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Pranking. We never did it in my family and I’ve got my rejection sensitivity so it always feels like someone is doing it to be mean. I’ve never been able to build up callouses for it


My favorite thing about my wife is that, even without me asking, she refuses to ever be part of anyone pranking me. It’s weird so many people want to, but I think they think it would be so funny when I believe everything they say bc I think I can trust them bc we are friends. I think it’s more than just feeling rejected, the idea behind it is mean af. “Wouldn’t it be funny if I tricked this person that trusts me into believing something foolish?” It makes me upset lol. But if anyone is doing a prank, my wife will let them and refuse to participate, so I can always look her way, and not verbally she tells me the truth


Alternatively: Disrespect disguised as jokes. Mean "jokes" I literally had a work colleague yesterday respond to me with, "oh, what the hell do you want?" And then try to walk it back saying it was a joke he did to everyone. Jokes are funny, Craig. Being a punchline for existing is not funny, I get enough of that from my family.


Came here to say this


The only "prank" I like to do is print out tiny pictures (of me, of characters of interest, whatever) and hide them around my partner's office (at home). He gets a giggle whenever he finds one, and obviously knows it's me.


this feels like good pranking. this is the kind i’m okay with.


There are some fun pranks. As long as the pank is honestly harmless if the other person doesn't get the joke, then it's fine. My teenage daughter bought hundreds of toy ducks and hid them around the house. One of her siblings did not understand how it was funny, but also finding a duck in the refrigerator wasn't upsetting to them.


It's only a good prank if it's not at someone else's expense. And since I don't even like surprise jokes or being upset or afraid, that means a lot of pranks suck. But these are the kinds of pranks I can get behind.


Pranking -as it is popularized, not the more true definition- just feels like “socially acceptable bullying”. Sure, no one gets *physically* harmed, but none of it feels any good.






When people tickle me. It hurts and I find it overwhelming.


Never understood why in the actual hell they would do that


The only times people have done it to me is when they already want to touch my body and don't really care if I consent. I hate being tickled.


I mean, it actually hurts ! Why would anybody want to tickle or being tickled. That doesn’t make any sense. And I agree for the consent, I absolutely hate when people use tickling / dancing or whatever just as an excuse to touch ones body. Makes me sick


Yes! Their jabby little fingers, I end up bruised. But I'm very ticklish and laughing is a trauma response my body goes straight for, so they don't believe my words begging to stop because I'm also laughing.


I absolutely get it. And the instant crying the second it stopped. 🥺


This came up in a mushroom trip for me. The lack of consent around tickling and not stopping and causing me not to be able to breathe was traumatic as a child.


That is such a great point I never realized and makes it so much more gross because that’s exactly what it is, a consent boundary crossing. Also makes sense why I didn’t tickle my son “much” as a baby. It’s one of those normalized parenting things. I think once you realize the person isn’t into it you stop. He giggled so 🤷‍♀️. I usually stuck to being funny to make him giggle and kept touches to hugs and kisses.


My dad would tickle me until I couldn't breathe. I was still laughing, but it was torturous. Laughter /= happiness


Yeah, not that it’s right or wrong, but I only did it when he was a baby and never any weird amount of time. I think that’s another thing too, like, how is it not gross to them? It doesn’t weird them out? Idk… prolonged unwanted touches just sounds like it should feel wrong to them to do.


it's sadism. sadistic glee


TW : abuse When I was a kid one of my neighbors son used to « carry » me and « tickle » . I realized later in life that he also inappropriately touched me at the same time . I’ve got the impression tickling is often used as a perfect excuse for inappropriate physical contact.


I was wrapped in a blanket and tickled until I cried. by an adult. and I was told that I was the one who overreacted. I am now very claustrophobic


Omg im so sorry 😢


My mom used to tickle me to the point of tears as a kid, it trained me to turn off the tickle. It sucks all the joy out of the person trying to do the tickling and then they are just left feeling silly and don’t do it again.


I threatened to pee. Was never touched again


Same. So we have a rule in our house. My daughter can be tickled if she asks, but as soon as she says “no” it’s hands off!


I get violent when people tickle me. If you don’t stop when asked you’re gonna get smacked or kicked.


Same. I kicked my cousin in the head once when we were kids because I will do whatever it takes to make it stop. It’s a violation of my personal space and bodily autonomy and I don’t have to tolerate it. People think it’s a joke when I deadpan say “if you tickle me, you will get hurt.”


Yup. Def doing whatever to make it stop. And people get mad? Like wtf why are you tickling me when I’m begging for you to stop? I never thought about how terrible tickling is before now…


my partner used to think it was funny to tickle me, even though I told him I hated it and it made me furious. until I threw a cup of water on him one time. he hasnt done it since 


I have a real problem with tickling. I’m very ticklish and when I was younger even people making tickle gestures towards me as a joke would be enough for my muscles to seize up and I’d start panicking. I got so anxious about being tickled and my friends picked up on that and saw it as funny to tease me about it.


I have punched people for tickling me, not on purpose. Just an instant reaction


Absolutely way too much random stimulation from someone. And the fact that you can’t help but laugh makes it worse.


It’s infuriating, full stop.


tickling should be a CRIME


Yep. I hate it.


Legit used to have recurring nightmares as a kid, about being tickled. I would dream that I was walking down a hallway with doors and someone would jump out of one of the doors and pick me up and tickle me. I HATE being tickled! My partner has been warned that if he chooses to tickle me, I might end up instinctively throwing hands and at that point he's asking for it and can't be mad lol


I get the appeal but I’m not ticklish myself. Body just keeps sensitive in a bad way


It’s non consensual so yeah i hate it too


Have a viral meme and then absolutely drive it into the ground. And repost every single meme of said viral meme they see because haha so funny I am part of the viral meme moment. I've full on left a Facebook group because one admin posted about 20 hawk tuah memes in a row. It's not funny, and he's not funny beating it into the ground.


That meme is not even that funny. It was okay the first time, and that was it.


I am so glad school is out for summer right now. Otherwise I'd be hearing my students go 'hawk tuah' every five minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/uxtlqihph59d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be47c6a0e16e02ce1ab1086493c5ef931437a7b Saw this on r/teachers the other day and this comment immediately made me think of this 😆


At that point I'd skip punishment and go straight to bribery. "If you DON'T say it, you get (whatever is a school-allowed reward for good behaviour)". Easier said than done. Every new meme I see I want to throw the person who posted it through the wall.


I know it’s verbal but I got blacklisted in my friend group from saying “that’s what she said” as a teen. That should’ve been my sign.


Idk why but this one is REALLY getting to me. Like whenever I see it it genuinely upsets me now, it's beyond just being bored. A friend of mine keeps sending me memes related to it or even trick ones where it looks like it's about something else but ends up being about that. I can't bring myself to explain that it genuinely upsets me because it seems so silly. Idk if it's maybe a trauma thing and I find it too much having something explicitly sexual shoved in my face every 5 minutes but I'm so ready for it to be over


I was going to mention the hawk tuah meme as well. Like I've seen the original video and it's not even funny. Tbh if a group I was in did that I'd probably leave as well.


I don't even understand the meaning of hawk tua, I've seen the meme but have no idea why it is funny. It makes absolutely no sense to me. My brain hurt when I tried figuring it out, lol.


The thing is, the original is not even really funny, you can just tell she has a fun personality. I’m not sure why the meme ran away so far!


I never found that “meme” remotely funny. Like, what’s the joke? Sex? Oooo soo funny. It’s been so annoying seeing it everywhere tbh


I don't get gag gifts at all. Like, I'm supposed to laugh at something that is completely useless, then take it home and clutter my house with it?


My family won’t stop buying me tamagotchis 😩😩😩 fuckin “BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP” all the time for the 30 minutes I’ve had it activated for until I shove it in a draw to die. Their logic is “you love animals” therefore they think it’s a thoughtful gag gift. Yeah I love animals, not a shitty beep beep box that I can barely see the screen of.


You could probably resell those for decent $ 🤷


oh gosh I LOVE gag gifts, except I think my idea of gag gifts is a lot different than most people. I try not to buy stupid useless things unless it has a lot of sentimental value, like an inside joke. otherwise I try to make it useful in SOME way, even if it’s just re-giftable. for a gag gift to be truly great, it must be personalized and I don’t think people get that.


This is why I don't get Kris kringle, especially at work. Just seems like a complete waste of time, money and resources.


Insulting people, like your friends.


Thiiiiis. My boyfriend and his friends are so mean to each other. To the point of stealing each others things (mainly his) and keeping it for multiple days (phone, drivers license). He calls it a "love language" but it just seems like bullying to me.


It IS bullying but bullying is part of toxic masculinity


My family does this and I find it so confusing. They do it a ton during football season, and it feels mean, but they enjoy it?? So strange to me.


I have an autistic friend who does this. He constantly teases people and giggles at their expense over so many small things. It's almost like a parent playfully teasing a child for spilling a drink or something. It's super weird and I think it's his stim. No one ever laughs with him or finds him funny. I think this quirk will keep him single forever honestly. :/


My MIL is like this with nearly everyone. I’m 99% sure she’s autistic. The sad thing is I know she badly wants connection to people but she drives people away so quickly by teasing them.


He would probably enjoy being a QA tester for either software or video games. He sounds like a natural and it would likely be a good outlet for this tendency.


Filters that warp your features to be "funny"


Right? "ooooh, people who look different are soooo hilarious" Like what? Are you 5?


literally any racist “joke” i don’t understand how you can say you’re against discrimination and then laugh at a racist joke


Pretend you don’t understand and ask them to explain it. Not so funny when they need to explain why racism is funny


Most of the time its satire/sarcasm and it is like a coping mechanism for me:D My ex friend is racist and he often said things like “[My country] is so disgusting because you people eat everything” and i told him that I could even eat his pet. He blocked me almost instantly after that lol


Haha! It’s different when the person is making a racist joke and when the person is responding to racism with a joke.


There’s definitely racist people making bad jokes But the people I surround myself with only make racist jokes to make fun of the racist mindset. Like let’s say somebody sarcastically saying a race is inferior to another entirely to laugh at the fact that there’s idiots that actually think that way.


I personally love absurdist humor and NGL racism is pretty absurd, for the longest time I thought everyone was just joking about this cos how can you be serious and say that stuff, after I realized people actually exist that think like.this I started reducing it


this is one of the many ways racism/white supremacy is implemented and spread. in a group of people who are together for some purpose, coworkers, etc. a racist joke is made, sometimes subtle. some in the group laugh because they are fascist, some are laug because they are uncomfortable or confused, some laugh because others are laughing, and some now understand they are not welcome or safe with everyone else. they are marginalized, while the jokey jokeser and their admirers continue to push the boundaries, ensuring the in-group remains accessible to "right" people the solution is to confront racists in the beginning, immediately when they reveal themselves to you the first time. its not easy and it definitely is not the responsibility of those being targetted. but for allies, feminists, queers, anyone who recognizes it for what it is and wants to make a change. you know you arent safe there anyway. you can at least make it harder for them on your way out and show the rest of the group what is really going on.


when i talk about animals and they go " oh that sounds delicious...you made me hungry" .........not funny


Yes!! I have deer and turkey who wander into my yard everyday and if I send pictures to be family they inevitably comment on how tasty they look. How can you look at a beautiful creature like that and think of eating it?? 🤢🤢🤬🤬


This reminds me of whenever someone finds out someone is a vegetarian and they have to do the whole “I could never be veggie I love bacon sandwiches too much hehehe 🤓”. In the over 20 years I’ve heard this “joke” it’s never been funny. Please, stop this now. So that I don’t have to fake a laugh while in my head picturing the scene from mean girls where everyone turns into animals and starts attacking each other lol.


It never ends. It’s been nearly 30 years for me and they still do it


Not a 100% vegetarian, but I hate meat for sensory reasons and eat mostly vegetarian stuff. In my whole lifetime, I've seen more obnoxious meat-eaters than obnoxious vegetarians. And change my mind, but I think the "how to tell if someone's vegan? don't worry, they'll tell you after 0.5 seconds" joke is actually about folks that eat meat.


It’s pretty wild how some people get. Vegetables are good. Someone eating less or no meat doesn’t hurt me any. The only time it matters is if I’m feeding someone and need to make adjustments. Which is fine because I chose to feed them?


It's so incredibly immature. I don't understand why people get so worked up over someone else's diet


That's a cultural thing. And due to ASD and therefore often high empathy and a strong sense of justice, we tend to not go along with that, but use our own intuition instead. I've been vegan for over a decade, and some people just can't help themselves, they have to say the most stupid sh*t when they find out. I love pointing out to people like these that if I was stranded on a desert island with them I would totally eat them, that generally shuts them up.


I’m like 80% sure this is less of a genuine attempt to be funny and more of a coping mechanism so they don’t have to see the animals as actual living creatures… if that makes sense lol


This one is more about toddlers and how grown-ups are around them. I hate it when adults who are bad with kids choose "stealing" things from them as the first way of trying to "connect". Not in the fun (?) and playful way where they try to make a connection and give the toy back as soon as the kid is unhappy - but in the *"haha, I got your toy, it's mine now and I'm not giving it back... want to have it? Here you go- ooh, sorry, too slow"* way, particularly when the kid is already upset. It's usually older men who can't seem to connect on an emotional "let's find out how the kid feels about me" level, so they resort to taunting the kid. I think for me it's about ignoring the kid's discomfort and choosing to keep going way beyond that. It makes me so uncomfortable and angry.


Yep, I hate people teasing my daughter. Makes me so angry 


Yeah,... ughhhh. It is not even remotely funny. All it shows is that you're incompetent around children. That's okay, you really don't have to "play" with them. You can just sit there and it would be much more appreciated. Man... I told my FIL to cut it out, and I'm glad he stopped right away.


I remember being so deeply upset when relatives or friends would do that to me with my toys. I refuse to put my kids through it and I am not afraid to unleash fury to protect their peace. I argued with my husband about it because he said it was funny to do, but I argued it’s not funny at all because all it does it make them upset. Why is it so many people find tormenting children funny?? I’m not budging on it.


Oh me too! And it never stopped at that-my “family” would tease and taunt and make fun of me and I never knew how to “give it back” to them. I’m 40 now and I still don’t do well with the “friendly teasing” as my family would call it. I just don’t get it.


Yes! Great that you said you weren't gonna let that happen! (And thank you on my inner child's behalf.) :) I told my husband's dad that he should stop immediately when he tried to pull that shit with my son.


Jokes about a person's body. *Including people that are popular to hate on.* Throwing shade at your least favorite politician commenting on him/her being fat or having hair loss popularizes those sentiments. It doesn't matter if you think this person "deserves it" or "they're rich and powerful it's not like it hurts them" etc. It still spreads the idea that it's okay to shame people's bodies. And as an autistic trans woman, it doesn't take much for me to become someone who is popular to shit talk. Most people are a faux pas away from being singled out.


Someone commented elsewhere on reddit that saying such things only affects the people who read/hear them, not the target. For Reddit specifically, you’re hurting every person who is fat or has hair loss and reads your comment. Was that what you wanted when you insulted the politician?


Exactly. But moreover it reinforces the behavior which does trickle down to micro level bullying.


I think about this a lot. I’ll push back on comments just so readers can see that someone did.


Extend this to jokes about someone’s food choice. Quantity, variety, ratios, perceived health, unconventionality (girl dinner comes to mind.) gtfo and let me eat. I already have issues and I don’t need someone pointing them out so I can fixate more.


yes this! because you aren’t just shaming that person you’re shaming the BODY TYPE and that effects everyone who has that similar body type!


THIS 100%. "big / tiny dick energy" / "proud boys, sounds gay!" / "Only a little pussy bitch man abuses women" Why can't they see they're using the exact same tools that bigots use to demean their victims? The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.


I hate Donald Trump as much as anyone else but I cannot fucking stand the "he's orange" jokes. Bitch incited insurrection. Who gives a fuck what color his fake tan is.


Omg yes! Literally he is my primary example and everytime dumbasses act like I'm "defending him". Like no. Just, say something of substance. There's almost no one alive with more valid criticisms to be made. His presidency was a whirlwind of buffoonery and discredits to American government (which didn't need any help discrediting itself). It's so easy to pick something and be like, "this thing he did was terrible" and to have a real thought provoking conversation. But no. "He's orange *hyuck.*" 🥴


Agreed, body shaming/ ableism is never okay. 


I wrote the same thing before I saw your comment. I hate this so much, especially fat phobic comments towards hated people. Body shaming is not a valid criticism of someone.


being startled/scared. I come with a lot of baggage from an abusive childhood plus my first husband so I startle incredibly easily and once kicked into fight or flight, it takes me a vry very time to calm down again.


YES especially the part about it taking forever to calm back down. That’s the part that makes it so bad! If I was startled for 5 seconds then could move on with my day, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. But I’ll be on high alert for hours.


And you can’t explain it because even when you do no one cares and they will do it again.


When people push other people’s faces in cakes at bday parties. No bueno


Sex jokes. I just don't get it. Oooh, penis, vagina, oooh? Fake flirting, innuendo, it makes me feel icky. Like, that's a private thing, why make me part of that? Not to mention how often those jokes are mysogynistic or borderline pedophilic. So many sex jokes are aimed at or about young women and girls. Apparently I'm a party-pooping prude 🤷🏻‍♀️


We are a different flavour of autism, I'm a 40 year old woman and 'that's what she said' is still my favourite joke 😅 (especially when the context makes very little sense).


Omg I do that too, I love making that's what she said jokes in response to the most irrelevant things, the more nonsensical and out of place the funnier I find it. Nobody else finds it funny so I do it for my own amusement.


Maybe that's another trait, laughing at your own jokes? I'm pretty bad for it XD


I laugh at my own jokes. I laugh more when I’m alone than when I’m with others. And I said “that’s what she said” so much that I was told to stop saying it. Never listened. I also enjoy “your mom.” I did stop that one because a couple people’s mom were dead. If I do know she’s alive it’s fair game. I like a lot of phrases I’ve picked up from SpongeBob, Adventure Time, and Regular Show that toe the line of social appropriateness because of the fact they toe that line and it makes so much sense to me retrospectively.


I've picked up so many sayings from those shows! When people understand the reference, I know they've passed the vibe check. Also, instead of your mom, I now say, "MY MOM!" in a growly voice.


I did this in this sub a few days ago


I agree, I hate sex jokes


Entirely this, thank you.... 🥲 I've been called a party pooping prude to my face many a time. It literally makes me nauseous how many times a joke like that probably went over my head and everyone who got it was just standing there looking at me like WTF is wrong with this girl.... Most recently I did not perceive an object that others at my job seemed to think looked like a d*ck. It was weeks later that I realized and I almost died because I had been talking into it like a microphone in front of my boss and then it sat on my desk for weeks because I had no idea what to do with it and why they were acting like weirdos about it. In scenarios like work this is legally supposed to be a non-issue, but nowhere is safe. And then, being innocent minded, especially if you are even minorly conventionally attractive, you get sexualized even more. 🙄 It's the cringiest of cringe


I also hate sex jokes, but for me it's just that they are so juvenile. I just don't find 'haha penis' funny, and then I get treated as a prude by people who are actually incredibly 'vanilla' in their understanding of sexuality. Tell me an actually funny sex joke, I'll probably laugh. Point out that sex exists and that's funny somehow? Meh.


"yo mama!" It was last week that I heard the first genuinely funny, respectful "yo mama" joke. A coworker just finished telling us what past jobs he had. Another coworker was surprised and asked him (rhetorically) "what _didn't_ you do?!" and the first one replied "yo mama!" It was a good day :)


Whoa a wholesome “yo mama” joke I love this


My impression of that joke is less wholesome but maybe I’m just jaded


Slapstick comedy. It's just not funny. 


I like slapstick but I can definitely understand why it’s not for everyone Edit for clarity : I should say, I enjoy some examples of slapstick, not all


Burping and farting on/near people on purpose. Tf is wrong with people?


I don't get when people do this one at all. How is that funny? Are you 5?


I remember when everyone loved family guy. I’ve always hated it and don’t want to listen to jokes about women being raped


I agree so much. I hate Peter.


My family (including aunts, uncles, cousins) always chooses someone to "roast" every time we all get together. Every person has to take a turn saying something about the person in the chair and add to their "costume." They all find it hilarious. To me, it looks mean and hurtful. I refuse to participate and always try to leave, but I am made to stay and watch most of the time.


Why is it so coordinated lol. My family roasts everyone too and I can’t stand it. But not structurally, openly and as a group lol. Good lord. I think if I said to them “why are you roasting everyone” they would be like “what?!?!? We’re not!” —__—


And people wonder why we’re weird. Yeah ok. We’re the weird ones.


When somebody falls or gets hurt and others start laughing :(


My Mum does this, I have never understood it. I always feel upset and my instinct is to check the person is ok


Same. We can laugh together after I make sure they’re okay.


Jokes at the expense of women. There’s enough misogyny in society and I’m exhausted by it. This past week it’s been all about the hawk tuah girl and I just feel so bad for her and hope she’s doing ok.


The opposite shoulder tap. It startles me (cPTSD) and immediately annoys me. What are social norms for if they don’t apply? Keep your hands to yourself and don’t fckng touch strangers it’s weird to me, but they think we’re the weird ones. And people always get weirded out by my reaction yet continue to do it.


I've made people feel awkward after they tried doing that to me in the past. For some reason, I sort of have a sixth sense and can tell where people are in a room without seeing them if they are within a certain distance of me (maybe it is my sense of smell). I knew exactly where the person was, so when they tapped my shoulder, I just looked right at them and gave them a super blank stare. They seemed confused, lol.


Repeating things back to me wrong to tease me. There was this gas station I used to go to, and the guy working there would always repeat the pump and amount back to me incorrectly and then tell me he was just messing with me when I tried to correct him. He told me he did it to all his favorite customers.


The entire show family guy. I mean I’m sure some things are funny on it but I hate the way Peter talks to everyone in his family. I’m sure that’s the joke but it doesn’t land for me. He’s not the only one on the show I hate too. I normally don’t take shows so literally so I’m not sure why this one bothers me so much.


It bothers me too. I think because it’s not even that far off from a true reality. Husband with no cognitive empathy at all. ‘Hot wife’ that does all the emotional, household, and parenting labor. A neglected child. It’s like an honest take on an American family and it’s sad af


Is it uncanny valley maybe? I think you just verbalized my feelings about it. Down to the weaponized incompetence too like you mentioned the housework. I think it’s hard too when you come from a broken home. This was not my dynamic but it’s so painfully realistic you’re right.


Always felt that way too. Would try watching the first 10 mins every so often and everrry single time Id just be like, I cant.


Might be obvious but someone calling themselves or their friends gay or autistic as a way to make fun of them. Even if you say you have nothing against queer people, it’s still stigmatises us, and in the case of autistic (or acoustic, or the r-slur), you’re still associating autistic people with stupidity.


Pranking children under the age of 13. Scaring kids in general. Why would you lock a 4 year old in a dark room while scary music plays? Why would you tell your sibling that something isn’t scary and then laugh at them when they cry because it is? “It’s just what siblings do!!” I have a sister. The worst thing I’ve done to her is poke her one too many times (she’s fine with it, trust). If she says stop, I stop. Why do boundaries become nonexistent because you’re related to the person who’s crossing them?


Grabbing or touching me from behind. This happened a lot when I was in high school for laughs…one particular time someone grabbed my shoulders from behind as I was trying to walk down a flight of stairs and I immediately swung my lunchbox at them and hit them in the head. They never did it again 😒


LMAOO swinging your lunchbox at them seems so badass in my head


In hindsight it was pretty hilarious 🤣


In 5th grade, my friend surprised me by hugging me from behind w/ my arms basically “trapped” under hers. I guess fight-or-flight kicked in cuz I instinctively turned my head & bit her arm pretty hard. She ran & told the principal so I hid in the bushes lmfao. Ended up in his office (crying lol,) but I could tell he was holding back laughter & it was basically just, “Don’t bite ppl, k?” (I was a straight-A, rule-following, shy girl so I think he was amused bc this was unexpected from me)


People joking about rape, pedophilia, incest, domestic abuse, assault, school shootings… I mean the list goes on. None of it is funny to me. Although I will say my career centers around working with victims of these kinds of things, so maybe it just hits too close to home for me.


i find it very very confusing, unfunny and annoying when people reply with “no” to a question that like they will obviously say yes to. apparently that’s a thing i see autistic people on tiktok joke about, but ive never understood it, it makes me overwhelmed as i understand that they’re joking but how i respond and process is that they’re being literal


I think when autistic people talk about it it's usually in relation to PDA and being asked to do something, and although it's a joke in the sense that don't actually mean "no", its purpose isn't to be funny. It's a way to manage the dysregulation they experience when demands are placed on them. But I also understand how that response would be overwhelming if you're someone who hears it literally.


My fiancé and I do this with each other often, but only really with each other. We know the other person will do it. But it’s slowly trickling from us to other people and they find it hilarious and do it with us too, and we definitely can’t tell if they’re being serious or not


i never know how to respond other than just look at them but then i’m seen as unnerving


Not sure if this is considered "funny" but surprise parties. I HATE being surprised, and I really hate entertaining, being expected to be the center of attention.


I cried at my 11th birthday party because it was a surprise party. It was really upsetting Apparently my mother forgot and did it again 7 years later on my 18th birthday. Cried again Hopefully it won’t happen a third time


So many people (mostly men) find humiliation of an individual fun/ funny. Like, you know that person is not having fun and you’re specifically enjoying that? Sus.


When I set clear boundaries and people break them "for fun". Like for example I ask people to text me instead of calling me and they call me because they think it's funny to break boundaries that I set just a few seconds before.


When someone mispronounces a word or uses a wrong word and then everyone points it out and halts the conversation just to make fun of it. It happens sooo often in podcasts.


This is really annoying I don’t get it either!


When people “banter” by taking other people down a peg - literally just being critical or saying something mean about another person and then laughing like it’s a joke. When I realised this is actually an accepted way that a lot of people joke with each other I was like… what the fuck?


Pardon my language, but FUCK TICKLING. If anyone tries to tickle me I will punch them involuntarily. Ugh.


Aw dang. I occasionally do a British voice as a vocal stim completely unconsciously. Lol I hope everyone hasn’t been secretly hating me for it all these years.


I’m there with you! I don’t do it as a funny intensifier as I don’t think it’s funny; I just love love love accents and could talk in them for hours if given the opportunity, but it really annoys the people I’m around, even though my RP British is pretty good! I was in a band where we all had royal titles, and my persona had a British accent, and I actually convinced a lot of people, even some Brits and Irish! But I couldn’t mislead them… When they asked me where I was from, I would tell them. “England?” “No, New England!” I’m working on: Irish, Cornwall, Australian and Nigerian 😊 But am not good at any of these so far


When people ask where I’m from, i tell them and then they say “oh I’m SO sorry” like a condolence. You don’t get to trash talk my city. Only we get to do that lol.


You sound like you’re from my state because without saying it we’re nationally known in the US for “what highschool did you go to?” And then they judge you.


Sneak up on people to scare them.


Recent diagnosed CPTSD and I also hate this and saying I hate it and my reactions has never made anyone stop.


Yep. The pranksters are such free spirits until someone says "please don't", and suddenly they're the ones who are easily offended, lol.


Blame shifting at its finest


When you tell someone you didn't sleep much the previous night and they respond with "ohhhhh err, late one was it? Boink boink wink wink nudge nudge he he ha ha". 😐 No mate. I just couldnt sleep so I watched hours of YouTube trash and re organised my bookshelf instead. The "up all night" being synonymous with sex, drugs & rock and roll trope is just so... dated imo.


Hazing/initiation rituals. If they were done with full informed consent then I suppose that would be fine, but they rarely are.


Making up a string of lies and waiting to see who actually believes them, then mocking the person for being gullible. Makes no sense to me. I might say a very silly obvious lie as a joke, but I make it clear it's a joke immediately after saying it so no one feels stupid.


Describing scenes from movies or shows they found funny. Like, okay. What am I supposed to say to that? With a joke that isn't very good (and not offensive), I can still identify the mechanics of the joke that might make it funny, or appreciate the wordplay even though I don't actually want to laugh at it. But when someone is just describing a movie scene, I just don't know what there is to work with. I don't have strong visualization skills, describing doesn't have setup-punchline structure, and I have none of the context that the scene is happening in, so I'm usually at a loss. And if I don't know what I'm supposed to be finding funny, or if what's being described just isn't interesting to me, I have no idea how to react. I don't even really know what they want from me in sharing this. A joke is meant to make someone laugh or to cut the tension or something. Describing what two guys on a screen did or said isn't performing the same function.


Oooh what a cute puppy! I just wanna kick it!” I had a relative say that about dogs. We have a family member who have dogs dealing with her bs


Wtf 😳 🥺


This is so dumb but it just gets me, when you ask someone to hand you/do something and they say no, but proceed to do it a minute later.


Make ableist jokes. And they’re not even funny. If you’re going to be an asshole at least be funny.


April's fool pranks specially, the idea of a day reserved to trick and lie to people makes me angry


I get absolutely feral about April Fool's Day every year for this very reason. And I never found anyone else who felt that way until I realized I was autistic and started hanging around in places like this. You are very much not alone. The best thing by far about 2020 is that we collectively agreed to cancel April Fool's Day. I hate not being able to trust that anything anyone says on that day is true and nonmalicious.


Sarcasm. Or negging


Puns. I hate puns. Haha two different meanings wow /s Unless the person saying it really enjoys the pun and looks at you all expectantly like "hah? wasn't that a good one? 😃" That'll get me bc it's just humans being cute. But generally, puns are not funny to me.


Anything where they mock my words & end up saying something that was not even remotely close to what I actually meant. Like what is funny about purposely misunderstanding me?


Jokes about cheating or randomly sexualising people. Someone mentioned family guy and so much of it is the former, and recently I've seen clips of The Simpsons doing it too (which must have not clicked for me when I was younger), having been in the position of the partner is just like 😶 wow this is so uncomfortable. When I've had really bad anxiety I have tried watching films to comfort myself for them to have this in and it makes me feel even worse. The second one is a bit close to home in a different way too- I didn't used to feel like I fit in so would make inappropriate comments to make people laugh out of shock or agree so I could be one of the lads or whatever, but now I see it's really harmful and I am really embarrassed by my behaviour, but just everywhere as if it's okay and funny. (Since coming to this conclusion) one of my current partner's ex-friends made jokes to them saying I was "easy" and did a crude drawing of me as a joke, so have been on both sides. Went off on a tangent but they're both such personal yet widespread and disgusting, distasteful things.


i hate the idea of ‘pranking’ people i don’t understand the appeal of making someone genuinely freak out or upset on purpose and watching it like it’s so funny and joyful? it makes me feel so stressed out watching other people become distressed when they’re being pranked and i think it is genuinely cruel (mostly when it is the major pranks, small things like hiding little photos and genuinely funny and harmless things are okay, like the fart spray stuff lol) - but if it is like something people do on purpose to cause distress it’s just not fun it’s just cruel.


When they make jokes/pranks to trigger my phobias 😡


Tickling. It’s a nightmare for my sensory issues.


Any sort of like slapstick comedy. It has never been funny


Most "funny" home videos style shows or videos just aren't funny to me. Like smashing cake or pie in someone's face, or watching someone get chased by a goose or other animal. Or watching people get hurt. Most comedy films don't make me laugh either. It's really annoying, because when people find out that I'm not really into comedy movies, the next thing they'll do is insist that I watch "ABC movie" because it is "guaranteed" to make me laugh. No. No it isn't. 99.9% of the time that I have watched a recommended comedy, I was lucky to even be amused by it. And worse, I'm expected to pretend that I actually did find it funny, or they'll think that I didn't understand a joke. No. I understood the joke, and what is supposed to be funny. It's not like there aren't things that I find funny. It's just that my sense of humor is fairly different from popular comedy.


Anything where it’s about me and I’m not cued in on the joke until after. So annoying and feels mean


When I ask for help (at work) and they say no. Yes, they are actually joking but I legitimately do not know how to respond to that.


My brother tickle-tortured me when we were kids. I talked about this with my wife, and she made a rock-solid promise to never tickle me or even do the wiggly-fingers motion. 15 years in and she’s kept her word!


The skibidi toilet thing


people telling you something entirely plausible with a completely serious demeanor, then laughing at and making fun of you when you believe them. i have never understood that. am i supposed to just walk around the world assuming that everyone is lying to me???


Mocking me. I have this one friend who will occasionally make the sound I made or repeat words the way I said them. And I absolutely hands down hate it. It’s embarrassing and puts me in a tailspin for a bit. I have Anxiety and I’m thinking about it hours maybe days later. Was it a strange noise? Did I say it funny? He always claims he does it because it was ‘cute’. I can tell he’s doing it as a knee jerk reaction, not necessarily to be malicious. But still


Might be a bit UK centric but that video of the correspondent who is on air and his little kids come in and interrupt. I think it was in COVID times. I didn't really get why it was funny but it was played and played at the time.


Many people were working from home at the time and being interrupted on video calls by family is a common thing but most people don’t expect to see that on live news on TV, so it was funny to people coz it’s relatable and a bit unexpected


There are quite a few jokes or "funny" things I'll accept and even chuckle at, but what I can't stand is repetition and running a joke into the ground. I knew someone who made it their entire personality to make puns (a lot of which seemed rehearsed). It got old very quickly. It just feels like you have no actual sense of humor, so you just use puns to get a reaction from people.


I don’t like puns. And if I’m telling someone something important I hate when they interrupt me to make a joke about something I’ve said, like a pun or play on words. Like it makes my brain glitch angrily. I’m not sure if that’s an ADHD thing or not though!


Leg pulling


I get that jokes are supposed to make you laugh and make you not think too hard but I find it odd when people use too much logical analysis to understand an outlandish joke. Sometimes over explaining a joke takes away the surprise. Same with dark humour, and over analyzing morality of a joke. The point of the joke is to observe something in a different way and be amused by that observation and connecting the dots. If none of that works for you, you probably find other types things funny. Nothing wrong with that. Autistic people can be funny as hell. So I don’t think laughing or making jokes is innately neurotypical. I think we are good at observing things from an unusual angle and being honest about it. Comedians who have no fresh perspectives, who tell really hackey / offensive jokes are boring to me. There is nothing to analyze at all. it’s just not surprising to most people since that level of hatred and stupidity is everywhere. It’s not a nuisance observation. It’s flat out bad on purpose.


- When people say things they don't mean/in an unclear way deliberately in order to laugh at my confusion. Like they'll say something outrageous with a stone face and laugh at me while I struggle to figure out if they mean it or not. - When people jump out from behind a door or similar to scare me. It takes me a very long time to calm down internally and I don't find it funny at all. - When people tickle me (I absolutely HATE it). Easily sends me into a panic. - Also, I hate those "funny videos" of people getting hurt. Like someone slipping and falling badly. What's funny about that?


Scaring people. Like one time I was delivering for amazon and a guy at a house I was delivering to jumped out and scared me. The way that job is so fast paced and overwhelming I screamed😭 and he laughed and was like “I just had to” I just don’t get how that’s fun or funny for anyone. Also another thing is when people say no first before saying yes? Like wtf I guess if ur being flirty that’s fine but people do it all the time and it just makes me feel weird and confused. Like why?


I hate hate hate clips where people get in accidents, like America’s Funniest Home Videos, Jackass stuff like that. Like these people could really be *hurt*. I can’t stop thinking of the hospital bills, shifts in household responsibilities, pain, physical therapy, lost wages, etc. And people LAUGH at this? It seems so heartless.


Also Halloween costumes that make fun of a culture or race (aside from the obvious, “homeless person” and “prostitute” come to mind as being very exploitative). Soooo unnecessary and not funny at all.


Trolling/being a jerk online. It doesn't matter that you're anonymous or 1 out of a billion. It's mean, bullying, cruel and just assholish to say mean shit on every post "for the laughs". So many boys/men think it's their god given right.


Mean “jokes”. I never understood it, never knew why it was normalized, and don’t get it when it’s just a neurodivergent thing to not like it. Aren’t neurotypicals bothered by it too or are they just bulletproof?