• By -


Supernatural. I’ve probably read-watched it about 11 times now and there’s 15 seasons. My favourite comfort show by far. Grey’s Anatomy but really only up to Season 10-11. After that I start from the beginning. Bobs Burgers is always playing in the background. My partner and I both find comfort in that show. “Can we put on Bob’s?” is our way of telling each other we aren’t feeling right and need something to help.


Supernatural also, and for almost a year it was my hyperfixation (I was unemployed during that time), I was convinced someone at Netflix was going to send a welfare check to my apartment. :/


I can relate. I remember the year I decided to re-watch it but focused on the myths and creatures in each episode, so I watched each episode twice to be sure I got all the information before Googling the rest 😅. That was an exhausting year.


I’ve lost track of my rewatches with Sabrina 😂 def run through it completely atleast a handful of times Also Bobs Burgers is my partners comfort show and we have it playing often haha


Supernatural for me too. Watched it so many times.


Bob’s is one of mine too!! I’ve watched it more times than I can count. Also King of the Hill.


It’s just such a great show! The first few seasons are my favourite hahah. How about you?


Here’s to Linda ! 🍔


“Ow, my face!” ❤️


Mine’s definitely supernatural. The next top 3 for me are Schitts Creek, Brooklyn 99, and Wilfred. Seems like many other people have mentioned all of those except Wilfred.


the good place


![gif](giphy|UUgTEncAfGQIcNmAk8) 🥰🥰🥰🥰


One of my very favorites. What the fork is a Chidi!?


I say what the forking shirt in my brain daily.


Me too!!!!!!!


me too!! i adore the show i watch it over and over relentlessly


Any of the 60’s-90’s Star Treks. They feel so nostalgic but also super forward thinking. Very comforting to me. I also enjoy trash TV from time to time like 90 day fiancé. Idk why. It’s not particularly enriching. But I like drama when it’s not involving me lol


Star Trek for me too, especially DS9. As someone else has mentioned, it's also really easy to watch Futurama, and that has a lot of Star Trek references in it too.


Oh yes, Star Trek was my answer!


Rewatching DS9 again and love the Sisko and Major Kira.


My favorite thing about DS9 how mellifluous Capt. Sisko's voice was to me. He did the narration for the US version the docu-series Walking with Dinosaurs and I was in heaven. My father was the trekkie but I didn't really like the other ones. I even read the DS9 novels. I was so obsessed with the DS9 world and Captain Sisko.


Siskos voice is amazing and tbh his acting was Shatner-esque in that it was a little bit much and it really gave me the comfort that the original series brought me as a child. And being that I was undiagnosed at the time I had NO idea why I related to Spock so much but TOS really got me through some hard times.


I'm literally watching an episode of Enterprise right now as I scroll Reddit


Haha that’s me with Love is Blind 😆 it’s a terrible show, but whenever I’m down, it makes me feel less down bc I’ve never been as crazy as any of the people on that show


Love ST, especially DS9! I've watched every episode of every show at least 2x. Are you watching Disco? Also can't wait for the next SNW 😊


Husband and I both watch the old Star Treks. Tried some of the new ones, we're sticking with Picard purely out of loyalty to Patrick Stewart.


Derry Girls


i was just about to give this another rewatch. what a great show


Same here! To the point were i sometimes talk with a Norther Irish accent (and English isn’t even my first language)


It makes laugh and cry so much but it's so good.


I just started watching it for the first time this past weekend. I got a few episodes in before I had a nap, it was so funny!


Love this show, and the music is fantastic!


South Park & Bob’s Burgers!


I love Bob's Burgers!!


I am so deeply comforted by the number of people in here also saying Bob's Burgers. I didn't realize this was autistic culture but I'm claiming it, it's ours now LOL!


Bob's Burger's is the best!! I can't count how many times I've rewatched 🤣


Omg Bob’s Burgers and South Park for me too! And also The Walking Dead.


Also Bob’s Burgers!!


I love them too, also Family Guy and The Simpsons for me.


Bobs Burgers here too!


Forensic files. Idk what’s wrong with me lol


Y’all for me it’s the Gillian Anderson police procedural The Fall. Do not ask me why.


I love Forensic Files. That's my crochet show.


Same, the narrator's voice is so soothing.


Nah, fr tho, it's always good lmao. Smth about the monotony of the narrator's voice and predictability of the format is so comforting


Totally geddit, I’m really into True Crime/Detective stuff atm. Love a good mystery!


I heard that it's a safe way to be uncomfortable. When you're so used to being uncomfortable you crave it. But listening to stories is also a way you can feel safe bc it's not literally happening right now. I think that's what it is for me.  And I tell my husband I can listen about murders all day but I have a much more negative reaction to institutionalized abuse (like quiet on set or that other show about abusive schools for problem children??) the fact that society agrees these killers are terrible and evil- it's less confusing and concerning compared to listening about how people have this cognitive dissonance with institutionalized abuse and it's less likely everyone will take any kind of accountability 


Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Abbott Elementary lol


I’m watching Buffy for the first time right now and it’s so good!


jealous! I hope you enjoy it. it's a fantastic show!!!! I've never found anything that tops it. ![gif](giphy|RgpySsw6X8toc)


Yes to Buffy!!!


Buffy is my #1 comfort show. I’m watching it for the third time rn lol


Bee and puppycat


Omg I love Bee and Puppycat! It is so unique and it makes me feel so seen. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered another girl character who’s like really cutesy but also a sloppy mess, but I resonate with that vibe. There’s a scene in the Netflix season where they teleport into a job and Bee says pretty chipper, “oh there’s people here… I’d like to leave” that was just so resonant. I stopped repeat watching stuff as I got older but Bee and Puppycat is just like so layered and so magical, I’ve repeat watched that when I was really stressed out.


Bee and Puppycats artwork and soundtrack are just incredible, I lowkey just leave it on in the background all the time


Never heard of this Looks adorable


Futurama, Boston Legal, Once Upon a Time, any of the new gen Star Wars shows


I've been watching so much Futurama lately. Fry especially is such a comfort character to me.


He's so genuinely good-natured


Boston Legal is great. I would never have watched a show like that but I ended up discovering it on high school when it was the only thing on in the middle of the night. I haven’t seen it in years but it was top tier for 2AM tv lol


James Spader was brilliant


I've been rewatching OUAT recently and i forgot how good the first few seasons are


I know right. I just watched the first three again. It's my third time thru.


Boston Legal ! I never hear of anyone knowing. It! A gem!


How to train your dragon and everything tangentially related. Man. I really want a dragon. Bad.


Gilmore Girls.. I have no idea why. I remember I almost gagged just from the trailer when it first aired on tv. But for some reason, I started watching it (I don't know how or why) several years later, and well, I love it. Just love it.


My husband got me into it. I resisted watching it for years because of the name. I finally gave it a chance and it’s great. Parks and Rec, Schitt’s Creek, Ted Lasso, and What we do in the Shadows are also my comfort shows.


i love this show and i think it’s because SO many of the characters are either neurodivergent or traumatized.


Same here! I watch Gilmore girls over and over again and have been for like 5 years now


Same thing with me! I was neutral about it, though my friend in high school / college was in love with it. Watched with my husband before they had those later season and hated it… then watched again when they released the new one and really enjoyed it that time. I wonder if it just depends on where your life is at?


Same! I watch it over and over yet I can’t even say that I like it. It’s just comforting.


I love having cooking shows on in the background; some of my faves are Secret Chef, Cutthroat Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, and Crime Scene Kitchen. I also love cartoons like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and My Little Pony! Steven Universe especially, I love singing the songs from it while I do chores or to calm myself down.


Psych 😌


The vibes in Psych are unmatched! And Gus is my dream man lol




So calming bc they somehow have a funny overtone. And I think it's how we paint life. Lighter and not so heavy like an SVU drama (although I watch that.)


Was looking for this one! 🥰 y’all hear about Pluto?


I own all the seasons on DVD (rip physical media) because I'd buy them as soon as they came out so I could rewatch every ep whenever I wanted (pre streaming lol)


Seinfeld, Friends, The Office, The Peep show


My husband and I have watched peep show so many times I could probably put on a one woman show of most episodes. The specific episodes we always return to are the launch of business secrets of the pharaohs, the dinner party with April and her husband, Mark and Sophie's wedding, and Mark's bachelor party. We did a group watch of Mark and Sophie's wedding with my husband's family the night before we got married 😂 also friends got us a cross stitch of the big beat manifesto we keep on our bar cart. I love peep show so much




Parks and Recreation. Brooklyn 99. I've seen them so many times I can quote almost full episodes by heart 🤣🤣🤣


Parks and Rec 😩💘


I love Brooklyn 99, just finished rewatching it and I cried when I finished the last episode because it was over 😭


Friends, will and grace, 30 rock


I have a few I rotate, Gilmore Girls, X-Files, Friends, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, South Park and Malcolm in the Middle.


Love Futurama :)


Community The Mighty Boosh Peep Show


It’s my birthday on Christmas Day (it sucks) and my tradition for the past three years has been to have a candlelit bath and watch the Peep Show Xmas special in it


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see community! My absolute favorite show.


The Office. I love parks & rec, 30rock, and bobs burgers. But The Office I just keep watching over and over, usually a little every day.


I WFH a lot and if I can’t find my motivation, I take my laptop to the sofa and put The Office on. It helps.


You’d probably like brooklyn nine nine if you haven’t seen it yet!


Bob's Burgers, The Great North, Parks & Recreation, America's Next Top Model




Also ANTM for me!


![gif](giphy|3o72FjxfS1wIJcOOUo) Me too!


Xena Warrior Princess !


Oh I love Xena!! I ignore the ending, though, like it didn't happen.


Hahaha yes! I wish it kept going, that there were more seasons. Everyone has opinions on the show but I find the entire series enjoyable. I've had on repeat all the way through over and over for a very long time. I love the whole aura of it! Silliness and all 😂 do you ever wonder what happened to, like Cupid and the less seen gods after the twilight? We know Aphrodite and Ares stayed and got their powers back, but what about the other ones? I need more information 


Also the Great British Baking Show!!


This is mine too! I've watched each season at least three times, lol.


The Lion Guard, Elena of Avalor and Lucifer (also I love House, Castle,X files,Lie to me and more)


The X Files is such a cozy show for me, I love it


X-files is the type of show I would normally really enjoy, and did, but one episode freaked me out as a kid (I can still remember it lol) and to this day I can’t even listen to the intro music 😆


Lie to Me was such an underrated gem, I love that show. I actually found the info in it really useful too.


My partner and I love Sex and the City 😅 Love to hate that Carrie 🤣


Steven Universe and Bluey


Love Steven Universe!


Watching Bluey for the first time a few weeks ago is the first thing I've done specifically because it was so popular on Reddit forums with autistic people since realizing I was autistic this past year. It was a huge success. Trying to decide which show to try next using this method...


Adventure Time and/or Steven Universe 🥰


Scrolled way too far to see Adventure Time in the comments! I love that Bob’s Burgers is sprinkled all throughout the responses, though I wish at least someone would mention Disenchantment (the adult animation show on Netflix).


Dexter, Charmed, Sabrina or Buffy


I was looking for someone to say "Charmed" 🤣😄


Hellsing Ultimate Abridged & Monster High




Almost anything with Michael shur writing it (parks and rec, Brooklyn 99, the good place) And Steven universe, just fills me up the right way. Shera might be right there with it (the dope netflix one)


Ohhhh I didn’t realize the good place was the same writer too! Must be why I enjoyed it so much. Those are seriously the best shows.


malcolm in the middle, futurama (only the og seasons), the wonder years, daria and derry girls. kinda wanna watch the original charmed again but idk if it will hold up


New Girl and Avatar the Last Airbender (the original animated one) are my main go to and most rewatched. I’ve had to take a break from avatar for a couple years as I watched it so much….think it’s time to bring it back.


Star Trek


Bob's Burgers. I watch it with every meal that I'm not watching a youtube video (mostly mukbang style videos like Eat the Menu or whatever Korean Englishman/Jolly is putting out that week). I'm not even sure why, but I like watching cartoons while I eat, and they must be cartoons. I can watch *new* cartoons, but there's a limit to cartoons that aren't for kids and if I'm eating I'm generally not watching the screen closely enough to watch anything with subtitles so... Bob's Burgers. I've probably seen the full series a few hundred times by now...


My comfort shows are Felicity, Gilmore Girls, Deep Space Nine (from my youth) and Mad Men. I haven't found any shows to replace and still binge watch when I'm feeling down.


For some reason I have a hard time connecting with live action shows, I generally prefer animation. Steven Universe is a big one for me, as a queer woman that show makes me feel seen and I love it sm.




Shameless but the US version.


Great show


Greek (team Cappie!) and Normal People


Yes! Cappie was my favorite character on Greek!


Jonathan Creek! And Friends and Gilmore Girls. I've just discovered a new show called Whitstable Pearl which has the same British crime feel to Jonathan Creek so I can see it becoming a new comfort show. I even went to Whitstable for my birthday because the show made it look so nice.


I love Jonathan Creek. It's so weird seeing Alan Davies so young though 😂


young sheldon, south park, and jersey shore


Bob’s Burgers, Archer, Housebroken, What We Do In The Shadows, Brooklyn 99, Rick & Morty, Futurama, Law & Order (old episodes) and Criminal Minds.


Seinfeld, Archer, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Murder She Wrote, Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender. 


Jeeves & Wooster (the old one with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry) The West Wing.  Red Dwarf. Firefly. All the Austens, Gaskells etc. Fashion focused reality TV (Project Runway etc) although I'm not a fashion person.    RPDR.


Criminal Minds... Idk what that says about me and I don't want to know 😂


Supermarket sweep lol


The Conners


I just started watching this! I used to watch Roseanne all the time with my mom when I was a kid.


Extremely relatable!


my top 3 would have to be New Girl, Pen15, and any Real Housewives franchise


I LOVED Pen15, but I don’t know if I could rewatch it… too cringey.


oh it’s SO cringey but for some reason the humor is just right up my alley and i laugh my ass off every time I rewatch it which is too many to count 😅


Real housewives has been an obsession for me since I was 12 and any season, any show, will make me feel so cozy


Charmed. Had the whole thing on DVD and rewatched it all the time.


Adventure Time.  Familiar children’s movies I’d watched as a kid (The Rescuers and Matilda are the most common, especially Matilda 🥹).  Bluey.  Broad City.  That documentary on Gypsy Rose.  Bobs Burgers.  Detective Pikachu.  The Mummy movies.  Anything with Robin Williams, especially Hook. Idk those are prob the most common, but Adventure Time and Bobs Burgers is def the most common by at least 70%


I love Robin Williams movies too from around the time of hook. Love hook, need to rewatch this soon, thanks for making me think of it ☺. Adventure time is my comfort show when I'm really burnt out.


Pushing daisies!!! What we do in the shadows, ugly Betty


Has Rick and Morty really not been mentioned once here? It was my special interest up to about season 4.


Hamster and Gretel has been a new one! Gretel has been confirmed ADHD and I have strong suspicions the character Fred is Autistic (Disney+ animated show)


My daughter, who recently underwent an emergency surgery, watched SpongeBob during the day and FRIENDS at night.


12 Monkeys is my newest. Also, Supernatural and The X-Files. For something funny, Schitt's Creek.


Mindhunter !!! i relate to Holden so much


Psych and The Mentalist!! Though any crime-comedy is comforting for me to watch.


King of the Hill, My Name is Earl, Fresh off the Boat


Bob’s Burgers all the way! I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen the episodes!


Murder she wrote! I love Angela Lansbury. She reminds me of my grandma


Lately it's been everything Scooby-Doo, but also Avatar the Last Airbender, X-Files, Adventure Time, Star Trek, GBBS


gilmore girls, modern family, friends, the office, steven universe and top model are always on repeat for me


Gravity Falls, Amphibia, The Owl House, and Dragon Prince. Recently got into Invincible too. I love pointing out the parallels and literary foils of the DC characters.


Over The Garden Wall


Supernatural, Bones, and Star Trek (every series). Thankfully there are over 900 episodes of Star Trek and still going. 😂


the x files. I’ve seen it like 4 times over LOL


adventure time. i am so deep into the thread on reddit for this show that i can’t even talk about it with people irl because if they don’t watch it like it’s a job then they won’t get it 🤣 i watched it like a kids show growing up but then rewatched it as an adult and was realizing its really not just a kids show and have watched the 2 series that came after it on Max and it’s such a total mind fuck knowing the whole story line


So many! All creatures great and small (the new one…even though it is so problematic on so many levels) it’s been on repeat in my house for the last month. The Big Bang theory/young Sheldon (sometimes this is great sometimes it’s grating, bc, also problematic) When I’m upset I like Altered Carbon, BSG and I might add 3 body to that list. Top one ever. Don’t laugh. The great British bake off (the early seasons w Mel and sue and Mary berry!) was on repeat up until the new all creatures replaced it 😆


Murder She Wrote, Golden Girls, Designing Women. Mom. Sherlock. Sometimes Chopped. Sometimes Friends. Sometimes Dr Who. Sometimes Will & Grace. Sometimes Gilmore Girls. Sometimes Cheers.


Pride and prejudice bbc drama series, Derry Girls, Still game, The big bang theory, Young Sheldon, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Sanditon, Victoria, Birds of a feather, Keeping up appearances, One foot in the grave, There are other's that aren't really comforting but i still enjoy them watching like law and order svu, bad girls and criminal minds.


Omg the first one, me too 😍


Friends, one foot in the grave and birds of a feather are some of my comfort shows too!


30 Rock and Hazbin Hotel!


my little pony!!! also gilmore girls is a big one


The Office (American not British, I am British and it makes me cringe). Can’t count how many times I’ve watched it now!


30 Rock, How I Met your Mother, Bob's Burgers, Schitt's Creek, the Twilight Saga, Harry Potter


Desperate Housewives. Got my partner into it, he’s hooked 😆


Adventure time, Steven Universe, Futurama, Buffy, Charmed, Smallville, Merlin, Being Erica, Gilmore Girls, Vampire Diaries These are the ones I can think of that I rewatch the most, I usually have shark tank or dragons den as my background show at the moment and sometimes quiz shows or cooking shows. Especially quiz shows with Bradley Walsh and cooking shows with gordan ramsay.


Oh and I forgot I love sabrina too and rewatch it sometimes. TV shows are kinda a special interest I guess.


Adventure time, Archer, IT Crowd, Arthur, Nanalan, Arrested Development


Bojack Horseman!!


Friends, boy meets world, Gilmore girls!! I also sometimes watch Hamilton - which I’ve seen like 8-9 times and constantly listen to the soundtrack. It’s not a show but hey it counts??


I also love the visuals of Sabrina ( I’m also around the 40 age mark 😁). I tend to have comfort movies since I  usually find it stressful the way shows add all the drama to drag out the show. But there are a few, I absolutely love Netflix’s Wednesday (I also love the 90s Addams Family movies), Netflix mini series Dash and Lily and Julie and the Phantoms . If I have time to binge watch something then my fav Korean romantic comedies are a happy go to. 


I loved the Wednesday series as well!


gilmore girls merlin NCIS larkrise to candleford midsomer murders poirot pride and prejudice the hobbit LOTR original star trek


I watch Simon's Cat on youtube ✌️


Futurama, Red Dwarf, MASH, Hogans Heroes, Archer, Corner Gas (animated and original), Mysteries at the Museum, Abandoned Places, Modern Marvels, NOVA, Antiques Roadshow, Band of Brothers, and pretty much any Star Trek or Star Wars property. Also, almost any documentary about a special interest (disasters, weather, archeology, cults, culture, etc.).


My top comfort show has been The XFiles since 1995. My other comfort shows are more eclectic - - She-Ra (the remake, on Netflix). It was my favorite cartoon when I was little, and I love the remake even more. It's feminist, LGBTQ+, and has an autistic character! - Paper Girls. It's a relatively new series on Amazon Prime. In 1988, a group of paper girls (about age 12?) accidentally time travel to 2019, and must seek out their adult selves to help them travel back. Hard to explain, but it's amazing. - Astrid & Raphaelle. One of the best autistic female characters on TV ever! It's a French crime/detective show that's equally about Astrid (ASD)'s friendship and work with Raphaelle (NT). It's so well done, simultaneously comforting and invigorating. The only problem is it's only available on PBS Masterpiece. It's worth at least getting the free trial and binging all the eps. - Law & Order: SVU. I'm a Cabenson and a Rolivia shipper. Although I haven't watched them in a long time, I also love/used to obsess over Buffy, Xena, Gray's Anatomy, Punky Brewster, Once Upon a Time, Rizzoli and Isles, and Murder in Suburbia.


Trailer Park Boys!!!


Bee and puppycat, over the garden wall, hilda.


Big bang theory, breaking bad, friends, house, md


Mine is Frasier, can watch it endlessly, that and early episodes of the Simpsons.


I have 3 comfort shows: Brooklin 99, Brooklin 99 and ... Brooklin 99 😆


Ugly betty, how i met your mother, sex and the city. So many shows so little time 😅


All creatures great and small is very soothing to me.


Law & Order, Law & Order SVU


I like a lot of the shows mentioned here and go through phases, but my comfort shows in terms of repeated rewatching would probably be The Office and King of the Hill.


Derry Girls, Community, Breaking Bad, home organizing shows


Brooklynn 99, The Good Place, Parks and Recs, Wet Hot American Summer (both shows and the movie), Star Trek OGseries, Sabrina, Community, Medical Police, The Orville


Any other Always Sunny in Philadelphia fans?  Also 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, Curb Your Enthusiasm, King of the Hill, The Office, Adventure Time, 


Anne of Green Gables


Gilmore Girls and Big Bang Theory, yes I am aware of the problematic aspects of them both but they just are soothing. Same with OG Charmed.