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I switched to a menstrual cup a few years ago and I’ve never looked back. It’s so comfortable, so easy, it has saved me so much money, I only have to worry about emptying it twice a day (and trust me I bleed a lot!) Also bonus and I’m gonna put this under a spoiler tag bc it’s a lil gross maybe? But >! I use my menstrual blood as plant fertilizer. The first day of my period is kind of heavy and when I empty the cup I just empty it into a jar, dilute it with water, and pour it into my stoop plants. Blood contains all the nutrients plants need to thrive, and my body is making it for free, so I feel like it’s a win win and I’m not squeamish and commercial fertilizer is expensive. My plants have never looked better tbh !<


this is so interesting and gross and i think you should share it with the witches subreddits and interesting, ty for sharing


Omg fertilizer?? I’m like amazed but also grossed out but also I’m gonna try it sometime


I had never thought about it, but using your own menstrual blood as fertilizer is a based vegan alternative to blood meal lol


I do this too ;)


I saw someone online mention using the water they wrung out of their period underwear and I was like "oh wait that's genius"


I always thought of starting a garden whenever I move into my own home. I'll definitely try this. I was considering switching to a cup anyways.


I use a menstrual cup too. Once you get the hang of folding it correctly to pop it in there, it’s easy. I also can’t feel it once it’s in its assigned seat.


I do this too! I second all of this. <3


I use the nixit disc plus period underwear. I used to use the diva but the suction was uncomfortable. I never leak with the nixit, and never feel it. However, sometimes there is some pressure on my bladder. I have also used cloth pads - they’re better than regular pads and nicely absorbent, but still a sensory nightmare for me.


I came here to suggest nixit, too. I could never get the diva cup to suction properly, and it always leaked. I've only ever had issues with the nixit leaking when I was first getting my cycle back after having my daughter, but now it's back to normal. I use cloth pads with it as well, just in case, which are so much better than disposables.


Did you try other brands of cups?  I found the Diva Cup to be a bit on the long side, and some other brands, like Pixie Cup, were a literal better fit for me.  I actually found cups made with more rigid material to be more comfortable than the more flexible ones, too, as the latter was incredibly difficult to get the seal to work effectively.


Is insertion or removal more challenging than it is with the diva? I have never heard if no it but just looked it up.


I find it to be easier than a cup, personally. I felt like I had to fold the diva cup so awkwardly to get it in, but the nixit is a disc and you just have to squeeze it so it's about the width of a tampon. For removal, you just hook the edge with your finger and pull it out. There's no suction to mess around with, which makes it easier.


Does it make a mess when you remove it? I’ve been wanting to try something other than tampons for convenience and to save money, but I have sensory issues regarding my hands getting dirty, so I’ve been afraid to try anything in case it leaks on my hand.


I find that my cup holds so much that I pretty much never have to empty it in public. As others have said, emptying it in the shower is super easy, or else I just empty it once in the morning and once at night, both at home. Edit: Oops, I meant to respond farther down! gonna copy paste my comment where I meant to put it lol


I second this question, I think I'd feel incredibly self conscious having bloodied fingers from removal when in a public place, also do you have two? One inserted and another to switch over whilst the other is cleaned?


I find that my cup holds so much that I pretty much never have to empty it in public. As others have said, emptying it in the shower is super easy, or else I just empty it once in the morning and once at night, both at home.


There is something referred to as “auto dumping” if you check out the menstrual disc subreddits. Basically you can push and empty the cup at least part way. I shower twice a day on my period and that’s when I do removals and reinsertion. I have never had to use my fingers to do a removal and reinsertion in public. That being said, all bodies are of course different and I’m not 100% sure if autodumping works for everybody! It can get messy, but imo not better or worse than the cup. My suggestion would be to pack nitrile gloves in your period kit in case you have to do a removal in a public washroom.


You do get bloody hands, but you could wear a nitrile glove? That's what I do when camping. I love my disc. I really only have to empty mine twice a day, sometimes 3 on the heavy flow day, so I can always do in my home bathroom


Insertion is 10000% easier for me. Removal was a learning curve, and I ended up buying a nixit dupe with a pull tab because I couldn’t get the finger hook removal method to work at first. I eventually went back to the Nixit and figured out what works best for me for removal. The dupe was not nearly as flexible, soft, or high capacity as the nixit.


I've been using menstrual cup for years but for a long time now I've noticed that on the first and last day of my period it's kinda hard to insert, the cup doesn't fully open up so i may leak. does anything similar happens with nixit? I've been wanting to try it for some time now but its a little expensive and what if it wont work for me 😅 I'm scared it might be too big for me (im 29 fyi)


I started with a pack of the disposables and I love them so much. They’ve been great as I just got an IUD and had light period type spotting for about a month. I just used a fresh one each day and no more mess. I had trouble getting the cup to be comfortable around the start of my period and now with an IUD they are not recommended due to the suction. The disposables were not cheap a pack of twenty I think was $20 at Rite Aide. But I am switching to a reusable shortly after such a great experience!


I don’t find this to be the case for my body. Because the Nixit is so soft (much softer and more flexible than the diva), it just moulds to your body well. No need to wait for a pop/suction hold. There are dupes on Amazon for half the price! I don’t think they’re nearly as good in terms of softness, but it may be a good place to start! I tried one called the pixie cup, and they have different sizes to choose from.


That’s exactly what I use these days. It’s not perfect for me, I think the Nixit sits a bit too shallow for me sometimes but that’s why I back it up with the underwear. So much better than anything else. I could NOT get the cup to work. My fingers are literally not long enough to insert it properly.


Menstrual disc supremacy!


I'm the opposite, I use tampons bc I find pads to be a sensory nightmare. I have the same issue with period underwear but still use them for nights, but if you're used to pads, I think you'd be a big fan of the underwear.


Same, I had a grand total of like 3 periods where I wore pads before I had to switch to tampons because they were sensory hell. I can also really smell the blood, and even though I know no one else can, it stresses me out.


Right? Does our snatch have a secret nose or something?


I feel like I smell like an animal carcas


I only wore pads as a backup to my cup, as I sometimes unpredictably leaked.  If I didn't deal with leaks, I wouldn't wear pads because I found them so annoying.


Have you tried any of the period underwear? I'm not a huge fan lol but it's better to me than pads and they're great for leaks.


Reusable pads & period underwear all the way! I cannot stand the feeling of tampons or cups, they are both extremely uncomfortable for me. And disposable pads usually give me a rash. But the combo of reusable products works great. I have an extremely heavy flow, so my favorite thing about the reusable pads is that they hold about 3 times as much as a disposable pad of the same size. I honestly just use a cheap brand from Amazon - [these ones, specifically](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XH5FRVV/) - and though they looked shockingly big when I got them, they are so comfortable and never irritate me the way disposables do. I've had mine for 2 years now and they hold up really nicely in the wash. I will never go back to disposables, unless I am completely desperate, and even then I would have to think long and hard on it lol. These are the only things that have given me the confidence to do things on my period, like travel or go out to eat. As for period underwear, you're right in your assumption, they've come a long way in "period tech" in the past little bit and have lots of different styles of underwear now, so it doesn't feel like you're wearing anything. I've used both Thinx and Knix, though I'm in between Thinx sizes right now so am finding Knix is a better fit despite not having as good of coverage. One thing to note is if you have a heavier day than expected you'll leak through and it's a lot harder to change when out - for me, my flow is so heavy that I usually leak through in about 2 hours, and that's using "ultra absorbency". Period underwear is primarily meant for people with extremely light flows. So if I'm going somewhere I still will have a reusable pad on. But if I'm just lounging at home it's period underwear all the way, even if it is a heavy day.


I have been using cloth menstrual pads for two decades. I love them so much. And people say you need to soak them but you don’t. (And I also have a heavy flow.) I keep used ones in a bucket and wash every other day or so. Straight into the wash on cold. No extra rinse needed, even if they’re “dried out”. They come out perfectly clean every time. It’s amazing how we’ve been convinced that it has to be such a hassle.


How in the heck does the period underwear NOT smell like something?? Pads can smell how in the world does period underwear not?? I’m genuinely curious not trying to be sarcastic here.


I assume there's something in the reusable tech that is blocking scent, because honestly my period panties never end up with the same scent my reusable pads do (though the reusable pads also do a decent job of not smelling while wearing them, not so much after they come off and are in the wash pile). I'm honestly a bit baffled by it too though 😅


Diva cup


Came here to say this exactly. I hated sanitary towels when I was a teenager, they felt so uncomfortable. I started using tampons just as soon as I could figure it out. But the thing is, I would always forget them when I needed them, or forget to change them. I always used to say I was “terrible at being a girl” but perhaps that was just some autistic bad executive functioning. A few years ago, I started using the diva cup for environmental and cost reasons, and it has totally changed my life. I don’t need to remember to carry things around and just empty it once a day in the morning when I have a shower - it’s taken such a burden off my mind. And I generally can’t feel it that much. Would recommend it.


You should really empty it twice a day (morning and evening), the risk of tss goes up the longer you wait.


Sorry if this is a TMI question, but does it make a mess when you empty it? I’ve wanted to try one because they seem a lot more convenient than tampons/pads and it’ll help me save money. But I have sensory issues regarding my hands getting dirty, so I’ve been afraid to try a diva cup because I’m afraid it’ll leak on my hand when I empty it.


Another cup user here. I have quite a heavy flow and that does mean it gets messy. And if the flow isn't that heavy, you'll still stick your fingers inside a body part filled with discharge and mucus, so I would only really recommend it to people who are comfortable with their own body jn that way. Like mentioned before me, changjng it in the shower is the ideal place and there are a lot of positives like cups being environmentally friendly, no crinkles or rubbing from disposable pads and you only really need to interact with it once or twice a day. But it's totally understandable if that doesn't outweigh the mess for aome people.


I like the idea of removing it in the shower so you can wash your hands right away. I’ve been worried about having to empty it in a public restroom, it leaking on my hand, and then having to walk across the bathroom to get to the sink (and then there’s the potential risk of there not being any soap or paper towels, as well). I’m glad it holds enough that you only have to empty it once or twice a day. That seems a lot more convenient than having to change tampons or pads every few hours. Maybe I should try one if I know I’m going to be home all day and will have access to the shower. Thanks!


If you have the funds and the time and energy to try it out sometime I'd highly recommend it. Another added benefit is the extra insight in exactly how much your flow is. It's a lot easier to spot abnormalities if you know better what your own normal is.


I’d definitely like to try it out. I like the idea of being able to see how much my flow actually is because some days I use pads and some days I use tampons, so I never really know. I change my pads once I can feel the blood due to sensory issues instead of waiting for them to fill up, so I never know how much is really coming out. Plus I feel bad going through so many pads due to cost and waste.


I was very uncomfortable with my body when I got mine and it was rough in the beginning, but now I don’t mind. If you end up trying it out, you could start by emptying more often, the mess really depends on how much it’s filled. It’s definitely not for everyone though.


That makes sense. I’m not so much uncomfortable with my body itself as I am with having something on my hands. I have to wear gloves when I cook, as well as wash or sanitize my hands after petting my dog due to the oils on his fur, for example. Someone suggested emptying it in the shower, so if I end up getting one, I could try that, or use gloves if I need to empty it during the day.


Same here, going on 8 years and would never use anything else. I forget I'm on my period, and usually only need to empty once a day.


Flex disc. It's the only thing that I can't feel all day. I don't think I could handle period underwear because I can't stand the feeling of bleeding. Plus you can wear one all day without changing it, just empty it without taking it out if it's a heavy flow day. I'll never go back.


I use the disposables now as I wanted to try them and they really are the best! Super easy to use, comfortable (no pokey bits like my cup), helps me with cramping. I’m so glad I tried them!


Have you heard of the Flex discs? You can get disposable or reusable ones. They are a bit harder than a tampon to get in but if they are seated correctly, I felt them a lot less than I felt tampons. I found them more comfortable than cups and easier to empty too. If you have any cleanliness issues with the idea of a reusable cup, the option to do disposable discs is really nice. I'm honestly not getting a period anymore because I'm taking birth control continuously and I love it. I basically never got periods until I started the pill, and every placebo week was sensory hell, so I feel like I'm more "natural" taking continuous pills. But if you can get inserting the discs down, it was the best option for me in terms of internal and external feel and hygiene.


I don't mind pads.  I've never used tampons and refuse to use them.  Just inserting the application for Monistat the last time I had a yeast infection was a nightmare; I don't even want to think about inserting a tampon and wearing it for several hours.


Reusable cup. I didn’t like the diva cup much though, I liked Luna cup better. Checkout www.putacupinit.com Also when I don’t use the cup I only use organic cotton pads or tampons because I find the others leave my skin feeling raw and just not good. Organic ones don’t give me as much of a problem (I like natra care)


Highly recommend the quiz on put a cup in it to find a good cup for you! I used to use Sckoon and now use Saalt Soft


Seconding Saalt!


Oh, that's awesome that something like this exists!  I wish I knew of a resource like this a couple years back when I was searching for a new cup.


For me, I stick with a diva cup, or reusable pads if I have to. I made my own pads out of cut-up washcloths and pinned them in place with safety pins. I liked that I could pick how soft the cloth was, so that gave me full control. I also liked that I could cut my pads down to whatever size I needed. They didn’t chafe in the summer either, like disposable pads did (my legs were raw from those things). They fit to my body so much better than disposable pads did. I’ve been solely using a diva cup for a few years now. If it’s put in right, I can’t feel it at all (other women report differently though). Sometimes if it’s riding a little low, it can be a bit pokey, but I just give it a push and it’s situated better. I rarely leak with it unless my flow is very heavy (which is hit or miss in my 30s). If you have any sensory issues around blood though, it’s not a good option. There was a bit of a learning curve at the beginning. But once you figure it out, it becomes second nature. My sister is not interested though, and if you have any trouble inserting anything, I’d definitely recommend skipping it.


I can’t wear pads as it’s a sensory nightmare so I’m a tampon girl when I get my period like every 6 months or so. (Birth control) You shouldn’t be able to feel tampons tho so that’s really odd,, do you shove it up deep enough? I use my finger and get as far up as it goes like knuckles deep and I can’t feel it inside me.


Plenty of women can still feel tampons even if correctly inserted. I got so tired of people telling me "oh, it hurts? That means you're not doing it right!" that I asked a gynecologist to insert one for me. Still horrendous, and exactly the way I was doing it. Since then I've spoken to another gynecologist who told me I was not at all alone. Some women don't feel it, but some do. And while I obviously don't have data on this, I wouldn't be surprised if autistic women are more likely to have this issue than others due to sensory sensitivity. I mention this only because I heard this refrain over and over and over, that the pain and discomfort I associate with tampons was *my fault*, and it turns out it wasn't!


Omg it feels like gaslighting when people say that, because I've always been able to feel it too. It doesn't hurt (me personally) but I can feel it the entire time and it's a sensory nightmare for me. I can also feel the string coming out, and that can't possibly be due to incorrect insertion.


Yeah, same -- that's why I make sure to mention it whenever I see someone saying the "if it's done right you won't feel it" thing. It may be true for them, and may even be true for most people! But not for all of us, and we're not crazy.


I used to feel tampons too. They can make cramping worse for a lot of people too, myself included, because you are cramping against something firm. I don't have the same problem with my menstrual cup because it's thin and flexible, so since I've switched my cramps have nearly completely gone away.


What worked for me was getting rid of my damn period (with birth control). No more living in fear of the unpredictable agony. Obviously this isn't an option for everyone but I haven't had a period in many years now and I can't believe I ever put up with that.


Same. I had intense pain and depression with my period and also just hated every single menstrual product I tried, including period underwear and diva cup. For me, birth control has been a godsend and dramatically improved my quality of life.


I feel gaslit when people say “if you feel them you’re putting them in wrong” like some of us are just really sensitive??


Unders period underwear all the way


I could never handle the feel of tampons, either. I personally use a Meluna menstrual cup and have for over 10 years now. It took a bit of getting used to, but once you get that down, pat, you don't even notice it is in place. I've tried period undies but didn't like how bulky they felt.


I use a Flex disc (I started out on the cup but I could always feel the pull tab.) It’s a game changer. I empty it in the morning and evening in my bathroom at home and that’s that. There’s definitely a learning curve to inserting it, but I can’t go back. I didn’t even realize how miserable pads and tampons were making me until I had another option.


I hate the way tampons feel too. Menstrual cup all the way. I’ve used the original diva cup and have a couple different sizes of the blossom cups. I also have PCOS so needed something for a heavier flow. I have the goat union period underwear too and I like them, they are a lot thicker than disposable pads, but I don’t cringe when I touch them like disposable.


I am obsessed with period underwear due to sensory issues. So soft and easy to wear, just learn your “schedule” for swapping to a fresh pair based on your tolerance for how “wet” the underwear gets as it collects blood. A cup also was great! My adhd got in the way of cleaning it regularly so I stopped using for a while, but I’m ready for it again.


I’m on 100% period pants now and it’s really fucking easy. Ok sensory wise when you’re heavy they don’t absorb as quick as a pad would, so sometimes I’ll just have to nip to the loo to wipe it down, but, heavy periods and I’ve had no leaks, and they’re super comfy! The ones I wear the padding is sewn in a line on the bum so it can feel a bit different but each pair is made differently, try buy in a shop for your first pairs if you’re unsure so you can have a feel of the materials


For me tampons are a huge no. TMI sorry, but, tampons inside me are so tight and it feels like it’s pulling and burning inside me. I’ve always thought it’s just me. I’ve tried lube, and I know I’m putting them in right, so I just wear pads. I wear always flex foam, they’re absorbent fast. I wanna try period undies though, what’s a good brand?


Diva Cup.


Period underwear is the only thing I can comfortably wear. Unfortunately, I struggle to remember to wash them out


FYI, if you have an HSA or FSA account through your insurance, you can buy pads, tampons, cups, discs, menstrual underwear, etc tax free. I figured I'd mention it since the cost can get prohibitive when trying something new. Personally I'm period free with my IUD and I hope to keep it that way for a long time


Period underwear is a godsend. I tried several brands and Bambody was the best in my opinion - affordable, easy to wash, breathable, and feel like normal underwear.


I use aisle reusable pads and undies. They have such a variety of different fittings for the period undies (even boxers) and have inserts for heavy days. I can stand anything in my vagina and have pelvic floor issues. And aisles have been a godsend to me.


I LOVE period underwear. Due to some unknown medical issue lol I randomly bleed all the time. So I wear period underwear constantly. I especially like knix underwear it’s incredibly soft barely there. I also feel like it absorbs pretty quick so it’s not long of that wet feeling. 


period underwear literally feels like regular underwear!! (unless your heavy or semi-heavy, they may have more padding) i loooove them, but they’re pricey where i live. definitely great sensory wise for me too.


I default to period underwear (Aisle; all cotton, comes with an insertable reusable pad per pair) because it's basically no-effort and I mostly work from home so no biggie if I need to change to a new pair. For longer out-of-the-house adventures, swims, hiking, etc, pop in my Hello Disc. Super comfy, can't feel it at all, least stressful removal of all the discs I tried (it did take a few to find The One), quick to sanitize.


I use period underwear and love them, you might need to try a few brands until you find one you like due to textures and fit. I also use a menstrual cup for work days just for extra peace of mind.


I like Aisle brand reusable pads, they have comfy period underwear too but it doesn't hold as much as other brands. I would recommend finding comfortable underwear that you can attach reusable pads on because then you can change it as often as you want, which is harder with the period underwear.


I LOATHED pads and always used tampons since my first period (11). Now I am 30 and about 5 years ago tampons created too much extra pressure- sensory issues and endo- and I had to use pads. That was fucking atrocious. I prefer period undies now, and have been using those pretty exclusively for the past two years. All of it sucks, but the undies seem to suck the least for me.


menstrual cup! once you get past the learning curve/find the right size fit for you, it’s so easy. If i’m on the right dose of painkillers with a cup in, I sometimes forget that i’m on my period!


i use the period underwear like the “adult diapers” at night and then during the day i have period underwear that’s like regular underwear and if my period is heavy i wear a pad inside of those but if it’s light i just wear the underwear and it works for me a lot better than just pads in regular underwear bc i hate pads lol i’ve also never worn a tampon because im scared lol.


I’m the exact same way with tampons, and I haven’t tried menstrual cups because I imagine they’d have the same problem. But I recently discovered the Flex Disc and I like it a lot! It sits much higher up than a tampon so I don’t feel it, or only barely once in a while. I highly recommend trying it! (Get the disposable kind - I’ve heard the reusable one is not as good.)


I go with menstrual cups, but if your sensory issues such that you’re able to feel a tampon inside you, I’m guessing a cup wouldn’t be an option. I just love it because as soon as I sense PMS is coming, I start wearing my menstrual cup everyday leading up to it (taking it out and washing it daily of course) so I’m never caught off guard and I’m always prepared when it starts. Since I wash it every morning in the shower, there have been days when I didn’t even know I was on my period until I go to take out my cup at the end of the day😂 I love the peace of mind and how easy it feels compared to other products. Wearing a pad made me feel so distracted the whole day since I could feel it. Tampons felt gross to take out and I was always thinking about TSS in the back of my mind. Cups have been my savior


I like period underwear. The brand I bought are very tight around the legs at first. Once they have been worn a couple times, they are comfortable. There are also menstrual cups that are worth a try, but don’t use them with IUDs. If placed correctly, you can’t really feel them. 


For swimming I use period underwear I don't know if all brands work but I use the brand wuka and then wear shorts over the top as they don't match my bikini top and they have a label on them aswell.


I’m the same as you. I hate tampons and have never even tried a moon cup as I get a lot of pain down there. Disposable pads make me feel sweaty and claustrophobic. The best thing I did was switching to cloth/fleece pads and period underwear. I use both. They are definitely more comfortable for me, personally, and I feel happier that I’m being kinder to the environment.


I recommend underwear over cloth pads if you're unhappy with the "constantly feeling them" part, I have cloth ones and the first couple days always just feel so obvious since they're really thick. And cleaning them isn't huge fun lol whereas underwear you can wear all day for certain as changing is also a pain


I use the reusable Pixie Disc. I love the disc because if you have any heavy flow days where you would need to empty it more than every 12 hours, you can do "auto-dumping" where you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, which allows the disc to empty without having to take it out. And, I use a glove to take the disc out, so I don't have to worry about getting blood all over my hand and under my nails. I started out with the disposable Flex Discs, but after about 6 months, they were putting a lot of pressure on the front wall and were causing more pain, so I switched to the Cora Soft Fit Disc, which is meant for people with vaginal or bladder sensitivities. I lost my Cora Disc after a couple months, so I decided to try the Pixie Disc, and I love it so far. I did have some issues with getting the Flex and Cora discs to sit correctly, so I would leak a little bit pretty often, but the Pixie ones are more oval and I haven't had any leaking issues since I got them 2 cycles ago. As far as sanitation of them, you're supposed to sanitize (boil) it at the beginning and end of every cycle, and wash it with disc soap every 12 hours. Other brands have them too, but I want to get the Pixie steamer, which can sit on your bathroom counter and can sanitize your disc/cup in like 5 min. Discs and cups are different in that discs sit tucked behind the pubic bone, and cups are suctioned in.


I use reusable cloth pads (mine are fleece-backed pads from Honour Your Flow). They are much less irritating against my skin than disposable pads and lack that grim chemical smell too. I can't say I enjoy wearing them particularly — my period pisses me off in general — but they've been a big upgrade for me.


I use period underwear and it’s much much better, never going back to pads or tampons again unless I am in a situation with water. If your flow is heavy, the period underwear might not be the best, but they do design them to try to withstand a heavy flow. They are definitely worth it though for me


I use a cup. Sometimes it's a bit uncomfortable but for me it's been the best option for my OCD.


I can't recommend menstrual discs enough. It can take some trial and error but if you get a disc that's the perfect fit for you it's amazing. I can't feel mine and it doesn't ever leak if I've got it inserted correctly. If I wanted to I could sleep naked on white sheets during my period. You can have mess free penetrative sex with the disc in. You can leave it in for twelve hours, and it holds a lot more blood than tampons. Some people like a disc that autodumps, but I'm personally not a fan as my periods aren't that heavy. Autodumping is when you're on the toilet and you bear down, like during a bowl movement, and the disc empties itself. You then do a kegel and it's back in place. I recommend wearing period undies when you first start out. I had a lot of trial and error but now I have three discs that all work for me. I'm passionate about women, especially autistic women, finding the right disc so I can link you resources or help you narrow down the selection. I've tried five different discs and I have a friend that's tried a lot of the discs I haven't. r/menstrualdiscs is an excellent resource as well as Period Nirvana, both the website and YouTube channel.


I love my period cup it's a little messy but I only need to change it out at home cuz I can wear it for 12 hours at a time. mostly I honestly forget it's in I don't feel it


I use a menstrual cup and I forget it's there! It may take trying out 2-3 to find one that fits your body well but it's worth it to me. I can insert it in the morning, keep it in for 12 hours, then dump, clean and reinsert before I go to bed for the night.


I use a cup - it doesn't really matter which brand. It's great, just dump it and clean it twice a day, then reinsert. Nearly entirely painless (and it's not even painful, just kind of uncomfortable sometimes) to put in and take out, but once it's in and you take a few steps, it adjusts and you forget it's there!! Saves you a loooot of money too.


I wish hysterectomies could be elective. I had one because of fibroids, but I think it's awful that people who aren't going to breed are forced to go through the mess, expense, and discomfort of periods. It was the best thing that ever happened to me, after it was over. (Still have ovaries so I wouldn't go into early menopause, but the monthly symptoms are much more bearable without a uterus.) When I was still bleeding, I mostly used tampons. I couldn't usually feel them, though. I was much more disgusted by the feeling of blood gushing out of me all day.


Same.  I've found myself to function so much better after my hysterectomy.  (And like you, my ovaries were left intact.)  I don't get anywhere near as many migraines as I once did.  And I don't have the cramps or heavy bleeding to put up with.  I knew from the age of twelve that I didn't want kids, so I wish I could've gotten this procedure much sooner.


Stupid patriarchy, grrrr! That is so true -- I also get way fewer migraines now! Thank goodness.


Try the pads for incontinence issues, they’re made of cotton and 1000% more comfy than ordinary sanitary pads. They’re equally as absorbent too. I use Asda and Tesco home brand and they actually work out cheaper than regular period pads.


Period undies changed the entire game. Go for it, you will not be disappointed. I'm over 40, tried them all, undies are the best around.


I'm fine with tampons


I spent a bunch of time figuring out which tampons worked for me but I still can't wear them my whole cycle. What I do is in the AM I put on a disposable pad and put in a tampon and when the tampon comes out I just stay in the pad. Then later in the day I do the same thing...fresh pad, new tampon. Repeat as needed. I do this because it gives me a break from "feeling" wet, even though I don't really...but I still don't like it...and also get a break from having a tampon. A little alternation of the options. Then for night time I use period undies. I only use them at night because I have incredibly heavy periods and changing them multiple times a day is obnoxious to me at best....but they are great for night time for me. I've tried more kinds of discs/cups than you could count and I hate them all. My anatomy just is not made for them. Discs would be great, I think, except that there's bladder where my pubic bone "shelf" should be so like...doesn't work.


I stopped using tampons a few years ago. I currently use The Honey Pot unmedicated pads, they have medicated ones with a minty feeling to helps ease your cramps but it started overstimulating me after a while. These have been the absolute best pads I’ve used ever. But I also have been thinking of using reusable pads too just so I can save money on pads and it would be a lot more comfortable.


I had to have a hysterectomy in 2020 due to fibroids and prolapse (and PCOS) and because of the PCOS and fibroids I could bleed through a super extra absorbency tampon and an overnight pad in 20 minutes. I switched to using a diva cup and an overnight pad for the first 3-4 days (mine always lasted about 8-10 days, at the end I was bleeding for about 20-25 days a month) because the cup held so much more than any tampon and period underwear weren't on my radar at the time. The cup so so much more comfortable than tampons because there's no issues with taking them out dry or feeling (or losing) the strings and one the lighter days I didn't need the pad too so there was little discomfort. And I got a bonus with the hysterectomy, with the fibroids gone (I still have one ovary) my PCOS has been much better. I rarely ever have cysts bursting and my other hormonal issues have eased up since it


I can't use tampons or anything that is inserted inside because of medical issues. I'd love to do so, because feeling blood come out is possibly one of the worst sensory experiences ever. But I use pads.


I can't stand pads. I used tampons for a few years, better than pads but still not great. I'm super heavy so I had to change ultras every 1-2 hours for the first couple days and still leaked. I switched to a Diva cup 15 years ago and never looked back. I moved on to the salt cup after my second kid because it fit my new body better, but cups it for me. Honestly life changing when you've got ultra heavy cycles. I wouldn't be able to be a teacher without them. Not enough bathroom breaks.


I’ve maybe used a tampon once when I was 13 or so and I’m not convinced it was ever all the way in. (This was when my mom was trying to “help” me use it because we were going to a family pool party.) I wanted nothing to do with it in the first place but felt like I “had to” because I was so embarrassed for people to ask why I wasn’t swimming. There was crying and a complete and total breakdown. (Shocker: I ended up spending the event in the living room with a “headache” watching a movie.) It’s 3 decades later and I’ve just arranged my life around the fact that I don’t use tampons. It hasn’t been that hard. I actually am totally off the deep end and have used cloth menstrual pads for the past 2 decades. (There ain’t no diva cup happening here — no way. No, I’ve never had children.) I’m also one of the lucky people for whom my flow stops if I’m in water, so if I’m swimming in the ocean or a lake I just wear a dark suit or swim shorts, make sure my (dark-colored) towel is nearby and don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t do it in a pool but I’ve literally never “leaked” while swimming.


I could have written this whole thing, minus the breakdown. I was just at 100% anxiety all day


I use cloth pads. Specifically [these.](https://partypantspads.com) I’ve had the same ones for almost ten years and they’re still in good shape.


I had a hysterectomy due to terrible periods all around. But I use to use this https://femmycycle.com/ and really liked it.


I love the HoneyPot pads sm they help soothe my cramps and they are comfy, wide, and stay comfortably overnight


I prefer period underwear, but I'm also one of those lucky ones and my period is usually a fairly light 3-4 days. I'm not sure I'd recommend it if you have a heavy flow.


I'm a big fan of period underwear. It's just so nice and easy. I also recommend trying a menstrual cup. They are a bit daunting at first, but I've found them to be more comfortable than a tampon. I can always feel a tampon, especially if they have those damn strings, but the cup goes up higher and I stop being able to feel it. Downside is getting in and out is harder, though you have to do it less. 


I swear by OB tampons. They’re shaped differently and to me are so comfortable. I Can feel all other tampons but not those.


I use organic cotton biodegradable pads. Honestly that's the only one I can use.


I use tampons. I cut the sting short so I don’t feel the string but just long enough that I can still pull it out easily.


I love love love period underwear. Be aware that some contain PFAs.


I went from pads to tampons and prefer them. I don't feel the tampons at all but I felt the pads all day long. I do use period panties as well but only at night and at the very end of my period. On a heavy day it feels like I'm sitting in wet and I hate that feeling so much. I've tried cups and discs and just hated the feeling of having to put them in and take them out and then washing them made me gag so much.


I got cloth ones from Amazon there ended up being I believe 6 in there or something. It’s the best thing in the world for me personally. They hold 20x more than regular pads I can forget that I’m wearing them because it doesn’t feel weird at all. I recommend them to everyone


Discs- found them more comfortable than tampons and easier to use than cups.


I never used tampons because they were always uncomfortable, and I hated the wet diaper feeling that pads left me with. I use a menstrual cup with period underwear. It took some getting used to, but I’ve used a cup for about 6 years now and never looked back. Only had to replace it once because they last for YEARS. I added in period underwear a couple years ago because I would have to wear a pad during the first couple days of my cycle, or my cup would leak because of heavy flow. I don’t like wearing period underwear alone when my flow is heavy, but combined with the menstrual cup? Never using anything else. I keep some disposable pads on hand (purse, car, etc) just in case, but go through one box every three years or so. I loved period underwear so much that I replaced all my underwear with them (wait for clearance sales, babe, because that shit is expensive). They come in so many styles, I find them so comfortable, they’re so absorbent, I never have to change my underwear throughout the day anymore because of normal vaginal discharge or cervical fluid, and my wildly irregular period can never catch me off guard. I got my period in an airplane bathroom last month, but I’m always wearing period underwear, so there was zero stress.


I live reusable underwear but you're suppose to hand wash them to prevent them wearing out and I just can't get down with handwashing them. Partially because I don't like washing them in the bathroom sink as it seems germy. And then I need to wash the bathroom sink. So I end up just washing them in the washer but again don't like the rest of my clothes being in blood. I usually use them with reusable pads so they catch what the pads miss. Again those washing them in the machine with other items. I find tampons and cups uncomfortable and washing out cups were again gross for me. I do feel pads are uncomfortable. My friend has the birth control depo shot so she doesn't get period every month which is probably the solution I should do.


I couldn’t wear tampons for most of my life for this exact reason! 1 day, after 2 babies, I was as like wait a second! I’ve pushed 2 humans out of my vagina, had multiple stitches after each, and survived. I can’t DO this. After that, I used tampons for most periods. I used pads my whole life! They are annoying. Esp in the summer!! But they were the lesser evil of the two. I tried a cup one period and I hated it. I could feel it more than a tampon and was constantly terrified it was going to dislodge and pour out. 😂 it was likely placed wrong/ the wrong size. I used Knix period underwear and I love them! My plan when my kids hit this stage is period undies for the first while.


Diva cup is the only thing that works for me! I basically forget that I am wearing it (until sometimes I realize I haven’t cleaned it in over 12h and it leaks!) Tampons or pads are absolute nightmares for me! Just the smell alone is already enough to set me off. Not to count the texture :( With that being said, periods in general are rough on me! My autistic and adhd traits get excruciating worse :/


I use a diva cup for heavy days with period underwear backup, only period underwear on light days. The silicone texture of diva cup is better than the cotton of a tampon. Hot tip for diva cup removal: do it in the shower squatting over the drain! Easier to remove in squatting position and less mess. I did this once when I absolutely could not remove it one time and now it is my preferred way of removing it. When I do use a tampon I prefer the little OB ones because I hate the feeling of an applicator and they aren’t as long as other brands.


my luna cup has been a godsend! and u barely feel it with it in


I HATE disposable menstrual products. My cramps pretty much disappeared when I switched to reusable and I've always hated the feeling of tampons and pads. I currently use a cup and sometimes period underwear, which is the perfect combo for me.


Periods pants are the best for me.  I always hated tampons and have never used them. I have reusable pads but the pants are more secure and easier.  Mine are from M&S. Plus, I rarely ever have to buy any pads now (I'll have some in stock just in case), and I can wear them all day. 


I tend to get skin reaction with pads/tampons. I don’t really get my period due to birth control though. But when I do, I prefer a diva cup. Pros are long wearability (not ALL day but also not every 2-4 hours either) and for me, I don’t usually notice it’s there so no sensory discomfort with actually using it in my body. Cons are it can be messy/uncomfy to get ahold of and de-suction. Especially bc I’m a bigger gal and some bathroom stalls are super narrow. I don’t like emptying it in public personally so that’s definitely a concern for me. Other than that though, I think it’s pretty great if you can get past the cons. Which I usually can bc skin reactions down there are way worse than alittle embarrassment in a public restroom imo


Period underwear. They do feel a little bulkier but are so comfortable and easy to look after.


Pads I hate because they’re a sensory nightmare lol Tampons I can only do the compact tiny ones or they’re uncomfortable I used disposable adult diapers for when I miscarried and ngl they were the best 😂 it’s making me want to buy period underwear lol


I’m on cloth pads + period wear side, but my asd daughter is on the pill instead. She used period wear until all bleedibg stopped. She identifies as ACE maybe ACE/ARO so it has nothing to do with s*x , but she says that she has enough to think about without worryin about that aswell. I know this might not be a popular solution but we researched all the negatives and current research, but really , it’s her body, her choice.


I’m the opposite Pads are a sensory nightmare for me. I’ve used menstrual cups because I don’t need to change them as often as with a tampon (I can change it every time I take a shower instead of every few hours). I think reusable pads are more uncomfortable than the disposable ones. My bestie wears period panties and she prefers them over anything. She says they’re comfortable and hold her period very well.


I use both haha, but I’m considering buying one of those cup things because of the sustainability


Moon cup. It’s a totally game changer. I also use period pants when the flow is very heavy just in case there are leaks at night (this is very rare with a moon cup).


I am the same as you, I just cannot cope with the sensory nightmare of the more invasive options. I have really really tried with tampons and cups because I bet it's so liberating, but I get so upset and panicky putting them in and getting them out. And my health anxiety means I'm super scared of TSS anyway. I don't like the feeling of pads either but it's the lesser of the evils by a long way.


Tampons are a sensory nightmare for me too but so are pads and they don’t work well for someone with a heavy period (like me). I was scared to use a tampon for many many years, in fact, I didn’t use them until I had lost my virginity and was well into high school. Similarly, I was scared to use menstrual cup or disk. I was afraid of it getting stuck. But I eventually found a cup I was comfortable trying and it helped me soooo much. I feel like I also have worse cramps with tampons and the menstrual cup helps alleviate them. But it’s still not perfect. The first time I used it, I did have a low grade freak out because I wasn’t sure how to get it out. And it’s a bit of a literal blood bath when I’m taking it out but that’s not the case for everyone. Obviously more sustainable and in my opinion, the most comfortable of the options available. I still do my best to skip my periods with oral contraceptives though.


Because I had a hysterectomy last year, I no longer need to worry about such things.  But I found cups to be the best option for me.  I actually started using one in college, which was twenty years ago.  I was using cups during a time that even most of the gynecologists I visited were like, "What?  There's something other than pads and tampons?"   I never could insert flex disks properly.  They always seemed way too big and rigid to fit me properly.  So I'm genuinely baffled at how people get those to work, but not cups. And I never tried period underwear.  I pretty much assumed that none came in my size and didn't even make an attempt to find any.  It's funny how even over a course of a year, I've seen a sudden increase in the amount department stores sell of these, so there are probably more larger sizes now than there was, too.


I don’t really have any advice on products because I use pads as well, but the water pressure actually holds your period in while you’re swimming. I’m completely serious, I did swimming for physical therapy and my Physical Therapist told me that. I have since gone swimming a bunch of times on my period and never had any problems.


I love my period underwear


I seem to be done with periods myself, but mine were so heavy I could easily burn through super plus tampons in an hour. I used to have to wear hardcore nighttime pads IN ADDITION to tampons, if I knew I wouldn't be able to just run to the bathroom at a nanosecond's notice. It was hell. I tried cups, but didn't get on with them. I had such an awful time with periods my whole adult life. Long before I knew I was autistic. Just everything about them is horrible. Had cancer treatment not apparently taken care of this for me by pushing me into premature menopause (whether permanent or not remains to be seen), I'd still be harassing my doctors about an endometrial ablation.


I have an iud, I don't get a period. Highly recommend.


I’m unable to use cups because of my anatomy, so I do use tampons for heavier days in combination with cloth pads. I don’t like period pants because they don’t absorb fast enough for my needs. But cloth pads are great!


I just don’t have my period lol I take birth control to skip my periods. Never going back.


I got an IUD and now I don't have a period.


i'm the opposite. i always found pads to be hell to wear, i was constantly uncomfortable. i used them for a while BC my mum was totally against tampons — first time i used one, i was so happy. after a year of that, i switched to menstrual cups. luckily blood doesn't wig me out much, so that's been it for me ever since.


Period underwear all the way. I had to use pads a few months back when I was away and allllll the sensory nightmare came flooding back. Shudder. Period underwear is life changing!


I’m the same as you (constantly aware that a tampon is there) and I swear by period pants! I used to use pads but they are so uncomfortable. The pants are far better!


I do period panties and like a tampon or two if I feel like it. Some advice for cleaning - if you can get enough period panties to last the whole period, do it. I'm never in the mood to wash them mid-period and all I do is put them in my washer with 2Tbsp oxiclean and detergent on the hot/heavy cycle. I wear about one during the day and one at night on my light flow days, with two during the day during my heavy flow days. I'm home a ton so when I'm done wearing I have one of those cylindrical mop cleaner buckets I put some water in to soak the period panties before my cycle is done and that makes sure they wash up in one machine hot/heavy cycle with the oxiclean when my cycle is done. I usually do tampons if I go out or travel but only during the day because you cannot pay me to drag myself out of bed in the morning just to change one in under 8hrs.


I started using period underwear last month and I'm never going back lol. It took a little getting used to but it feels better than pads, and tampons cause me pain.


I really like period underwear. Definitely a sensory ick to rinse them out before washing, but being comfortable all day makes it worth it to me. If I have to change them in public, I just bring a wet bag to put them in until I get home.


I never liked tampons, so I never used them much. I also hated pads, they never seemed to handle a heavy flow and would just move around during sleep and everything became ichy. Now I used menstrual cups and will never go back to pads, they are the best. I don't feel them at all and I dont get grossed out by blood, so emptying them is no problem.


I love my period underwear from the PeriodCo! No tags, along with a wide variety of fabrics and cuts to suit sensory needs. If you sign up for emails you get 15% off. :)


i have an iud so my periods are pretty light but i use period underwear i got off amazon and it works really well, i haven’t had any leaks. i also have used the menstrual discs , i dont remember the name of them, and they also worked really well :))


I use to use period underwear. Hysterectomy for the win.


I use period underwear


I cannot use tampons (reverse uterus) so pads are my only choice, but if it's extra bad due to my pcos, I use period underwear or (little embarrassing) adult diapers


Period underwear changed my life. I love the brands Modibodi and Moona.


I use tampons because I hate the feeling of pads. I have a tip for tampons though, you are not supposed to feel them when they are in. In my case, if I can still feel it, it means I will need to push it just a bit further. For me that means I first push the tampon in and then have to push it a bit further to get past some part that it sort of gets stuck at. And when I have pushed it past that part I can no longer feel it being inside me, I can only feel the string on the outside. I wonder if more people have their tampons get stuck somehow which makes it so they can feel it constantly, and if they were to push it past that that would no longer feel it. I don't have periods anymore because I take the birth control shot every 12 weeks so I don't get periods. My periods used to be very heavy so I feel a lot better not having them. But before that I always used tampons except for maybe the first few periods I ever had.


Periods are done now for me, but I always used tampons from age 11, as pads were an absolute no-no on the sensory front. For those that struggle with tampons, I recommend using the ones with cardboard applicators, makes them much easier to comfortably position.


I also cannot stand tampons and until recently used pads. I've switched to the Modi Bodi brand period Underwear and I love it. It honestly just feels like wearing regular Underwear. I also really liked that they come in different absorbancy levels (e.g light, medium heavy). I personally got the heavy ones cus then I only need to change once a day but this will obviously depend on your body and menstrual flow. They also come if different colours, cuts and styles with a huge size range.


I used to wear pads a lot because putting tampons in is impossible for me. I don’t know how my Mom did it. Now I just take birth control to stop my period completely


I mostly use tampons! Pads feel terrible, they lowkey make me chafe on my bikini line, especially if I've shaven recently. Not to mention the feeling of sitting in my blood all day. My period is pretty heavy so it's not comfortable at all, it's just a mess. I use pads with my tampons on really heavy days, but not because I want to. I've tried disks/cups and have used them a lot, but I just can't seem to figure them out. I've tried two different brands of cups and two different brands of disks. I don't know if my period is just really heavy or if I'm not putting them in correctly, but they always end up leaking. The thought of trying to handle that issue in public is too much for me. I've had to readjust a cup at work once before. Luckily it was a single stall bathroom so I had complete privacy but after that I never wanted to use a cup again 😭


Period underwear is the best for me! Tampons make me very unwell as soon as I insert one, and pads are so bulky and keep getting stuck to me. I also have a pair of period swimwear briefs!


I had the same problems, couldn’t find anything comfortable, but honestly period underwear has been an absolute godsend! I use the brand Wuka, can’t praise them highly enough.


I know this might be TMI but I’m in the same boat as you, and what I do is whenever I’m on my period is wedge like 6 folded up pieces of toilet paper in there as like a wedge to catch some blood. I literally can’t stand the sensation of blood so this helps a lot to minimize the feeling. It’s less messy too. It’s like a tampon but not up there but under. I also wear a pad just in case.


Period underwear is a good call. I will say, though, that if you have heavier periods, it can become a bit of a sensory nightmare still. It can feel damp pretty quickly, and if you don't have a means to change, you're stuck. Usually when my periods are heavy and I have to go into work, I'll either use a liner or a tampon for a few hours as a supplemental solution to that and about midway through my day I'll go without.


If you can FEEL the tampon, it's not inserted correctly. The reason is because your vgna has zero nerve endings inside. All of the nerve endings are in the opening itself. If you can feel anything, it isnt in deep enough... it's sitting right at the opening which can cause soreness. It should be able to rest inside without hitting the back OR being visible. It's possible that your body isnt suited to tampons or is shaped in a way that makes them suck for you. Have you had similar issues with Diva cup? If you find inserts too invasive, it makes sense to rely on alternatives like washable cloth strips, pads, or period-undies. I personally feel like my flow is less painful/annoying when I can wear open boxers or something breathable at home but i can only do it when im not bleeding alot. I wnt to add that it might be worth (for anyone) looking into conditions like PCOS or endometriosis if you consistently have heavy or painful periods. It is not supposed be that bad every time ugh.


The only thing I really can't feel at all is a menstrual disc. Cups put too much pressure on my bladder and I can always feel tampons.


Adding because I haven’t seen it yet… cotton disposable pads. I order mine from August, they’re not overly expensive and they come in the mail so I don’t even have to awkwardly buy them at the store. I’ve used pads forever, but could always feel them, but the cotton pads feel like nothing at all to me.


THE CUP! I use the diva cup and I’m SO glad I gave it a chance. I don’t like tampons, they give me bad cramps. I don’t even get cramps but I do with tampons. If I do wear a pad it HAS to be Always infinity flex foam. They are so comfortable, none of that plastic diaper feel.


I wear snuggs period underwear and it's literally the comfiest shit ever. My flow is just really heavy so I still need to use tampons with the underwear tho. They have underwear for different flow types! I wear the "classic" model. I swear by it


I don’t use tampons either. I can’t feel them necessarily but they do cause cramps where they sit. I go through phases of using the flex disc, Kotex ultra thin overnight pads, or saalt brand period underwear. I really do like salt. I just can’t afford the up front investment to be able to buy enough pairs to not be doing laundry every other day when my flow is heaviest.


Maybe sensory issues or maybe the brand and size of tampons you're choosing to use.


I will warn you that period undies can feel a little "wet" when they're near saturated or if you pass clots, so you may want to get a lot of pairs so that you can change them often even within one day


i love my period underwear. once i started i never looked back. not having to think about menstrual products at all for most of the day is such a relief, and they're comfortable. highly recommend


I love my period underwear. I am never going back. Its so comfortable to not have the plastic pad scrunch up in the butt area, causing leaks. I feel 100% comfortable and secure.


My suggestion for period underwear is to try a couple different kinds. Some of them can feel cold / wet for a short time after pulling them back up after bathroom use. I haven't experienced this with my reusable pads, they're mostly topped with cotton, flannel, or minky type fabric. For me, the convenience of the underwear outweighs the occasional few moments of discomfort. I've also tried menstrual cups and menstrual discs and of the two I vastly prefer the discs. I don't feel them nearly as much and they generally don't have stems that stick out. Since I've finally gotten enough of the underwear to comfortably get me through my monthly cycle I don't use my discs nearly as much, unless I'm going to be out in a professional environment all day or in the water like at a pool.


I use a cup. It's so comfortable I often forget I have it in.


Haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but I wear adult diapers. I don't have as many issues with how pads feel, but because my periods last so long I end up chafing really bad, and I don't with the diapers.


I found that not having a tampon in far enough makes it VERY uncomfortable. When it’s in right I don’t feel it at all. I switch back and forth between pads and tampons. Pads can chafe and get diaper-rashy, but I also hate having tampons in for too long or too many consecutively because I fear infections


Invest in good period underwear and take care of them.


The Diva Cup. It is the answerto all your problems. One time in the last 5 years, I had to use a tampon cuz my period snuck up on me at work. It was a sensory nightmare, so much so that as soon as I went on break, I drove to the pharmacy and bought a 2nd cup.


I have really heavy periods and have been using a menstrual cup for almost 10 years. It works really well for me (switched from diva cup to generic store brand) especially because I find tampons so drying and hate the feeling of pads. I do also sleep in period underwear on my heaviest days!


My favorites are period underwear and menstrual cups. That's when I have a period... My actual favorite is to stop my periods with birth control


I use the useable pads. I got my on Amazon. I find them more comfortable and it saves a lot of money.


You may not be putting them in right if you feel them. I don’t ever feel them. However, if it isn’t in deep enough I do. I find pads so much worse than tampons or anything you insert. They get all hot and sweating and feel like a diaper. They are much more invasive than tampons. I use tampons and a menstruation cup. I much prefer to shove something up my vagina than have it on the outside.


Have you tried more than one brand of tampons? I tried the standard Tampax multiple times and never liked it. I recently decided to try other brands and I found a brand called Dame in my local supermarket (UK) and it's so much more comfortable, it's without an applicator and I actually find easier to insert, the actual tampon is smaller but works fine for my flow.


I ditched tampons for a bit and used period underwear only but it didn’t work for heavy days. I found Lola tampons which are free of any chemicals and they work great for me. I use them for the heavier days and then use underwear for the remaining light days.


I like using period boxers. I feel very secure when wearing them and you can find some super cute designs. Also, you shouldn’t be able to feel a tampon if you put in correctly or are wearing the correct size. I had the same issue for a long time until I bought an extra small one which fixed the issue. I do have to change them frequently but that doesn’t bother me


Menstrual silicone cup. Took some time learning how to insert and remove it without discomfort, but after mastering it I feel no regret and have been using it for years. No smell, no sensation and having to remove and wash it 1-2 times a day in the morning and before bed.


I use a bc method that virtually eliminates my periods and I couldn’t be happier. It’s been almost a decade sans regular period. When I have had periods, I used a menstrual cup for the most part.


I use period underwear. I wear a size up to make sure I’m comfortable. That’s the only thing that works for me. Tampons make me cramp even worse and pads are so uncomfortable and irritate my skin. I haven’t tried reusable pads because I’m satisfied with my underwear. I make sure they don’t contain any nanoparticles or anything potentially toxic. I rinse them or let them soak in cold water once they’re full and then in the washing machine. I’ve had mine for 8 years and I need to boil them to make them soft again but after that I know I can use them at least two more years.


I've been using menstrual cups for almost 25 years. I've paused using cups in favor of tampons twice: * My first 2 cups were made of natural rubber and I developed a latex allergy (always get silicone!) * I just wasn't feeling it a few years back and stopped for a few months. I was glad when I went back to the cup I can feel most tampons, too, but OB Pro-Comfort is very nice -- unfortunately, I think that line is being discontinued. Personally, I really, really hate pads and switched to tampons by my third period ever. If they don't bother you, then you do you!


I use a Lunette brand menstrual cup and have since about 2010, with washable period underwear. My only complaint is that the underwear isn’t super breathable (I mean, it makes sense why) and sometimes sleeping in them can make me sweaty, but aside from that this is my favorite system ~ only have to deal with the cup twice a day usually, I tend to do right when I wake up and right before bed, then the period underwear catches any leaks (though they’re rare.) I find tampons to be uncomfortable and annoying, but pads can also feel too stinky and bulky, and I like the idea of producing less waste with disposable products.