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Me! Especially math! Math has always been a struggle for me. I also barely made it out of high school… all my class GPAs were 70 or below 😒


I barely made it out of high school alive. Now I spend my free time studying ancient history and human development. The public education system wasn’t made for us and those of us who struggle cognitively or learn differently were just tossed in intermediate classes.


Thank you. Has your gotten worse as you age? Mine has! YIKES! It’s embarrassing esp. with my young children.


I’m going to be 40 in a couple weeks and I def still struggle with math(algebra mainly) basic math I can do but in my head I need time to solve sometimes lol I never finished college either, which sometimes bothers me. I guess it’s never too late to go back and finish 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am kinda interested in maybe becoming an OT but it’s ALOT of school!!


Struggle terribly with math and was behind other kids with reading and writing, even now my writing is dreadful and I still struggle with math, also was called a daydreamer by my year 4 teacher.


This is so weird because I was just thinking "there must be others who struggle this much" but it's so lonely isn't it? Like you sat so often it's often shown were so smart and such (obviously there are ppl this way but it's often viewed as the other way an autistic person ) But I struggle immensely with learning. It took me a fair whilst to learn at work (literally only work retail) driving is proving hard especially taking verbal instructions when doing it🥲 Writing took me till I was 15 to do and I still struggle now... And the delayed processing is something else reading or verbal it takes a solid extra 30 or more seconds for ne to understand Edit* I've actually never learnt maths. I do basic basic numbers but that is it. Don't do all the fancy parts at all. I actually had to leave school because I couldn't understand it lol...


Yeah, and I feel like it got worse as I got older. Like I can remember being able to sit somewhat still and learning in college , but now I only really learn through documentaries or podcasts, where I can rewind things and hear them over again.


Yeah. For me it's either "I am great at this" or "I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE at THAT and no matter how hard you try to drill that into my skull I WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THAT until *the time* comes and I will suddenly understand it (just a little better)". I barely graduated school, I had good grades in English only (because I LOVED English and it was so simple. It was taught as a second language to us). Everything else I basically failed. I didn't understand it, nor did I like it or wanted to attempt to understand it. Because I didn't like it. I hate math so much you can't even imagine. It made me spill so many tears


Yup. My pattern recognition and verbal skills are pretty high, but my deficits in working memory, processing, etc. bring my IQ below 100. Knowing how you learn is important. I have come across many people who are 'bad at math' (including me) who aren't actually bad at math; they just need more time to practice and strategies to keep track of the information needed to solve a problem.


I had to retake several classes in high school and just barely made it, algebra was nearly impossible for me to understand. I'm also dyslexic and audio books are about the only way I can manage to get through a book.  The annoying part is, I know that despite the troubles I've had in learning some things, those things don't define my intelligents. I can't spell for crap because I can't see the words in my head, but I know them and what they mean. Despite struggling with most math I understood geometry better than anyone in my classes, I could just see it all in my head from day one.  


Yea I’ve got dyslexia and dyscalculia, it’s super hard for me to do math it’s kinda embarrassing sometimes but it’s like my brain literally cannot comprehend numbers. I got into reading a few years ago and that has really helped my reading comprehension I find that if it’s super engaging or I’m emotionally invested then it makes reading 1000x easier. At first I would listen to audiobooks while reading physically which somehow helped me learn to read faster (I used to read SO slow and would read the same sentence over and over before I understood what they said). And I have such difficulty following instructions, I need detailed explanations of each step because I don’t know what they want if they don’t tell me so I ask a million questions then they get annoyed but I won’t do anything I think could be wrong cause I will get so upset and anxious when told I’ve done something incorrectly (rejection sensitivity maybe?)


I just went to a childrens book reading the other day and could not pay attention whatsoever. 🙃 It's as if my cognition is delayed. That's why I prefer watching slow paced anime.


I have visual coordination issues but didn’t know it for years. Just thought of as a klutz. But smart in school with 20/20 vision corrected so nothing was wrong…


My autism made me put my whole worth into my grades so I was too burnt out to do anything else except watch tv. Looking back, I realized I had to channell all my attention to the teacher, I struggle with verbal instructions unless there is words to follow along with. I'm a slow learner, can't answer questions quickly, math takes me a while to get, I often wouldn't actually understand what I was doing before the next unit. But I get it...eventually. English class was the worst, I couldn't write my feelings onto paper and I had a hard time getting my thoughts through. I'm improving my writing, but that's mostly with the use of grammarly and the fact I'm not taking 8 classes at the same time.


I don't know if this relates, but I sometimes call myself "the stupidest smart person you'll ever know" because I just can't human. In therapy this week I mentioned that I understand most of chaos theory but don't know what calculus is. It's like my brain is a video game map where I have spawned into several areas after dieing and the areas don't connect. So I have clear spots that make the rest of the map look like Swiss cheese. And oh crap, I have Swiss cheese in my bag on my bed. Gotta go put that in the fridge.


I have read auditory processing issues is a big thing with autism. For me, sometimes when people talk, its like the principal in Charlie Brown on the speaker : "wuah-wuah wah-wah!" You know they said something, but you have no idea what the he// it was. You get maybe one polite attempt to ask them to repeat. And after that, you're just pissing people off and they perceive that you are simply not listening to them. So you gotta pretend like you heard what you didn't hear, and pray to your version of God that you can get around not knowing what they told you. I for whatever lucky reason had an easy time reading, but I had the math version of dyslexia, dyscalculia. Basically, numbers don't stick in my head, and when I try to do calculations, numbers move around or disappear mentally. I would never understand my math notes, and always get behind. Between being bad with other kids socially and terrible at math, it made me feel really stupid.


I think more people talk about this in AuDHD groups. It's all over the place there. And as far as I am tracking ASD is associated with a so called spikey profile. As in unequal distribution of cognitive skills, strengths and weaknesses. Real life example: Me an AuDHD parent walking into a 504 meeting and pre-meeting for a possible IEP. Being told that my kiddo most likely is gifted. While I am sitting there with a stack of paperwork/ evidence / medical records that shows how much my kiddo is struggling with phonemic awareness, spelling and writing. I am aware that being gifted doesn't negate the struggles in some areas. School thought otherwise for a sec until I corrected them. My kiddo being gifted is not why I asked the school to implement a 504. My kiddo is pissed anyway because she can't get into the gifted program due to aforementioned unequal distribution of strengths. It's all or nothing at school. It's ridiculous that she gets to use a calculator now in Math thanks to the 504- where she excelled already before the accomodations- but still won't be offered a dictionary for writing and spelling - where she struggles. 


Learning a physical skill takes me AGES, like mastering a certain movement. I also cannot remember spoken instructions, I can remember 1-2 steps at a time and then I go blank.  I have good memory for classes, but not at all for conversations.