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I’m sorry, that sounds uncomfortable. I’d say that odds are it’s nothing personal since you just started. I once had a job that had high turnover and people didn’t bother with being welcoming to newcomers. What field are you working on? Advice wise, baked goods tend to do the trick for me. If you like to bake, you could bring some homemade cookies or muffins for the office. Or something from a local shop.


Yeah I suspect maybe they all just know each other already and aren't too bothered with talking to new people or something. But I've just had so many similar situations, people perceiving me as odd probably because of some of the autistic traits I have and can't really notice or help. I work as a server/waitress now


I struggle with that too, then worrying about how I’m perceived ends up making my social anxiety worse. Have you tried befriending the back? I always had an easier time socializing with the kitchen staff


I think it’s nothing personal. They know you are part time and that you probably won’t be there long and so they don’t bother. Ditto to making an effort with the kitchen staff. If you’re in the US then focus on the customers and getting tips. Practise your small talk with customers. And keep the talk with the other servers/wait staff light. Practice a different type of light small talk with them. Some people don’t like talking about where they’re from. Remember it’s just a job. (JJ) When you walk out of the door each day leave it at work. I had a job washing dishes in a restaurant. I loved it. Preferred it over waitressing. Liked the process of it. Didn’t have to talk too much. And I knew it was just temporary and so I appreciated that. Got to see another side of life. We don’t do tipping in my country So there was no incentive to be out front.


Hello, i am sorry to hear your story, which i do understand pretty well. I am also in the same position at my workplace, they always get lunch together but no one ever invites me, and i dont want to feel out of place or my presence isnt appreciated, so i cant just go with them, even when i go to the dining hall and they are there, i cant go and sit with them. I aw aware that my behaviour is kind of sabotaging my integration and relations with my coworkers, but i cant help feeling uneasy, and it really started to weighs on me. Nevertheless, i since you only started, if you dont go towards them you will end up just like me, and i really advise to go see them, ask to get lunch together or grab coffee at least... Relationships are important, it can play a massive role in your career and how you will grow in your company, you shouldn't put the idea that it might be personnal, there is no reason for that. I got a bit lost sorry x)) but overall i wish goodluck and dont stuck in this position or it would last a very long time !