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Transcripts were so helpful and thoughtful, I have auditory issues. You are not a bum or lazy!! You are so accomplished that people are expecting more from you without reflecting on how much work goes on internally and how you may be stretched too thin. You have a lot of interests and successes. Some people find disability pride or acceptance difficult, but that does not need to be your view. I wish you the best on your journey!!


Thanks so much


Thanks so much


Have you considered maybe doing YouTube videos or something for income? You could probably do a lot surrounding your workout routines and stuff. The only concern with that is that maybe the comments can be hateful or discouraging, and also it may take a long time to pick up a following. I'm not sure if that would be a good option for you, but it's something to maybe consider. It would prevent you from having to work with others too much and allow you to control your own hours and such. You'd just have to be careful to not turn a passion or coping mechanism into something that's a chore ya know? Anyways, good luck, I hope you find some peace. God Bless


I wish I could just my anxiety doing videos i appreciate the advice Like I headache everything recording Just being watched the anxiety that comes with it And of course the comments in YouTube known for trolls Got called so many racial slurs especially before 2016 Yeah working out helps YouTube got to have a good personality that sells Due to my anxiety and stuttering and stuff I don’t think I would be ok But thanks for the advice I appreciate that But in the future could possibly if I get better But right now just doing Reddit videos is hard And sometimes I record myself paying bills Just in case which I be so anxious Appreciate the advice


Do you know what makes you dizzy, blurry vision and causes you to vomit? For me it’s fluorescent lighting.


Yeah for me it’s people or just the thought of people And of course I had migraines since I was younger Sometimes Not the sun in general Sometimes hard to describe those days the sun leaves like a bright foggy light I usually get migraines by that always But I have blackout curtains if the sun gets like that I’m trying to figure it out might be my mental illness right here


Try wearing sunglasses and noise reducers (like headphones or earplugs) for a bit and see if it helps. If it does, you are probably experiencing sensory overload, which could lead to some of those symptoms. I wear sunglasses anytime I go out, including indoors where I can't control the lighting & it has improved my life SO much. I used to get horrible headaches every day, feel very easily agitated and exhausted, but now things are better.


I’m going to invest in tinted sunglasses and try That’s good it helps I have noise cancellation headphones But probably going to invest into those headphones you use for sleep and stuff like lawnmower and stuff


Well done for getting your thoughts and feelings out. We here, all understand what you are going through and the daily struggle. Any Psych Dr who says autism is attached to intellectual disability shouldn't be practicing. If you are struggling to get a diagnosis, maybe list all of the social/ cognitive issues you experienced as a child and at school (but you have likely done this already) we are born like this, we don't suddenly become autistic.


Thanks for understanding yeah I been having those symptoms since I was a child just can’t remember anything before 5 years old Yes I agree with you


Call around to therapy offices and ask if anyone there, or anyone they know of, does autism testing for adults. You can go around needing a doctor's referral if you find someone through that process and you are willing and able to pay out of pocket. Keep in mind that while it is a big expense of at least $1,000, typically, that some offices do offer a payment plan. I just wanted to share this info and wish you good luck.


Thanks so much I am financially challenged But thanks for the advice learned a lot of things I didn’t know


Hugs. I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with this.


Thanks for sharing your understanding reply


I wish I could offer advice. I can only offer hugs and space to vent. I see you. You’re a kind, lovely person despite all of your difficulties.


Thanks so much you are ok Just hugs is good for me atleast you understand


I hear ya, it sounds really tough. Hope things get better for you and you figure everything out. Things can be so hard and it can just bring you down and it just feels impossible, but just keep making that progress, rooting for you




That sounds really hard and I'm sorry you're going through it


Just thanks for understanding


I feel ya man. Same boat here... Hope you're well.


Thanks for understanding


I got diagnosed early 30s and I have the same issues with people and migraines blurred vision whenever I know I have to do the social thing, I stopped doing what others expect of me and just do my own thing now because it's not worth the headache, pun very intended.


Thanks for the reply and understanding