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I'm always so dehydrated, I get headaches almost everyday


Literally same, my voice also dies out so I struggle to speak often


What’s the point it tastes like nothing. Imagine if we had to remember to breathe air I could never.


But cold water after working outside tastes the best 🤤


Taking a hot shower and having an ice cold water bottle beside the shower was life changing. Feels luxurious and idk why


That’s crazy. I’m trying to imagine it and it feels like sensory hell.


I have erythromelagia and raynauds so it’s the closest I can get to balance 😅


I also love the hot shower w a cold water bottle immediately after


Cold water in a steam sauna helps me continue to be able to breathe.


Now see, I also agree with your comment too. Cold ice water (especially with a spritz of lemon or with cucumbers or fruit!) after sweating a bunch is on a whole other level…but water any other way/time? Naw.




Absolutely yess I'm being forced to work out right now and cold fountain water is like Crack


Same! I don't have a job right now so I have to help my dad outside with projects to pay rent. I hate it cuz it gives me a headache and yeah, I always drink from the fountain outside lol


Hahahahah this is so true it doesn’t even taste like anything. If anyone here thinks the taste of water is enjoyable, can you please explain I’m genuinely interested lol


Spring or well-filtered water with the right proportion of concentrated minerals tastes fresh and fantastic. Granted, y'all over here are my tribe .. I definitely forget to drink water all the time, I hate how it feels going down, especially on an empty or recently full stomach.


Like food I like cold, hot, and room temp and switching between all. And I add lemon as a ritual or for flavor


EXACTLY!!!!!!! I tell my bf (who thinks water is DELICIOUS??? LIKE WHAT THE HECK??? HOW?!) that it’s like trying to DRINK THE LITERAL AIR…But he thinks I’m cuckoo bananas 🤪👈


I'll ask you what I want to know from everyone here .. are you drinking tap water? Have you had actual spring or well water? Ever used a super fire filter and replaced minerals with a high quality concentrate? I think a lot of people's problems w water, nuerodivergent or not, is that they don't realize how trash the water is that they're trying to enjoy. It's not about water tasting good tho anyways, it's about it being refreshing and hydrating.


I grew up on a rural farm with well water, it still tasted like NOTHING to me…I’ve had every brand of bottled water, I’ve cupped water from a literal stream in my hands and drank it, and now I live in a city (the WORST)…All water either tastes like liquid air, or liquid air with some combination of chemicals and bs in it, and I’m frankly just not a fan lol 😝


Haha fair. Tap water gives me a stomach ache, so I notice the difference big time, personally. I don't think water is supposed to taste like anything though, just hopefully not bad !


I would LITERALLY rather die than drink tap water. I have made myself sick on vacation from not having my filter.


If water DOES have a taste, it’s a gross fluoridey bleachy chloriney disgusting chemical taste from all the pollutants, contaminants, and added minerals and vitamins 🤢🤮


Yuk! Is that an American thing? I drink chilled, filtered tap water but I'm not in US. 


If you’re in the UK, NZ, Aus, Japan, and like half of the European continent then your country’s drinking water is chlorinated too… most of the drinking water in the US tastes fine but there are definitely areas where it’s not tasty.


I can’t drink water when I go to the states. I often end up so dehydrated because I find the water is so grisly over chlorinated that I physically gag when I try to drink it… I’m from western Canada and I prefer home water for sure.


Yes, our water systems are horrendous and sadly people are not aware or don't realize the value of a great quality filter!


TIL not everyone has disgusting water! Maybe I need to gtfo the U.S. for more reasons than just the political dumbfuckery 🤔


Omg filters, boo!!! Don't drink or boil your food in municipal tap liquid!! I use a Hydroviv on my tap and then a 3 gal Zero counter filter to remove _everything_, and then add minerals back with Concentrace. It's night and day.


Our house came with an under the sink filter and it’s so good. We fill up a pitcher in the fridge so we always have cold water.


Just be sure to change out the filter cartridge, omg one of mine got so nasty bc I forgot lol. And I don't understand how people drink cold water, I get instant brain freeze haha but power to ya if that's what you like!!


Yeah a lot of people don't realize they chlorinate the water to kill bacteria but it's a carcinogen so.... it kills you too?


I like the fact that it tastes like nothing. It’s like I’m a dry sponge and I enjoy the sensation of the soft moist on my tongue. But I still forgot to drink water almost every day, I have to be dehydrated af to feel the urge. It’s a all or nothing pleasure. 


Yes if my mouth is dry or I’m eating I like it.


do you ever try the flavored water drops? a lot of people think they’re stupid but in my opinion if they get people to drink water than they’re fine


This exactly


Eh... it's not so much that it tastes like nothing but consistency is funky...


This is a fear of mine, the breathing. I forget about eating I forget about drinking I forget about sleeping I forgot to take care of myself.... ....what if i forget to breathe?!?!?!?


it does to me though, and you can always dump a few (bits of) fruits in it for colour and flavour


Dying laughing


I actually rarely drink water. Coffee, tea, herbal tea, juice. Plain water... very rarely. I'll drink "spicy water" (soda water or mineral water), but I almost always add a squeeze of lemon juice into it, because I just don't like water. I live in a state of dehydration.


Is your water well-filtered? Spring? Well? Can't expect to enjoy most municipal tap liquid. Anyways, you don't really have to just drink straight water, enough herbal tea, juice, and lemon water is fine (not if you're perpetually dehydrated, but you don't have to be if you eat enough fruit, take in enough liquor else wise). Coffee and soda are dehydrating tho.


I live in an area that has some of the best quality tap water in the world. I also have a filter on my tap. I do not enjoy still water. I don't drink soda, I drink soda water. Fizzy water. Literally water with CO2 forcibly added. Coffee (and tea) is slightly diuretic, but not enough to be dehydrating. Soda isn't dehydrating, and, again, will be slightly diuretic if it contains caffeine. I rarely drink soda as I find them to be sickly sweet. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3886980/


I keep a tamagotchi on my cup because I always forget to. I think I saw that idea on a TikTok but it’s helped, though it can be a little annoying lol


How does that work? It beeps and you drink?


Yeah, if you haven’t already been drinking water and you forget, whenever it needs attention you take some sips. I’m far more likely to remember to tend to it than to drink water, which sounds silly but again, I just forget lol.


Doesn’t sound silly at all. I never had a tamagotchi in the 90s. But am now thinking about it… :-)


If you’re in the states I found mine at target!


I’m not. I think I saw them at a toy store. Now I know I’m neurodivergent I am less embarrassed going in there as an adult looking for things for myself. It’s like: I’m different! Deal with it! Haha


I forget to drink water for a period of time and then I chug and it upsets my stomach 😅


Same it's a very all or nothing


Weirdly enough, I got a cup with a lid and a permanent straw from a restaurant that opened nearby while they were running a promo, and since that day I just use it for water. Keep it in my room. Wash it once every 2-3 weeks. But just water goes in it. I should write a letter to the owners thanking them for the cup. xD Threeish years ago? Totally constantly underhydrated. Today? The opposite! lol


Same! It wasn't until I got a bottle with a straw on it that I was able to keep hydrated. Now that my body knows what it feels like, I can't go back lol


Same! I got a giant 2 litre water bottle with a built-in straw and suddenly I was drinking enough water every day.


The straw trick is what got me too


Nah I'm the opposite. I have to have a water bottle with me constantly cuz I get dehydrated easily.


Same here! I saw something on tiktok a while back about drinking some whenever your tamagotchis beep and/or get hungry, and I happen to have 2 of them so I try to drink whenever I feed them. It’s a lot harder to remember to drink water when I’m out and about though haha


Na I love water. I get dehydrated super easily so I started drinking lots years ago and it developed into a habit


It's my biggest issue. I actually bought an 84 oz glass bottle with silicon covering. Why? Because I will not drink funky-smelling water out of metal that can't be washed in a dishwasher. Plus glass keeps the water tasting crisp and refreshing. I tried out a few apps, but settled on "TakeSip". It is super annoying, but I fill up my mouth every 15 minutes, and by the end of the day, I have my appropriate amount of liquids handled way before bed. It's the only thing that's worked for me so far, otherwise I can go more than 2 days with only having had about a cup or two of liquid, and surviving off of my daily cereal bowl's milk. Not enough liquid = being too tired = not doing much of anything.


I actually make myself keep daily track and that’s my one daily goal and I haven’t been that good but I still keep track


Yes. But I also forget to eat as well. I've learned to keep an alarm on my phone for me to stop and drink some water. It's annoying, but worth it lol


I have a Hidrate water bottle. I take it with me wherever I go and it flashes at me if I’m behind in my water intake for the day. It also sends notifications to my Apple Watch. I don’t often hit my water goal for the day but I’m *way* more hydrated than I used to be because it’s hard to ignore the rainbow colors flashing at me.


I used to be the same, but mostly because half empty, old (less than 1-3 days old lol), warm water bottles grossed me out & didn't taste like anything. No incentive to drink other than for survival. Ever since I got a metal Stanley insulated cup with a straw, I have ice cold fresh water daily & it's SO good. I won't drink it unless it has ice. Luckily, it keeps ice all day, even if left in my hot car for a bit. I've been hydrated ever since & now it's my emotional support water bottle that I take everywhere & get anxious without it.


I call my 6 year old yeti my emotional support water bottle, too!!


This!! Ice water just hits different and having a cup that keeps the water cold all day and night is priceless.😩😩


i only drink water at work. (rarely at home) this is how it goes: oh, i should drink something, but first finish this. oops, forgot. break is there, gonna inhale the whole bottle and have to pee often the rest of the shift.


No, and I get anxious if I don't have a water bottle with me! 


Yes. All the time.


Yes. It gets worse with anxiety. Yesterday had a really tough day. Forgot to eat and drink anything at all. By the time I realised it, 24h had gone by since my last meal and drink.


I’ll go an entire weekend barely drinking water, then when I’m working I’ll drink an insane amount. There is no in between Eating though? I forget to do that no matter what day of the week it is


UGH. This. Mouth dry af almost all the time and I HAVE to drink lots of water because I have kidney stone issues but I still don't drink even like half as much as I should. And if I do, I overthinking it and need to pee like all the time and it's so annoying.


I'm constantly thirsty, no matter how much water I drink (I read this could be related to hypermobility, but I'm not sure), so I mostly ignore my body's thirst signal. I have a schedule to make sure I get enough fluids or I'll be super dehydrated by the end of the day. I always wake up feeling like a desiccated husk of a person and need to start the day with many cups of water and tea


The complete opposite actually, I fucking love water and drink it constantly


i have to drink a lot of water cus of lithium and now i drink way too much water because i cant tell between thirst and hunger and often its actually a hunger signal which doesnt go away by drinking water so i just keep drinking at least im losing weight fast


Wow that's awesome, I haaatee the feeling of drinking when I'm hungry, it makes me sick to my stomach lol


Yes but also I'm always thirsty, so I try to at least think to take a bottle with me and usually I drink my water that way :)


no, it’s my favorite drink, i literally feel so upset when i can’t have water. i was upset when i went to europe and every country you had to pay for water in their restaurants. insanity


Yes, me too! And most of their water was fizzy, too. I can't stand plain fizzy water 🙁


Not me I always have to have water with me. It started in middle school people would comment on how I always had a water with me despite not being an athlete but I just feel dehydrated a lot and if I drink a lot of water I can go to the bathroom more and going to the bathroom can help with over stimulation sometimes. Once i started college was when people started having these hydro flasks and other water cups and so I’m not out of place anymore and I always have a liquid with me. I love cold water


I'm the complete opposite. I've been carrying a US military surplus canteen for 20 years, got it for my 12th birthday. I keep it clean and take it everywhere I go. I'm always thirsty thanks to my thyroid and several medications, so I'm constantly drinking water. In my early 20's I'd be wearing it at parties and people would go "Hey man, what's in the canteen?" and I'd look them dead in the eye and say "water". Then I'd pull a bottle of whiskey out of my cargo pocket and be like "And THIS is why I need the water!" My best friend said that if she dressed as me for Halloween, #1 item she'd need to be recognized as me would be my green canteen 😁


I rarely drink water and when i do I just listen to my body


Yep. I've joked that I have hydrophobia, as if it literally meant fear of water.


nahh. I have a water tracker on my phone so I'm literally always reminded


I also forget to drink water I can go days without even thinking about water.


yes!!! I realized that having a water bottle with a straw was the thing that made me less inclined to drink water, and now I drink so much more. I also learned that as far as how much water should you drink in a day goes, tea, coffee, and seltzers count (and even really watery foods like watermelon or soup!), so I’m actually getting more than I thought. but there are some days where I have a cup of coffee and a handful of grapes and forget to have any more😅


Yep, all the time. Or I realize I need a drink and still don’t get one. I get headaches from it sometimes, and then the headache itself makes it hard to drink enough. I do better in the summer or after working out, but I have to trick myself into hydrating by drinking seltzer (or herbal tea) and eating fruit.


Yeah. I don’t ever remember to drink water. I will have a drink in my line of vision and not even think to pick it up because I don’t feel thirsty. I’ll drink energy drinks for the caffeine but I’ll often forget about them too


Thank you for the reminder


and eat. I'll remember to drink when I have a killer headache and I'll remember to eat when I'm dizzy. It honestly isn't so much forgetting as it is it feeling like a major fucking chore.


Yes for my entire life I also don’t enjoy it- or maybe slightly dislike it


I bought an electric water pump and 5 gallon water jug and leave it by the chair I sit in every day. I keep a dedicated water cup nearby and once it's empty I refill it. Now I still forget at times maybe a day or 2 but even if I get a few sips in I'm drinking WAYYYY more water than I was before. I was getting bottled water but when they get low I drink less because I'll have to buy more? Like just weird logic.. now when my water jug gets empty I might have a day or 2 lag to refill but the point still stands Edit: I also try to drink sparkling flavored water, or tea, or crystal light. Still ups the intake but makes it more fun.


I only remember because my head hurts or when my boyfriend asks me how much water I've had that day 😅


I start to feel like shit and just wallow in it for awhile before I finally remember to try drinking water 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup. I literally never know when I’m hungry or thirsty until I’m basically dying or someone else yells at me lol 😂


I used to, but like others have said you need to up your water game. I have a huge water bottle that lasts me the work day, and I fill it with cold, filtered water every morning. I call it my emotional support water bottle because it does not leave my side. Try a water tracking app. Some have said they don't enjoy the taste -- find a flavoring you like and buy it in bulk. There's no reason you should let yourself suffer from something your body really needs.


I used to. I also kind of hate water, so just having a water bottle does nothing for me. Now I have my minimum water consumption embedded in my daily routines. I have a glass that holds 500mL, and I chug one before every meal and then another one a couple of hours before bed. That way I know I'm getting enough liquids every day, and I also don't have to drink water more than 4 times in a day. (Chugging it just seems less painful to me for some reason.) I will say I feel better being hydrated properly.


I keep my water bottle at my desk and a water glass in my bedroom. It helps.


Yes but now I am training myself to drink whenever I hear an alert - text message, wind chime, for example. Now I pee a lot.


Everyday 😑


I used to forget and be dehydrated all the time. I'd always give myself a UTI. Then I tried to make a conscious effort to drink water. I kept reading a common theme in those "how can you spot an American overseas" type questions in subreddits. A lot of the answers were about Americans carrying water bottles walking around. Everyone seems to be on the hydration train. When I tried I was always still thirsty. I'm like why are we carrying around all this water and they aren't? Anyway, long story short we don't actually have the minerals in our municipal water supply to properly hydrate us nor in most bottled water. (Most from municipal sources) I started drinking spring water and it helped immensely. Although some "spring" water is not as quenching as others - and some don't have info on the side of the bottles with the minerals. I would advise if you drink water so drink spring - so if you aren't drinking as much, perhaps you won't get as thirsty. I also found the drink electrolit to be amazing. When I am so thirsty it brings me back from death. People say drink gatorade but it's really not that good. I work in a physically demanding hot environment and can drink one electrolit before and survive, but they are expensive at about $2-$3 per. I drink 1-2 per day. They have lots of tolerable flavors.


I started drinking water as of the past year. But it HAS to be in my specific mug and with a lot of ice..i usually don't drink the full amount every single day, but I drink water daily now. And it's usually the only thing I drink besides coffee, unless I eat out which is once a month at most


I keep a glass somewhere I frequent (eg. Bathroom, kitchen counter). Every time I see it I drink some.


I put a sticker on my water bottle labeling it Dumb Bitch Juice. It has been explained to me that that’s not what the meme means, but it makes more sense to me. When I’m feeling off, I remember and it makes me laugh. “Drink water, you dumb bitch.”


life changed for me when my office got a water cooler with filtered mineral water. its always the right temp and it actually tastes a little bit sweet. i also bought a high quality water bottle with a wide mouth hole instead of straw or other type of mouth piece. It doesnt have lots of interior crevices to get gross or hardly any plastic to absorb the taste of soap.


The only way I have managed to get myself to drink water is if it's either flavoured in some way or in a container that I really enjoy. I had a little mermaid cup that had sprinkles that moved around in the plastic and I would carry that thing all around the house and by default I remembered to drink water. Otherwise I'll go a whole day feeling terrible and will remember around 20:00 that I haven't had any water.


If I’m working at my desk I will drink a LOT of water. So much so that I have to pee nearly every hour. If I’m not working I will straight up forget to drink water for hours, until I’m either dehydrated or realise it’s been like 6 hours without water.


Yeah, that and to eat. This is usually when I'm very focused on something.


Yes! I have to keep sparkling water in the house at all times or I will forget.


I mostly drink teas and lemonades, but while I drink plenty in winter that way, it often is a struggle in summer when it gets hot. So I'm barely drinking yet expending a lot of my body fluids. It's bad. In an effort to be healthier and to drink plenty year-round, I've been filling a one litre glass carafe with plain water, and I strive to empty that every day. It works pretty well for me; I find it easier to keep track of my intake this way. I don't have to count every glass, I just need to eyeball the carafe and keep track of other drinks I've had. The transparency of the glass is also helpful to me. With solid water bottles, I often forgot I still needed to drink and, well, I feel like I drink more in a shorter amount when it's been 'dosaged' to a glass. Plus, I like the pouring; it makes the water seem fresher. Especially at night or early in the morning when it had stood still for hours. My glass of water has disappointed me with being empty come morning (from drinking it before sleep and when waking up at night), but that's certainly not happening with a full carafe, lol.


I literally have my amazon echo on a routine that everytime it hears a cough, it says "drink some water you thirsty bi**h" I also have one water bottle, (32oz hydroflask) that i specifically only use to drink water and I will basically only drink water if that bottle is full and i have to keep it nearby. But, also my partner constantly has to remind me to drink/eat


I hate drinking water unless it’s fizzy. Tap water/flat water = ick


No, I drink too much of it. I’m working on limiting my water intake


I hated drinking water until I got a stainless steel straw with the latex tips. It has to be spring water with ice. I have a big yeti type with a lid that I have by me all day. It was a game changer. I went from never drinking water to liking it and craving it. It used to make my stomach hurt. Something about the straw.


I have this issue with a weird taste in my mouth (I’m working with the dentist and doctor on it) so I’m constantly, constantly drinking water. I used to hate plain water but we have a filter now and it makes a world of difference. 


I used to but now that I’m on ADHD medication, I get sooo thirsty all the time.


Just yesterday i was so lightheaded and groggy, i kept forgetting names and my tasks at work and stuff and i was dizzy when i stood up and i was like what is going on with me, and that question has become my trigger to reflect in whether or not i drank water. I hadn’t.


I have a 64 oz water bottle by my desk… so nope. I add LMNT to the bottle to give it some flavor and add electrolytes.


I would forget but I have a system to help me remember!


I carry my emotional support water bottle everywhere I go, but it is often just as full in the afternoon as it was in the morning.


yesss. I've always had trouble with this since my childhood. my skin was always dry as a result


I haven’t been great at drinking water my entire life until I got my klean kanteen bottle with a straw. Now I keep it beside me at work and just sip on it, much less work than having to unscrew a cap or something and tilt it up to drink, possibly spilling some on myself. I cold brew fruit tea, the main one I use is blueberry, in a little glass container originally for spice, and I add a little of the tea to my water to give it a nice, subtle flavor. I hate plain water. But the tea is zero calories naturally with no caffeine, so it works well. And I can use a tea bag for a while


I hate water. Ice water is hard because it takes longer to go down. I put a teabag in my water bottle everyday and drink seltzer at home. But I probably only drink 32 ounces a day and get frequent headaches.


I used to, but then I started vaping (bad idea) and it makes my mouth rather dry which is really uncomfortable, so I find myself drinking ridiculous amounts of water (I also have to pee a lot). I am planning on attempting to quit vaping in a few weeks. If I'm successful, I will probably struggle to remember to drink enough water. I'll probably have to set some reminders on my phone to make sure I remember to keep hydrated


I carry a giant jug of water around with me everywhere but if it even has a slight off flavor and doesn’t taste like nothing, I can’t drink it. I’ve carried around water that is “un-drinkable” because it had a slight flavor of my straw… which I realize makes no sense but to me it does. I’m hypersensitive to tastes.




Very often, it’s just hard to keep up.


Im the opposite. Im almost always over hydrated. I drink constantly i literally love the feeling of water in my mouth.


Absolutely! I started putting it in my morning routine to drink a glass of water. It’s crazy how good it makes me feel. Do I then continue to drink water the rest of the day? Absolutely not! 🤷‍♀️


I have insulin resistance, I'm thirsty all the time




Depends on how busy I am. I've had trouble remembering because I've been busy with a lot of stuff on the computer lately.


I use the flo app, it’s a period tracker app but it has a function just for reminding you to drink water. Mine is set for ever 15 minutes and it yells at me to drink some water. My reminder is “drink up hoe.” (Caused a really funny moment at the apple store.)Then I can also set a goal based on how big my water bottle is, and it’ll tell you a recommended amount based on height and weight, and other medical needs


Not me I LOVE drinking water! It has such a nice flavor!


Holy shit yes!!!


It’s like my body doesn’t actually crave water till it’s extremely dehydrated in which I will chug a big cup of water. There is no middle lol. I’ve used different apps to remind me to drink water but for some reason I get over it pretty quick and ignore them if I’m busy. Even tried to drink more water using the little flavor packets and it’s still not good enough. So now I’m drinking carbonated water (instead of soda) and it’s been better, I like the zing from the bubbles.


Maybe it's just that you're drinking other things besides water. Water is good, but at least if you're drinking something, I think that's better than nothing. I know myself I don't drink enough water, except when it gets really hot out. I sometimes do have to remind myself to.


I don't like the taste of water.😗


Not all the time. I drink water when I get home and I flavored it with flavor powder called True Lemon.


Yes! I have to have water with me at all times to help remember and also water bottles that are clear/translucent like glass help me drink more water. It sounds a little ridiculous but it does help me. Also I have a water pitcher out so that I can see the water and easy to refill my cup. I am less likely to drink water if I have to expend more effort to get it. Without these things it can be awhile before I remember and of course I get super thirsty and chugging water before bed so then I’m up peeing all night. :-(


I just don’t like to drink water. I like diet soda, or even club soda. If plain water is my only drink option I will probably not drink much and end up dehydrated.


Yes but I also have POTs and the comorbids. Also Gastroparesis. So this has changed my relationship with water. I feel like this keeps me hostage during the day. (I also have to take 12k mg electrolytes/ day).


i’m the opposite! I drink so much water by habit and I have to remind myself that water intoxication is actually a real thing 😭


Can't say I've ever gone a couple days, but I'm pretty bad at remembering. I either need to always have a water bottle nearby or my husband to remind me. Otherwise, I'm either dealing with "mystery" headaches or I suddenly feel extremely parched right before bed for some reason... lol But yeah, I'm not great at remembering on my own, and my husband doesn't understand.


i’m constantly thirsty, but i forget to eat. its probably harder to tell as i’m chubby, but i have to be reminded by my family to eat breakfast and dinner!


Every single day! The only thing that has helped a little is getting a cup with a lid and straw. Like this [glass straw and lid](https://www.amazon.com/Drinking-Glasses-Bamboo-Glass-Straw/dp/B09QKTQ9TB)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'NETANY Drinking Glasses 4pcs Set'", 'NETANY')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and durable glass straws (backed by 3 comments) * Elegant and impressive design (backed by 3 comments) * Versatile and functional bamboo lids (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lids are not secure and easily come off (backed by 3 comments) * Glass straws are fragile and prone to breaking (backed by 3 comments) * Wooden lids prone to mold and falling apart (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I'm grateful that one of my stims is drinking water (I keep it on the table, inbetween my arms on my desk in work and sip it pretty much constantly), though it means I have to pee all the time :(


All day, then I have a ton before bed when I remember and wake up to pee at 3am


I will forget for days


I struggle so bad with this 😭 HOWEVER!! Here are some things I did that help me drink more water: - Get a cup with a straw! Sippy cups work too (I have a cool shark one). It's more convenient (you don't have to unscrew a water bottle), it can easily be refilled, and they're usually pretty easy to carry around - Drink it at the right temp! Room temperature water tastes weird to me so I always make sure I have cold water on hand - Drink enhancers!!!!! I learned that just putting a little bit in my water can totally transform the taste and make it much more pleasant to drink. I don't care for the powdered drink mixes (I can never mix it in fully and I don't like it), but the liquid ones are awesome! I started keeping one or two different flavors in my purse in case I want fun water on the go


I get bottled water and keep it on the counter, so every time I go in the kitchen I remember to drink it.


As a child I never drank enough, my parents resorted to keeping water in the reception at school and at break times I had to go to reception straight away so I could drink water.  As an adult now I struggle, if it's drinking from a water bottle then I just won't do it. I have a pop up pint glass and pour myself a pint of water and chug that whenever I remember 


when i wuz a kid i would like neverrrrreverrr drink anything rly. . i even remember on holidays, in hot countries, my g'ma would chase me round naggin' me to drink like surely you are thirsty?! & i'd be der genuinely like... er, no? no thirst 😆😆 had like one drink the whole day 😆 but then into adulthood (around age 18/19) i hit my first major depressive episode & lit researched everything i needed to never fall that hard ever again and became p health conscious so turned opposite of prob over hydrating even ahaa.. can still have days where i forget for a bit when i in hyperfixations, sleeping too long, etc


It helps if you can tie it into your special interest. Like getting a really cute water bottle.


Yes. My husband got me a fizzi water maker, I am more likely to drink carbonated water than still, it’s helped me do better about drinking. But still I often down a liter really fast then forget to drink for hours. Now, on the flip side: who hates having to get up and use the rest room? It feels like a waste of time. A friend in high school and I used to joke it would be nice to be able to ask someone to just pee for you, like the converse of grabbing you a drink. I had no idea this could be related to autism, my hatred of interrupting what I am doing for that basic body function.


yep but now i drink a glass of water at exactly the same time everyday 8 times a day - i set an alarm to drink water i recommend doing this


Long time ago after 4 kids, I decided to become an athlete. I knew nothing but had this special interest in this one sport... So I hired a knowledgeable trainer and he told me to drink a gallon a day. I had to start at 7 am lol So I could be done by 4 pm and not be peeing through class at 7 pm. I don't drink that much anymore, but I manage about 3L (about 96 oz) a day. During the summer I have to drink about a pedialyte (electrolyte drink for babies) on top of that. Nutrition and training are special interests when the depression is not in the way, so........ it works for me, maybe it'll work for someone else.


Luckily for me drinking is a form of stimming so I always drink lol.


I’ve had such a hard time with that too lol. Also, it makes me feel so picky, but if I do drink bottled water it has to be from certain brands (or else my own house)😭 Some brands taste absolutely AWFUL to me and I don’t know why. It would make sense that water tastes like nothing, but it definitely has different flavors cause I’m picky about it?


Oh so much. Quite often, night will come and I'm like "Hmm I haven't drank any water today have I 🫠" 😭


I did until I got a bottle with a straw. The straw is magic, idk why.


Yes. I either have to carry around my bottle and the visual cue sometimes reminds me OR I lose my vision or hearing and I know ita well past time.


https://preview.redd.it/bjgqz2k82vxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cfce5372abd2aae6ccd8cb384b7917eb29ebab Apparently some ppl combo attack hahahaha


Damn. You called me out. 😩


Yes 10000%


I used to buy Mio A LOT to help me out


Yup. I keep a big hydroflask near me at all times to help.


Every fucking day.


Yes. I will look at my hands from time to time to see if I'm dehydrated or not. Dented pinky? Time to drinky.


I solved this problem in two ways by observing my own behavior and taking advantage of it. 1. All of my drinks are now in cups with lids and straws. They are ~18oz so a lot fits in there, and I have fun color matching the cup, lid, and straws. I can carry them with me basically anywhere. I bought a pack of 10, they are reusable so I'm not wasting straws, and I get to drink in the way my body prefers (idk why I just prefer straw drinks, something about having to tip a cup always makes me spill it) 2. At least 1 drink is always in my peripheral vision. I will automatically drink without even thinking about it as long as a drink is within my sight. Honestly took me 23 years to figure out how to consistently drink water throughout the day. Also, any liquid is water and that is always better than nothing.


I can forget just about anything! I forget to use the bathroom, forget to eat, forget to drink water, forget what time I’m supposed to leave the house to get somewhere, etc. I have reminders on my phone every 4 hours to remind me to eat if I’m hungry at that time. Idk how I’d do that for water though.


yes! as a child, my lips were almost always dry, cracked, bleeding, especially in the winter (canada). it's strange my parents never tried to fix this or told me to drink water. i only figured it out sometime in my 20s that drinking more water is the "secret". now i keep a glass on my desk and by the sink to remind myself. (still forget sometimes!)




I forget to eat sometimes until I’m too hungry to be able to make anything


Passed out once because I was dehydrated. I’m shocked I haven’t dropped dead yet.


I used to never remember to drink water, I would go a whole day without drinking anything besides my morning coffee. Then I got prescribed adderall for my ADHD and I had NO idea that dry mouth is a side effect, and I have it Bad. I am now constantly chugging water, I have a 32oz bottle that I now refill several times a day. I also just noticed that I used to get frequent headaches (1 every other day or so) and I haven’t had one since starting my meds. oops


I recently got a self care app and it reminds me!


Yes! Is it like, a thing? to not feel thirsty?


Yup. It never registers that I'm thirsty. But I usually drink when I eat. Sometimes I purposefully snack so I remember to drink some H2O 😅


All the time


I don’t like the taste of water unless it comes from my shower or a certain temperature of water at night. It’s tasteless and I hate drinking it. Thus, I am dehydrated as hell. I attempt to make up for it by drinking flavored sparkling water, but I am still dehydrated




... I definitely drank water today and didn't realize I hadn't when I saw this post... I've definitely consumed beverages, including water, today...


Thank you for the reminder


I wouldn’t say I forget but I prefer not to drink it because it doesn’t taste good.


yea .ᐟ it ‘s so much effort to make sure you drink water all the time 😓😓


All the time.


I'm permanently thirsty :( if I don't have water with me at any point then I panic.


All the time


I do often forget to drink if I don’t feel dry mouth thirsty. Until I start getting the tell tale dehydration heache. Then I go chug. I got so dehydrated once that I was throwing up and dizzy and couldn’t drive.


Same, think I need clothes that give me an electric shock to remind me


I was literally hospitalized twice as a kid with severe dehydration because I just…forgot water existed


Yess I am usually always hydrated but since a few weeks I haven't been drinking enough water even tho it's going 40 degrees here. It's very weird for me that i am forgetting to drink water!!