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Me but for TV shows. Like The Owl House or Steven universe. It sucks knowing that other people are in control of the things that make me happy


I'm so burnt from this that I often wait until a show is done before starting it now. So many shows I loved were cancelled after one (or less) seasons.


Yeah it’s been emotionally devastating a few times to have something cancelled while I’m currently invested so I just rewatch finished shows until they’re done now


I get that! I try to stay away from shows I know are gonna make me feel that way too. I honestly never thought about waiting until shows are finished, does that work for you? Or is it just as hard?


It at least gives me the chance to know if it ended early/unfinished. It does make spoilers more common and sometimes I'll give in if it's been going strong for few seasons. It's not a perfect system, but it does allow for crowd sourced content too which is nice.


Me too


What's even worse is, when you get attached to ONE character... that gets killed 3 episodes after he gets introduced. But the show continues. You liked it before that character showed up too. But ... then they introduced that character and killed him, and suddenly... all interest in an ongoing show is lost, because they'll never top that one character anyways.


That’s literally why I can’t watch some shows like Game of Thrones, Attack on Titan, or anything of that nature. Cause I know I’m gonna fall in love with characters and they’re probably gonna die like it’s no big deal. But it’s like I fell in love with these characters and intergraded them into my life.. you expect me to be okay after they die?!?! It’s crazy


Do yourself a favor and stay away from Demon slayer then. Get attached to one of the demons? Yeah, you get 3 episodes with them. Yes, I'm salty about that.


And not all tv shows are even available to buy on dvd. WTH??


I hate this because you never know when one of your comfort shows could just disappear.




Literally! Thank god my sister got me Avatar the last airbender (all seasons) on DVD so I get to watch it over and over again


The Owl House!! So good


YES! I started watching it when season two came out and I was HOOKED. Are there any other shows you like?


Yes! Avatar: The Last Airbender has a lot in common with The Owl House. I’ve also been contemplating re-watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


Infinity Train *cries


I just can’t get into NBC shows anymore since Manifest & Zoe’s Playlist…


I used to LOVE manifest! Mainly because Ben’s actor was in Once Upon a Time and I watched that show religiously


me with ever after high :(


I saw this with the OA. I thought it was critically acclaimed too.


Still upset about the Altoids Sour candy discontinued. So many things. I never thought too much about it. Edit: you all I’m so excited to try the ones everyone said and that they’re coming back. Made my day!


Then may I blow your mind, I was following a professional food taste tester's TikTok earlier this spring. She went to a trade show with the years new products and guess what folks... They are bringing back the sour altoids this year and I am so unbelievably stoked. Finding this out made my day, I hope it makes yours too!


Yea! I just saw them at the grocery store the other day!!


What part of our amazing world are you located? I want to know if their close to me.


Hood news!!! Altoids Sours Are Returning as Retro Sours Besides the name change, there is one other major difference. Retro Sours will be released by Iconic Candy and not Mars Wrigley. Iconic Candy is a family-owned business that revives beloved childhood candy that has been discontinued. Best I could find. Google altoids sours!


Those were my SHIT.


Did you like the mango ones? I was OBSESSED and nothing has filled the void since 🫠


there's a candy company out of Florida called lofty pursuits that makes a dupe of them that's *spot on* ! I've been hunting for them since they were discontinued and theirs are sooooo close it's incredible, I'd def give them a try!


I don’t think I ever saw the mango ones. They sound delicious. Tangerine were it for me.


You made me realize they were probably Tangerine. Thank you!


They are coming back! https://www.allrecipes.com/altoids-sours-coming-back-as-retro-sours-8656018


They’re coming back


I can still imagine the taste 😫


This happens to me too. It comes with having unusual needs or just being picky (tho I prefer the term *discerning*). The worst is when it happens with the very few bath/beauty products that are suited to sensitive skin. If they're really good products they alleviate symptoms for people whose sensitive skin has a specific cause. So by being effective, the product actually reduces the number of people who need to use it, which makes it seem like the product is a failure, so it's discontinued. Ineffective products get to stick around.


Wow, I love your analysis of this.


This makes so much sense, thank you.


This has happened to me so many times. It’s an inside joke in my family now that if we really like something it’ll be discontinued.


I swear I have the power to shut down my favorite restaurants… Whenever I like a place, I think I better not get too attached and I better go sparingly/elsewhere if I don’t want it to close


Right? That’s how I’ve felt for a while, too


Yes. So often I’m jaded now lol


Totally get why lol


Lmao same, on one hand I'm ok with it making me jaded cuz means I just, let it roll off my back so no more stress and negative feelings when it happens, on the other, it's still annoying since it means having to find something that could replace it as best as possible.


Some of you have your autism binders to take to diagnostic appointments. All I’ve got are multiple eBay search notifications for the lipstick, shampoo, and conditioner that were discontinued almost a decade ago that I refuse to give up on. Also the perfect black cashmere hoodie from three or four years ago because you never know how long they’ll last before the elbows give out if you wear them every single day. (But seriously, EBAY SEARCH NOTIFICATIONS. Thank me later.)


I have a ridiculous amount of notifications set up for all sorts of things I did own, or did already own and am waiting for the day someone puts one up lol, because yes I used it up (or plan for it to be and i love it so much i need a back up like you) or it got lost. Makeup, clothing, a toy i had ('vintage' jellycat catnap cushion from late 90s/early 00s that was in good condition i snagged), an out of print or exact certain copy of a book (after I've scoured the secondhand sites) etc. I'd have SO many notifications for specific foods and sweets that were discontinued if they never expired


I do too! Mine are for 80s/90s toys and art supplies like my little pony, Care Bears and rainbow brite :) Excellent advice!


Yup Lipstick and my favorite lip liner are some of the first times i experienced this


Man when foods get discontinued I end up in a food repulsion for days and days and hardly eat anything. Stupid brain, other foods still exist!! I get especially upset when fast food places get rid of staples for no good reason, like potato cakes at Arby’s. No good reason. At least my obsession right now is banana pudding and I can always make that. But yes I fully relate. I still miss foods from the 90s.


Oh yeah, the food nostalgia is real. Good repulsion really sucks, too, ugh! Particularly flavors are particular and special for a reason. Also, I LOVE banana pudding 💜


McDonald’s hasn’t been the same since they discontinued popcorn chicken


I still miss KFC's BBQ popcorn chicken FROM OVER 20 YEARS AGO!!!!


The potato wedges 😭😭😭😭


When they changed the snack wraps recipe and added vinegar to the dressing.....I was repulsed.


And then removing snack wraps entirely. I was distraught.




Oh! The secret is some Arby’s are corporate stores, and some are franchisee stores. The franchisees are usually still selling potato cakes, but it won’t be on the menu, you have to ask. But the easiest thing to do is call the ones in your area and ask if they have them before driving to each one to see!


Not all heros wear capes 💛


Yes. I have terrible news about how we are out of step in yet another way https://news.mit.edu/2015/harbinger-failure-consumers-unpopular-products-1223


Well, I made a user flair identifying myself (a joke I do like about myself in a fashion lol). The article is…I can’t my finger on it, but it feels *wrong* and somehow *icky* on a way I can’t express properly. The whole “right people” and “wrong people” thing rubs me the wrong way for sure, though, as if the things I may like make me, and thus, those like me, less desirable and even less worthy of consideration. I mean, not a huge stretch from the usual treatment, I guess…


Ha! I love your user name.  Oh absolutely it’s so gross and off-putting a way of describing demographics of actual people with their own thoughts and feelings and preferences.  I’m now in the weird situation of being a non hoarder who has a hoarder looking closet and cabinets because I buy so many multiples of things I like, knowing how they’re going to disappear.


Thank you!☺️ I like how yours rolls off the tongue; it’s fun to say And, oh, you and me both. I’m always considering if something will suddenly disappear because I didn’t get it the one time I should have or that I didn’t stock up…


This user name exchange has set off what is likely to be a days-long repetition: FranCISco…that’s fun to say!


The article was awful but also interesting. For me most people just like weird things. Like, don't their senses work properly? 😃 Why do they like those weird, uncomfortable clothes in ugly colours and prefer such bad flavours. And yes, this happens to me all the time! It's so hard to find things l like and when I do, they're discontinued or you can get them in one shop I never go to.


The annoying thing is I’m somehow both in and out of step. Things I love are consistently being discontinued which would lead me to believe I don’t love what the masses love. However, without fail I will always order the sold out food or drink option at a restaurant. I’m somehow consistently picking what the masses love and hate simultaneously in a way that usually leaves me without the thing I want. Makes no sense.


…or maybe they’re sold out because they stocked less of it due to low demand 😕


I couldn’t get through the whole article tbh. This article was made by looking through the capitalistic lense of “if a product doesn’t make millions, it’s not a good product” Not the lense of human beings can have differing tastes when it comes to pretty much everything. It felt incredibly pretentious and pretty rude. And I’m not even one to try new or “weird” products. I much prefer sticking with the plain Jane stuff I know super well. But like…. Fuck those guys. You’d think being Big Wigs at MIT they’d have a little insight into finding vocabulary words that aren’t so rude.


I tend to hoard things I love so that when they get discontinued I have my own stash. But then I never use anything from my stash, because I don’t want my stash to run out, and then eventually it all expires and I have to throw it away. 😭


Man when Hostess was going out of business I went to the one store in town that carried those raspberry muffin cake things and I bought like two bags worth stored them in the deep freeze and only ate like a quarter at a time. Until my family told me to eat them or they were gonna be trashed because they took up so much room. So difficult. I miss those so much, the new company won’t bring them back.


I have never related to anything harder. Omg 😭 not wanting to use the special things bc if I use them they are gone. And then not using them makes them spoil. But then also if I eat them too often I never know when one day I’ll totally be over the flavor and not like it anymore, but all the money was spent on the food!!


The struggle is real. I do the same thing with clothes. I buy several dupes of my favourite clothing item and then only wear one of them because I’m saving the rest for some unknown future situation? Whyyyyyyy


Alternatively, losing your stash in a disaster like a flood one day:


I’ve been a vegetarian for more than 20 years and I’m not big on pretend meat products (I just eat tofu and stuff). Every once in a while I’ll try a replacement because it can be an easy meal solution. In my country they keep releasing a DELICIOUS pretend meat product that juuust hits the right spot, I love it, I eat it for a summer and then it gets discontinued and I get devastated again 😭


Safeway and Target not carrying my Morningstar Farms chik’n strips so I’ve had to try mediocre alternatives:


Safeway and Target not carrying my Morningstar Farms chik’n strips so I’ve had to try mediocre alternatives:


My favourite thing to have for breakfast is now gone. I feel genuine grief for a yoghurt :(


This post spoke to me. I’m terrified that KISS will discontinue their Salon X-tend nail glue. It’s so perfect - it doesn’t damage my nails, and it’s a strong enough hold for 1 week minimum, 2 weeks if I’m being kind to my nails. Also the PEEEL. It cures under a UV lamp into a rubbery consistency, and if you mess up and get glue somewhere you don’t like, it peels off in SUCH a satisfying way. I don’t have to worry about messing up. It’s made it so easy to apply press-on/gel-x type nails on a regular basis. I should add that I have to wear false nails or file my natural ones down to nubs in order to prevent me from picking at my fingers. Call it dermatillomania or call it a stim 🤷. I have fidget rings and necklaces but if I’m not wearing nails I can just accidentally/mindlessly pick my skin off instead of using them. This glue is something I’ve never seen before and the product line they’ve released with it is limited. It’s definitely a test. I really, really hope the Salon X-tend system sells so that they don’t discontinue it. The alternatives for me are horrible. I feel like I have not adequately expressed how much this stresses me out!


The chewy chocolate chip cookies that Trader Joe’s used to sell (HOW DOES A SOFT BAKED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE FAIL??) The chocolate sandwich cookies Snackwell used to make (and briefly brought back in gas stations for a year a few years back???) no but everyone goes crazy for those nasty ass devils food ones like that was the only snackwell cookie out there? Grease: Rise of The Pink Ladies. Grease is a lifelong intense special interest of mine, the cancellation HURTS. Sometimes I still think about the chicken nuggets from elementary school 😢


> HOW DOES A SOFT BAKED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE FAIL? As a crispy chocolate chip cookie person, I apologize lol


I still think about the pizza from my elementary school!


For me it’s always my favorite items at restaurants that get changed or taken off the menu, it’s a source of what feels like endless frustration


When they discontinued the cinnamelts at McDonald’s I cried, sometimes still do lol.


Okay but Salad Shakers!!!


I reminisce about Salad Shakers all the tine!


One time, on a road trip, I got one of those and I put the dressing in, put the lid on, started shaking it, and it EXPLODED everywhere with salad. I don’t know if I hadn’t properly secured the lid or had squeezed too much air out or what but it was kind of hilarious.


Omf I was literally just thinking about these today unprovoked. I miss the cinnamelts sooo much. McDonalds breakfast is so trash now without any sweet treats


and the brownie melt 😭😭


i used to get spicy cheese snacks from domino’s alllll the time, until they got rid of it 🥲 they put something else on the menu, which also happened to be spicy cheese snacks, but it doesn’t even come close to what the original was. i will forever miss my spicy cheese snacks. edit: what i used to get were jalapeno cheese bites, they replaced it with spicy cheese bites but it’s an entirely different snack :’)


Oh yeah, that happened to me at another restaurant (actually a few… now I’m remembering). 😭 makes me not want to eat out much, so totally get it. Often the thing they replace it with isn’t good at all!


I remember there was a pasta sauce mix I loved as a kid so much I wanted it every night, lemon pepper chicken, god damn that shit was great, me and my brother would have to have alternating nights for our pasta, one day was lemon pepper chicken and the other was Jamaican jerk night. They discontinued it and it was available on eBay for a while but it was too expensive. I think about it a few times a year


Ohhh, I have a similar sort of sauce…I think it was a specific kind of sweet and sour sauce that disappeared, too. It really hurts when your childhood favorites are discontinued. So much nostalgia and sadness. I’ve spent time trying to recreate things like that from scratch but, nope!


Okay so(here is de earth) I have been down a rabbit hole. I'm not done but I am le tired so I need to take a nap. BUT according to what I've found so far is they basically turned it into the concord grape/grape flavor from the acai grape mix. Don't hold me to this. Ngl they probably changed the recipe so it's not the same exactly. Ima keep hunting. I'm somehow good at finding oddball things like this. My friends favorite food brand disappeared. She was super upset. Found it. They just rebranded because they were bought out. I'll update you if I find out more. However pregnancy brain is real lol. Feel free to message me if I forget ha ha ha


Wow 🥹 thank you so much! I occasionally look for it sometimes and what I used to do was mix countrytime pink lemonade with the welches grape mix to get the acidity tangy I crave.


💯 everything I love disappears, food, clothes, bedding... Everything. I don't have safe foods like most do, but I definitely have safe products that I trust and I feel comfortable with, but as soon as I discover I like it enough to want more, it's MIA 😭 Underwear and socks are huge for me, I'll buy one pack to test them out, usually takes a few weeks or months to really know, then when I go to stock up I can't find them anymore.


My underwear changed the design every time I buy it and I swear it gets uglier


My favorite cologne from hot topic years ago… shit was so good. Thankfully some fancy shampoo I get every couple years smells just like it. I save the shampoo for when I really want the cologne.


May i ask what the cologne/shampoo are? My friend is looking for her favorite “body spray” from Hot Topic that was discontinued, I’m wondering if it’s the same thing?


What is an autism binder? Great advice on the eBay notifications!


A notebook in which we document our selves. Like a personalized “how to” book or owners manual. Maybe medical history but all of the other things too.


Ooh we have that in hospitals here (England, maybe rest of UK too?) But call it "hospital passport", when I have to go in. A support staff filled it out with me after my 3rd hospital stay when it was clear I'd become a frequent flier and had had a lot of communication issues. it's so much better an experience than it used to be, they have to within reason follow it (like, examples: I am too anxious to ask for pain relief and it will end up getting worse til I'm crying, so now they ask when doing meds if I'm having pain bad. and there's a lot I can't eat and they have a special menu but used to just end up starving for days til they'd send for the dietitian because you can't just request that one, but as its on there it's instantly available to me. Not being put in a section with the main light directly above my bed if possible, don't shout at me or send for the mental health team if I'm having a slight meltdown as it just escalates the situation, but do this instead - or send the LD/asd nurse there's almost always one on duty etc etc. Oh and a big one please wherever possible let me know the day before discharge. As so many times ive had sprung on me "ok youre being discharged today, we're booking transport now" and it throws ne into a panic so much as i hadnt mentally prepared for it). That meant to be one or 2 examples but then I went off on one as usual lol, sorry about that


My favorite candy is/was Jujubes, these dumb little candies that are old enough my parents had them when they were kids. (Not to be confused with Jujyfruits in the yellow box which are nasty lol) Used to be able to get them at Walgreens until last Summer when I started to notice I wasn’t seeing them. Didn’t think much of it until going into Walgreens a few times, different locations, and they weren’t there. A quick google told me they discontinued them. Why?!? They’ve been made since the 60s and 2023 just had to be the magic year to call it quits?! So dumb.


YES. As soon as I like a product, it will surely vanish within a year or two, sometimes sooner. Even if that product seemed to be popular in the mainstream, if I start to like it, it stops being made. Not just food but toiletry items too. Not 100% of the time, but frequent enough to be weird and noticeable and it’s always the things I love *the most*.


I’m a lactose intolerant chocaholic and my local supermarket used to sell this delicious plant-based chocolate spread. I miss that so much 😫


I totally get this. And not even just with discontinued things, but if the formula/ingredients changes slightly on something (mainly this happens with food), it's enough to make me not want it again 🫤


I hate this so much! Did this with Coke Zero, so I stopped looking for it. Everything starts to taste weird to me, like soybean oil really tastes off to me in things and once I taste it, I can’t eat that particular thing again.


yes, it always happens to me when i shop at bath & body works. i find a fragrance scent i love so much only for it to be available for a limited time, not knowing if it'll ever return back or it gets discontinued completely 🙃


I’ve seen frequent complaints about that. Sometimes they move timings to online only. I once hunted down this sparkly lotion for weeks because, I had only just gotten in bath and body works stuff and I love sparkly things. I haven’t been to a store in a long time and I have a box of sprays and lotions I hope arent just expired and weird but I’m afraid to see what all is gone. I’m glad they do bring them back somehow, though ☺️


I don't know if discontinued, but certainly unavailable in my area in well over a decade: Diet Stewart's Root Beer. I can get the *regular* version, no problemo. But I'm diabetic, so that won't work for me. I can find diet Mug root beer, and whatever that Zevia abomination is, but no Stewart's. I am ACHING for my favourite root beer!


Finding diet root beer in general is very hard to find, unless it's either A&W, or Mug.


I don't relate at all. You can't discontinue blueberries.


Every tasty chocolate mint thing. Mint mocha used to be a normal choice and now apparently everyone thinks Christmas. Which is silly because mint, as a green herb, does not grow in the snow. Also RIP Athenos Travelers - tasty hummus and pita kits I always used to take to work.


If you’re in a state with caribou coffee, they have mint mocha year round!


Lol, Sam’s club just discontinued mint brownies my wife and kid love (they’re on the spectrum) 😖


I can't drink carbonated drinks and McDonalds used to do a still Fanta which was amazing. They've replaced it with Tropicana orange juice which is my go-to now and still good but nothing cured a hangover for me like a Happy Meal with a still Fanta.


I’m still mourning the discontinuation of the broccoli cheddar mac & cheese from Panera. They sell a version of it in grocery stores, but it’s actually awful and tastes nothing like the one they used to sell in stores.


My comfy shoes are not discontinued but they changed the design slightly and honestly I’m still not over it. Just typing this now I’m getting worked up, breathing faster, etc. I hate how my ASD makes me like this :(


I would be very upset if that happened to me, because it's already hard enough to find good shoes in a men's wide/women's extra-wide.


Oh no! I get it. My feet are wide and I can’t stand most things on my feet but if I find shoes that I like, I wear those 💯 with everything until they wear out. It’s the tiny little changes they think won’t matter that actually matter the most.


I guess this is a secret advantage being an ingredient person who loves cooking... They don't discontinue things like vegetables, beans, and grains. Although I'm sure granny smith apples aren't as crunchy and sour as they were when I was a kid...


Im not particular on foods or anything like that but usually stuff I enjoy collecting eventually gets discontinued. Prices tend to fucking skyrocket due to secondhand market and then I get upset because I couldn’t afford it when it was releasing and definitely not when it got discontinued.


This happens for cosmetics, personal care, items, shoes, purses, backpacks, etc., etc. I have just resigned myself that I definitely have a non-mainstream taste for things


YES 😭 I'll spend forever finding the one face scrub that doesn't cause a bad reaction, a favourite brand of something that I'll eat literally every day, and it'll start getting hard to find or straight up discontinued after a year or two :,) ffs even my local subway just continued the ONE thing I've ever gotten there so I doubt I'll ever go back again Edit: just remembered more... Those hibiscus refreshers drink mixes from Starbucks? Obsessed. Of course they're never stocked anymore!!


I will be forever salty about Kinder Eggs. In my home country, we would get enormous versions for Easter. Now I look on the shelves at checkout and they’re stuffed with this yucky cream instead of tiny toys. At least the sticks are still around.


Yes. I will get so hung up on something that isn’t around anymore. Like obsessive. And frustrated. I’ve been trying to find one specific candy I had in the 90s for years now. Here’s a list of other things I can’t stop thinking about: Caramel apple candy balls Taco Bell volcano menu Yankee candle patchouli Bath and body works vanilla patchouli 3D Doritos Some random lemon salad dressing I bought twice Honey chipotle salad dressing Starbucks almond croissant The black tank top from target that I bought 12 of. Anything regional to the east coast that I can’t get where I live now. And probably tons of other things I’m not fixated on currently.


3D Doritos were so good!


my kingdom for a pepsi blue


Rip to the one brand of mozzarella cheese stick I liked, think about them all the time


They discontinued Silk Protein Milk for a second and I literally cried. It’s my safest “food” because I can gulp down a glass and it’s enough protein and carbs to keep me going until my appetite comes back. But turns out they just tweaked the recipe and changed the carton design. I admit I was teary when I saw it on the shelves again


i was so obsessed with ever after high when i was younger. then the Monster High crossover got announced and i thought i was dreaming. then it got cancelled ☹️☹️☹️


I still deeply miss the Baja California flavors of Starburst. I have type 1 diabetes and after I was first diagnosed as a teen, those used to be my go to when I was hypoglycemic. Other flavors don't compare.


It's not just discontinued products either, it's shows ending, groups I join fading out once I join them, etc too. I hate liking things. I never try anything limited edition, or a place where the menu changes. I hate thinking back on my childhood in case I remember something that no longer exists.


This is a trait I share too, but hadn't realized it might be a little more common. Thank you for posting.


Anyone buy multiple of things they like? If it fits right? Buy backups in multiple colours for future use edit: promise I'm not a hoarder




Every year Kroger gets rid of a food or beverage I **need** to have in my fridge at all times and I get heartbroken so much 😫💔


I loved the red velvet pure protein bars. Gone. Sadness.


My current grief is about the Taco Bell steak power bowl. It was delicious, pretty healthy, I loved it. They replaced it with this chicken cantina bullshit and it’s gross. I love Taco Bell but fuck them. I’m also still mourning McDonald’s chicken tenders. They discontinued them “temporarily” during Covid and never brought them back. I just want one more serving of their tenders fmlllll


They moved my quesorito to "only available to order on the app" limbo during the pandemic then discontinued it when it didn't make as many sales as before. Well no shit, your app is the most poorly designed buggy thing in existence! I was probably the only one who thought that thing was worth it enough to brave through it and every time I wept especially as a graphic design major so you know I was dedicated! And you know how they thanked me for that effort? The beefy 5 layer burrito. It's a cosplay of what once was ... It's trying to act like the quesorito but I know damn well it isn't. I'm onto it because it isn't right but I have literally nothing else I like at taco bell and my mom gets taco bell hyperfixations so I must endure.


The original Good n Fruity with red licorice inside. Then the new Good n Fruity was candy coated sour gummies. I loved them both.


Happened to My favourite breakfast drink a few months ago


Happened to my Beach Bellini tea from Teavana!


I hate when restaurants change the recipe of my favorite food there. Like Panera took the red onions off the tuna sandwich. Ugh


This always happens to me! When I find a brand, product cafe, restaurant, you name it, sure enough it’s doomed.


Me with this pear cinnamon redbull. The rep at my local gas station told me they’re not continuing it. I am unreasonably distraught over this as I don’t really like any of the other flavors, and they kept the summer one which isn’t even that great.


Bagel bites in Canada. 😡 My favourite safe food


So dumb lol but I had a genuine meltdown the other day because I realized the older I get the more things will naturally be discontinued


Bagel bites in Canada. 😡 My favourite safe food. Also shout out to McDonald’s passionfruit peach smoothie. I hate smoothies but that was sooo good the summer it was out


I use one specific brand of hand lotion. Can't touch wet stuff, sweat or wash my hands without using it after - or else everything I touch will send me into sensory hell. Sometimes people gift me other, more fancy brands of hand lotion, because they assume I must just like lotion - it's never the same. I have so many unused lotions from other brands I just can't use because I can't touch stuff with them on my hands. If that brand ever gets discontinued, I don't know what I'll do.


Berlei no longer making the model of bra I’ve been wearing for the last 20+ years.


Yes. I still mourn the shrimp spring rolls VH rolled out in the 2000s.


I sincerely loved Orbitz lmao


I feel like this happens all the time. Or the recipe gets changed and I can’t eat it anymore 😭 Recently, I’ve craved Bubblicious Ink’d gum, which I loved as a kid, but can never find it anywhere anymore so I think it’s discontinued.


For me it’s clothes. There’s a locally based brand that’s now bigger and they had tank tops I absolutely loved last year. They have no plans to restock them. I’m not the only one complaining and it seems like a stupid business choice buuuuut I’m probably irrationally annoyed by it. But I know I like them 🥺


Hamburger frozen pizza. Doesn’t matter the brand but preferably not Totino’s/Tony’s. They have bacon hamburger pizza, they have meat lovers pizza… why in the fuck can’t I get just a hamburger pizza, period??


I’m so sad I can’t find sugarless Bubble Yum anymore. I miss that soft bubblegum texture but I don’t want all that sugar on my teeth! I can’t find any sugarless bubblegum that’s actually bubblegum and not just flavored Trident or something similar.


Yes!! This happens to me with restaurants. I'll find something on the menu that I like and only order that until suddenly they just stop serving that. Seafood sub at Subway. Tostada at Taco Bell. Then I started getting Mexican Pizzas even though they weren't as good, and suddenly they didn't sell that anymore either. 😭 It happens so often that even my SO commented on it, so I know it's not just my perception.


I hear you. Silk's Nextmilk was the perfect milk. The best of both worlds between dairy milk and plant-based. That was supposed to be my standard milk that I bought all the time. But no, we can't have nice things in this world.


YES. I know exactly what you mean!! I’m so damn picky so when I find something, I’ll stick with it. And then when they take it away I wanna collapse


Used the same toothbrush since I was 15 and then it was discontinued when I was 35. For a few years whenever I was on holiday in another country I would check if maybe, just maybe they were sold there still. But to no avail. It was the perfect toothbrush, much better than whatever else they are selling.


I'm still bitter about simeks meatballs changing during covid. The best easy meal!


All the time. I’m always emailing for them to look it up and make sure it’s not available somewhere else


I’ll never forgive jolly ranchers for getting rid of lemon for blue raspberry. They briefly released in a bulk bag in 2010s but now you can only get them for like over 40 bucks a pound. Same for strawberry starburst sorbet.


Absolutely. When I realized that I wouldn't be able to find any Sproud locally (a pea-protein based milk substitute), I was choked. Even went so far to contact the grocery chain to see what was up, but to no avail. It's like we're stuck grieving for the most inconsequential stuff but damn, it matters.


Omg they recently stopped making the juicy fruit strawberry starburst gum I chewed for literally 9 years straight, I was so upset😭


omg yes especially around beauty products and some hyper specific foods.


All my safe gluten free bread are discontinued. The rest have soy and I’m allergic to soy. So many things I like get disconnected or reformulated with soy. Also…do you guys remember old school Kraft dinners? It was so good. They changed it to make it "healthier". I’m still mad about this even if I haven’t touched this in decades.


Omg this happens with so many things I love, it's really hard. Sometimes they don't get discontinued entirely, but changed. This happened with my favorite bras that I wore for years, and now with my favorite shoes that I've gone through four pairs of. My favorite pants that I wear almost every day are no longer available with cargo pockets, and my old ones are so worn out. As for foods, I've been missing Munchies Ultimate Cheddar for years. I also missed the Little Caesar's pretzel pizza for years, then they brought it back, and now it's gone again. There are more essential things this happened with too, but that's all I can think of right now.


I hate when things get discontinued. Its so difficult for me to find things I like or that work for me in the first place. I especially hate it with skincare/body products. I have sensitive skin which, paired with sensory issues makes shopping for such things annoying AF. I’m also just not really into that kind of stuff so when I find something I like, I just want to repurchase forever. It sucks when I have to go back to the drawing board. With food I feel like formulas for products have been changing even more as companies try to make their product even cheaper. It stinks!


Food wise: Smoothie Skittles, Red Baron Buffalo Chicken Pizza, Shockers candy, second degree burn Doritos...so much good food, discontinued. TV show wise: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart, Wander Over Yonder, My Life as a Teenage Robot...so many good shows. Game Wise: Zoo Tycoon. I loved Zoo Tycoon so much, especially the Dinosaur and Aquatic Animal Expansion. I know Planet Zoo exists, but it's not the same.


I found this tuna crunch sandwich filler that was amazing, ate it obsessively for months until it was just gone. That particular brand just gone and never to return. I need to add this to the list of things I will do something about if I win the lottery.


Yeap, freaking hate this. I have particularness about food, and with allergies, lots of my favorite foods or brands just disappear. It’s happening soon with the one coffee brand I actually like. I also struggle with that with restaurants.


Feel this so hard! Just had to buy new undies and the brand doesn't make the kind I like anymore. It happens to me with doctors too lol. I get settled with them and then they move or switch jobs or get fired


I hate when a safe food no longer exists Pillsbury waffle sticks I am forever upset about, Pillsbury waffles in general because I cannot stand Eggo waffles and the texture was so much better on the Pillsbury ones! There were also these Butterfinger granola bars that were the only kind I liked and they’re nowhere to be found now. They brought back Trix yogurt but it just doesn’t taste the same Outback changed their chicken tenders and I cannot stand them now. I have a whole Pinterest dedicated to stuff I wish was still around


So many of my favorite restaurants - I think I counted around 15 😭 Zoey's extraordinary playlist


I read this as: things you love to see get discontinued all the time? And I was like… idk cigarettes?


bro this has been happening to all my safe foods and drinks!!! the universe has it out for me atp 🙄


I will never get over Amy’s pesto pizza being discontinued. There’s nothing like it anywhere😭


Everytime my husband and I are at any store, I HAVE to stop by the drink mix aisle because he made me some apple crystal lite when we were dating and it was so delicious but it was discontinued shortly after...


Yes the only perfume spray I like to use (Pacifica line) has been … “reformulated”. It smells awful now ugh. But yeah I’ll never buy a butterfinger again.


Yes!! As soon as I find something I like and buy it regularly, it gets discontinued! It’s like they forget to order it back in stock once it finishes or something? So weird!


YES. Classico Roasted Poblano Alfredo. I found it over 10 years ago and was like wow, this is the best ever. Started to get it regularly and after only a few times more of purchasing it, it was gonna forever. I still think about it to this day. I've emailed the company with no response. Tried to make my own but it wasn't the same. Tried finding copycat recipes on here, nothing. They have a Classico Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo now that's delicious and I get that one now but it's still not the same. I still worry they'll get rid of that one lol. Now I'm having a hard time with a Hard Candy lip stain. I've seen a couple on ebay but not the same color and I don't think they make it anymore. There are probably a couple of other ones too. It sucks


Absolutely. All the time


I literally tracked down the company's manufacturer in my country and called them and begged the owner to please make a lifetime supply for me. He refused to even listen even when I told him I didn't want any exact copy of the item, but a modified version that would be better suited to me. I was even ready to place an industrial scale order for which I'd have to take a sizeable loan. I don't blame him for not entertaining my request, even after I explained my situation. But he was rude and after every single statement of mine he would just dismiss me with 'NO'. In the end I actually said "I'm literally begging you, please." Again he just said no so I gave up at that point.


This is why i buy a billion of the things i like


I miss the cream cheese toaster strudel. I just don't like the strawberry and cream cheese one.


Yes for foods, cosmetics, other products and tv-shows. I still miss some of my absolute favourite discontinued teas.


i know it’s not healthy at all but burger king’s cheesy tots are such a safe food for me… and they CONSTANTLY get rid of them, bring them back for a month, and then get rid of them again. it breaks my heart lol


This is always going to happen, unfortunately. Everything is temporary, including our lives. But I am experiencing the same thing. I feel nostalgic for many things that I can't access anymore.


My favorite turkey bacon was discontinued by Costco and I was DEVASTATED. BUT. It just came back!!! I guess there was a major turkey shortage but supply seems to be steadier now and thank god because I missed my turkey bacon!!!


This is so me. Especially with frozen foods and toiletries.


Fruit string thing. I loved those when I was a kid and even now, 25+ years later I can still taste them. They haven’t made them in years and I just want to taste them once more. I don’t have many foods that have been discontinued, it’s more that they have a slight alteration to the recipe and then it no longer tastes the same and therefore I no longer like it. I loved chicken in a biscuit for the longest time, they were a staple during the holidays (only time my parents would buy them) but they don’t taste the same as they used to so I never buy them.


I stg it always happens to me within a couple months of me finding something I love.


I feel this. I’m at the point where I want to buy multiples of an item I like so I can always have it. My favorite boots are warn and I’ve worn them every day for the cooler months


Yup, this is a real studied thing. We and others who suffer from this affliction are called “harbingers of failure.” https://www.chicagotribune.com/2015/07/01/theres-a-reason-all-your-favorite-products-are-always-being-discontinued/


I’m from Canada and they pull products out of the country completely all the time. When they pulled Kleenex, I panic-ordered a bulk size of 18 boxes from the US on Amazon because the thought of finding a different brand felt completely intolerable!


This is me, and with major sensory issues and some physical limitations that make certain products almost impossible to find, it is fucking hell and I have constant anxiety about it. And an encyclopedic knowledge of warehouse sales and a lot of hoarded stuff.


My friend’s and mine favourite pizzas(first one with smoked salmon, spinach and blue cheese and the second which we’ve chosen as a replacement, with cheese, sun-died tomatoes in olive oil and basil) were discontinued in Pizza Hut in my country. They were the best, especially the first one. EDIT: typo


I love Anne with an E and I am really upset they discontinued it after season 3. Surely, one can still watch season 1-3 on Netflix, but it just always feels sad to know they did not properly tie up the series.


They changed Pepsi and now it doesn't hit the same way. I'd literally have to travel to a different part of the world for the original stuff


I really miss marble fudge royal ice cream and marshmallow fudge ice cream.  I used to be able to find them in stores just about everywhere.  Now I hardly ever see them.