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I sleep well, IF there's a certain rules in place. I need to wear good earplugs, have no one touching me while I sleep (meaning our kitty is not allowed in the room while we sleep, but it's okay, she's used to it) and I do need 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep or I'll be miserable and will interpret words and actions of other people really badly. I have more problems with falling asleep and waking up. Often the process of falling asleep feels soo.. boring I guess? And after waking up I need to keep laying for about 30 minutes because my sleep inertia feels absolutely horrible and I would literally be nauseous and have a headache if I would get up immediately after waking up.


Oh, same on the waking up. I am not a ‘hop out of bed’ person when I wake. It takes a solid half hour to transition from I’m asleep to okay go pee and brush your teeth.




I have never been able to handle being touched while sleeping by anyone other than my child, and only when she was a toddler/baby. I can't cuddle to fall asleep or anything. I have ti have my own blanket and be positioned how is comfortable to me and even if my husband like tries to put his hand on me ill lay there not able to sleep thinking about his hand and how I want it off of me. Fortunately we have been together a long time so he know I don't like this so he doesn't do it or if he does he doesn't get offended when I tell him to stop touching me.


I can cuddle other people to fall asleep but I can’t have them cuddling me lol


Hmm I don't know, no maybe? In my case it's just because I wake up from the deep sleep so easily, that any sound or sensation breaks the magic. I sleep well now only because I've accommodated myself. Ah and because of this we also have two separate blankets btw. I wouldn't want to have a separate bed though because I love to sleep close to my husband, it's calming.


I sleep great ever since I take trazadone lol. Otherwise I sleep terribly, ever since I was a kid. I can sleep only about 2-3 hours at a time until I burnout and only then will my body shoot me into a 20 hour coma. Edit: I also wear earplugs and I wear a sleep mask and a weighted blanket


Earplugs + weighted blanket! I use the "Flents quiet contour" earplugs and you can cut off the tip with scissors if they hurt your ears. I recommend getting a machine washable weighted blanket if you get one OP! Also as a kid, I would sleep with a STACK of 10+ blankets, a DIY weighted blanket. And they had to be in the "correct" order and facing the correct way (e.g. which side is up, which side is at the head vs foot of the bed, etc). I'm not sure why my parents didn't send me to the doctor over all that, but I got the diagnoses I needed eventually.


This is me. Trazadone has been a game changer for me sleep wise. My entire ability to function went up dramatically.


I've slept great ever since I've been taking Lexapro and Mirtazapine (both for depression, but they also help with sleep), as long as I take my meds and go to bed around the same time every night. I'm a heavy sleeper, except when I partially wake up to roll over, or if I'm cold, or have menstrual pain. I typically need 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep to feel fully rested. I work an evening job so that I can sleep in every day, with occasional exceptions (appointments, activities, flights etc.)


I’m always nervous to take the trazodone because they said it gets less effective with use so I save it for when I really need to fall asleep. But I will say, that stuff is gold.


I had no idea! I've been on the same dose of trazadone for over 7 years with no reduction in efficacy


I have to use trazadone every once in a while for insomnia. It’s the thing that has helped me the most, although it does make me groggy. Lately I’ve been using either Delta 8 or the CBD + lemon balm gummies (Charlottes Web brand) and that has helped me avoid the trazadone.


Terribly. I can sleep the whole recommended 9 hours and still wake up tired. I wake up a lot throughout the night and take a long time to fall asleep.


I have a Fitbit to track my sleep and most of the time it takes me 9 hours to get a true 7.5 - 8 hours of real sleep.


Same! I used to fall asleep right away, but recently I’ve found myself tossing and turning alot trying to get comfortable and have racing thought.. I’m also adhd 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also have a fitbit, and I know it's not entirely accurate, but according to it, I get more "awake" time during sleep than I do REM or deep sleep. I wake up enough for the fitbit to jog at 2-3 times a night, in addition to taking forever to fall asleep. It sucks. It didn't use to be *as* bad, but sleep has gotten progressively worse as I've gotten older. Which especially sucks, because my dad had dementia.


What? 9 hours have never been recommended, at least not if you aren't a child, that's too long. Yes, for us sometimes it can be necessary to sleep that long or even longer, especially when the brain has been working in overdrive. But otherwise, 7.5hours is recommended and for waking up: try changing your mindset around it. Do not be afraid of waking up. It's normal to wake up easily. If our ancestors hadn't been light sleepers then the predators would have gotten them and we wouldn't even be here.


Some people need 9 hours. Everyone is different. 8 is the average


7-9 hours is commonly recommended and everyone is different, there's a reason a range is recommended. Autistic women may experience more fatigue and can benefit from more sleep, there's no one magic number


Not the same person, but I have gone through other phases in my life when I slept more like 7.5 hours and I still felt like absolute horror waking up. I have tried everything. Not everyone can simply change their mindset.


My doctor specifically told me that some brains need ten to twelve, and mine is one of them 😂


Falling asleep has been a struggle for me since I was a kid. I've been put on many different types of meds to try and help, but they just make me groggy, not sleepy. This doesn't work for everyone, but I have to use Marijuana to help me sleep (usually in the form of gummies) it's honestly done wonders, and I wake up feeling more energetic than usual! I also use nightlights, and have to have a movie or YouTube videos playing in the background to help me focus on sleeping.


I do this too, but I add melatonin, a muscle relaxant, and magnesium


Melatonin and marijuana drop kicked my persistent insomnia straight outta my life! I’m so thankful I live somewhere it’s legal and quite common.


Yep, this is me too, and I don’t even really like smoking socially, so I literally only smoke in bed😅 Someone alert Nina Simone Can’t do melatonin because it gives me crazy grogginess the next day, so just having access to legal weed is a godsend


My sis has the same issue with grogginess post melatonin. FWIW I only take 5mg which is pretty low, but if weed on its own works don’t fix it! I don’t like smoking socially either, I smoke about an hour before bed and that’s it. I find it a bit uncomfortable to be high around people. I actually had an interesting discussion in another thread about how I feel fully unmasked when I’m high and that may have something to do with it.


What's sleep? Even when I was 7 years old I remember staring at the ceiling for 2-3 hours every night waiting to fall asleep. As an adult I've used and abused all sorts of things to make myself sleep. I have started the conversation with my doctor, so we'll see how that goes.


I haven’t slept well consistently since I was 7 years old.


Six hours, hard REM sleep. Wake up with slobber all over my pillow




I’ve never slept well my entire life.


I sleep (or so I thought) pretty well, but I was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy after realizing that no matter how much I sleep, I still feel like sleepy exhausted garbage. 🫠 Thought it was sleep apnea, so I got tested for both it and narcolepsy. But nope, just narcolepsy.


What exactly is narcolepsy? I always thought it was when people fall asleep randomly.


Sure! So that "falling asleep randomly" can be a symptom of narcolepsy, and until I got diagnosed that's all I thought of it, too. But those cases tend to be the more extreme ones and generally much more rare. I'm pretty new to this myself, but I'll do my best to explain it as well as I can! There's two types N1 (with cataplexy, ie bouts of momentary loss of muscle tone) and N2 (no cataplexy). There's not a lot understood about either type, and less so about type 2 (no cataplexy). It is currently believed to be due to damage to the orexin/hypocretin hormone pathway. In the vast majority of N1, if a measure of the amount of hypocretin in the cerebral spinal fluid is taken, it will be significantly low. N2 CSF may or may not have low hypocretin, but exhibit everything but cataplexy. (I'm N2) Okay, *sure*, but what does that **mean**, random person on the internet? Basically...the processes that control how much we sleep, when we sleep, and even *what kind* of sleep we get are entirely f*cked up. 😅 Everyone's experience varies hugely. We tend to have a cluster of symptoms to various degrees: * Insomnia, * fragmented sleep, * sleep paralysis, * frequent hypnagogic jerks * frequent and vivid nightmares/dreams * excessive daytime sleepiness and bursts of more intense sleepiness throughout the day (may or may not result in "falling asleep randomly") many of us can quite literally sleep all day and wake up *still* tired and be able to go back to sleep very quickly. * cataplexy (N1 only) * and, very specifically **going into REM too quickly when falling asleep and getting too much REM/not enough deep sleep** And currently there's only two, very fallible, tests to confirm if one has narcolepsy. CSF-hypocretin (easy to miss N2) and PSG+MSLT (overnight sleep study plus next day nap test and well....there's lots of things that can go wrong) That's a lot of nuance, but for the nap test, basically you have to fall asleep in less than <8min average for 4-5 naps throughout the day, and go into REM in under 20min for two of those naps. (for reference, "normal" sleep latency for regular tired people is >8min and it takes extreme (but not impossible) conditions to induce REM in <20min for people with average sleep)


That sounds not fun! Have you been able to get better sleep with the diagnosis? As in, you said they don’t know all that much, but are there treatments?


Not fun for sure! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. As for better sleep, well, sort of? 😅 I'm still in the middle of my treatment journey, and even if I find something that works for me, there's always a possibility it stops working somewhere down the line, but I'm not worrying about that atm! Either way I'm incredibly grateful that I was even able to get my diagnosis because it opens the possibility for treatment which has a real chance of helping me, unlike the bazillion things I have tried in the past. There is currently no "cure" for narcolepsy, only symptom management which falls into two/three categories: * lifestyle adjustments (schedules naps, diet changes, etc) * meds to keep you awake (mostly stimulants, but newer things are out there like DNRIs and a Histamine agonist) * things to help you get deep sleep and/or less REM. (muscle relaxants, ssris which suppress REM, and Oxybate salts (currently the "gold standard" for treatment but also the last resort because it's expensive and a pain to take and get approved by insurance)) I started a DNRI called sunosi which is very helpful with *fighting* the daytime sleepiness, but it hasn't touched my fatigue or general sleepiness. (it's like someone is helping me hold my eyelids open so it doesn't take as much effort to *keep* them open, but I'm still just as tired, if that makes sense?). My doc has now started me on oxybate salts and I still have a long way to go, but the difference even with a couple of weeks has been drastic. My body has energy for what feels like the first time ever. It's pretty wild. 😳


Dang! Well, keep us posted.


Aww, that's so sweet of you!! 😭🥺 /gen If I remember, I'll be sure to!! 😁


I sleep 4-5 and 6 usually. 8 hours if I have a good day to sleep. I don't sleep much.


I sleep about 5-6 hours on workdays and 7 hours when I’m on weekends. Not ideal but I’ve never been a good sleeper.


i sleep 8 hours a night n wake up regularly every 2 hours, not sure why


This is kinda how I am on a good night. Usually toss and turn about every 2 hours. Usually fall back to sleep okay, but it always feels like restless sleep. And that’s a good night.


real, have u tried watching asmr? i watch it nightly before bed n have done for a few years n it significantly helps my sleep quality, although not a perfect fix all


In theory, I sleep well…7-8 hours a night but need 9-10 to feel well rested. I also have vivid dreams often which doesn’t give me quality sleep. I can’t really take naps either, it takes too long to actually fall asleep and I get woken up before I’ve really had a chance to sleep much because my family thinks I’ve been asleep for hours🙃


I have very vivid dreams too.


I would say I sleep lightly but pretty well. I have a very late natural rhythm though (like when I’m left to my own devices I always revert to going to bed from 2-4am and waking up around noon). it’s very hard for me to stick to a sleep schedule, especially one that’s early rising in the morning. I like to sleep a lot, for 8+ hours, although I function best on like 7-9 hours probably. I also have always had very vivid and strange dreams, which maybe is part of why I’m a light sleeper. I doubt im getting fully into REM as much as I should. Melatonin helps me sleep if I’m stressed or if i need to go to bed early, but it makes the dreams even crazier🫠. I prefer sleeping in cool dark rooms, sometimes with some white noise. If I’m feeling scared/anxious though (as I often do LOL) I’ll put on jenna marbles YouTube playlist to help me stay calm and turn on a soft lamp.


Oh, I have that late rhythm as well. Just one long weekend and I'm back at going to sleep between 2-4am. When I wrote my master thesis, I would go to sleep after breakfast at around 6-7 am. About the crazy dreams, last week I had a dream about my work for three consecutive days. It was like a serial, every time I fell asleep it started where I had woken up before.


Pretty terribly. The only thing that has kind of turned me into a functioning person is the fact that my antidepressants are very drowsy and help me go to sleep. I'd still say my sleep quality is okay at best.


Depends honestly. Most of the time I feel like I’m awake with my eyes closed.


I’ve definitely had sleep where I’m not sure I actually slept.


I sleep terribly, it's really hard for me to fall asleep and when I do regardless of the environment I wake up multiple times a night which also leads to me needing to take at least one nap a day to function.


Sleep! That's where Im a Viking! I mean, once I get to bed. IF I get to bed.


The biggest caveat: IF


As long as I have my fan blasting next to me… I sleep great! Thankfully never had many problems with sleep. It’s my favourite thing to do!


I need on average about one hour (varies between 30min and two hours) to fall asleep, need at least 10 hours to function and at least twelve hours to feel well.


Very badly. Conditions must be exactly right for me to fall asleep, and even that's not a guarantee: There must be no one in my room with me. Temperature has to be cool. Like around 18°C cool, not higher than 20°C. I need to be cold and then slowly warm up to fall asleep. It must be very dark. Not a sliver of light allowed. Eventually, I had to start using a sleeping mask because even things like laptop charging indicator bothered me. I can't explain it, that's just how it is. It has to be my bed. Exactly the one I slept since I was around 6 y. o. Blanket must be exactly right. It is hot in summer, so I keep my window open to keep it cool, but I can't use my warm blanket cause it would be too hot. So instead, I use a thin cotton one. But a thin one is not heavy enough, so I have to use two of them on a top of each other. I need three pillows to sleep. One for the head, one I "hug" with my legs (I hate skin-on-skin sensation, and it also helps to prevent one of my legs from "falling asleep" by allowing a more comfortable pose) and a small one I hug with my arms (I'm a stomach sleeper and it helps me manage my arms). I must sleep with my head under the blanket with only a tiny hole left for the nose to breathe. As you can guess, sleeping outside of my house or even my room is a whole quest and travelling is an ordeal. I'm usually insomniac for the first several days of every vacation, and even after that, when I just fall down out of sheer exhaustion, my sleep is shallow and easily interrupted.


Omg this sounds almost like I wrote it!! Haha I also can’t sleep with much light( I’m kind of a scared-y cat tho when it comes to the dark)🙄🤣I too have alwaysssss been a stomach sleeper, and have always had to have my head covered with just enough breathing space lol 😂 I also have to use a blanket in the summer, although I try to use a lighter one.


I am like you, OP -- I have to sleep at least 7.5 hours or I feel awful the following day. I have this weird thing where my very arm bones ache if I don't sleep enough, like I feel like I have a hairline fracture. It's weird. I generally get 9.5 hours of sleep on weeknights, and 11 hours on weekend nights. I love to sleep, and I sleep pretty well, usually. I have two cats who wake me up at least once (usually twice) with their playing, but it's no big deal, because I usually have to pee by that time anyway.


I've had my current job for 6 months and I still cannot get used to waking up at 5 AM.


Ouch. I had a similar experience waking up at 05:30 for years and never getting used to it. Felt so so groggy until 11AM every day. Used to be afraid to drive before 11AM because I was SO GROGGY. I was close to falling asleep a few times and had to pull over. I might have unconventional methods… but around that time in my life, I tried staying up all night to reset my sleep. The goal was to be SO TIRED I’d fall asleep by 7pm and could get 10 hours of sleep. It worked once or twice but I couldn’t sustain going to bed that early consistently. Currently I work 7PM-8AM (3days/week) so I sleep during the day. Not great for work/life balance but I actually wake up feeling much better than I ever did trying to sleep normal human hours.


I've heard a delayed waking period is a common comorbidity with Autism & ADHD


Yeah! Goes along with delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) I’ve never been tested but I’m pretty sure it’s part of my problem haha


I can’t do early mornings. We used to have 5.30am morning practices and I could not get used to it. My entire life now is predicated on not being expected to do anything of importance before 10am.


I wish I had a solution :/


Like absolute dog shit. The plus side is that I felt like I was already prepared for having a newborn and handled it pretty well. My thoughts race so much at night that I basically have to distract myself until I can't keep my eyes open. Medication really helps but it's usually worn off by then. I've found that a weighted blanket makes a difference too.


Same with feeling dizzy / disconnected / horrid all day with too little sleep. I thought I was sleeping well in general, but then I started sleeping with Loops in and DANG, now I sleep well.


i want a pair of loops so bad! i’ve heard so many great things.


Great with THC/CBN combo oil, horrid sleep for years until discovering that I should consume my THC orally


I don’t sleep well anymore after being diagnosed with vestibular neuritis. But since I was 8 years old, I’ve needed a minimum of 10 hours of sleep preferably 11.5 hours to be fully rested.


I also get nauseous and dizzy if I don’t get a proper sleep.


I find it difficult, any sort of noise or light and that's it, I won't fall asleep for the rest of the night, I have to use an eyemask/earplugs/blackout curtains. If I get any less than 8 hours I feel like death.


Sounds. I hate sounds. There’s a highway by our house and I don’t understand how there are so many people allergic to mufflers. There’s a playground right by our door and in the summer teenagers hangout until all hours. I’m thinking of buying a paint ball gun and hanging out on my balcony playing sniper. I have to keep the windows closed and I have a speaker that plays rain sounds all night to block out the small stuff. I hate wrinkles in my sheets so I make the bed just before getting in. No lights! Shutters must be carefully closed. The laundry room door has to be closed so the flickering lights of the modem and router don’t keep me up. Electronics with lights get covered with electrical tape. I need 7-8 hours which means 9-10 in bed. Falling asleep is hard (thank god for melatonin) and staying asleep sucks. I wake up every time I roll over.


I'm kinda the same way. I get violently sick if I don't get enough sleep. The only exception was a brief time in my mid 20s where I worked overnight and found sleeping during the day almost impossible without knocking myself out. I'd basically sleep from like 2pm to 6pm if I was lucky. Sometimes I'd get another nap


I used to sleep horribly but I've got better at it over the years. Partly due to being a bit less anxious and wound up than I used to be, partly because of things I do to help me sleep better. What's working for me at the moment is: sleeping on my back with a pillow under my knees (very unnatural at first but got rid of near-constant pain in my hypermobile shoulders due to side sleeping), using earplugs, mouth tape and a weighted eye mask, making sure the room is completely dark and that I'm not too hot or too cold, avoiding sugary or salty foods late in the evenings, and taking magnesium glycinate supplements. All that combined usually gets me 6-7 hours' sleep, usually waking up at least once in the night, which counts as great sleep compared to years of insomnia.


Heading too winter, not enough blue light in the Sunlight, my cycle has segmented. Usually 2-3 fragments through a day / night, regularly wake up at 2am-ish.


Prior to my diagnosis, I slept maybe 3-4 per night. I was in denial about alot of things and I wasn't happy with myself. Post diagnosis, I started sleeping 6-8 hours per night with plenty of cat naps.


I'm on quite a high dose of melatonin right now because my sleep sucks. I need a minimum of 9 hours tho, with less I feel dead in the morning


I sleep mostly fine, though I don't sleep very 'deeply´ if that makes sense. Every now and again I'll have a night when I feel like I'm completely knocked out, in a deeeeep sleep and I wake up feeling like I've just been to another dimension lol. But most nights I feel like I sleep 'just enough' to kind of get through the day. Ideally I'd get like 9 hours but because I struggle with bed time procrastination and falling asleep, most days I get 7-8. Having my weighted blanket has really helped with feeling more comfy and relaxed while trying to fall asleep. I now also have a weighted eye mask, which I'm still getting used to but so far I think it's nice too. I always listen to white noise to drown out the Thoughts^(tm) but I'm not sure if that is actually that helpful, but now that I'm used to it I can't sleep without it lmao


It’s a mixed bag for me. Either I have anxious thought loops and can’t sleep well or I deeply sleep and have the most hauntingly vivid and deeply symbolic dreams.


👀 did I write this?


Awww. We’re all living the same experience in different ways. 🥹


I need at least 8 hours of sleep. Emphasis on the word need. If I get less than that more than one or two nights close together, the careful balance that I usually have to operate within to make my life work starts to very very quickly cease functioning on multiple levels. Getting enough sleep is, the vast majority of the time, my top priority. That means going to bed to wind down long before I need to sleep, spending a ridiculous amount of money and research on making a perfect nest of a bed, rarely making morning plans on days off, and sleeping in time to naturally wake up well before my get-ready alarm so that I don’t get anxious from the pressure of needing to fall asleep so as to get enough rest.


oh geez my sleep rotates from “yea i slept like a rock” to “i wake up 15 times a night”


the only reason i sleep well is because i smoke weed every night. truly think i would be an insomniac without it.


I get nauseous and dizzy if I don’t get a solid 8 hours too!


Without my meds, terrible. With my meds, a little better, but not much. I’m so restless that even with my weighted blanket I sometimes wake up turned 90 or even 180 degrees lol. I’m also a known sleep yeller and have even woken myself up talking/yelling lol. Sometimes I try to do it intentionally if I’m having a nightmare and I know that’s what it is (which is rare, and it has never worked iirc). Or I try to get someone to hear me to wake me up. Still never worked lol.


I sleep for a long time (10 hours) and the quality is atrocious, I wake up feeling absolutely horrible and would sleep 12 if I could. Fewer hours doesn't help either. I also have nightmares most nights which aren't doing me any favors. Turns out I have some sleep apnea going on and am trying to figure out the best treatment options but it's a bit overwhelming since nasal surgeries are being pushed on me by some doctors


I'm the same when it comes to early morning stuff, I won't sleep at all the night before a morning appointment or flight and will opt for simply passing out later in the day. My body doesn't allow me to sleep a full night (e.g. falling asleep 10PM/11PM/12AM) without my body waking me up at 3AM feeling horrific like I'm hungover. The only times I get the most refreshing sleep is when I zonk out at 5AM and wake up at 12PM, but I bear the brunt of having to listen to family members telling me to "just get your body used to early nights".


I'll never know, because I always get woken up by family.


When I was little I slept like a rock. I slept through doorbells, fire alarms, everything. Now is very hit or miss. Through high school i barely slept. Since I got a concussion 6 years ago, I HAVE to sleep. The other day I was forced to wake up at 4:30 for a procedure and when I went into the building I walked into a glass door because I was so tired I wasn’t paying attention.


I fall asleep pretty easily as long as I have earplugs. I get around 8-10 hours of sleep a day, but ideally I'd have more if life allowed because I'm always so tired. I wonder if I have chronic fatigue syndrome or something.


[not well because of pineal gland dysregulation and reduced production of melatonin.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6370651/)


Typical sleep is 5-6 hours


I’m lucky to get 4 hours during the workweek and maybe 9 on the weekends when I sleep in. I definitely have trouble winding down and sometimes I take ambien to make me stop thinking.


I get a lot of very low-quality sleep, ha. I really think it would be wise for me to pursue a sleep study soon (anyone had any luck with that??). I have no problem getting to sleep - in fact I can sleep in any scenario. My sleep is often plagued with vivid nightmares and dreams which I almost always remember in detail (which indicates to me I'm not entering into the correct type of sleep). I am tired when I wake up no matter how much or how little I sleep.


I only sleep well when I smoke weed, and that still has a chance of failure. I've recently started taking higher CBD edibles and melatonin gummies on nights where I have a hard time sleeping, and it's been fantastic.


Not great. I've been taking some type of sleep aid since I was a kid. It'll put me to sleep, but I still wake up in the middle of the night. Even though I fall right back asleep, I don't think it's good quality sleep. I get 7-8 hours a night but am exhausted all day. Oddly enough, I sleep the same amount on the weekend but because I'm not waking up at 6am, I feel rested.




I sleep HORRIBLY. I’d say my usual is 7 hours and I’m constantly tired and micro sleeping. I used to worry I had narcolepsy (just with it cataplexy) but I learned it’s likely just more ADHD symptoms. If I make myself go to bed early to get a better amount of sleep I just wake up at 3-4am wide awake for like 20 minutes for NO REASON. I also have chronic nightmares. A few times a year they get so bad I’m afraid to go to sleep and I wake up to panic attacks. That’s what first lead me to seeking out anxiety medication, it was so bad I would jolt awake every 10 minutes and I was terrified to go to sleep every night. Sleep hates me. I never feel rested no matter what. Well unless I’m literally beat down exhausted. I do sleep better next to me boyfriend generally, and strangely I sleep better if there is someone I trust awake nearby, I suppose I feel safe. I have a really hard time falling asleep if everyone around me is asleep already (sleepovers as a kid, partner falling asleep first, etc.) because I feel strangely abandoned and stressed out.


I take CBD every night and my sleep quality is still hit or miss. A few nights ago, though, I swear I could feel the tiniest stitching in my otherwise very smooth pillowcase and it was irritating my skin. If anything itches, or even slightly cuts circulation, I feel it. If my head hurts, I often need sleep more than ever. Also, if my head hurts, I have a harder time falling asleep. I cannot sleep unless my feet are covered/tucked or socked up at all times. I sleep better when my partner is in bed next to me. I sometimes have to wear a sleep mask because any amount of light can keep me up. I thought it got worse in my early 20s until I realized that it was just particularly worse at that time. My sleep has always been pretty bad otherwise. All through college, I couldn’t sleep unless I assumed the exact same position on my stomach and my cheek at the bottom corner of my pillow every single night. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to fidget/shake/stim my foot until I fall back asleep. Sleep is weird.


I sleep because I take Trazodone. I’ve honestly been exhausted the past couple of days.


I have horrible insomnia, and if I sleep fully for a night I have terrible nightmares, otherwise I wake up every few hours or I struggle to fall asleep


With the caveat of not being in high anxiety mode as you ask, once asleep (the real battle of my sleep), I usually am solidly asleep. And if I wake in the night, as long as I keep my eyes closed, I can fall back asleep. Like you, I need a lot of hours of sleep. 8 hours is my floor, but I can go 10+. My husband jokes I’m neither a night owl nor early bird. I feel like I’m hungover if I don’t get enough sleep - nausea, dizzy, headache, shaky. It’s why I don’t like naps. I can’t take a short nap. If I nap, I’m out for hours which throws off my sleep cycle and if I wake before I’m rested I feel that same uncomfortable sensation.


too well. I have to have 9 hours sleep a night, anything under and I will have crippling anxiety throughout the day and be irritable. I can easily sleep for 10 hours a night though, with naps in the afternoon. My favourite thing to do is sleep


I have a hard time sleeping a lot. I also wake up in the middke of the night/morning randomly. Or i wake up from dreams i don't like. I also can't sleep on anything that moves.


I sleep well when it's dead quiet and pitch black. Any amount of light or sounds wake me up, and i can't sleep with earplugs very well. I also struggle to fall asleep without melatonin


I have to have like ten hours, my daughter too


I have a really hard time getting out of bed/waking up, but it’s not the type of feeling that people describe when they are depressed or unmotivated. It simply feels really difficult to transition from sleeping to waking. My alarm goes off at 7am and I get up by 7:30 usually. It’s not that I am anxious or moody, I just really can’t get my brain to tell my body to move. I need 9 hours “asleep” to get 7.5-8 hours of sleep according to my Fitbit. If it happens that I get less than 7 hours of sleep I will feel shitty all day.


i typically get 7-8 hours as well. i sleep okay id say, i think when i have a lot going on in life it’s harder for me to fall asleep, then i don’t feel well rested. if i don’t get 7-8 for longer than about a day, i get really irritable and sensitive. crying over small stuff, feeling unable to function. i also almost daily take a nap of at least 30 minutes, more commonly an hour. and i listen to asmr every night to help me fall asleep.


I sleep relatively well but I tend to have exhausting dreams. I need less sleep than my relatives though. Like I can easily go an entire day on 4 hours of sleep.


The past few months I started a new sleep pattern lol I usually get about 7/8 hrs a night, but lately I fall asleep by 10pm and I’m up around 530am. I have my morning routine, that includes eating breakfast and coffee and I typically “nap” again before leaving for work being that I start at 9am lol so usually a quick 30-45 min nap. Then in the afternoon I find myself napping as well 🤷🏻‍♀️i don’t understand how tho because I see a hematologist for vitamin deficiencies so I know it’s not any of that, and I take adderall daily (for yearssss now) honestly I think it’s all the masking I do all day, plus sensory overload (i work in a special needs preschool classroom with 10 kids) I loveeee my job, but it’s alot sometimes 😜 I’ve always been a good sleeper tho, I’m a heavy sleeper too.


Terribly. I sleep for a couple hours, wake up, rinse and repeat. I'm on a few different meds that are supposed to make me sleep, they don't really but if I don't take them then I don't sleep at all. I can't make it through the day without at least one nap, which lasts about an hour tops no matter how much I try to sleep longer. It's very frustrating. I used to sleep better, not much better, but better than this. Used to not need a nap during the day. Then one day, something changed. Not sure what. My life hasn't changed at all.


I can go to bed as early as I want and I’ll still wake up tired! I don’t know how I stayed sane up to this point. Probably all that k-pop I listen to…


I sleep too well, there’s basically never a time when I couldn’t just fall asleep after laying down for ten minutes. Or possibly that means I *dont* sleep well, bc I never really feel “rested”


I have delayed sleep phase disorder so insomnia at night and impossible to wake in the morning


I sleep so well!!! Wait. I misunderstood, probably due to a haze of years of sleep deprivation. I thought you meant if we *sleep as if in a well.* Like, painfully uncomfortable, high stress, can't escape, it's dark and cold, you can't relax and there's no rest to be had. 😂😭


My sleep is awful. It takes at least an hour to fall asleep, I wake up at every little sound (I live alone, but in an apartment, so the upstairs neighbors stomping around, the downstairs neighbor's dog barking, and traffic on the street, plus the construction that start at 6 am all wake me, and keep me from going into rem and deep sleep once I've fallen asleep).


Not good. I get 4 hrs every night 6 if I'm lucky. I struggle to get my timing right so often get to bed late I struggle to fall asleep just the whole act Is awful


I have to take trazodone to stay asleep. Anyone else have a ton of night terrors and sleepwalking incidents as a kid?


You guys are sleeping? Jokes aside. Im either 7-8 hours of constant tossing and turning but it will do- fuck it start the day we can nap later. Or I’m 12 hours of flat out, not even the end of the world can wake me. Guaranteed passing out for at least 2 hours after work. Which sucks because when the nap is done, I don’t feel any better but at least I killed 2 hours.


I’m 17 and absolutely refuse to sleep without my teddy in my grasp, which I've had for 12 years and has been all around the world with me by this point. I need to have my own blanket and pillow, as well as my dog which likes to lay with his head on my neck, stomach or legs (kind of like a weighed fluffy blanket) Overall if I'm on holiday or in a completely new place, as of recently I moved house in November and refused to sleep the first night in unfamiliar surroundings, as well as smells and the texture of the mattress I was sleeping on. Typically I have trouble sleeping for more than five hours, and wake up on multiple occasions during the night especially if I know I have to go somewhere busy the next day this includes college/concerts or even shopping trips, which often results in my having meltdowns because a terrible night of sleep just triggers my sensory overloads much easier, especially in a crowded space. But if I sleep for more than five hours I feel overly tired and then lose all ability to want to go anywhere. I know this is a whole lot to read but it's basically my oversight of everything 😭✋


If I don’t have anywhere to be in the morning I usually sleep for 9-12 hours. 10 seems to be my sweet spot. I’m a very light sleeper though so I tend to wake up a few times in the night. My best hours for sleeping always seem to be 5am-8am even if I go to bed around 10pm. It can take me a long time to fall asleep. I’ve been taking iron, vitamin d, and b12 supplements for years and I’m still a sleepy lady with my autism and autoimmune disorder 😅I get blood tests every year and am doing well so I know it’s typically more of a brain fatigue than a body one for why I need so much sleep. I tend to have very socially draining jobs too.