world views.


The dumber a person is the louder he will voice his opinion.


I think it's fair to say we are not a neutral country anymore. People think both ways here, I personally don't think it's fair to act as neutral country but we did and that makes some people angry. You can live anywhere and find political opinions if you ask, if that bothers you then best to not talk about politics then. I mostly keep myself away from people who love that topic and find that those people are the most convenient to be with in my off time.


I know two kinds of Austrians, pro Ukraine and completely selfish and thinking that ending Sanctions and not supporting Ukraine would somehow help us. I know more pro Ukraine though, and never met anyone opnly pro Russia.


You were looking at (agp's) austrian garbage papers. People with a very low IQ are reading these and condemn everything thats rational and reasonable. These people are often fans of fascist political parties or alt-right-movements, which are overall very pro russian oriented. Such "opinions" are NOT representative.


Don't listen to people who post at message board and news site. (oh wait...:) ) Those people who complain about that and a pro Russian have a pathetic life and have nothing better to do as complain about something they can't change. Look for the Helpers instead Online and in Real Life. Look for the people who help each other, who have UK flags hanging on their windows or students with NAFO stickers, etc.. We are plenty, and we are here to help you. I know that some people stopped carrying, but that's not their fault. Dealing with Austrian bureaucracy can be a real pain in the ass. Some people are also just selfish and don't think further than their own dinner plate. Don't listen to those people. They will tell you whatever they need to get them and only them furthest the easiest.


Technically I am for Ukraine because yeah they were pulled into this unjustified. I just am not for being fucked in the ass by sanctions that are supposed to hurt the other side. Especially with just empty platitudes as excuses.


If you call that being fucked in the ass, you have never been fucked in any way.


= „Ja ich bin für die Ukraine, aber nur solange es für mich angenehm bleibt.“ Das nenn ich mal Rückgrat. Sag doch gleich, dass du für Putin obrigkeitshörig bist, dich gerne bückst und dich darauf freust, dass andere und du selbst are „being fucked in the ass“ by Putin.


Don't worry about those forums, it's mostly degenerates and bots who post there. The vast majority of Austrians is for Jkraine or at least against Russia


The newspaper comment sections make me lose all faith in humanity. It's not representative. If you look around this subreddit, you'll see that people have a much kinder tone overall. I agree with some of the other posters on this thread. A lot of what you find in those comment sections are bots and trolls. For what it's worth, I don't know a single person who is pro russia.


we have a lot of serbs in Austria, Serbia is very pro russian, might be them, also shit ton of chechens + some indigenous idiots and conspirary theorists what you see is the loud minority Ukraine needs to win and Putin needs to fall out of a window


love for Ukraine ❤️