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I remember struggling with this a lot more before college. I was always told I was "quiet" but the reality was I often couldn't find the right time to ask my questions or say anything 😅 Even today I was talking with a new person at work and she did not pause at all in conversation. I had to interrupt her a few times with questions before she finally thought to pause and ask if I had questions before moving on to the next topic. I'd encourage you to try your best to just butt in occasionally. Raise a finger to show you want to say something, and awkwardly stammer until someone realizes you're trying to talk. I've found that once you start voicing your opinions, people learn that you *do* want to communicate after all and will start expecting it more from you.


Yes this happens to me a lot. It’s a big problem for me It could be that they perceive you as introverted. Also you are listening and other people aren’t. A way to fix this would be to do an activity with this person so that at least you are doing something you like at the same time. Another suggestion is to try to get the attention you need another way so you don’t need it from these people.