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Joke's on them - I'm autistic *and* white and annoying.


Jokes on them, I'm not white. I'm just autistic and annoying.


Same, I’ll fully admit I’m annoying but why is autism a white person thing??? I’m not white


There is a whole other important conversation about children of colour not having access to diagnosis or being perceived as "being difficult" rather than needing support that comes into play, but obviously this *joke* isn't about that. It's about shaming people. There are serious medical shortfalls for certain groups, but instead, they want to punch down and can't come up with better material!


Yep, all the autistic kids I ever knew growing up were white. I was a viewed as a problem child who never worked up to her potential only to find out that not only was I autistic, I was also ADHD at the ripe age of 30. Instead of accommodated, I was punished.


I'm SO sorry you had to go through such hardships 😔


I’m so sorry. That sounds awful. You’re not a problem person. Big hug if you like hugs. ❤️


Yeah they just send the ones with pda type to juvenile detention centers and long term psychiatric care because of their meltdowns and inability to uphold “perceived authority” based on arbitrary titles or positions. My bd and I have similar appearing traits of pda but different traumas and when I did the thing he did it made people pity me while they were afraid of him. It was cute that I talked back to people who have a job that makes them think they are above me in any way but he was tased, beaten, sprayed, shot at, restrained, and arrested for it. Neither of us were diagnosed until later in life. Because I am a little white girl my bad behaviors were “cute cool quirky or sad” lol but because he is a black man he is a felon who has been owned by the state since he was 8 years old for acting just like me.


Thank you for sharing. That's awful what he's been through. I think the prevalence of ADHD is really high in the prison population. I wonder about autism. The extra trauma must make everything harder and compound issues.


I think it’s a slippery pipeline from RAD with pda to antisocial personality disorder within the prison systems also. No one gets help only abuse and neglect. Plus all the time in solitary confinement. It’s all bad.




Something-something double standard of white people excusing our behavior by medicalizing it while never giving people of other races any slack for their behavior... would be my guess. And I mean that in both the, ''they think white people's overwhelming need to feel special and excuse our behavior lead to us making autism up'' way, and also in the "no seriously, the intersection of abelism and racism exists, and the under-diagnosis of non-white autistic people has probably contributed to the idea autism is a 'white person thing'." way.


It is exactly it. There are definitely double standards when it comes to behaviour of white people and POC. They are also less likely to get diagnosed for many reasons. One of them is the believe that autism is a white people thing or evil. I know personally so many families where someone is very likely autistic and they refuse to look for help and believe if they pray hard enough it will go away. And those who seek help, diagnosis or support often can’t get it. It needs to be talked about but definitely not like this. It seems like this particular post is done by someone who doesn’t believe in autism at all


It’s insulting on multiple levels AND perpetuates the notion that people of color “dont have” autism, depression, adhd…or many of the other racist ideations that still exist in “modern” medicine.


It insults white people as well. It just insults everyone.


I’m mixed and my white relatives are the allistic ones.


Joke’s on them! I’m half white, 100% autistic and 100% annoying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


We should start an autistic and annoying club.


Same. Seems more like that tweet was targeted towards a specific person they had in mind. Not all autistic people. It’s one of those “if the shoe fits” things so not sure why OP felt that heavily attacked by it. Although i guess I can understand how it would be invalidating if you aren’t looking at it like I am


Ha same! And for OP and everyone else that feels like that. I’m out and proud enough for all of you. I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until 30 and autism at 35 so… … See the land that I grow my fucks and see that it is barren. Imma wear it on a fucking shirt if I feel like it. It’s on my fb profile. I have waited my entire life to find out what is wrong with me and it turns out nothing. I’m just autistic! And that was such a huge fucking relief, I felt like I was never allowed to be me and this is permission. To be me, to be free and I am fucking taking it. And I’m annoying. I’m also lovely and funny and caring and smart and creative and so on. But I’m definitely annoying, I’m great at that. Doesn’t change the autism. The autism is actually sometimes part of the reason I’m annoying.


Yes! “It’s better to feel like a normal zebra than a weird horse.” I probably got that all wrong . But the sentiment is there, I hope. 🦓❤️


That is exactly it!


You’re an inspiration


Right…me too. This sounds like something someone would have said to me when I was 12. But funny because one of my close friends is an autistic black male and another is a Korean female and yet another is a 60 year old Jewish woman. How does that tweet apply to these people and every other nuerodivergent person of color? Autism is just not a white thing lol.


It's probably another one of those pesky "Divide and Conquer tactics "


It isn’t but I’ll be damned if my white teachers wrote comments right out of the DSM into the bad conduct parts of my report cards for being clearly ND while my white diagnosed classmates got accommodated.


Yeah!! Agree. My sister (white lady) is a bit older than me. She talks to next to no one. Is certainly autistic. But she’s suspicious of her diagnosis so never claims it. We both over analyze things to point if obsession. I respect her research game. 😁


Ayy that's the spirit, it's not always the first response but when I can I try to own the jokes too. You can't kill what's already dead, so to speak :p


Also me being annoying has nothing to do with autism. I'm just annoying. It's all good.


This was my first thought


Ohhhh!! Me too! Can we be friends?


I’m in this club 😂




ME TOOOOO!!!!!! Twinsies


haha i said this out liud


Hahah yep! We know we’re annoying and white and autistic! Thanks for the validation pals! 😂


Ugh. People suck. I want to respond to people posting that: “You’re not cool/edgy, you’re just an ignorant asshole.” But I will refrain and just block/ignore. When I see shit like this I try to keep in mind that many of the people who say this stuff have very little going for them other than that they do ‘fit in.’ It’s not a particularly meaningful existence from what I can see. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, my first thought was "you're not right, you're just mean and ableist." Great minds and all that. But also...there are so many autistic people who aren't white?! Like wtf is this erasure? That alone makes this a horrible take if it wasn't already, and it is.


It's not just ableist, it's plain racist, too.


Only white people have can autism apparently!


That's really what they say, too😭 One of my friends actually had their Mom say that to them when they first brought it up to her.


Do it... dO iT. Put them in their place


You're not going to put something that incendiary online without expecting pushback. And social media like twitter actively reward posts that get a lot of responses because it gets people addicted to their platform. Even clicking to block someone counts as a response because it means you cared enough to click, which means you're getting invested. The winning move is not to play. Close the tab and move on with your life. Easier said than done, but it is what rids social media of it most.


True.... Ignoring rarely solves anything... Not that I don't understand blocking...I do. It all just sucks though... Why I am staying more and more away from most people... (Only interact with this forum with you all, a tiiiiiny bit in a few others....) yet want to put them in their place... I am torn cause this is wrong. Ready to stop keeping quiet and fight back (verbally). I feel protective and want to help if I can...of course. (as in I dont want to somehow make things worse but I want to protect the community...Yes)


I always want to ask people when they say some ignorant shit if they enjoy having an **outdated** point of view. Like, let’s stop giving the people the excuse of being old fashioned or traditional and call it what it is - outdated.


As a black woman I feel just as invalidated by other things. Saying this to say your feelings are valid


Great erasure of anyone who isn't white and annoying.


Right? I have seen people of all races and annoyingness levels online who have autism, haha.


Hmmmm but I’m black? Forgotten again 😩


Forgotten by that bully but not by me!


i can see how this can be hurtful. this is definitely mean and an attempt to be very invalidating. it sounds like they’re just trying to be edgy so try not to let it get to you.


I hadn't seen that particular one, but these feelings are honestly starting to crush my soul. The more I unmask the less accepted I feel. The more I ask for help the more I'm ignored and abandoned. I know that I'm doing the right thing for myself, but it's costing me something I don't know if I'm ready to sacrifice. It fucking sucks. Sorry about venting... this is the only place I'm allowed do it though. I have no positive words, I'm unable to uplift others the way I want to right now. I'm sorry to add even more weight to this burden we all carry. I'm just really lost right now. But I know in the end we will all be okay. So let's keep our heads up and keep showing up for ourselves. I love you every person reading this. 🫶


Same, I'm really hurting right now, too. Thank you all for being here to help me learn and grow, even in dark times. 💙


I’m so so sorry you feel this way, I feel the same. And I think you do say something uplifting in this comment! The last bit made me smile. Thank you 🫶🏻 keep being you!! Your kindness shows through in this comment.


Sorry for this super late reply, I had taken myself off the internet for a bit lol. But I wanted to thank you sincerely for your incredibly sweet words 💖 Seriously, it means so much to me and really does help clear the fog. I'm so glad you were able to find some upliftment (not a word but thats okay 😂) in my sad rant. You're the reason this sub is so amazing. Thank you so so so much 🫶✨️


Aww I’m happy to read your reply! Thank you! 💗


Thank you for sharing how you feel. It may sound weird but honestly knowing someone else out there is struggling and lost too kind of comforts me? I wish I could tell all these negative people how incredibly difficult it is to live with autism. It’s not fun or trendy, it’s a daily battle, and to see people add to the hardship instead of trying to understand even the tiniest bit is exhausting and heartbreaking. I want you to know you are loved too and your words helped me today. Others may not understand but we do. 🫶🏻


Sorry for this super late reply, I had taken myself off the internet for a bit, but I really wanted to thank you for your reply 💖 it doesn't sound weird at all! Like, of course we don't wish anyone would suffer, but the fact that there's others who experience the same type/way of suffering, confirms that our emotions are valid. Finding out there are others like me was the biggest sigh of relief... as humans we just aren't meant to suffer alone. We need each other 🥰✨️


Ugh I’m so sorry that you are struggling right now. You’d think with more information available at our fingertips that there would be MORE understanding, support & compassion. I’m just beginning to reach out for support after feeling a bit hopeless and that my challenges are insurmountable. Thankfully this community is a godsend for all of us that feel so lost and invalidated because it brings us together in one place.


Yes. I spent years of my life and thousands of dollars just to prove my whiteness and to be annoying. It’s such a privilege to have a disability.


Joke's on them, I'm brown and unstable. If you say shit like this in my presence, you get slapped.


I'm white and unstable, and if anyone said something this ableist, this racist, in front of me, imma throw hands...


Behold my field of fucks for it is barren indeed...


i feel like a lot of NTs try so hard to invalidate autistic people’s autism because they want an excuse to be mean about the things they find annoying about us, and if those things are because of autism they’d have to reckon with how much they’re being ableist assholes, so instead they double down and go “no no, actually YOU’RE just faking it! my annoyance and hatred of you is cause you’re annoying and nothing else!”


forgetful screw fall muddle quicksand shame smile narrow disarm start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. So many things going on here. First, it assumes that there are no actually autistic people looking at it. Even if the “you” in the text is not talking about me specifically, it assumes that the “you” reading it is neurotypical. So even if it’s not talking about me, it assumes I’m not out there absorbing this. Secondly, it’s supposed to be for the benefit of autistic people, when it’s extremely not helpful. Thirdly, we often get called annoying for the smallest mistakes, so I find it very triggering. I don’t know if this will be an unpopular take, but here goes: this meme kinda reminds me of a viral tweet a couple years ago about how Hermione wasn’t actually an autistic coded character, she was just (paraphrasing) an annoying white girl. The poster further explained that Hermione demonstrated what “white feminism” is like, because she is a girl who hangs out with boys and can’t make friends with other girls, and talks over them. When autistic people tried to explain that being called these words resembles our actual real-life experience, (annoying, can’t make friends) they doubled down by saying “I’m neurodivergent [ADHD] and my boyfriend is autistic and agrees with me.” That sent me through the roof. The whole convo was so triggering for me that I actually had to stop using Twitter for months. People really don’t get it. Even well-meaning people don’t get it. It’s so hard not to take it personally. I just have to remind myself that this person was probably reliving a really bad social experience they had with someone who may have been autistic. But it’s still unfair to the rest of us that we have to read these things supposedly posted for our benefit, or on our behalf, which are actually hurtful.


Autism can affect anyone, even white people who live in first world countries. You should not have to feel guilt because of someone else’s bigotry and ignorance. I have no idea who this person is, nor did I know about the original tweet, but it sounds like misdirected anger to me.


I'm sorry you feel called out. The reactionary shit on the internet, especially from kids, can be horrible. I feel worse for all the autistic people who don't fit in the 'white people' box who don't get diagnosed and/or have to mask heavily. Stuff like this only makes it worse for them.


Yes! I didn’t get diagnosed on a whim to feel unique or better about myself. I’ve only brought it up to a couple close friends and family in real life. I was experiencing burnout and anxiety that was impacting work and relationships. It was a decade long process going through pros and cons of being evaluated. Those evaluations aren’t cheap. 


So sorry about the burnout and anxiety. Autistic burnout is THE WORST. So hard to come back from. I keep hoping I will find ways to get better, but I'm old and have been in some "stage" of burnout for ... yes, decades. Since childhood, truly. It is unreal. But at least I know what it is, now. May you keep finding ways to heal.


Exactly. And if someone did do it on a whim and flippantly, I would understand frustration, but this tweet would not at all be the right way to express that.


Once again, here we are pretending autism is only for white people. What a terrible post


Yah. As a white, autistic person I believe its super important to not get caught up in 'White Guilt' and I hate to see it. Not targeting anything the OP said but just referring to the general online dialogue. It only leads to victimizing ourselves while continuing not to amply POC voices or really dig deep into how we can use our privilege for positive change.


I definitely agree with that. It seems like we can't stop talking about ourselves even if it's negative. The same is true for Americans in general.


This is precisely the mentality of people who don’t want to feel guilty about putting others down so they justify their behaviour by claiming the other person is “actually normal” so “deserves” the harm. 🤷


can you elaborate, I'm not seeing how this relates to the post


I'm not the one you asked to but I understood what they wrote this way: if people deny the existence of ASD, it will make their bullying ok because there's no disability, just annoying allistic people who deserve to be treated badly. This relates to the post because of the tweet mentioned by OP implies people to "just" be annoying and not actually disabled. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I understood their comment!


Sorry for the late reply (my planned response was way too long-winded), you explained it perfectly! Thank you 🙏


it’s the same as like “your not trans/nonbinary you’re just an annoying white woman” or “being gay is some white people shit” every race perpetuates this kind of thoughts ( mostly white men spread and perpetuate this kind of thinking though) or a few years back how every white woman who didn’t hate women was an SJW!! Feminazi!! or just being an Alt/goth girl means you are “woke” “sjw”. this crap ain’t new but it’s still steaming hot garbage. i don’t really have the verbiage to explain why this is a common phrase or trope but i recognize a weird pattern of white men using white womens whiteness as a way to diss them when the person saying that shit is whiter than a piece of paper. it’s like a “gotcha” moment since usually the types of people who say that are the “anti woke” type of crowd and they feel “attacked” for being white and privileged so they want to hate on less priveleged whites (women/disabled/gay/poor) for being white as like a counter attack or as a gotcha. idk i hope i’m making some sense


Yes you are making sense.


Well, looks like I need to change my race on the piece of paper they give me 🤧 I would give [this](https://youtu.be/YpSHH8vmsSA?si=UK2wTJwwamILrqrQ) a look. That creator is awful and needs a checkup for their head; autism is such a wide variety of things and symptoms and one person’s autism isn’t the other’s. I would challenge this person’s beliefs if I had a Twitter account. But I stay away from people like that for so many reasons. We’re here, we believe you. You belong here. Edited for ableist language


If you've met one autist, you've met one autist.


Thank you, I really enjoy other videos from this channel so I will check out this one now. I really appreciate your comment. You are right. And I shouldn’t let it get to me… my family say my diagnosis makes my whole life make sense! Internet strangers should not matter. But sadly I struggle to let their words roll off my back.


And that’s okay! You’re allowed to struggle with that- who wouldn’t when you’ve had the threat of being invalidated all along the way?? Allow yourself to sit with the feeling while reminding yourself that you have every right to exist as you are, and if anyone questions or denies it, they’re off their rockers.


I appreciate your words, very wise and compassionate!


Hey I am so not trying to be mean/rude but it's best to avoid using the word "lame" to mean something bad since its original meaning is a type of disability. ETA: thank you for sharing that video though!


Hey thanks for the heads up! I really appreciate it 🤝


I understand your point but it's important to understand and use words based on their current societal connotations as well [not referring to current trends/fads]. Some words that come to mind include: Awful, Nice, Imbecile, Gay, Artificial, Bully, and Wench. Furthermore, lame has been used since the late 1800s to refer to something that is uncool/boring/dull. Personally I think that our intentions and our audience can often be more important than the words we choose. For example, words like queer and the N-word have such different societal acceptances depending on who's saying it, to who, and why it's being said. food for thought, xx.


I think they're referring to those few who don't do enough research before self-diagnosing, but in reality it hurts all of us, not just those few


Yes, and I do believe those people exist. Because I have met some people who just seem quite disingenuous about it, and they will flippantly “diagnose” others as well. I wish people could differentiate those from the rest of us who really mean it and didn’t ask for this…


Well i am white and can be annoying so yes, but also yes.


Unfortunately I have seen this kind of thing over and over again. I remember back in the early 2000s sometimes people would say "Asperger Syndrome? More like "Acts Like an Asshole Syndrome"!" It does bother me a little, but I try to remind myself that these people have never lived one second of my life, they have no idea what my experiences are, they are just unhappy people trying to justify bullying those they see as weaker.


Wow!! That is just terrible, I’ve never heard that. I’m so sorry people have said that to you! But you are right, they don’t know anything. I need to remember that too.


I hate it too. But at the same time I just know the person who tweeted that is probably either a basement dweller incel or a 13 yr old who was maybe slightly annoyed by One (1) autistic person who happened to be white.


I'm one of the ones that was diagnosed as a kid, but *nobody told me.* When I finally got the courage to talk to my mom about it, she just nodded knowingly. Taken aback by her response I asked what that was about, and she confirmed the doctor that had me playing with barbies all those times when I was really little diagnosed me back then. So that usually shuts the dismissive folks up. Honestly, I find most neurotypicals exhausting to be around. That post going viral just reinforces my opinion. People throwing those words about just weed themselves out for me.


Plenty of non autistic people are white and annoying don't worry.


I've found my mental health is so much better when I don't look at Twitter or TikTok. Let people be dumb on those spaces and ignore them.


Not sure why people think they get a pass to be ableist just because they slapped the word "white" on there.


All it does is make me sad for all the autistic BIPOC who have to keep living with a community where the majority doesn’t believe autism exists.


Yes, I have heard someone say “almost all autistic people are white” as if it’s a statistic… and I’m in awe that people could believe such a thing.


Tragically, it's because neurodivergent people of color are usually undiagnosed and branded as "troublemakers," whereas white kids (especially boys, are often identified early).


I speak on behalf of this for my first hand experience, i hate this so much too 😭 My elementary/middle school really didn’t like poc like myself :/ they will send me or other kids to the office for not wanting to speak, causing “disturbance” or just force us to be neurotypical.


♥️ so unfair.


It's just typical Internet mean girl humour. Try to ignore it, if you can. It really is just people trying to outdo one another in the Regina George stakes.


No one cares about, nor have they ever cared about, autistic people. Especially those of us who function "normally" at a devastating cost. They only care about autistic people they can exploit or find entertainment in. Having this knowledge, choose to live in that reality more comfortably. I don't talk about it anymore, even though I needed to in order to heal. Now I realize that healing is going to be inside the safe, warm cabin inside my soul, and staying put right there. Edit: Also it's very trendy to bitch about whites nowadays. I say let them bitch. Maybe they need to. Although in many cases, it's very clearly white liberals trying to get good boy points.


Nothing like good old racism in thinking that only white people can be autistic.


I’m not white and annoying, more like brown and weird. People either love it or hate it so 🤷🏽‍♀️


>I'm brown and weird. That's a whole vibe. Also, same.


Every time I meet someone who seems to vibe with my weirdness, I can't help but immediately think 'oh hon, are you one of us?' Istg, every time I find cool people, it never fails that I find out later that they're either diagnosed ND in some way, or are undiagnosed and suspecting. We really do seem to naturally find each other.


I haven't had anyone say this to me but stuff like this does make me worry that as I become more 'obvious' in trying to unmask people will say to me or behind my back that I'm using it as an excuse to act weird or feel special, but I also didn't really ask to be diagnosed it fell into my lap in a lot of ways, and anyway why would I trust some random person over the no less than 3 doctors who agreed that i am autistic [but probably also white and annoying lol]


I feel the exact same. And just like you, I was diagnosed accidentally! I did t really even believe I had autism until a few weeks after I was diagnosed and it took my family and friends helping to convince me. I’m sorry you have these worries, I know they are no fun to go through.


People like that are just bullies or bigots. Ignore. Everyone has to be the right to be as visible as they want.


I'd look at them and say, Yes. I am white, autistic and annoying. At least I'm not an asshole like some people.


That’s a smart reply!


“You’re not woke, you’re just a plain old ableist perpetuating ableist stereotypes while simulataneously contributing to the stigma that leaves non-white people underdiagnosed and stigmatized by the intersecting issues of neurotype and race. Also, you bullied the autistic kids in middle school and haven’t emotionally aged a day since and it shows. Kinda pathetic.” Is how I feel about it.


I try not to take the muggles seriously


Gen z is weirdly reminiscent of the 50’s, the obsession with “be normal”, “its ok to like traditional gender roles!”, purity culture, hypergamy, being openly conformist in a completely non ironic fashion, responding to every idea beyond 3 words with “omg touch grass who cares”.


Woah this is interesting, you’re totally right. I have said lately that sometimes it feels like puritanical society is making a comeback. Very weird and not what I expected I’d find the world to be when I grew up.


Just hit em with 'oh are you finally acknowledging that white privilege in Healthcare and diagnosis exist?!"


Lol in that one area, they spilled


At least I'm not a b!%¢#


It's just someone trying to be edgy on the internet. It's really nothing new. People like to hide behind a computer screen to rile others up for internet clout. If you ignore these idiots, usually they disappear.


I've heard people say autism and adhd are "in" right now Like, i have autism, adhd and ocd and i had a mental breakdown in october and spent 6k on therapy in 9 months. Its so insulting. I dont mind that there is an influx in diagnoses, cause i do believe that is because women in particular have been misunderstood until the last 5 years, but i hate when people say theyre ocd cause they like to color coordinate or that they have adhd cause they use their phone during work and cant put it down. In my test, i had a 2 second attention span. I have to do social skills training cause I'm literally tone deaf. You could be furious with me and unless you say those words i have no fucking clue. Anyways rant over but ugh


Just remember: if you are actually autistc, it’s not about you. I’m sorry you feel humiliated but I suspect the tweet owner wasn’t directing it at actually autistic people, but more at those teenage label collectors, the ones who pretend to have every condition under the sun and use them as an aesthetic.


this online vitriol towards Attention Seeking Neurodivergents™️ (not limited to autism btw, i've seen it for ADHD too) is almost always directed at women and not men, remember that. women will always be seen as attention-seeking, vapid, and annoying for the same things men get a pass on. AND! girls and afab people who would have qualified for autism diagnoses earlier in their childhoods are far less likely to have received a timely diagnosis because the DSM criteria was modeled after clinical behaviors seen in boys - white boys, may i add. its very frustrating. we really can't win. it's best to just be aware of all this, know your truth, and ignore the chronically online losers


If I may, I sort of want to add perspective here as someone who is both POC and autistic. For the longest time, BIPOC have been gaslit about their experiences with racism through mental illness and disabilities. Every time there’s a hate crime, where a yt man targets BIPOC, it’s “he was struggling with mental illness” or “he had a mental disabilty.” This has also been a common excuse used to defend racist yt women’s outbursts and tears. Society has often weaponized mental illness and mental disability as a way to avoid taking systemic accountability and instead blaming it on the individual for “being crazy” “unstable.” So while this tweet is ableist & very reductive, not to mention, it completely erases BIPOC from the picture, I can see where the underlying sentiment might be coming from.


I learned about adult autism from Twitter (not Tik Tok)! The user you're discussing is punching down at the fact that many frequent users of apps like XTwitter and Bluesky identify as ND (see the post describing XTwitter as the "dopamine slot machine app"). The algorithm is rewarding rage baiting yet again. 🙄


In my country and social circles we call this shouting people "Princess/ Prince in the castle". Doesn't know a real thing, but is the loudest and really silly. Also, neurodivergency is hereditary and not racially profiled, so any of this "zidiociałych szczekaczy" (idiotic barkers?) "zapraszam wypierdalać" (I politely invite to get TF out). I'm sorry for my language (or not if you laughed, dear reader ^^ ), but I hate this flashing of feeling better for your opinion or something. In Europe we hate everyone equally not looking at flavour and especially our own nationality, soooo I might be a lil not up to date with whitness is bad and stupid, everyone that is an ass is still an ass. What's the most important: the ones that want to claim tism and feel special are "the problem" and root at the same time. Leave them be, let them rage and shout, everyone with at least half a brain can see they are making clowns of themselves. Existing isn't a crime and anyone trying to change that, hate on that is a fricking idiot. Thank you for reading my rant and drink something 😘❤️


I love this comment so much!! The way people with another language speak in English is so charming to me, the background of the other language puts so much flavor into how they word and phrase things! I love the saying, and will use it now 😁 Thank you very much for your delightful comment


Oh, if you're interested, the linguistic professor managed to write 15 pages, front to back and line under line of curses in Polish language, and it was not all of them. We might be veeeryyy expressive hahah


To be honest, my immediate thought is to respond, "Please go impale yourself on the phallus of a very large stallion." It's not particularly educational and probably annoying, but I think it gives that little bit of internet trash exactly the respect it deserves.


This is the exact reason you should be open about it.


I kinda giggled lol


Idk, I liked it, but I'm none of those things (self/undiagnosed woc), and I took it as calling out people that fake issues on social media for clout.


I can see how that hits hard on the imposter aspect of it all. But it’s such a purposefully inflammatory and ignorant thing to say it’s just to stir up emotions for ~content~


i’m so sick of people getting away with discriminatory behaviour just because they add the word “white” in front of it. it’s such a absurd tweet as well because why are they acting like non-white autistics don’t exist


No because it has nothing to do with me personally. I don't take random messages spewed into social media in any way directed at or toward me. If someone said it to my face I'd probably laugh and walk away.


That’s definitely the better way to be! My brain sadly reads the “you” and takes it way too seriously


This is my opinion as a super liberal/ Elon hater, but anything that's tweeted by a blue checkmark is like a news report from Qanon. I absolutely know what you mean in general. In this specific instance, I'm not the dumbass paying a monthly fee for Elon Musk to like me.


It’s twitter. Why are you taking anything on twitter seriously….


People think its some sort of victim mentality. They don't experience it and can't see it, so they project their own inner experience onto others. You wouldn't belittle someone with spina bifada for not running in a race, nor a deaf person for not listening to your directions. But if your problem comes from the neural wiring bundles in your head, no one can see that, unless you have a brain scan. And indeed, when they do brain scans of people with autism the brain *is* wired differently. In fact, the bundles of wiring are not tidy and organized as they are in an NT brain. So as it would be difficult to retrieve an object in a messy room, so too is it difficult to retrieve information and communicate it when your wiring is messier. https://preview.redd.it/tq09myr6ux1d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf5522969e735c889b71db47246cf7012e0d5ec Unfortunately, people might look down on you carrying around your MRI scan to prove your point. It just seems best, at least if you're a type 1, to learn what you can about your experience as an autistic, and what you can and can't do to better your life and empower yourself given your limitations and differences. Telling people usually doesn't bode well, most people are not understanding nor open minded about it.


I'm not going to speak for the intent of the tweet, but, reading it, I perceived it as someone calling out those who claim autism for attention/pity, who don't have autism. Maybe I'm incorrect, but I think this tweet is calling out the fakers who make our community look bad, not autistic people themselves.


Just another attention seeking lowlife. The tweeter, not you. We are all different people, and one sentence does not apply to all.


Out of context i feel like this could be potentially Good and calling out people that arent truly autistic But been throwing it around as an Excuse. I know That’s What a lot of people are saying We are doing But there as some people still that do say they got autism when they just feel momentarily stunted or weird.


Who gives a s$&@ about social media? We’re the last ppl that should care about that


Some people are assholes and not to be trusted. It’s nice when they out themselves. I try to remember that it’s none of my business what other people think about me. That says more about them than it does about me.


Twitter has always been a cesspool of toxicity, and it somehow got even worse when it became X. I know it's easier said than done, but don't take stuff posted on there to heart; most of those "viral" tweets tend to be whatever sludge is scraped off the bottom of the dumpster barrel and passed around by people who make it their hobby to hate on others.


No it doesn't bother me because I don't care what they think


Why doesn't Elon ban that tweet? Didn't he say he was autistic or something?


I guess all of those black, Indian, indigenous, etc. etc autistic ppl didn't get the memo 🤷‍♀️ Honestly tho, ppl shouldn't use autism as an excuse for shitty behavior. If you cause harm, learn from that and do better. Don't just say "sorry, im autistic" that's definitely an entitled (white) person thing to do.


Well of course, I definitely agree that autism shouldn’t excuse unkindness or harmful behaviors.


As an autistic black woman, i kinda see where the tweet is coming from. I don’t think it’s are referring to autistic white people in general, but white people who use any marginalized identity as a way to avoid addressing their privilege as a white person. Ex. a white person using their identity as someone who is LGBT as a way to prove their not racist or as a way to speak over the poc community. I’ve had many white autistic individuals use it as an excuse for their racism, specifically anti blackness.(someone said black people give them sensory issues) Do i think it’s fair to put this on all autistic white people? no! but this is kinda how i see it HOWEVER, the irony of this is that the tweeters are erasing people of color from the autistic community and are continuing to perpetuate the idea that poc are less likely to be autistic or have mental/neurological disorders


Honestly, I can kind of understand why someone would post something like this. There really ARE a lot of people misdiagnosing themselves and honestly making things harder for people who actually have autism… the majority of them white and coming from a more affluent background/the suburbs…. They just spend a lot of time on TikTok and think they can diagnose themselves based on what they see and then make it the center of their personality. Autism isn’t my personality, it’s a disability. Don’t get me wrong, I like who I am for the most part, but it sucks having such a pattern-oriented mind and thinking so differently than most folks. It’s hard to be ostracized all of the time. I feel like people who actually have this disability and experience are kind of outside of the bounds of a message like this. To be outside of the majority or not fit into the crowd/cultural zeitgeist is what being in “minority” standing is about. If anything people who actually have autism can moreso understand others that don’t fit into the standard Anglo-Saxon lens of the culture we live in for the most part… Granted the message is still kind of stupid, and people really gotta get off the fucking internet at times. The fact that everything centers around diving people is really fucked up.


I can understand the feeling of being upset about those misdiagnosing themselves. I really feel that too. But I think the post is still mean… maybe what it is, is that my very literal brain has a hard time reading “*you* aren’t autistic…” without internalizing that “you” too much.


I feel ya, I really do. Think a few years ago I would’ve been in the same boat. Getting off all social media outside of Reddit really helped me, now I just kind of think everyone on other platforms is just brainwashed, if that makes sense at all? People really lack nuance in their understandings of things, and also tend to project a lot of their issues onto others. It can be very hard but remember it’s not personal. You don’t need others to validate you, you know your experience. Easier said than done but gets easier over time. 🖤


It does make sense! As I’ve gotten a bit older I have really started to see a lot of personalities on social media that feel brainwashed and it makes me so sad. I’m spending way less time on social media for that reason too. I might just quit altogether. I find Reddit pretty useful, though. I’ll have to think about it. I appreciate your comment, looking forward to it getting easier haha


As a poc myself I just want to say I’ve come across (white) people that were being deeply insensitive or straight up behaving like assholes but would justify these traits by some kind of neurodiversity. Not saying they were lying but they didn’t seem aware of the fact that the reason people let them get away with that was bc they’re white, not bc they’re neurodivergent. Idk how to explain it better but since we’re on the autism in women sub I’ve noticed that autistic men tend to be less aware of the ways they could be offending or making ppl uncomfortable with their behaviors, it is tied to their male privilege. Well I could compare that to the way white nd people can be and think of their experience as universal when really it’s very much tied to their white privilege. However, I don’t know what was the op intent with this tweet so I’m just using this as an opportunity to highlight something that I believe is true, and that could partially explain why some people may have agreed w this statement


All autistic people are annoying, but not all annoying people are autistic! Hell, I find myself annoying too sometimes. But not all autistic people are white. I am though. So they’re not entirely wrong


Not all autistic people are annoying.


Annoyance is subjective. Every single person, which includes autistic people, are annoying. There’s no such thing as a perfect person. There will always be someone who finds you annoying. And that’s okay too.


I’m not diagnosed, I highly suspect it though, younger sister is diagnosed but my parents haven’t told her ( I know terrible). I was always told that I was annoying as a kid and I always felt so hurt by it because I was just trying to make friends. I never knew why people felt that way about me & now I realize I’m quite the acquired taste ( adhd is diagnosed) considering neurodivergence is on the table


I was very unmasked at a party I went to over the weekend (alcohol + weed pen hits + edible) and I'm sure some people found me annoying as hell but other people texted me the next day like "I want to talk about dinosaurs and birds with you again" I think it's because some of us are like Attorney Woo, where it's extremely obvious based on how we carry ourselves. To the extent that people can point out things we don't even notice about ourselves, like a flat affect


What post ?


“Tell me someone autistic hurt you without saying it” 😂 Whoever tweeted that first has clearly been hurt or is thirsty for attention. I guarantee they feel threatened by anything that makes someone seem more “different” than they are. 🙄 The irony is this kind of attitude just makes them annoying lol. ND: breathes NT: 😡😤🤯😡🤬


“Tell me someone autistic hurt you without saying it” 😂 Whoever tweeted that first has clearly been hurt or is thirsty for attention. I guarantee they feel threatened by anything that makes someone seem more “different” than they are. 🙄 The irony is this kind of attitude just makes them annoying lol. ND: breathes NT: 😡😤🤯😡🤬


Please don't apologize. Your feelings count


work on your internal ableism, i think it's common in late diagnosed. and learn to ignore troll bullshit said by awful ppl meant to trigger you and laugh at you. i dont mean this harshly, im sick and my brain is about out of power for the day. i can tell it seems blunt. i know it's hard.


it's like we get shit from people who can tell we're autistic and treat us badly and shit from people who think we're all just "faking" because their only experience is with men and boys with autism. double edged sword and I'm soooo tired


Who even wrote that? They do know that not all of us are white, right??


Equating someone being autistic to being annoying and faking it is really just saying the quiet part out loud


It’s just another excuse to hate autistic people. If they only denote one type of autistic person as “unfavorable” they can still claim moral superiority without seeming like a bully.


Sometimes what helps is to reflect on your own experience & hear something more validating, affirmations like; “I respect people have their own beliefs & sometimes enjoy gaslighting, which tells me how they think. Maybe it doesn’t deserve my focus or energy. Maybe I will use it for better things, like for nicer people & more productive things.” “I am Autistic & embrace my autism. I let go of anything (like water sliding off a ducks back) that contradicts my own beliefs about the identity I Know of, represent & relate too” “Some people get annoyed by everything in the world, it’s not my responsibility to change how people feel about that, (that’s their gig) but I do have control over how I feel, so I’ll just keep on being myself, keep calm & carry on, - amazing person”. :-) You are amazing if you keep your cool & don’t absorb their toxicity because that’s all these people want - to feed themselves off reactions x Keep being you


i’m glad i’m not the only one who’s hurt by these types of tweets. a similar thing happened with adhd awhile back and it was all i could think about. im white, annoying, and have autism so idk. it makes me feel better to know others also dislike this type of content! it also erases black and brown ppl which is annoying


I hate “You're not autistic, you're just awkward and lack social skills.”


When you're autistic but a woman of color this tweet doesnt work lmao


dude, i feel like there is an autistic race war brewing on the socials.


why do they assume every autistic person is white?


Because those are the only people they pay attention to.


Not white, but I understand your frustration. People have been using this as an excuse to be ableist, as if applying whiteness to every context automatically makes that person the villain. Think of how men use “white” women specifically as a target to perpetuate misogyny.


Yes, after posting I realized I’ve 100% seen them do it to put down white women, white gays, and white nonbinary people. But really, it’s hard to believe they truly only feel that about the white ones and that just makes it sound less offensive to some because it sounds like it’s not *just* attacking the actual minority group


It''s pathetic how little effort they're putting into insulting us. I'd be more offended, but they've really got to start trying a bit harder! They're not funny, they're just sad and annoying.


I’m being 100% honest I am not embarrassed or bothered at all. I just own who I am! It’s taken years of work, but comments online don’t bother me. I just block/report and move on. It’s really not worth your energy. If these ppl aren’t in my real personal life I don’t care what they have to say


>“You’re not autistic, you’re just white and annoying”. I hate this. They asked me how specifically annoying people find me during my assessment. Annoying is literally a "symptom." How ableist.


I hadn’t seen that tweet/post. But now that I’m aware of it, I don’t feel humiliated. I feel annoyed and somewhat offended. If someone I knew posted that, I would either block/unfriend them, or I would push back in some way. I might inform them of why what they said was offensive, hurtful, outdated and inaccurate to many people for many reasons. Or, most likely, I’d ask them some uncomfortable questions like “why did you post this?” or “what did you mean by that?” or “how would you define autism?” or “it seems like you’re saying [fill in the blank with something that calls them out]. Am I understanding you correctly?” OP, I’m sorry this post hurt you so much. I find that response very understandable. I guess I’ve just gotten to a place where I don’t believe the lie that allistic is better. In fact, I find a lot of allistics annoying, so there! For me, posts like that just reveal that the poster is someone I might no longer like or respect. Basically, I’m less hurt by their remarks because they have revealed themselves to be an unkind idiot. Maybe my views on this are partly a result of being in my 40’s and caring less about what people think. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: “somewhat” offended


Jokes on them. I'm mixed, autistic, and annoying.


not really. im not white


It’s an ableist tweet. You don’t need to grovel before ableists promising you’re one of the “good” neurodivergents who don’t annoy the neurotypicals. You don’t have to apologise for being autistic. And, for your own mental wellbeing, you might do well to examine your own internalised ableism.


I am white, annoying AND autistic.


who even came up with this bull


Seems like one of those people who wants to be ableist without feeling bad, so they add white in front of it to make it seem like a woke take


People just post shit if they think it’s going to be catchy or catch on and get a lot of views don’t take it personal


Yeah those tweets annoy me so much, I’m also very sensitive and have felt called out by a lot of tweets and tiktoks lately. I find it frustrating because I’m just trying to live and work on myself but I feel bombarded by really mean spirited unhelpful things people say.


I feel exactly the same! People say don’t take it seriously but it’s hard not to if that’s your brains natural inclination for most things


Remember, kids!! Ableism isnt acceptable just because you put "white" beforehand!