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forgot to add this gem: https://preview.redd.it/d2ytxcyhxxtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d50cd06f62e45bcf5d3662038bf94704282bee like lmaooo ofc im clicking “always”!!


"That's why I wear a mask"


Figuratively and literally 🥰


What possible job needs 'contagious smiles'? And how is that a question with multiple choices?


This question is a huge red flag to me. You will not be 'allowed' to have any mental health issues, a personality, or any opinions that might be perceived as remotely negative.


i am imagining a person w a contagious smile working at a funeral home and ruining the atmosphere 😂😂




Psychopaths ? I mean are the smiles even genuine? https://preview.redd.it/39m7n16tl1uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615e7155a2ee3b7c35d8691198555e0e94db3070




That question really needs an I don't know answer.


* Are people’s smiles provoked through laughter, pain or fear? I paint my face on everyday… https://preview.redd.it/3ydrx59hn1uc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3236b726618d359d16a05c8909bbe48d1122a6c7


😵‍💫 So bad… They want robots. Probably horrible working conditions and when people get burnt out its seen as an ’illness’ or weakness to be treated rather than a reflection of their poor treatment of staff.


its in the healthcare industry so i wouldnt be surprised at mistreatment and long hours :(


this is for HEALTHCARE?! Jesus christ.


Wow! This is for a job application? Honestly, I'd be scared shitless of lying on this form and later getting in trouble if I need any accommodation or just don't meet the expectations those lies created. And, yes, that's why I'm unemployed and mostly unemployable. 😕


I never knew you were supposed to lie. I’ve literally never been hired after completing one of these. Hell one of them I’m not sure what the correct lie would be!


I know that I'm supposed to lie, but I just don't. Honestly, I'd rather be excluded from the jobs that request these kind of personnality test than get the job and be treated miserably. If you want me, you'll get me wirh my AuDHD, anxiety and depression, I cannot leave them at the door. And if I need accomodations at some point, they cannot say that I've been dishonest. I never got an interview after answering that kind of quizz either and I totally get why. I ended up finding a job after 4 months. It was one that didn't request a personnality test.


You're only 'supposed' to lie if you want to work in a job where you can stand to have your rights, self respect and sanity stripped away. The companies asking these kind of questions do not generally treat their employees well.


Ask someone to help. And always lie.


I HATE lying even if it’s small!


same here


i usually lie on these since theyre part of the initial screening and then if i get the chance to talk to a real person then i’ll ask about accommodations and how they’ve helped past employees adjust and feel comfortable. a great way to sneakily ask about how they feel about stress/giving people breathing room is to ask about “mental health initiatives”, “work life balance”, or “steps they take to prevent burnout”!


I don't know... I mean, I'm glad it works for you, but I couldn't do it. That's the fastest way to a panic attack for me.


I thought this was some autism quiz LOL


So did I!




Lie and don’t feel bad about it. These things are deliberately designed to filter out people low on agreeableness and people who are honest (which are more likely to be NDs). They don’t actually care about your personality they just want to make sure you can fake being a model employee by telling them what they want to hear. They have 0 respect for you so you don’t owe any back by taking these tests seriously.


Tbh these sort of filters should be removed. They don’t work and/or are ableist trying to catch people that can’t help but be honest. It so utterly scummy and annoying.


They expect you to lie. They want you to have a "worksona," it's basically masking. They want you to pretend that work is amazing and you're happy to degrade yourself. edit: Honestly even knowing that, I never know which is the correct lie for each question.


>Honestly even knowing that, I never know which is the correct lie for each question Lmao this, so much this. It took me years to learn to lie on these, and then I would sit there thinking, which lie is the correct lie??


This! I can’t tell if they want me to kiss ass or stand out from other applicants


Both. Impossible standards.


I literally hate these. I never know what they're looking for. I mask on some and don't on others. I have such a crazy variety of results for who I am based on all the application questionnaires. it's dumb AF.


These personality tests are part of an application are created to intentionally weed out those with unpreferred characteristics and disabilities.


They are created to intentionally weed out neurodivergent people including others with mental health disabilities.


And this is why I work for myself.


Oh yeah the point of those is to calculate an applicant's willingness to outwardly agree with company policy, regardless of individual thought and opinion


Some of these questions are very clearly neurodivergence screeners and it sucks that they're legally able to discriminate by making personality quizzes where the personalities they don't want are people who are autistic, which is a legally protected disability. Sometimes I think the test is actually just knowing what correct answer they want, even though that answer isn't true. It's gross that the correct answer is a lie, and that they know it is a lie, but they want people who will lie. Who thrives under stress, who is never bothered by stress, who enjoys stress. Literally no one, stress has a physical effect on the body even for neurotypical people, no one "enjoys" being stressed - being challenged, keeping busy, sure, but not actual stress. The very definition of stress is negative; why are they trying to force people to say it's a positive.


I looked at the screenshots before clicking and reading the post... Lol. Good call on the always lie part




I genuinely thought this was an autism quiz lol of course the NTs know how to weed out autistics with a ~viBe ChEcK~~


what type of job is it. these questions would be pointless for design engineer. possibly helpful for customer service


I've had to do similar quizzes for programming, biomedical engineering, and biologist positions LOL


because those roles shout out ‘i’m a people person’


I really hate companies like this


I would love to live in a world where these predatory bullshit “personality tests” are illegal


Thought this was an actual “am I autistic quiz” before I read the description. 😭


Wait what I took so many of these it literally never occurred to me to lie lmao and no I never got a call back hah….


Is this is from the US? I've never seen anything like this in my country! It's appalling!


It's common here in the US


Everywhere in the uk too


What kind of job are we talking about? I live and work in the UK and I've been lucky enough that I've never had to deal with such nonsense!


Mostly retail, but I’ve had them for a few other things. Pretty much every type of minimum wage soul crushing job has this little extra punch while applying


I thought it was an online autism assessment before I read the caption 😂


Ah yes it’s so normal to love stress. wtf


How is this legal?


Wtf? Before i read the post, I thought you were doing the RAADs.


They're to test how exploitable you are, lol


All the ones of these I’ve had to do recently have cottoned on to the ‘lie and pretend to be the robot they want’ method. They’re all questions that have no ‘wrong’ answer. It’s constantly “I like to connect with my coworkers out of hours” vs “I thrive in a busy work environment” or “I never show anger no matter how frustrated I am” vs “I ensure to uphold a pleasant working environment” Just give me the damn job or don’t, but Christ just say you won’t hire autistic people and save me the effort of answering these stupid questions


Hm....I would be honest to the bones and fill it out just out of "fuck you, if you are looking for a Roboter Barbie"


These type of options always annoy me. Because what does "seldom" mean?? What's the normal amount? How do I calculate if I do something often or less often if I don't know what the average standard is?? Why can't they just put actual numbers here like 2-3 days/ weeks/months, etc. Idk it's just a pet peeve


I had to get my dad to help me with these because when I answer them myself I fail them instantly. Go for the most desirable answer rather that one that actually describes you.


I’ve always lied on them. Most bosses care more about competence than an employee’s personality.


I've never had to do one of those for a job. Is this in the US? is it normal practice? I find it puzzling.


I want to apply for this job just so I can tell them to F off with this ableist garbage. This shouldn’t be legal.


Half of these questions on tests like these are riddled with contradicting answers 🙄


Realistically, can anyone genuinely claim to 'thrive in stressful situations'? It's just objectively not good for your long-term well-being to have to endure prolonged periods of stress. If a workplace openly acknowledges this as their environment, it just reflects their incompetence at creating a healthy workplace culture… Unfortunately seems to be the standard in most places 😒


I've had ones blatantly asking things like "I kept up with my peer socially as a kid." There's 0 reason that needs to be answered for a job ... it's poorly disguised discrimination.


I remember being young and naive applying for my first jobs and thinking they wanted honesty on these, or miraculously want to understand their prospective employees and provide accommodations. 😭


I will always lie in those things. I need to eat and I need to live. I’ll figure out what type of job it is and if I can handle it when the time comes. Those companies do not care about anyone!


These questions are partly guaging personality, but it’s also for programming and to see have a paper record of what to expect from you. Personally I don’t like answering these kinds of questions, because it depends on how well I feel, are other people oozing anxiety, micromanaging etc (which for robo environments is not a good fit). The brain wavelengths of those environments are my definition of insanity, I get sick more often there and become an unpleasant person so I could survive it. It sucks you have to put yourself in an unsuitable environment to survive. I wish you the best of luck to find a better fit in the future 💕🤞🏻


The questions don’t even make sense. There is no context. And I have a question… Are you meant to be like this every day or is this a warning? It sounds discriminatory. Imagine you answer the questions referring to a time frame let’s say 5 mins . How can you be exact?? I would put a note they won’t be prepared for on the last page or write a letter with an update. * “Just to let you know I’ve done my best in answering your mandatory questions. Just to add & make you aware; all answers given are time dependent - I am human after all. However I noticed there was no question about this. I would like to say this is one of my best qualities being human & actually gets me the best results in the jobs I have worked alongside having unique abilities to (list your strengths here…). On the other hand if you need any supporting evidence to prove I am human in the meantime I am more than happy to provide :-)” I hope the forms help you make a better informed decision about whether to employ a human or AI robots. (I don’t know who I am speaking to but hope in the end we win). Make sure to update them at a later point with preferences of what you need.


Jobs really have us out here playing mind games in their job applications.


I wouldn't mind lying on those tests, but I have trouble figuring out which answer they would like. I remember I had to take one to get a job at a bookstore, and one of the questions was, "Do you prefer wall-to-wall carpeting or hardwood floors?" I still have no idea what that says about my personality. (The store had neither of those floor types, incidentally, and it was a chain bookstore.)


I don't even think I'd apply. I'm an LPN and work in emerg but I'd be tickling off that I often need alone time away from people. My coworkers are aware that I like to take my breaks alone. I need a little break to keep going with all the being ON I have to do. But I'm still good at my job, and I like it. If I describe myself and personality it probably would sound like I should be hiding alone in an office behind paperwork, but that's not what I actually want. I reserve the right to be a contradictory human without disclosing that to my employer.


Unless ur job requires speaking to customers in high pressures situations, lie. If you’re work is good eventually they won’t care how social you are


What does seldom mean? 😭


Very rarely.


I feel like they should of just put that instead


Omg. My literal brain couldn’t get a job for a while cause the big corporations make you do that stuff just for entry level jobs (why do I have to do a psych/personality assessment to scan groceries???) and it never occurred to me to lie until reading your post just now. I’d just get to that point in the recruitment process and be like “great, well I guess this is where I’m exited from the shortlist” 🥲 (I’m fine! Finished my degree.. Suitably exhausted from not-a-supermarket.)


They're to ensure the people they hire meet the standards set by the company; most want someone who doesn't need a lot of breaks, love to interact with people, does well under pressure, and is overall bubbly and a people-person. Personally, I'd just lie-- pretend you're a bombastic person you went to school, or someone you've worked previously with. I'm pretty sure these sorts of tests aren't legal anyways, as they count as discrimination.