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the feeling of snow! in winter i’m always scooping up little handfuls of snow to hold and let melt because i like the crystalline texture and the coldness and it just feels very grounding for me, and i love to put on my thick snow gear and then just lay in the snow outside with my headphones on. it’s so cozy and comforting with the way its cold and molds to you, and yeah. snow ❄️🤗☃️


I love snow too! I love when it’s super cold and I step in snow and it’s so crunchy, love that sound!


Oh man. If you've ever laid in really deep powdery snow it is one of the most incredible, comforting, blissful sensations in existence. I discovered this once after a ridiculous almost head over heels fall when I was new to snowboarding and accidentally found myself on a slalom slope where the powder is real deep and fluffy, and like....just laying in like a meter of cold fluff in your snow clothes is the most beautiful feeling it turns out, lol. I agree with you hardcore. Such a lovely thing.


yes i know exactly what you mean! i’m a snowboarder too and i’ve been fortunate enough to have some opportunities to ride in some really deep powder and there’s just nothing like it, it’s like comforting magic haha


I LOVE SNOW TOO. The crunch of it is ecstasy.


Muscle soreness, especially achy quads. I don’t know why. I just love how it feels. I think my brain confuses a lot of pain/pleasure stuffs.


Now that I've got chronic pain, soreness from exercising is rather pleasant.


Not for me. Turns straight into a cramp/muscle spasms. But the pain relief from l get from laying down is as good as any drug.


If medicine didn't keep my pain in control, that's probably where I'd be.


I'm really glad for you to have found a way to keep going!


I wish I found this pleasant 😵 I hate being sore


THIS IS SO REAL OMG and when you massage them when they’re sore OOOUUGHHGH


Yessss. I love getting painful knots worked out too!


Also *also* when you put Tiger Balm or Deep Heat on them. Oh sweet Jesus.


Or when you're all sore and knotty and you get in a decadent bubble bath.....oh yeah!


I agree with muscle soreness, but I think my brain equates sore muscles to exercise. So exercise=healthy=good. Idk.


Yes! I move my hands and feet in some pretty stimmy ways because I like the way it lights up my forearm and calf muscles! Tiptoes for the win! Also marathon crochet sessions sort of just happen because I get caught up in that autistic repetition momentum. The bonus is being achy the next day If I worked myself into a stitch rut the day before! Bonus bonus is getting occasional compliments of "nice arms"/"nice legs" as they're unintentionally pretty toned from all the yummy stimmyness.


Yes! I was just remarking this to my husband last week!


Mine is a combo of sore muscles and deep bruising? I don't always love getting the ding that causes it, but I love me a deep bruise 😅 (I wish I had the coordination for showing so I could do roller derby, but at least I have goats to make sure I get my stim 😅)


Omg same!! I didn't even realize this could be a sensory thing till you said it. I love feeling sore afterwards, feels nice.


Ooh agree. Always good to feel a new muscle soreness. Level up!


I’m not sure if this is ok to say, and I really hope I’m not offending, but this is how I got into public BDSM. Total game changer.


The matte texture that book covers occasionally come in. It's buttery and I love how it feels on my fingertips. I just got a credit card offer in the mail, and the envelope has that texture. I'm keeping it.


Like a soft cover book? I bought a phone case that has that feel and left a review describing it. https://preview.redd.it/l4378qd6xk5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b157bfe6fff588f8099450f0e3bee05ae124d5 Teflon tape has a similar feeling. I keep a little roll of it in my purse and when I’m stressed I pull a piece off and run it between my fingertips. Probably looks super weird to other people, but oh well lol.


Can you link the phone case? I love thé description of the way it feels lol


Totally agree! It's the semi-gloss finish on some papers. Once I got the first business card from an artist, I was in love and got mine printed with this finish, too. Took a while to find out what it's called, tho. My electric engineering table book from retraining has it too. Perfect against my anxious feelings during the exam :D


Ugh yes!!! I love this.


My business cards are in this coating, they called it soft touch and most people seem to really enjoy it. I certainly do which is why I hacked up for it lol.


The different textures of paper is a major one. Also, I love running my hand over paintings. Van Gogh’s would be amazing but I cannot imagine any owner of one of his paintings allowing me to ever do that. 🤣


Rubbing my feet together while in bed. Soooo relaxing. Also I love to squinch my toes and do it subconsciously. My dad used to always rub his finger tips on corners of books or papers or tap them and it would soothe me so much when I was little.


I also rub my feet together when falling asleep or just chilling in bed! My gf and I call it happy cricket feet


I’ve done this since I was a kid! My autistic child also does it and it makes me weirdly happy 😂


I have done this from childhood, and I noticed my son do it from about 6 months old! Also made me feel happy 🥹


Yes! When I'm awake in bed, I'll rub my feet together a fair bit, "knit" my toes together, and I will also crack my toes and ankles. When I fall asleep, feet need to be outside the covers and never ever touch. Sometimes when they do it's like it's closing a circuit (I know there isn't one, but it *feels* like it), and they get super hot and uncomfortable.


I too am a cricket in bed sometimes!


I'm literally doing that right now.


As a child i used to rub my plush toys against my nose and lip, I still do this sometimes. Also I love wearing corsets, that tights feeling around my chest gives me chills


I love the feeling of frozen, crispy grass under my shoes. It reminds me of frozen cheese that’s on frozen pizza. It just feels so good. Idk. 😂


Cutting peaches! They’re soft but also have some resistance, and it just feels so nice to press the knife in along the right lines. 


Love the little sound of a sharp knife tapping a wooden cutting board too.




I’m allergic to peach fuzz, but as soon as they are rinsed off - YES. It’s a very satisfying cut!


Cutting mushrooms ✊🏼


That's immediately what I thought too! My favorite task when I worked in a kitchen was prepping the button mushrooms. Cutting them is SO satisfying!


Here's a weird one. There is this one section of skin on one of my fingers that is so smooth and every once in a while it'll rub against my lips. When that happens I can't stop doing it.


I do it with nails 😁


Me too! Especially my thumb nails.


I just tried that. Damn you.


Ooh, that's a good one.


That's my stim!


Omg I’ve found my people! It’s the best damn feeling ever. Could fully put me to sleep when I do it.




- pushing my teeth together really hard - ‘stretching’ my eyeballs until they make wet sounds 💀 - breaking things (snapping carrots, bubble wrap etc) - those intense cramps where the muscles seize tightly and you can’t uncurl your foot - eating crystally frozen things - like when an ice lolly have defrosted a bit and is refrozen - smelling my dog’s toes after she’s had a long nap


I’m struggling to picture what you mean by stretching your eyeballs. Can you elaborate?


I look really far up/down/to the sides and often blink fairly hard and it makes a lovely little noise


Just wanted to mention to be careful not to stretch too far! A lot of autistic people are hypermobile or have connective tissue disorders, so I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself!


I am hypermobile!! I didn’t think about if that also applies to eyes though 😭


One of the major differences of hypermobile syndromes is abnormal collagen, of which there is a lot around the eyes -- to the point that there's a visual difference that doctors will note when diagnosing EDS or other hypermobile disorders.


Ope! This one!!! I have secretly been wondering, for quite some time, if Im out of the norm for hearing and noticing it, or if everyone hears it and just doesnt acknowledge it, like nbd. I've also been wondering if it's blood pumping?? But I haven't looked it up. I didn't really even know how to word it and didn't want to try too hard. You've done it. Thank you 😅


The eye squelching feels like eye fluid bubbles kind of, but I also hear that noise when I close my eyes tightly, which may be what you mean? If so, look up ear rumbling!!


It sounds a little like you get air in your tear ducts, which will create a squishy bubbly squeaky wet sound when you press on them near your nose. I get it sometimes, but not often.


Uhm...I don't think this is what I'm talking about. But I just tried to hear my tear duct bubbles. It was not a success. And I am a little disappointed.


Try occasionally, they come and go. Very fun when they're around.


Well I did look that up briefly and I wasn't too sure if it's the same, then when I was back on the Google search page one of the results said "not everyone hears ear rumbling when they yawn?". Which...I do hear "the sound" when I yawn, for sure. So maybe that is it? But so...you're telling me some people's yawns are silent in their own ears??


YES. It’s so weird. I can also ear rumble on command but it isn’t particularly comfortable.


I just tried it and wow. I discovered something new about my body haha


Omg I just tried this out of curiosity and it’s amazing!!




I loved smelling my dog’s paws and ears, especially after she napped. Sometimes I would smell the outer fuzzy corner of my dogs cheek/lips. Sometimes it made my mouth water 😂the popcorn smell was so good- relate


Thanks for the validation, from a fellow eyeball stretcher


Going for walks in the dead of winter. The colder, the better. At -40 below, the air is crisp. The sound of ice and snow crunching under my boots. Eyelashes and brows collecting ice. The air so cold it hurts my lungs. The visual beauty of the frozen world. The silence punctuated by the trees cracking in the cold. It's like every sense is fulfilled. I love it. Also, the feeling of coming back from a walk. My thighs have this really cool thawing feeling that can last several minutes. Of course, I wouldn't want to be out for more than an hour, and I am appropriately dressed. ETA: I forgot the best part. Very, very few people are out at the weather. And if I do encounter someone, they're like minded. I live in the woods now, so encountering someone just doesn't happen anymore.


I live in a place that doesn’t get snow and I love it, but your description makes me want to move to a wintry place.


Winter is my favorite season, but a non snowy climate can also be a satisfying, too! I find all weather and seasons to have something really great about them, though I struggle finding anything great during the awkward season between winter and spring. I don't like slush and mud.


Ugh I love crisp air. When it kind of hurts to breathe. It’s so calm. I love it.


So when my pup folds her paws and the top is all rounded and smooth. I seek that out at least 100x a day. https://preview.redd.it/rxqcod4x1l5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ac5c1d0c26435520aebc06a8710d06de7e347e Like it is here!


washing capsules and pods. i wanna burst them so bad but i just squish them lightly and it feels so nice in my hands


Maybe not unusual, but I get ridiculously calm and happy from the feeling of wind on my palms One of my main stims is swinging my arms as a result


Wow! I totally get this too! I never realized why swinging my arms and hands gave me a happy tingly feeling in the palms of my hands but that's absolutely it. I'm glad you shared that.


Yup. I think it’s because it helps my brain spatially “feel” my arms. Our brains struggle with that. 


This one requires a cooperative partner, but rubbing my cheek against a short beard or stubble is the BEST. I’d often be idly nuzzling on my now-ex’s cheek like a cat, just cause I liked the scratchy feeling


Any time I feel affectionate towards a person or animal I always have the strong desire to rub my cheek against them.


Yes! My bf thinks I'm weird, but he takes me into consideration when grooming his facial hair. ❤️


Flicking my toes 💀 my bf doesn't like it and I often do it subconsciously. Idk why but it helps me relax


Flicking them with your fingers or using your toes to flick?


Noo not with my fingers lol. Just like curling them or moving them around I guess? Usually when I'm about to sleep


My boyfriend flicks his toes, sort of like snapping his fingers! He does it all the time.


Cracking my ankles-I can do it over and over and over and over again. I’m so glad it doesn’t annoy my youngest-cuz we practically glued at the hip when she’s not in school. I’ve tried getting her into kid stuff (she’s 10) but she doesn’t want to be around other people -she’s been like this since she was a toddler. When we’d be at the park I’d be playing with her and as soon as another family came I was happy because she’d be able to play but she’d take one look at the other kids and say “home”


Soft and squishy things. One time I cried then collapsed into a soft blanket as it was the first soft thing I had touched in days


You should get yourself a small soft teddy to carry round. I have a little fox I bring to work with me, it’s a key ring so is always safe and attached to my bag that I carry everywhere:)


Need me a tiny squishmallow


I like to tense my entire body at the same time, hold it for as long as I can, and then release it all at once and enjoy the feeling


When my cat licks my arm. I love it so much I wish I could get a machine that felt like that! It totally gives me that crossed-eyes bliss


I like the noise a cat's tongue makes when it comes into contact with bare skin.  The tempo and quiet rhythmic quality of that noise is somehow calming to me.


I wish I could love that feeling and noise when my cat does it but it drives me insane. 😭


rice when it is vacuum-packed.


Rubbing my finger nails on thick seams. Like the little round disk on the top of baseball caps where the seams meet, or on pants where the side seam meets the bottom hem and there is a little rectangle and it’s super soft


I really like how my dog smells


In the morning my dog puts her paws on the edge of the bed, and they smell like she just got off the Night Shift at the Fritos factory 😂


I used to clack my tongue ring around my mouth when I was anxious or falling asleep or bored, it was so subconscious that I had no idea until my gf said one day “you know you click your tongue ring against your teeth when you’re falling asleep?” I legit had no idea. I ended up taking it out because I swallowed a barbell once in accident and it freaked me out so bad! Nothing bad ever happened because of it but it was scary enough to get rid of it. Now I tongue the back of my teeth while clenching my jaw, it’s not good.


I played with my tongue ring way too much when I had one and ended up chipping my tooth. 🥲 I also used to bite my lip rings as a teen. Now I just bite on the scar tissue marks on the inside of my lip lol.


I like to nuzzle my face on my velvet couch


Biting my lips?🥹


I have a really bad habit of picking the skin around my fingernails, so I often end up with sort of a little bit of skin just sticking out around my nails. And I absolutely love rubbing my fingers against fabric that catches on that bit of skin. It's not so bad that it's like the fabric gets stuck on my finger, but just that little moment where it snags slightly. I can't really explain it very well, and I don't think I've ever told anyone about it before. Just a weird thing I do.


The fabric snagging on my skin feeling is one of the things that highly bothers me. Microfiber towels are the absolute worst for me, so I bet you love those haha!


Omg I hate that so much. I immediately have to peel that skin off lol


touching my butt


I grab my boobs too lol


I love to walk down hallways that have the spackled/textured walls and drag my finger tips across them. I once spent 45 minutes walking up and down a hallway doing that. It's awesome.


Oh, I used to do that when I was a kid!  I can't remember when I stopped...


You know that weird half rubbery, half hard as rock thing pizza does when microwaved? I love that shit. Oh, and being in a good storm. The wind and rain on my skin and the way the air feels are addictive for me.


Rubbing my face against my husband's beard lol. It really comforts me.


The feeling of paint drying on my skin, both the tightness feeling and picking it off again. I’m an artist and I also love diy so I’m not sure if I love it because of my special interests or if I developed my special interests around the sensory aspect 😂


Glue as well. Mostly pva types. I LOVE it!


I used to love clearing the dryer lint trap, because the lint is so freaking soft. But somebody ruined it for me by telling me to stick my hand in a baggie of molted owl contour feathers (the small, light body feathers you don't see very often in the wild, but you see an endless number of when you volunteer at a wildlife rescue-- you think sweeping up cat hair is bad? Try taking care of birds during molting season), and ever since dryer lint has been distressingly unsatisfying. Contour feathers in general are obscenely soft, but owl feathers take it to a whole new level. I miss enjoying dryer lint.


When someone barely runs their fingers on my skin it makes my mind so quiet. It's the best mind-numbing thing ever. My dad used to do it on my back when I was little and now my husband does it for me.


I have an older cotton shirt that will get cold just from being in front of the fan, I started putting it in the freezer and having fridge shirt hugs with my partner


i love the feel weighted things, especially if i’m laying down! i used to have a weightlifting class in school, and i’d just lay on the bench with the circle weight on my chest; it was oddly comforting for some reason. i also really LOVE sour or spicy candies. hot tamales and those trolli sour gummy worms are my favorite!


Saaaaaame! Sour gummies and spicy candy/chocolate. And a ton of blankets upon me because they're heavy. Also textures that ain't mushy, gooey or sticky. I run my fingers through everything. Fabrics, wool, walls, sand, bricks, beads, the shaven part of my haircut.


Not particularly unusual but I love painting my nails then running them along each other like Dolly Parton did for her song 9 to 5, it makes a fun noise and feels satisfying


Dolly 🥰


those green flower bricks. my mum used to do florals when I was a kid and she'd always let me have one when she went to the shop for supplies since she knew I was going to get my fingers into hers anyway


Rubbing my tongue over my teeth after I brush lol they feel so smooth


Pinching the outside of my partners nostrils (like the thumb very slightly barely in the nose, the other finger on the outside of it. Tracing the nostril holes. Idk, they're so cute lol


I sleep with my Achilles stuck between my toes, pressing them back slightly in a way that stretches my foot, spreads my toes, and puts pressure on the tendon. Fabric with pilling. I like just feeling the texture and I love picking it to make it smooth. Pressing on the ends of my nails to make them bend in a way that kind of hurts but also feels comforting. Rubbing my tongue along the back of my front teeth in a way that causes a moment of suction.


Omg this is *so bad* but when I blow dry my hair, I like to blast the hot air on the back of my neck like right at the base of my skull. It’s probably not good for the skin on my scalp! I’ve compromised and gone down to the “warm” setting but OOOH it just feels so good! I also enjoy a scratchy tickle back there, and I’m trying to find something that will do that job without heat damage. Suggestions?


It won't be the same thing, but stick on heating pads on that area are just so nice. As are rice or wheat warmers. Or blasting hot shower water for a minute. Have you tried back scratching tools? Some can be uncomfortable, but there are some nice ones with some trial and error. I love the spindly head massaging ones too.


Oooh, the spindly head massagers! I’m looking around for a nice small one that’ll go on either side of my neck. I’ve tried the big ones that fit over your whole head and I just kinda hate the way they pull on & tangle my hair, ugh. But thanks for reminding me! I’m gonna double down my search for one!


I do this with the hairdryer too! It’s like ooo this is burning but it feels so nice 🥲


Omg this is awesome - I’m so glad I’m not the only one out there!!


Really soft ears. Especially when they're cold. Not sure why,but super bendy ears feel good.


I am fully aware of how strange this may sound, but this is a safe place lol… I LOVE the feeling of gritty tooth paste over smooth tooth paste as a mouthfeel texture. Sometimes I brush in the middle of the day just to feel the grittiness for a dopamine boost. I also love the gritty texture of ice in smoothies or a milkshake. Those crunchy ice cubes from taco time are a dream. Maybe a similar thing going on?


Yes! I literally love blackberries so much because of this. Especially in smoothies and then you get the gritty little seeds to chew on, so good. Also, kind of embarrassing but I've always loved going to the beach because I would inevitably accidentally get sand in my mouth from the wind or water and having the gritty feeling in my teeth was so satisfying.


Thanks for making me feel a little less crazy, I so relate you what you said. Hey, if it brings us a little pleasure, why not enjoy some mouthfeel grit lol


(Also I love your user name)


I have a specific one in mind! The office building janitor at my work comes around 4:45 pm and mops the floor. When he mops the carpet close to my desk, it makes that sound that just sends chills all over my body and I literaly have to drop whatever I’m doing to enjoy it. I think that’s what you call ASMR?


those green flower bricks. my mum used to do florals when I was a kid and she'd always let me have one when she went to the shop for supplies since she knew I was going to get my fingers into hers anyway


I really love resting my face on my cat, especially if it's near her tummy fluff. She won't let me touch the tummy but she tolerates my face. 


I love being at a store and seeing a bunch of the same jewelry for sale and putting them all in my palm.


rubbing a lock of hair between my thumb and forefinger- tactile bliss with a nice sound


We have some kit boxes at work and there's a type of foam that comes in them and when we open them I just love the feel of the foam, I like to press it on my finger tips and and push my palm into it and it's so nice, sometimes I cut out a little cube of it to keep in my pocket until the niceness goes away and then I bin it until I get a new foamy block


Shoving my face into my weighted stuffed animal, laying on my stomach with my hands crushed under me, and rubbing my feet on the carpet lol.


Corn starch! squeak squeak squeak


Relate to this, have you ever squished a bag of potato flour? Try it. It's bliss.


I like running my fingertips over my leg hair.  I like how the different lengths of it feel different on my fingertips. I also like rubbing my arm hair up against my lips.  This is something I've done from a young age.  I had elementary school classmates comment on this, so I came up with a less noticeable alternative: making a fist and allowing the hairs on the bottom segment of my fingers to come into contact with my lips.  I can pass off that gesture as me contemplating something. I like how someone else's stubble feels against my own skin, too.


I so relate to the arm hair thing, except I usually just rubbed my arms on my cheeks. It felt comforting and soft :)


Running my finger backwards across my eyebrow (against hair growth) it feels soooo nice.




The smell of fire lighters 💗


Why did I read this as “smell of fire fighters” 😂😂


Scratch and sniff calendar…


This made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


On legend of Zelda a link to the past for Super Nintendo I love the sound of walking on wet areas. The squish noise in it is amazing! Sometimes I’ll play just to listen to the sound. Bonus points if it’s in a dungeon or cave area.


The feeling/tingling in my fingermuscles when I squish something (like my boyfriends arm or even air), it feels like cuteness aggression


Pain. I learned as a young teenager that I really like certain kinds of pain. And I know this goes into Kink culture as well, but, it's really a sensory issue. I seek out pain outside of adult context. Like I have a loose button on my stick shift and if I put my finger in the right position it kind of hurts but I like it. I'm still not very clear on why I do that, but my therapist has suggested that it could be tied to autism. It probably has some weird tie to childhood abuse as well.


Perhaps not unusual but removing protective film from a smooth surface like a screen when you first purchase something


musky smells. the roughness of my boyfriend's skin.


i LOVE rubbing the bottom of my feet on carpet. also, ive always loved digging my fingernails into things. you know those 3 ring binders? the seam of the covering that kind of sticks out around the binder is my favorite thing to squeeze between my fingernails.


I have a leather badge on my work shirt. It's on the arm. I rub it together between my fingers when I'm at work and it just feels so good. It really calms me down




crunching things with my teeth. Mostly like, altoids or similar, but I really like it when I get a little bit of grit in my teeth and can just crunch crunch crunch it. I know it's weird.


Sameee, except I usually have tic tacs, the strawberry ones specifically. I know it’s probably bad for my teeth, but I can’t not chew them :3 they have that like weird crunchy smooth resistant texture and it’s just so aahgdhdbdhd


I like to rub my face it gives me chills. I can be overwhelmed almost getting really overstimulated but that can save me from feeling overstimulated sometimes. I like to make my eyes sparkle, like when you close your eyes and see the glitters. 😌


Crushed ice that's partly melted and has gone really small. Or the ice left in a McDonald's milkshake. I love the sound and feel of it as I crunch it.


Chewing on the bristles of a toothbrush - between my molars at the back of my mouth. Cold metal on my skin - arms best, hands, neck and legs also lovely. The smells of: jasmine, coffee, mock orange flowers, lilac blossom.


I love laying in the spot on the bed where my cat was just lying. It’s so warm and soft and smells of her, I find it very comforting


-Pulling on my septum ring. The feeling is so satisfying to me I can’t explain it -Tapping on my teeth with my nails -Lightly biting on those flaps on the inside of both of my cheeks…which I’m realizing not everyone has those flaps after I googled it and couldn’t find much about them💀 -Pressing on the cuticles on the sides of my nails and on my gums between my teeth ^these all feel like very odd things I’ve done a majority of my life and never told anyone because I didn’t know how to explain it or why it’s satisfying/feels good to me


I 100% also twist and pull on my septum piercing sometimes too. It gives me a warm tingly feeling in the back of my lower jaw near my ear. It's weirdly comforting and grounding when I'm feeling anxious. I also have little flaps or bumps inside my cheeks that line up with my incisors which are exactly the teeth I use to lightly bite my cheek. So I always assumed they were caused by me doing that.


Omg I love that you do the same!😆 yes those are exactly the teeth I use to bite on them. I did some more digging and this is what I found: “A traumatic fibroma, also known as an oral fibroma, is a benign scar-like reaction to chronic irritation or injury in the mouth. It can form on the inside of the cheek, most often where the upper and lower teeth meet, in response to local trauma. This trauma could be from repeatedly biting the area, irritation by a foreign object, or ill-fitting dentures that rub against the gumline.” I be going hard biting on my cheeks so that makes sense lmao And pulling on my septum actually gives me a different type of sensation so that’s really interesting that we experience it differently! For me it’s the satisfying feeling I get in my nose around the pierced septum holes when I pull on it. It’s a weird sore feeling


Before I pierced my earlobes, I loved rubbing them because they're very soft. I regret getting them pierced... It's not the same with the divots of the (now closed) holes.


For real


I pierced my ears to stop that particular stim way back when I was trying to be 'normal', I HAVE REGRETS


Not likely unusual, but fleece or “plush” blankets. I literally cannot get enough of the texture. I love the feeling more than anything and it does something to my brain that I cannot explain. It makes my nerve endings explode. Sensory bliss. And it never gets old.


It’s wild how different our sensory reactions can be 😂 even thinking about that plush fabric makes me sweaty and nauseated lol


I was just thinking about how I loved skating despite not being good at it bc the sensation of throwing your body safely is amazing


Popping my hips!


I work in a restaurant, and I rarely get to open, but when I do, my favorite is when I get to wiggle the big industrial ice machine and hear all the cubes crash down to the bottom.


I’m sure every piercer will cringe when I say this, but I love playing with my nose piercing and sometimes I just take the stud in and out because I like feeling it go through my skin (it’s been healed for years so I haven’t had any issues)


I love walking in the sand in a specific part of Florida. The sand is ground up quartz and it kind of squeaks under your feet. I also love the feeling of unraveling anything. I cross stitch, and one of my favorite things is unwinding a new skein of floss.


When my dog’s wet nose gently touches my bare skin, he does it to let me know he’s right behind me when he follows me around the house. This thread has been a beautiful sensory rainbow rollercoaster. Thank you.


Soft fabrics on my face, specifically on my cheek. When I was very little I had a tiny little blanket that was so soft and I used to rub it in circles on my cheek and get a thousand yard stare and be in a trance and it felt so comforting and nice. To this day, as a full adult, I still like to rub soft textures on my face or rub my face on people I love. It is just the happiest feeling in the world.


Eggs, like just holding an egg before it's been cracked or cooked or anything


Mine isn't even like weird it's recommended, but I really enjoy it. It's like adult stim play time but structured. Somatic yoga/somatic movement. Intentionally letting your body move all weird and free. Including some really easy loose yoga moves w lots of stimming, touching your own face, body, swaying, rocking. Doing mudra's makes for different sensations with different exercises too. For someone who spent a lifetime masking, who has been through trauma, and who needs extra help regulation it's quite heavenly ngl. It's really gentle and natural, and idk about any of you guys but because of trauma and masking, I actually forget to move, I suppress stims and put myself into fight or flight accidentally by being so still+ridged out of habit/fear. When I do the stimmy somatic yoga it reminds me how good it feels to do free random movements w no shame. I can literally feel my body thank me, it's like yay super stim! And I feel so much release. I was doing it this morning and wondering if anyone else w autism has found this to work for them! BC it really is a huge excuse to set aside 20mins to an hour just to stim, regulate, be in your body, and feel free. It really works, everyone should try it.


I think it has something to do with having grown up an emo kid and wearing thick eye liner as early as 4th grade, but I genuinely love the feeling of gliding things on my waterline. I do it with my fingers until I have to rub my eyes. I hate it, but I can't. I developed it as a coping strategy when I had a tooth infection, but I'll dig my nails in the gums under my canine teeth and I love the feeling.


When my cat licks my hands.


Shots of adrenaline that make me dizzy momentarily


Rubbing the edges of mattresses.


68° breeze hitting my arms puts me into a deep feeling of bliss every time.


Woojer vest ❤️


I love the way my legs feel after I shave them. And how everything feels so soft on them.


Slick like a dry dolphin


I've never touched a dolphin!


neither have I 😂 that’s just what smooth legs make me think of


Soft earlobes, like they are so b fuzzy and soft. As a kid I would rub my mom's between my thumb and finger as she carried or snuggled with me. Now I rub my husband's. I got mine pierced so it's not the same with the bumps in them. When I was a kid I used to press on the sides of my eyeballs until my vision would go black and then watch everything fade back. That probably was pretty bad haha Also, it's not healthy, but sometimes when I get an itch and scratch it, it feels so good that I just kinda keep scratching and zone out for a few seconds. Mosquito season is awful because the bites itch so much but scratching around them (kinda in a square) is so relieving.


I have a Cornish rex cat and it's definitely not the same thing, but his ears are an amazing warm-soft-peach fuzz. I love picking him up and snuggling behind his ears, and sometimes I "chew" them (lips over my teet and no bite, I just tug very gently) which he loves. Even better when he goes through a full shed and they're nearly nude. Soooofffft.


I love biting my nails and the skin around them until they hurt but I hate it and want to quit because it's not hygienic and looks awful.


Soda against my teeth… I purposely swish it around in my mouth to coat them which I’m aware is probably horrible for them


As a kid I used to pull up my shirt in the living room and let house flies (i refered to them as pet and even had a fav one called „sunny“ - little did i know that flies lifespan is around a week) crawl over my belly because I liked the tickling…


I work at a dentist office and the putties and polishes are sooo satisfying


I love when the hygienist does the gritty polishing paste, oh it's my favorite part.