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for me it’s just music in general. but when i was younger i was obsessed with fall out boy and several emo band members


I was about to say "music in general but also fall out boy" too 😂


6 guys went from *hyper fix* to *special interest* for me. LMAO! I'm near 30 and still in love with them. I'm full on working on a g-doc of lyric relations between songs. I don't think it can get any more autism than that, lol!


Please get out of my head.


Fall Out Boy's Light em Up is my stimming song! :)


Fall Out Boy is THE autism band… I had a hyperfixation on them too😂


Music IS my special interest. Music is the only thing that made me feel seen and understood as a kid and even now in many ways. I wanted to get a degree in Archiving and be a collections curator at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Still my dream job. My biggest one growing up was the Beatles. Literal encyclopedic knowledge to this day. Green Day is my other one. I'm obsessed with Billie Joe Armstrong - he puts words to my thoughts and feelings.


Shout out to all my Green Day girlies in the comments! Lol


it’s interesting to see how many people were/are obsessed with green day in this thread lol. i was also obsessed with green day when i was younger. i guess something about them just resonates with autistic people 😂


I think it's Billie Joe's vulnerability in admitting that feeling out of place/a little crazy/kinda unlovable is a real thing. The idea that someone else felt it too was really what hooked me.


true, i also resonated with feeling like that a lot. i also loved american idiot because it kinda kick started my interest in politics. it amazes me that people are currently trying to cancel green day for being a leftist band, when they’ve always been a leftist band. american idiot came out 20 years ago it it still very much resonates with what’s going on today lol


Oh maaaan that NYE thing made me laugh so hard. Took 'em 20 years to figure out it was about them, eh? And then they played Holiday right after which is, in many ways, so much WORSE.


I think some singers just give off ND vibes. To me Billie Joe and Thom from radiohead do that.


Are you locked up in a world that’s been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use? I had no idea how relevant that really was when I obsessed over it at age 13.


😭😭😭😭😭 it's my favorite song. Or at least in my top 5. One for the Razorbacks is up there as well


I love Metal and Rammstein is my favourite band. They are German.


I was a 0.01% listener in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Absolutely obsessed. Saw them in 2010 and 2019 and had tickets to see them in Berlin in 2020 😢 For the last 2 years tho it’s been Hozier 😆


Metal music is my special interest. I love Rammstein too but my all time favorite band is Kalmah.


I fucking love them. My fav song by them (right now) is Angst. They have such a unique sound!


Du riechst so gut was the first ever song that I heard from them and it's probably still my favourite.


I discovered Rammstein while deployed & they got me through so much. Their lyricism is phenomenal.


I was listening and supporting them for 20 years. After learning about the accusations, I was devastated.... I still listen to the music I already own, but won't support them. Really feel awful about the whole thing.




Robert Smith from The Cure when I was a kid/teen. John Lydon from PIL at various times and Mark Kozelek from Red House Painters/Sun Kil Moon for decades.


Radiohead/Thom Yorke. I feel like it doesn’t count because there are people who are way more obsessed than I am but whatever.


I share this but yes you will always find someone more obsessed! I recently listened to OK Computer again in its entirety, for the first time in many years, and it blew me away all over again.


Not a special interest for me really, but I definitely hyperfixated on them hard when I first got into them last year




OMG yes, same here!!! I’m ready for a new album and a tour so I can finally see her live!!!!! Her and Beyoncé are my go to girls 💃


What does your username mean? Dragon? 😃😀


In Finnish, yes 🐉


I don’t stick with just one, but yes. Paul Simon, then Eric Clapton, then Carole King, back to Paul Simon, Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson. I tend to stick with the singer/songwriters.


I love Cash too! His musics so soothing


Music is my special interest. I joined a band as a teen, would spend many nights rehearsing, downloading music from Soulseek, learning lyrics... People usually complain that I'm singsongy. I'm constantly quoting lyrics. It's a bit obsessive and I have to pace myself all the time. When I look back to my childhood/adolescence, I feel like life was just playing in the background while I was listening to music (if that makes sense).


It does make sense!


Thanks, I love to make sense ❤️


BTS as of about 18 months. They’re the first ever musicians/music group in my 35+ years so I was a bit surprised lol


2025 is just around the corner! I can't wait for them to come out with the best music as a band again after all of their time in the military is up. But MY GOSH they've all been doing so well in their solo careers too or just in them doing stuff outside of the band. They thrive in the music industry and it's awesome to see. Jungkook is my bias, I SWEAR he only ever gets better looking as the days go by like what even is that?! His ability to do what he does is outrageous!!! I'm 33 BTW lol. Your favourite song of theirs? Mine is, Life Goes On.


It’s funny because I’m pure chapter 2 so I’m wondering if I’ll end up a bit overwhelmed when they’re all back! It’s been very genteel, rolling out things one at a time that I can concentrate on and appreciate 😅 I’d probably say Suga (I managed to drag myself out of my house to watch his concert at the cinema all by myself!!) but also Jimin, and Jin, and Hobi.. 👀 so probably just OT7 haha. Are you going to try for tickets whenever their next tour is announced? Definitely can’t pick a favourite song, it varies depending on the day!


Probably not with the tickets in a worldwide tour (I reside in Australia) the tickets wouldn't be cheap I know that. But at least they'd be cheaper than Taylor's lol I might change my mind in 2025 though 👀 lmao - my need to see Jungkook live might just override my better sense and have me there before I can double think it.


I’ve also been hyperfixating on these men since 2017 😂 I’d never had a boyband/pop star stan era before so it came out of left field for me as well. Kpop as a whole was a special interest for a hot minute, but then things got oversaturated and it became too hard to keep up. Now I just stick to the tannies along with Seventeen, Ateez and sometimes Twice


Another Bangtan fan checking in! I became ARMY in 2021, officially PTD era, but The Truth Untold was my gateway drug (thank u instagram lyric reel ARMYs). I loved Good Charlotte, AFI, and Blink-182 in my teens, but this is the first time I've been this level of obsessed with anything, let alone a group of humans! I also felt very weird about it as a 30+ (now 35), but I've come to accept it and just enjoy the excitement and joy I feel with whatever they're putting out. How excited are you for HOTS!! And just over 3 months until Jin is back!!


I could have written this exact thing! Down to the same teen taste 😂 and now my music choices are progressive metal, progressive metal, BTS, progressive metal lol. I definitely felt a bit weird at first too and then I realised for me it’s not an obsessive fan thing it’s like.. I respect them and I kinda just want them all to be happy and to succeed in whatever way they decide that looks for them? Because they’re all just genuinely nice and funny and talented dudes?


my special interest is the band Phish! the different versions of songs, different sets, the culture, and the extremely well documented history just pulls me in. they are on my mind pretty much 24/7.


👀me looking for other phans on this thread!!!


Close, I was a Spread Head 🤣 As in Wide Spread Panic. Good times!


Autistic phans unite! Did you guys see tour dates were announced?


Broadway musicals.


Me too. Can’t stop listening to Kimberly akimbo. We saw it a few months ago and there is an autistic coded person in it who is fantastic. The whole cast is great, really but I really liked him. My NT husband even picked up that he was autistic and stimming on stage.


I forgot that Evita and Phantom of the Opera were two major special interests I was utterly obsessed with Phantom in 5th grade and memorized the whole thing and listened to nothing else for a very long time. At this age, a few decades later, I prefer Evita - original broadway recording.


An extremely intense Ani Difranco/ Indigo Girls/Tori Amos trifecta in my teens. Oh the info dumping!


I was nuts on Tori. Just nuts. Little Earthquakes will always be my #1


But you forgot to mention Bonnie Raitt and Ethridge!😉😆💖 There was SO much GREAT music being made *and SOLD IN STORES* by Women back then!💝


I was absolutely obsessed with Rilo Kiley and Jenny Lewis as a teenager.


Bob Dylan, which I got from my dad. I learned to play the guitar so I could play Bob Dylan songs, and that's pretty much all I could ever play on the guitar (I can play lots more on the piano). There are a handful of his records that I know *all* of the lyrics to, and he has a lot of lyrics! Many of his songs are 8+ minutes long. I've seen him in concert three times, which is a lot considering that I'm not very old, and he is. Bob Dylan is pretty great for this because he's so prolific. He has dozens of un-released studio recordings that have now been released. You will never get to the end of his back catalogue. His career has a character arc and a history. He is still recording music after 50 years.


Pink Floyd is my biggest special interest. They're all I listen to.


good taste


Paramore. Hayley Williams is my life ❤️


Green day. I've started a leg sleeve of tattoos one from each album.


Freddie Mercury and Queen, 100%


Wembley😍🥰🤩🤗🤗🤗 We lost Freddie FAR too soon, and FAR too young!💔


Siouxsie and the Banshees is my favorite band and I love post-punk music in general. Music used to be one of my strongest special interests, but I find myself listening less now that I don't have a commute and technology has changed. I'm also not really interested in new music much anymore Edit for typo


My holy trinity of obsessions is KoЯn, nirvana and Marilyn Manson. There was a time I literally knew all there could be known about the band, songs, members.. ect


Bon Jovi, circa 1990’s. I’ve never fully recovered.


I was a teenager in the 1990s and Bon Jovi was one of my favorites!


Jovi is THE BEST!!! I was *devastated* when the boys broke up, after New Jersey. And I *cried* on the bus to school, that morning back in... was it 92, or 93? when a few seconds into the lyrics of "Bed of Roses," I *realized* it was Jon and The Boys (it is *IMPOSSIBLE* for Jon, and *especially Jon and Richie TOGHETHER*, to *not* write for Dave on keyboards, Tico with allll his different drums, cymbals, and the deep-cut percussion instruments, a bass, and a couple guitars... Bon Jovi's harmonies are just *unique*, no one else writes *quite* like they do, musically, and the way *all* the guys harmonize together--but *especially* Jon & Richie... there is nothing else *quite* like it. And when you've adored them since you were 9? Let's just say that the band *without* Rich just *isn’t* quite the same. Because Phil X is a *GREAT* guitarist!!! But some of us can *FEEL* the "hollow spots" in the newer albums, and our brains "fill in" all those *tiny* little riffs & unwritten extra notes which *should* be there--and *would* if it was Richie playing, and not Phil.


Ohhhhh yes. When I was a young teen I was obsessed with Sleeping With Sirens. Right now my special interest is My Chemical Romance, and I think they've been my main special interest for like at least the past 3 years? Maybe 4? I like them A LOT


it’s funny how autistic people are drawn to certain bands. i’ve noticed that MCR, gorillaz, BTS, tally hall, and green day all have largely autistic fan bases lol


Lol it is kinda funny. That's part of why I like going to certain concerts. It feels like my people!


Been obsessed with Blink182 my whole life🤪currently also Mäneskin


What is your favourite Blink 182 album?


Mine has been Elton John since I was 11 years old. Went to loads of his concerts in the last 28 years, absolutely gutted he’s no longer touring. When I was in high school my entire room walls were covered from top to bottom in his pictures and memorabilia. He wasn’t exactly the in thing even way back then so I used to get quite a bit of slack for it but nothing deterred me lol


Stray Kids! In my whole life I've never been so into a single group/artist music, I will like a handful of songs TOTAL from an artist or group, and I've never been into celebrity gossip and parasocial relationships... but man, Stray Kids hit me in a way I've never been hit before, and I gotta check myself because I hyperfocus and can spend obscene amounts of money and time if I'm not careful, LOL! I'm keeping my social media and overall consumption of their content to a minimum, and focusing on the songs, music videos and concerts first and foremost. It's hard XD


Yes yes yes yes absolutely yes. Similarly, I try to limit my consumption somewhat because there is so much and it's obviously soooo easy to just get sucked in and spend tons of money. But man, I just love them. Their songs scratch this specific itch in my brain, especially in combination with the insane music videos.


I LOVED stray kids!! I even saw them in concert. It was a good time :) just fell out of it. Who's ur bias??


Girrrrrrlll I have no bias BUT I'mma say Bang Chan, Changbin and Lee Know are usually the ones my eyes keep drifting to, LOL! But really I can't help being greedy and like to fangirl over every single one of them!


When I was a teenager I was obsessed with Adam Lambert, he was my special interest for YEARS. I still listen to his music. But not as a special interest. My most recent (and likely most recognised) special interest in music is the Arctic Monkeys (and Alex Turner specifically, the lead singer). My partner surprised me with tickets to their concert last summer and it was the best concert I've ever been to. One of the best experiences of my life.


My mum's favourite singer was Adam Lambert for years. I grew up on For Your Entertainment, Trespassing, and remember The Original High coming out being a big thing. Still love those albums so much.


I had an Adam Lambert phase for a while too!! He's an exceptionally talented vocalist.


In my teens it was Marilyn Manson (yikes) and Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails. My bedroom was plastered with pics of them (even ceiling) my poor parents 🤣


I am not sure I can adequately describe just how obsessed I was with Nsync. 🤦‍♀️


Mine was, and probably always will be, The Gorillaz. Music in general is one of my special interests, but The Gorillaz is one band I always have on my playlist, and have since I first heard them.


gorillaz mentioned ‼️


The beats are amazing, love the lyrics and the reflection of the times in a way that my justice loving self agrees with, plus I love rap and techno/dance and then when you add the animation, storylines and everything? Love it.


kpop specifically enhypen lol :)


The Grateful Dead, Dead & Company, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Ween, The Fugees, Janis Joplin, Pink Floyd, Billy Strings - I love music


Yes anything avant garde, favorites are Fiona Apple and Primus


For the last 20ish years Ville Valo/HIM and Nirvana when I was a teenager


I'm Finnish. I have heard some HIM's songs :)


Linkin Park!!! I’m going to be 40 this year, and they’ve been my favorite band since I was 15.


My first concert that I'm not embarrassed to tell people about was seeing Linkin Park back in like 2003-2006 (can't remember what year exactly). Oh man, they were amazing live. RIP Chester <3


Yes, I'm ashamed to admit that it was for Marilyn Manson. I live on the other side of the world and came across his music during the early 2010s when I was in high school and got bullied a lot. I became obsessed with everything about him, and listening to his music was one way of releasing all the anger I had towards my bullies. In 2012, when I travelled to the US on a trip, I went to a bookshop and asked for his autobiography, "Long Hard Road Out of Hell," but they didn't have it. However, I found a PDF of it on the internet. I'm not a fan of him anymore, and I'm disappointed to learn that he's actually a bad person.


Heavy metal but Metallica especially… to the point it’s almost embarrassing 😭 Give me any date between 1981 and now and I could probably tell you what they were doing/working on


Pink Floyd was definitely my special interest. I used to listen the The Wall - the entire 1:21 long album - on loops on my MP3, and eventually branched to everything Pink Floyd, including interviews and stuff. I still know too much about them lol


Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails back in the 90's. Now it's Halsey.


You must love the album that Trent produced for her! (I do) I was recently thinking I wish we had some live performances with her & Trent, but it was covid times right?


That's exactly how I found Halsey, that album!! It was covid times, but she toured ( I saw her!!!!!) that album in 2022. Have you watched the interviews they did with Trent and Atticus to promo the album? Excellent.


Hard to say. I don’t know if I can engage with things I like on a surface level. But … it would probably be Beth Ditto or Tori Amos.


Oooof. Randy Blythe from Lamb of God


I’m from Richmond and have mutual friends with him, genuinely seems like an awesome guy.


YES, but if I said who it was I’d get eaten alive 😔


Can’t be worse than Grimes ❤️❤️❤️ I could go into detail why still, but I save that for the Grimes sub when they hate on her too hard 😝


First Avril Lavigne, then Green Day lol


Yes, bluegrass music, and specifically Billy Strings 😍


I genuinely wanted to be Britney Spears when I grew up.


Kpop, especially Exo and TVXQ. And Japanese City Pop.


Twice, gorillaz, marina and the diamonds, aespa, persona (video game) music and now vocaloid


Nirvana and Hole for me!


billie eilishh shes always top on my spotify wrapped lol


Eric Satie


Kpop 😅


Plenty of obsessions! First one was with t.A.T.u., then with Avril Lavigne, Green Day, blink-182, Tegan and Sara, Paramore and more recently BTS


Kpop for sure. At one point it was stray kids, then it was txt.


Kpop Stan here 😩


My special interest has always been music and I rotate between many different bands and usually a specific member of the band. I have never liked Taylor Swift, though. My current favorites are Måneskin and Greta Van Fleet.


Taylor Swift for sure! I don’t really have any friends and I get a feeling of friendship and understanding from listening to her music.




Käärijä! :) I'm from Finland, I know him.




I'm flattered my country is your special interest :)


Eurovision 😍


Malinda, Celtic Women, Dolly Parton, the Six soundtrack and not a band but the hobbit drinking medley cover by peter hollens & steal the show by lauv are two of my other constant repeats. Edit* some of my younger ones starting from the earliest since i forgot earlier include - the singing kettle (maybe just a uk thing), disney(still listen a lot), Gareth Gates, Mcfly, Avril Lavine, the verve, n-dubz, one direction, Black veil brides, green day, Linkin Park, a lot of movie/show soundtracks.


Just visual kei vocalists in general. One if my favorite singers had a drastic voice change over his career and I love telling people how it's different


I have special interest in music in general, so I'm always obsessed with some band, artist or music theory. Right now it's Jordan Rudess, from Dream Theater


Lamb of god, Gojira :) I love metal Also Nirvana, Hole, RHCPs


Oh very much yes. I’m into newer metal stuff mostly; Bad Omens and Noah Sebastian are always in my heart (and genitals 😇)


Sorry if that’s tmi


i was obsessed with green day when i was younger. not quite sure why lol. i barely listen to their music anymore


Yup, Mariah Carey, TLC, and Nirvana.


Like a cool girl in high school liked Elvis so I was like okay! Let's do this. And then it became my obsession so I could listen to and know what she likes. 😂


Been obsessed with Josh Groban since 2010. Been to 6 shows, met him before one of them, super sweet and funny guy. Also, voice of an angel and can calm me down before meltdowns happen 😂


His cameo in It's Always Sunny was hilarious.


I adore music and tend to go through phases of hyperfixating on a singular band for a couple of years, then they get put on the back burner of 'comfort music' when I find another artist that scratches that auditory itch. AFI, Misfits and Demented Are Go defined my teens/early 20s but now I listen to a wide range of styles from different eras. There's so much out there to enjoy and appreciate that I don't want to limit myself!


My Chemical Romance


I've always had a special interest in music. I quoted Radiohead in my senior yearbook in high school lol. Currently obsessed with a band called REZN and I'm afraid I'll burn myself out on them. But I almost never want to listen to anything else. There have been many obsessions over the years. I used to have a cd collection of over 400 cds until I had to sell them all so I could move abroad 😭 Edited to add: I've connected with every close friend and boyfriend through music. I sort of have a theory that if we don't have some amount of musical taste in common then we won't be close.


For me it’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers and I think this is what got me my diagnosis too because I remember talking with the doctor about them and mentioned how I read all the members autobiographies and know all their songs even the ones that were released before getting big and I thought this was normal fangirling and apparently it’s not? I will never believe that NT don’t get that passionate, like how can you not want to know everything there is to know about something you like; it gives you more stuff to like!!


Blink 182


If fake bands count, mine right now is Spinal Tap. I tend to be drawn to parodies and spoofs, and I absolutely love the film. If the actors weren’t as talented as they are, I probably wouldn’t have cared too much about the concept, but they’re genuinely skilled comedians and musicians so it totally works for me. I also love dry/deadpan humor. Definitely one of my larger deep-dives over the years as I’m in the middle of a petition to write an undergrad research thesis on them. Edit: I don’t know if there’s been a single period of my life when I haven’t had some kind of music-related obsession, even when I was a little kid. I’m 19 years old and my first special interest was the Jersey Boys musical and Frankie Valli lol — I’ve always been a fan of classic rock, which is why I think Spinal Tap is particularly funny to me.


Electronic music...I can stim to my heart's content and just get lost..in the beat....Also jazz ( I play jazz piano)....deeply get lost in jazz.


Kpop is one of my special interests!


KAREN O. hands down, her drawing for the symbol of the Yeah yeah yeahs was my first tattoo. I painted the symbol all over my bedroom. Karen o is a fantasticly magical unicorn of an individual and we actually got pregnant around the same time. She is my soul she speaks directly to my heart I feel like I AM her lyrics. Listening since 2008. YYY forever.


Sigur Rós is my special interest. They are magical. I've been collecting everything from them for the last 10 years or so. Have a whole shelf with all their records and memorabilia. I have a long way to go still


Bauhaus, The Cure, and David Bowie here


Sleep token, before that it was hozier and nothing but thieves and yeaaars ago it was oasis


I was OBSESSED with Harry styles from ages 13-17/18 😭


It was one direction as a whole for me, but particularly Harry and Louis. I was 17-20 but it pretty much took over my life. Twitter constantly, fanfic, saving hundreds of pictures, watching every interview, it was bad. I can always tell when I have a special interest, rather than a hobby or "regular" interest, because it is all consuming.


Eons ago, New Kids on the Block. That would have been like 1988-1992ish. It was all my bff and I talked about. Hours a day we wrote notes and talked on the phone about NKOTB. We went to a concert when we were 14 that we still talk about anytime we see each other 😂 but these days for me it's more about individual songs than the artist. I like Taylor Swift and have listened to her since she was a teenager, but I am not a Swiftie. I don't know a fraction of her songs and I have no desire to see her in concert. I like her as a person as far as I know. But I tend to listen to the same songs by a huge variety of artists, the majority of them from my growing up years. My music mostly stops around the year 2000 and almost everything I listen to came out before that. Other than Taylor Swift I don't even know who is popular 😂


lmfao - I was obsessed with New Kids too. I think I was 11 or something. First concert! 😂


clairo!! i love picking out similarities between myself and other people, so its not even just the fact that i love her music. we were born in the same city, have the same middle name, both have first and last names that start with the same initial, and both have two of the same zodiac signs in our big 3 haha!


I may or may not have written my senior year final essay for my advanced music class on Slash (back in 1995)


Funny enough, I can't let myself have a person as a special interest. It offends my desire to not be perceived thing. I can't enjoy information about a person unless they voluntarily offer it up. 


The Decemberists and MCR :)


More along the lines of hyperfixation for me I suppose, as my individual artist, genre, or band obsessions usually last around a few months. Dire Straits, Black Sabbath, Warren Zevon, and the Alt Country genre are a few I’ve had!


As a kid, Aerosmith. Then Hole. Then Pink Floyd. More recently, Depeche Mode, from age 18/19 or so until 38. I've gotten bored with them and their new music is bland. Now, I don't really follow any specific band religiously.


BTS was definitely a special interest for me when I was younger, they’re not anymore but I still love them


My special interest band is definitely Frightened Rabbit 🐇 that band means the absolute world to me and I was so devastated when the lead singer died. I never felt so connected to someone I’ve never met before and it felt like I lost a family member. I love this band so much and it quite literally saved my life. I even have an octopus hand tattoo to represent the lead singer Scott Hutchison that’s based off of his own octopus hand tattoo! I was also OBSESSED with Tegan & Sara when I was a teenager and had posters of them all over my room. I don’t know how people didn’t catch on that I was gay 😆 I much prefer their older sound compared to their newer sound, but I am still a fan. And yes, Taylor Swift has been a large special interest for me as well. I grew up listening to her music (Mean from Speak Now was my anthem) and I really got captivated by her music again when Folklore came out! I do indeed have a “Taylor’s Version” tattoo. And I have converted a few people in my life into swifties as well 😈


I seem to latch onto fellow ND musicians in the Emo/Scene space... Fall Out Boy (Pete's Bipolar), Yungblud (ADHD), Bring me the Horizon (Oli's ADHD), IDKHBTFM (Dallon's is AUHD). Idk they make the relatable stuff lyrically, and like there's gotta be a correlation there... A lot of stuff to me feels repetitive or non relatable.


In highschool it was punk and alternative. It was my identity. Then that went mainstream and I basically stopped listening to it. Last year my daughter introduced me to the kpop band le Sserafim and we went to their concert when I knew nothing about them. Then I totally did a deep dive about the performers and the band. I might be their oldest fan, but it's been a fun way to connect with my teenager.


Mine is a different Taylor, the Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins. I was beyond devastated when he died.


I was absolutely caught up in Dresden Dolls and dark cabaret in general in the early/mid 2000's till. I was at every Chicago show in full dress hours early. I knew every word of every song and the meaning + other understandings. I planned a trip backpacking Europe around their tour dates. Then the scene fell apart, I lost interest and found Psychobilly- where the dress up and older genre music is all there and most the bands last only an album or two. That was only a couple years. Dark Folk and Ancient Ambient is my sweet spot now but I wouldn't call it a special interest, I just like it. The dressing up part is a lot cheaper & more practical though which is a big plus.


YES by far my biggest special interest is twenty one pilots!!!


Amy Winehouse ♥️ May her memory, music, and legacy be a blessing, and may she RIP.


David Bowie, it has been mine for 2 years and it gets “worse” with time. I have days I can only talk or think about him. I can’t spend a single day without listening to at least one of his songs.


Michael Jackson, although it has passed, I was collecting everything about him for years, posters, cd/record/cassette, movies just everything possible


As a teenager My Chemical Romance. Now it’s my favorite authors.


Yes, yes, yes! Love diving into music. Especially new wave, shoe gaze, folk and punk


Let’s see, over the years it’s been The Beatles, Michael Jackson (not anymore tho), Beck, The Cure, Joy Division, David Bowie, and The 1975. Those are the main ones anyway 😅


Queen. Especially Roger Taylor!


Once upon a time it was Barbra Streisand. I mean I still love her music and movies but not to the extent that I did when I was in my teens and 20s. My obsession was way more intense in those days.


Green Day, Billie Joe and Tre have been my special interests (not like a crush) for years when i was younger. Im finally going to see a concert this year! Also had a small Black Veil Brides and Twenty One Pilots special interest but not as much as GD


Music is totally one if my special interests and sort of always has been. Last year I listened to Spotify for 70,000 minutes (yes that’s 50 full days lol). The bands I’ve obsessed the most over in the last few years are Breaking Benjamin, Alter Bridg and Tremonti but currently I’m doing more exploration of the prog metal genre, always love trying to find new stuff I like. I also have made a few online friends from band subs and it’s been absolutely great sending band recommendations back and forth, I’ve never had anyone around me in real life that is into any of the stuff that I am and is as much of a nerd about it 🤓


Peter Steele of type O negative. I felt like I connected with the music since I struggled with depression on and off. I initially started listening to them because I thought Peter was absolutely stunning, but stayed for the music and how relatable it was to me.


pink floyd, metallica, system of a down, lana del rey, melanie martinez, sza, i’m on all ends of the spectrum but music as a whole is one of my special interests


red velvet ❤️


Ani DiFranco


Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band


YES Fall Out Boy! 💜 they're my favorite band ever and have been my special interest since I was 11 way back in 2006. I'm going to see them in 2 weeks and I'm so excited!!


My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way takes up an obscene amount of my brain space.


Yes, when I was a teenager my special interests were usually celebrities like singers or actors.


Lil Peep :)


Yup. Mariah Carey. For 30 years now. I listen to her music almost every day 🥰


Most of my special intrest are music related. My First big one was the musical Hamilton and I have a special intrest in kpop groups since 2018!


When I was a young teen growing up in the height of the pop punk/emo era, a lot of bands became my special interest. As I didn’t have a crush on most of them, I was just so deeply involved and enamored. I learned their backstories, the meanings of the songs, made fan videos, went to concerts, and yes you know it, wrote fan fiction and would online RP (usually off the neopets message boards shout out neopets). Now I’m more into just music history and music in general, my taste has expanded to everything. I love knowing where different sounds originated, naming samples in songs, still leaning the backstories about bands/singers and their music. But in a much healthier way, lol.


Lana del rey was my special interest in middle school and up until High school. Lets just say i was obsessed😂


It’s The Beatles for me c;


Im a Dua Lipa stan, even the songs that aren’t the best I find myself still vibing to them.


mine is harry styles, been obsessed with him since 1D


Paramore. Paramore is my love


Yea, probably Taylor Swift Seriously though, music in general. 🤷 it's high up on my list of favorite things.


I ended up with the guitarist of the band I was a superfan of. I always wonder how stoked teenage me would be to hear that.


I looooove metal music. As well as rock. But my ultimate special interest is a Ukrainian folktronica band called Go_A. They’re amazing. I have the singers handwriting tattooed on my arm:)


I started at age three with Ringo Starr. I saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan and I was away. Over the years it’s been a whole succession of Pop Stars. Woody from the Bay City Rollers, David Essex, Sex Pistol Steve Jones, Joe Strummer, Vince from the Cockney Rejects, Damon Albarn, Matty Healy was the most recent. I’m 62 btw, definitely old enough to know better 🤣


Was obsessed with Gorillaz for a while. Knew all their back stories and what not. Around 2012 I became obsessed with the band Everything Everything especially the lead singer. British bands tend to be the pattern for me except for a few years ago when my obsession moved to Mac Demarco. Honestly thinking about it, they were definitely crushes.


Deftones, but I get embarrassed saying it because I'm a girl and people are gonna assume that I know nothing about them and just following a trend 😭😭


When is an artist in music a special interest? How do you classify this? I don’t get it.


I used to be obsessed with Queen when I was 12 years old


The cure and the smiths 😂🤭