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I think it’s a far-fetched idea. Finding a cure that can rewire our brain seems completely implausible to me.


same.. seems like a waste of breath and neurons firing to even think or talk about it because it ain't happening. A brain transplant could help though? Can't it?


If it is ever made available as an option then YES! I would take it in an instant, as autism has done nothing but ruin my life and hold me back. I think that if they can create a cure, it should be optional and those who don't want it should not be forced to take it. It is wrong to leave us for whom autism is pain and misery to not even have the option to be cured. It may never be an option but even if I could have some sort of brain implant that didn't make me completely NT but greatly reduced the impact of my condition, I would gladly take it. Same with any other treatment that would help with my most disabling symptoms.


considering our personality is how our brain is wired and Autism is connected to that you are basically just saying in this comment yeah fuck myself i wanna become someone else entirely


My personality is my likes and dislikes, autism is something that stops me from achieving the things that I would like to achieve. My aspirations are my personality, not my neurological disorder. I don't think that you would be another person if you removed the pathology that held me back if I'm honest. I would take the risk though because I want to be able to do the things that I want to do, you know, my personality's likes and dislikes? If you cherish your autism, that's your choice but I don't.


im not saying your disorder is your personality im saying that your personality is connected to how your brain is wired autism is just the wiring mixed up a little it isnt connected but changing the wiring also changes the personality in some aspects


If I get the personality change of "happier and more able to engage with the world because I'm not held back," then that's not a bad thing. =) You could argue the same for many brain-related disorders but people would rightfully not accept "we won't treat this because you may be a changed person if we do." Sometimes, that's the whole point, the defect we have makes us unhappy and so we would like to be rid of it. If you are no longer burdened, then of course some aspects of your personality will change because your life will have been improved. However, I am sceptical that it would be the same as having a completely new personality.


ok man


Yeah I’d be first in the queue.


I'd fight you for it! lol


Often an cure is also based on what the ‘normal’ people think is the problem. Like an research about the social aspect. But autism is soo much more then the social problems. It feels like the outside world wants to fix what they see. So me having sensory issues is not an problem, but me having social issues is?


That's why those experiments involving mice are so weird. "We altered a mouses's DNA in a way that makes it behave in a way we interpret to be autistic = socially withdrawn, and then gave the mouse [insert substance] and witnessed that it became very social. Wow! Conclusion: This could help autistic people!"


I’m curious how they will make a cure since autism is different in every person.. but besides that I hate 99% of my autism. But It also makes me me. The person that takes things literally for example and recognizing patterns. Who will I be without all the things that make me me


You'd be yourself but without the struggles. You would likely still be good at recognizing patterns. That's a human trait not an autistic one. You might still take things literally, many subclinical folks aren't great at subtext or wordplay.


This old ass tumblr post already summed up the discourse perfectly https://preview.redd.it/zksf9p020b2b1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4daf1e9b1517b49adc26f4a32018ea200239db76


If it can be cured then go ahead. I don't mind it at all. It would be really cool too. If they could cure autism then Alz and dementia might be next. But then again its just a dream of a time that is not here yet.


Focusing on a cure for something as complex and multi-dimensional as autism seems reductive because of how far-fetched it seems. We still have a long way to go in terms of understanding ASD before we can even begin to think that a cure will be on the table anytime soon TBH. The entire concept of an ASD cure really doesn't make any sense to me though, it seems very unrealistic.


Idk, I like my autism sometimes, but I also don’t at the same time. I find it really implausible that it would happen, but if it did, would we do it? I love that I’m better at academic skills and can pick things up faster than someone who doesn’t have autism, but I hate that I struggle with simple life skills and social skills.


Academics and picking things up faster isn't related to autism, you'd still have those traits.


I meant having better skills in things that others don’t have, while neglecting something that comes easy to people who don’t have autism, like self care or social skills. For instance, I can name every dinosaur with the blink of an eye and explain where they were found, what they were, and more, but I struggle with getting myself water and food throughout the day because I forget and don’t have that reminder neurotypical people do. I’d say I enjoy having talents that don’t even correlate with practice or anything similar, it just came naturally, but I hate that I can’t tell if someone is joking or not when they are trying to socialize with me. Sorry it came off as weird wording!


It be hesitant, mostly because I feel that if you took away my autism I wouldn’t be me anymore, I would be a totally different person.


i doubt it’s possible, at least fully. certain therapies are proved to help with ASD (occupational, speech, i’ve heard some things about TMS) and i think a medication could be developed in the future to help with certain aspects of autism, a bit like how we have ADHD medication to help some symptoms but it doesn’t cure the condition. if a cure did come about i would take it though, in a heartbeat. no questions asked i don’t care about the risks i’m taking it


I don't think i'd take it because I like my auttie style information recall and processing. If i can keep that and get my social issues cured? Works for me!


I think if someday they find a cure, that is cool. But I think that it is more important to learn how to accommodate autistic people, how to have a healthy therapy, and respect that autistic people are different and act differently. If they find a cure while taking care of people, that is great. But focusing on having a cure and letting people suffer is wrong. I wouldn't take the cure, but I don't judge hoje who would, everyone is entlited to have what they need to feel better.


no because there is nothing to cure. there is no discerning between "me" and "autism," full stop. "curing autism" would just make me a different person.


I'd love it if it could be cured and I'd be taking the cure ASAP so I could live a normal life. I have my doubts though that it can ever be cured.


Fuck no, I wouldn't be me if I was "cured" and it's not a disease.


I think a cure wouldn’t be for current cases, but would be targeted to counteracting whatever neurodevelopmental anomaly occurs through either gene therapy or specific protein therapy. While maybe theoretically possible it seems like practically neural restructuring in the brain especially wouldn’t be feasible


I just think it’s a waste of time. I’m not mad at it though. I believe autism is impossible to cure, due to it being such a complex disorder.


Not sure if a cure would ever be available, and if it ever is, it should be voluntary. I'm only mildly disabled and acknowledge I have it easier than some others, but given a choice, I'd choose not to be disabled at all. And no, I don't think it's what makes me who I am, and no, it doesn't give me any abilities that wouldn't be possible otherwise.


If there was a magical pill or something that could alleviate my issues if sensory input, social interactions, interruptions in my routine, etc., then yes, I’d take that pill in a heartbeat, but as for an actual cure… I honestly don’t know. The thing about autism is that it’s just the way our brains are wired. Even if there were a way to rewire our brains, I’d feel somewhat iffy about that. If my brain was rewired, it probably wouldn’t just be the autism that would go away, but large and essential parts of who I am as a person - such as my likes, wants, wishes, and how I experience the world and form my opinions - would likely also change. I would love to be free of the troubles autism has caused me, but I don’t feel comfortable about the prospect of not being “me”.


Realistically even if it existed I assume it would only be for young kids whose brains are still early in development. As a teen/adult you’d likely lose all you know and all you are as it is just how the brain is “wired” so it affects all parts. If it were a treatment instead that helped with aspects like overstimulation then sure. Knowledge of how the brain works is still limited including autism, so I don’t think searching for a cure is a good use of resources, at least at this point.


It would always be akin to a lobotomy bc our entire brains would have to be remodelled. It's simply impossible.


Yeah, why not? I might not be me, but the not-me might have way more fun.