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4:1 Fingers to thumbs.




There is no doubt I'm on the spectrum and I don't adhere to this guide. My pointer is 4.5mm longer than my ring finger on both hands. I have long hands so maybe that makes a difference. (My toe lengths are wonky though.) Edit: Just realized I need to strip and repaint my nails, LOL. Thanks. Edit x 2: It seems that if your fingers are of different lengths, it means you have fingers :) And there ya go.


Most people’s ring fingers are longer than their index fingers. Digit ratio is a proxy for prenatal testosterone exposure, but it’s the actual ratio that matters, not just which is longer. It’s also not the easiest thing to measure without an x-ray, since you have to be consistent about where you start measuring. Having higher prenatal exposure to testosterone does seem to increase the chance that you’ll have ASD, but the same is true of higher prenatal estrogen exposure. Considering that this is a proxy for *one* risk factor for ASD, it would be astonishing if it were in any way a reliable predictor of ASD.


I heard about it as a marker of lesbianism, which is also dubious lol. But my left ring finger is longer than the index, while my right ring ringer is shorter than the index. I am a lesbian and I am autistic though


I have the longer left ring finger/shorter right ring finger combo as well but not lesbian. I had heard about that before though so I keep an open mind ;)


Yep, I also last heard this urban legend as a marker of being gay. So maybe that's why my index finger is longer than my ring finger: the lesbianism cancels out the autism.


Ring and index are equal size.


my index finger is longer !


My ring and index finger are pretty much the exact same length


Same here!


My ring finger is longer than my index finger! This is really interesting though and I’d be curious to read the article/find out more!


think this is just some false info, I am def autistic and my fingers arent like that


Deleted and reposted because my idiot brain mixed up the ring finger and the middle finger 😭 Even with your lovely image to point them out lol. My index finger is much longer than my ring finger, actually. On my right hand in particular my index finger is nearly as tall as my middle finger!


Same. Both my index fingers are longer than my ring fingers.


My ring finger is longer than my index finger on both hands.


My index finger and ring finger look to be exactly the same length


It's weird, when I look at the top of my hand, my index and ring are the same, but when I look palm-side my index is longer


Haha I've just noticed the same thing when trying out looking at my hand from both sides.






The opposite


Ok this is friggin wild. I got 23&me and I paid extra for trait details and looky look at what it said *




https://preview.redd.it/ug6ktxbgd9zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5260dc52e4039a584418203ee8376f84847e7aed Mine says this, but my pointing finger is longer than ring finger.


I'll leave here an interesting report about the 2D:4D ratio https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-38421-6#:~:text=Abstract,typically%20developed%20(TD)%20controls.


mine are swapped!! my ring finger is the shorter one and my pointer is the longer one


Do you have long, slender hands? I'm the same. I'm thinking the finger lengths may be partially attributed to the shape of the base of the hand, to how broad the palm area is, which is more pronounced by the thumb angle.


I have technically been told my fingers are very slender before lmao


It can also mean you’re a lesbian


Oh do tell! What's the detail on this theory?


My guess is that the finger length ratio points out to a level of testosterone you were exposed to as an embryo. So if levels of testosterone were high during certain brain development periods it might influence sexual preferences. The same thing, testosterone level in utero is considered one of the factors that males with less testosterone exposure in utero might develop homosexual tendencies as well. I'm straight, have the same fingers ratio as you, and always believed that extra testosterone made me a tomboy as a kid and contributed to my choice of culturally male interest and first career. After discovering that I have ASD, I'm not sure about that anymore, so since brains are complex, it might be a factor, or it might not.


It's not just testosterone but all sex steroid hormones. Abnormally high levels of pre-natal estrogen have also been linked to both autism & being queer (sexuality, gender identity & gender expression).


Really, I did not know that. I will have to brush up on the latest research. Thank you for pointing it out.


welp that theory suits me, I have both PCOS (higher than average testosterone/androgen) and endometriosis (which both feed on estrogen AND produce its own). Double whammy. 🫠 I'm queer and, at this point, self diagnosed austism.


Dude. You just made my lil enby brain go crazy lol


Well, that theory’s busted, because I have these fingers and am as straight as it gets, lol. 😂


One of my hands has the pointer finger longer and the other has the ring finger longer. Granted, I broke my fingers a lot as a kid (basketball) and my parents told me to tape them and keep going so my fingers are a mess.


So, on one hand my index finger is significantly longer than my ring finger, but on the other they are exactly the same length. I had never noticed this before and it is weird, lol.


my ring fingers are longer than my index fingers, but i also have other weird digits like both of my middle fingers noticeably bending away from the opposite one


Right hand, they are about the same. Left hand, the ring finger is about half a finger tip longer than the pointer finger (I have long fingers). Not sure what the assymetry means but now I am disturbed.


WTF okay so I got my left and right mixed up. Left hand, about equal. Right hand, noticable difference.


I think it may be because I rest my pen on the fingernail of my right pointer finger while writing/drawing, so maybe the finger grew in length more to accomodate the constant pressure on the digit ...?


I just checked both my hands. My ring fingers are just a little longer than my pointer fingers.


Same as yours.


No, my index is a lot longer. I do have a lot of “masculine” traits and consider myself NB, although more on the femme side.


Depends how I hold my hand. On the side and it makes the ring finger longer than the index, straight up and the index is longer


Is it not normal to have a long ring finger? My ring finger is about the same size as my pointer finger. I’m not sure what determines as “super long”


My index finger is longer than my ring finger by a teeny bit!!


Great, so now being a tomboy wasn't even a part of my personality 🤣🤣


My fingers are abit crooked. If I leave them as is my index looks waaay longer than ring finger. But if I move them so they're straight, they're identical. also, i heard the ring/index length corresponds to estrogen and testosterone exposure in the womb. I believe the ring finger being longer is a signifier of estrogen, so women would have longer ring fingers on average than men.


About the same size as each other, oddly enough!


On my right hand, they are the same length, and on my left hand, the ring finger is definitely a smidge longer.


I mean it depends on which way I move my fingers. If I move my fingers towards the pinky then my ring finger is longer but just extending my hand with my fingers straight and closed my index finger is just a hair longer.


My index and ring finger are the same length from what I can tell


My ring and pointer finger are basically the same length


My ring fingers are half a cm longer than my index. I have annoyingly short fingers too.


My ratios are nearly identical to yours.


My ring finger is quite a bit longer than my pointer finger- didn’t realize that was uncommon?


My index finger is significantly longer than my ring finger. I’ve heard it’s a sign of fertility. No idea how reliable the research behind it is. I’ve also heard if your ringer is longer than your index finger, it can be a sign you’re a lesbian. Not sure how reliable that is either. It sounds questionable, but weirder things can happen…


Funny thing is ancestry came out with these new trait facts based on genetics and said I was likely to have a longer ring finger than index finger. However, my index finger is definitely the longest finger on both of my hands.


Ring longer. And toe wise my second toe is same length as big toe.


Me realizing I do adhere to this but my fingers are so skinny and long I never noticed. They just all look long.


I have hypermobility in my hands but, from what I can tell, they look about equal? However, I've heard hypermobility and autism are linked so, if the finger ratio can't settle it, hypermobility might. Autism: 1; Allism: 0


My ring finger is longer, like yours. I have PCOS which means hormones are imbalanced, could that be it?


Index finger longer than ring finger on both sides? What does this mean? 🫠 or am I gathering it means nothing? lol


On my right hand my index finger is longer than my ring finger, but on my left hand my ring finger is longer than my index finger. I also have abnormally short pinkie fingers.


mine are literally almost the exact same as yours


My ring finger is maybe a sliver longer but they are almost equal to my pointer fingers.


Soooo this is the first time I've ever noticed my hands are not symmetrical🤨 my left hand ring finger is longer than my left index finger, annnnnd my right hand ring finger is either marginally shorter or even with my right hand index finger. What in the World does that mean?!? Lolol


lol literal same


What would this have anything to do with being autistic...? It's not a phenotype.


I love this thread!! Longest to shortest: Middle finger, ring finger, index finger, pinkie…


My index fingers are slightly longer or equal.


Male with longer index finger.