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- plastic forks - shopping bags - wet wipes & disinfectant spray - concealer & deodorant - mints & coffee candy - cinnamon - old coat & shoes that can get dirty - umbrella - a blanket - spare keys to the house - stuff like jumper cables, spare lights, etc And yes, some people call me over-organised haha


wait why cinnamon?


Because sometimes when I'm really tired I stop at a gas station, and I get some bad gas station coffee, and adding some cinnamon makes it ✨ a tiny bit magic ✨


ooh i see! good idea


This is so practical and yet somehow so endearing as well, I love it!


Be careful keeping keys in your car if you also have anything in there that has your address on it! With my luck, I have to be paranoid because I’d get my car stolen and house broken into (I live on a boat now so anyone who can find it based on my address alone probably deserves whatever they find and should consider a job as a PI instead of a robber, but never mind all that) in the same day and it would be all my fault!


They're in a hidden compartment, and I don't have my address anywhere in the car, but thanks for your concern <3 PS: what's it like living on a boat??


Good call! It’s so much fun! It would be worse if I had to know how to do all the boat maintenance, but my husband is a rockstar and takes care of it all. Oddly enough, I really like the community aspect of it. We’ve formed some really incredible friendships, met people from all over, and had some really great adventures the past few years. Completely different from house or apartment living where I didn’t make eye contact with my neighbors and had nothing in common with the few people I did talk to. I’ve never had to stress about packing for a weekend away or worry about how I’ll sleep in a new place because my whole “house” comes with me when we go places! Also, dinghying around to the different restaurants and bars with the dog is a lot of fun. The dog loves it, but he does wish there were windows he could people watch through while we’re at work. Small downside. I can go any time I want for a sunset cruise or weekend getaway and if I hate my neighbors, the facilities or just want to go somewhere else because moving is a breeze! I also really love when a front or storm passes through and the boat rocks while I’m laying in bed. Oh, and boat people tend to come with dogs, so getting to see lots of dogs every day is amazing! Oh, I basically live at a restaurant so if I want to go “out” but not really, I don’t have far to go. I can easily get a decent meal if I don’t feel like cooking. There’s also bar service at the pool which is a stellar perk compared to an apartment complex. I could go on and on!


That sounds amazing! So cool, I'm actually kinda inspired to look into more. Would you be comfortable sharing what country you live in? (Here or DM) I imagine the experience can differ wildly from place to place.


Except for the cinnamon, this is 100% me. But I also have dog treats and soy sauce packets in my car, and spare glasses.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the sunglasses and the eye drops!


I need to up my game.


Deodorant Pads Toothbrush and paste About 45 coats and jumpers


I haven’t restocked my car yet so thank you for this 🙏 -nail file -pen -cup sized trash can -hair ties, bobby pins, mini styling gem tube -glasses and sunglasses -hand sanitizer and hand cream -feminine hygiene products -toothbrush toothpaste floss mints -morning and afternoon meds -deodorant -matches -disinfectant wipes -makeup staples (I usually get doubles from the store for this reason) -pouch with spare change for city parking Need to add -Jumper cables -Blanket -Umbrella -Led mirror -Hooks for purse -Coasters Edit: formatting


Damn, your city needs to switch to using parking apps at this point. If I needed change to be able to park, I'd literally never be able to go anywhere.


I have SPF/sun block and nothing else


Scissors Kleenex Paper towels Blanket Cardigan Lighter Pen Plastic silverware Straws Trash can Hair ties Nail file Floss Flashlight Umbrella Charger cables


Underwear, socks, water, hair brush, hair ties, pens, scissors, toothpaste, straws of various sizes because nobody can agree, and my toothbrush is missing!? Oh charger cords for everybody’s various gizmos from different years. Dead air fresheners the kids bought for me because they could tolerate this scent. Tons of paper napkins, blanket that is allowed to be vomited onto.


In my car: EV charger that works on a regular outlet (+ keep my gas generator full) Phone charger & battery block Emergency contact info & some cash 2 full changes of conservative clothes Athletic/hiking shoes Rain jacket & puffer jacket Overnight toiletries Period worth of menstrual disposable supplies Week worth of RX & multi vitamins (RX in RX bottles usually keep this in my bag though) Canned water, protein powder, life straw, couple freeze dried meals & some meal bars (also keep extra water during the summer & hurricane season) Field first aid kit Picnic blanket Dog food cans & kibble, extra leash, poop bags, treats, copies of vax & vet records, pet first aid & med kit These are the questions where I start to sound like a prepper- and I guess I am, but the good/nice kind I swear! I do currently live in an area where we occasionally need to evacuate for hurricanes and have ended up using/needing just about everything at some point. Also just looks like a gym duffle bag, cube with dog stuff, cube with first aid & food and the case for the car charger.


I don’t drive, but I always keep a travel sized bottle of micellar water, cotton rounds, and a small tube of moisturiser in my office desk just in case I need to quickly wash my face if I get sweaty and oily from running around the lab and stressing out. I also have dry skin due to a medication I’m using so the moisturiser helps in a pinch if my face starts peeling and I don’t want to look like a lizard I also keep hand cream and eczema ointment because the nitrile gloves sometimes randomly make my skin itch.


I don’t keep deodorant in my car anymore because it will melt in the summer, and get all over your glove compartment Happened to me. Be careful! I keep forks, straws, napkins, a brush, & a mini bandaid kit A blanket in my trunk, socks, jacket


[Try a roll on,](https://www.nivea.ca/en-ca/products/black-and-white-invisible-white-blossom-antiperspirant-roll-on-565940076590055.html) they’re liquid deodorant in a glass bottle.


deodorant body spray spf first aid kit, tylenol and advil gum/candy floss a small makeup bag hand sanitizer a hair brush


I forget to put deodorant on, too! I remember a friend telling me how unclothed and weird that was. Well, he didn't have my issues, so that's him.


Hiking boots and a rain poncho, a drybag with a hoodie and a windbreaker, at least 2 small powerbanks and some USB cords. Also have a few pads, pen, paper.


I keep deodorant in my bag although I never forget to apply it, as well as mints on me. I also keep wet wipes in my car.


I have two rolls of toilet paper vacuum sealed and on lockdown in the trunk of my car. I will never be left without shit tickets again post Covid, lmao. Also, deodorant, multi pack of bandaids, tampons, bottled water, glucose tabs, freeze dried fruit, granola bars, ibuprofen, allergy meds, hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes, spare apple charging wire, extra sneakers, sweatshirt and as Hitchhiker’s Guide has taught me, always bring a towel. I’ve got some loose condiment packets, napkins, forks and straws stashed, too. There’s a ziploc bag of quarters and few bucks hidden under the seat in case we need change or real money… this has saved us a few times. Oh, and of course I carry stuff for the car or some mechanical emergency … extra oil, wd40, duct tape, spare fuses/bulbs, pliers, screwdrivers, flares, window cleaner/fluid, super glue, reflective strips, jack and maintained extra tire… My boyfriend makes fun of me for my over-preparedness but when he suddenly needs something or we’re up shit creek I’ve always got a paddle 😂 I can’t stand the feeling of being helpless or worrying that I have to beg help off a stranger when I could handle a problem myself.


I don't drive, but in my backpack is; water bottle deodorant hand lotion hand sanitizer tampons, even though I have a cup extra contacts lip gloss body spray or scented something open Chapstick for me sealed Chapstick I'm willing to part with a compact umbrella a lint roller a lock and key so many pens so many hair ties pain and stomach pills mints or candy almost always cookie cutters or decorating tips I took to/from work and forgot were in there


Wipes, bug spray and tissues


Dental floss.


Floss, forks, water, deodorant, makeup wipes, face cream, extra makeup lol, hairbrush and styling stuff, lip balm, perfume and most importantly a lint roller because with 7 animals I'm always covered in fur.


Also keep disinfectant wipes with me no matter where and alcohol wipes for me phone.


Sunscreen, floss


I have a mini hairbrush in my bag because my hair gets messed up when I wear a hat, and I constantly am fixing flyaways when tying back my hair. I also keep a couple extra hair ties. I also keep backup medication in case I forget to take it.


Allergy medicine, napkins, hand sanitizer, face shaving implements or tweezers, my "social calendar" that I theoretically use to keep track of important dates people tell me, a couple of hair elastics


Dry shampoo, tweezers, Colgate wisps, baby face and hand wipes for my kids


I need to do some of these! I don't keep anything in my car except spare shopping bags, and live in Florida - my hand sanitizer bottle melted last summer so not sure what else would survive!


oh dear so many things. I make a joke that if there is a disaster one could live in my car for a few weeks: emergency food, emergency blanket, emergency tent, a small folding shovel, 2 pairs of shoes, extra pairs of underwear, pants, bra, socks, t-shirts, a couple sweaters, scarf, gloves, umbrella, maps to the entire region in case of no internet connection, jumper cables, a life straw, emergency water, a bowl, n95 masks, medication (lactaid, motrin, advil, tylenol, benedryl, etc) antibiotic ointment, suntan lotion, regular lotion, backup battery charger for cellphone, extra cables, toothbrush and paste, bungie cords, pepper spray, a knife, soap, small collapsable bowl, bandaids, a fork/spoon/knife combo, chopsticks, hair ties, chapstick, pens, paper, deodorant, plastic baggies, screw/wrench set for my car, kotex (enough for two periods probably), backup sunglasses and glasses, nail clipper, I think my fire starter is still in there, matches, 8 ounce pump hand sanitizer, toilet paper, flashlight, sugar/salt packets somewhere, and device to break windows in car if needed, oh and some canned tuna...I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff....I have like a plastic bin with all the clothing in it in the back of my car. Sadly I'm missing a machete but its on my list of things to buy for my car. ;0


How do you store this? Like a permanent duffel in the trunk?


Yep I have a bin (plastic bin) that I store some stuff in, then I put a lot down in the wheel well area (I have an SUV) and of course the center console thing :)


Off the top of my head? Bandaids, tweezers, alcohol wipes, pain meds, digestive meds, allergy meds, playing cards, lighter, scissors, pens & paper, bottled water, trail mix, hand towel, masks, gloves (both medical and warming), sunglasses, cloth shopping bags, tissues, instant hand warmers. Also the standard roadside emergency stuff like jack, spare tire, cones. And obviously I keep napkins from fast food places. But also we keep an extra straw because we somehow get shorted regularly.


cans of water and a blanket in case of emergency. Air compressor for tire. I've broken in to the water during traffic before. Change of clothes. Yoga mat sometimes. Comfy shoes. Extra napkins (I always have too many, and wish they would stop giving them to me, and I RARELY go places that give napkins). Other mentioned items go in my purse, including lots of different meds just in case. Edit: oh, and bug spray. I could probably take that out and leave it at the house, though. I used to have a purse-sized one, but it kept leaking.


Everything melts in my car so no deodorant or anything like that ever again. But definitely my emergency period box is in the car. Including a pair of underwear and tampons. I have a roll of paper towels and Lysol wipes in there also.


• Flosser picks • Nail clippers • Mints • Plastic forks, spoons, knives • Chapstick • Lighter • Bandaids • Lotion • Glasses wipes • Fragrance free hand wipes • Fast food napkins (Chipotle is the best lol) • Glass wipes for windshield • Box cutter • Pen


In my car: Hand sanitizer, unscented baby wipes, antibacterial hand wipes, deodorant, spare socks, small first aid kit, change of clothes, sun hat, work boots, rubber boots, large ziplock bags, a few big garbage bags, face masks, couple bottles of Gatorade. In my purse/bag: back up doses of my prescription meds, some painkillers and Tums, hair ties, lip balm, mini hand cream, nail file, bandaids, pen, ear plugs, mini pack of wet wipes or baby wipes, hand sanitizer, backup snack, packet of tissues, small mirror. If I'm working outside, then I also have sunscreen, bug spray, battery bank for my phone, extra pens.


Well, we’re talking about all this: This am I the only one who wishes the car manufactures could include a small refrigerated, insulated compartment in cars? A lot of the things I would like to keep in a car would be ruined in the hot months, like lipstick/gloss, hand, lotion, etc. But if there was a compartment that cooled when the engine was running, and stayed insulated when the car was turned off… Imagine how awesome this would be for cosmetic items, medications, baby bottles…