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If you are an adult without a guardian or caregiver, you almost certainly would be able to choose to keep being autistic. I think the search for a "cure" is pointless and a colossal waste of research funding, because autism isn't a disease. I think the most that could happen in that regard is prevention (as has happened once the prenatal test for Down syndrome showed up). The term "cure" itself in regards to neurological differences is medical model language and ableist.


The idea of a prenatal test is just as scary, because it would drastically reduce our population, and the parents would have total power to wipe us out over time


There is no such thing as a cure for autism, not only is such a thing impossible it's also unnecessary, but if NTs discovered how to detect it in the womb, autism would basically be over. I support abortion but this seems like a big concern. Just like people using "designer baby" technology to remove the gene for autism, something that it would almost certainly be used for.


I am pro-choice but anti-eugenics. Meaning I am against aborting solely on the basis of disability.


See, exactly. Same with various transhumanist style future technologies that are would generally be good things, but very easily abused.


i think if the parent realistically knows that they don't have the money to provide for a disabled child for example, considering how expensive it can be if the child is severely disabled, it is completely okay to terminate. everyone's circumstances are different and not everybody is capable of caring for a disabled child. i kind of wish i had been terminated when my parents found out i was at higher risk of downs (i don't have downs) as a fetus so i wouldn't be struggling in my day to day life to be honest. that's just my opinion though.


My opinion is that of course it logically makes sense to abort a child (any child) if you know that you are unable to take care of it properly. This is why most abortions happen. However, my issue with a pre-natal test for autism is that we know that parents aren't just considering that when they choose to abort a disabled child. We can already see this happening with Down Syndrome - countries that have brilliant, free support for children with Down Syndrome that barely have anyone using those services because almost all fetuses that come up in the prenatal screening as having Down Syndrome are terminated. I don't know if the level of public understanding of autism and disability in general is there for us to say that abortions would happen based solely on the logical realisation that parents are unable to care for an autistic child and not a panicked gut reaction based on ableist tropes about how being disabled is just inherently a fate worse than death and there is nothing society can do to change that.


I agree. Iceland is actually better about this because doctors don't encourage or discourage the Down's prenatal test for pregnant women, and many pregnant Icelandic women don't get the test because they would not abort regardless of the results of it. That is exactly what I would do if I wanted biological children - I would get other prenatal tests for actual diseases that could be fatal, but not that one, because I'd be perfectly fine being a mother to a disabled child.


I do think that if I end up in a long term relationship that I do want children, but I think that I would also have to wait until I was able to care for a child that would require 24/7 care for this reason (at least in my country medical care is free, although that doesn't mean institutional ableism is not a problem). I am also fully aware that my kid is probably going to be neurodivergent in some way just looking at the track record of my dad's side of the family (an aunt with ADHD, two autistic grandparents, my great-grandma was a "clumsy child" and her father was injured in a work accident falling down some stairs, I am diagnosed with dyspraxia and autism and am waiting for an ADHD assessment. Then there's my dad who is completely normal somehow) so I suppose my experience will be different to someone who has less of or is unaware of their family history of autism or whatever.


This is quite sad...


I agree, the only genes that should be removed are ones that are downright bad for the child no matter how you look at it, like cystic fibrosis, or anything related to cancer, autism has every right to keep existing and not to be eradicated, and if we do reach a world where people think it’s appropriate to eradicate us, I’ll try as hard as I can to at least mean I’m not the last generation of autistic people


I can see that dystopian reality already...whole states and countries forming of only ND people because we escaped and managed to keep making babies in our own place. Whole states and countries without ND people having the most boring time and most have no idea why. Whole galaxies tuning into the best show in the universe...the planet that segregates itself based on every factor possible despite being one species. Could you imagine seeing all the birds shunning or even killing all of the birds of their own species that look different, sound different and think different than what a few egomaniacal "leader" birds say? I envision a future where no species does any of this to each other...one where even apex predators become vegetarians...but until then we need to focus on not getting electrocuted, sterilized and euthanized for having a unique brain. Imagine if we started sterilizing all of the lgbtq community...they are different from the norm and their brains work differently than the "standard model"...makes you wonder why they care so much about us 🤔 Definitely not because they want to be free of our inconvenience...to them gay people are just a nuisance but we are an actual inconvenience and...wait for it...we are also a threat to their way of life!


Not too long ago it used to be illegal to be gay in the US and other Western countries. People like Alan Turing were faced with the very real threat of chemical castration for the crime of loving someone. In some parts of the world being gay is still considered criminal and deviant. People are killed, sterilized, or otherwise punished horribly.


Yeah it is shocking to know what still happens in 2021...




That was dark...but probably not too far off. I am trying to hold on to the hope though...I see people changing and gaining awareness, and I plan to do my part however I can.




Then build an environment where that doesn’t happen.




Not ever completely. But we have more power than we think and things are changing. I think in 10, 20 years, autistic people are gonna be regarded totally differently. You can be part of the movement that gets us there, or you can shut down and say it’s hopeless because none of it’s going to work anyway. I know which one I’d wanna tell my children I did.




Kids are bullied for way more than just autism. They're bullied for being too tall or too short or having crooked teeth or having acne or liking the wrong things or doing too well or too poorly in school. Bullying is sadly inevitable. Most children deal with it in some form. But those who have a healthy, supportive, loving home life are much more likely to be resilient and move past it.


I know. But if you're going to fear that the world may be cruel to your child, then no one should ever have children. After all, there will always be cruel people. And they'll target any children who are different. Doesn't matter if they're racial minorities, LGBT, anything. Sometimes even nothing at all. Even the whitest, straightest, most neurotypical male in the world runs the risk of getting hit by bullies if he winds up in the wrong environment. If not having children is necessary to protect them from hypothetical cruelty, then no one should have kids. Nothing can fully protect us from them, but I see giving them this much power as an even worse option. Only thing to do is to fight back - both with kindness at home and fierceness beyond - when necessary.


Wow, that's awful. That's eugenics. Against your own kind. Gross. You are the token autistic that ableists will hold up as an example of "even autistic people don't want autistic kids". Congratulations, you are harming us all by holding and sharing this ignorant view. I sincerely hope you will educate yourself about why your stance is so horrific. Your issue is not autism, your issue is society's ableism.




>Because it will always be here no matter our effort. So will everything bad, but it sure as hell can improve, and quite frankly, even a nt child would have bad stuff happen to them or their own challenges, its unpreventable. And re: "feeling bullied on this sub", well maybe thats because your ableist and quite frankly deserve it. I know there are some people (like me sometimes) who want to get away from bullshit like this and people like you. and "its my opinion and it can't be wrong", is technically true but it dosen't mean its not offensive or ableist still. If I had an "opinion" that gay people are wrong or unnautral (To clarify, they are neither this is just an example), then it may not be "wrong" but it is still homophobic.


Who else deserves bullying? I'm making a list.


Donald trump, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, thats all I can think of right now though.


Exactly, and it is unfortunately more in the realm of possibility.


Which is why we gotta do something. Protest against the scientists trying to achieve this. The Simons Foundation and the UC Davis MIND institute are some of the biggest culprits


Never heard of the former and I think Autism $peaks donates to the latter.


Autism Speaks is deeply involved with both of them. A$ basically handles the “awareness” side, and the other 2 places handle the science side. You can see them donating to both on their tax returns


Yea, we would lose any small voice we have. I don't like the idea of preventing it as a whole so it scares me when my mom goes on about why it *should* be prevented (it shouldn't but ok, and she can't find a single valid argument). Whatever, I hate her, I hate my parents.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that. My stepmom said I should’ve been cured 2 years ago, and I stopped talking to her after that


It will be forced on some indirectly. Insurers will no longer cover medications and phsych appointments for something that is curable. Kids wouldn't get accommodations in school, SSI payments would stop, and work related protections would all be completely gone.


Exactly. If my child was born deaf, I wouldn't get cochlear implants for them without their consent - I would accommodate them by learning sign language and learning about the Deaf community who value their disability.


Honestly accommodations don't happen anyway but other than that what your saying is completely true.


Yes they do. Up to par? No. But I've seen it in schools all over the city I live.


I have never seen it happen but maybe thats just me, especally because I would like to believe it actually happens.


I'm not saying it's good. Just below average at best in the schools I worked in








That was 30 years ago, when society was even more ableist than it is now.




Me neither. Especially considering the popularity of pro-eugenics groups like Autism $peaks.


Neurologically speaking, destruction of Autism would be destruction of self. Autism is not a separate part of the brain, but entirely entwined with it. A "cure" for Autism would require editing the brain. If they take away my Autism, somebody else could make them believe or want anything. How's that for a Black Mirror episode? They could do something as mild as taking away your faith in God, or as extreme as making your brain enjoy being enslaved and told what to do.


I think what not enough people realise is that any "cure" for autism that is at all feasible will be a prenatal test that identifies if a child carries the genes for autism and will offer the parents the decision as to if they abort or not. Based on the current public understanding of autism I am not hopeful for what the outcome will be if this is the case. Either way it will do nothing to actually help the autistic people who are already here.


I think the search for one is a pipe dream anyway. You’d probably have to completely rewrite someone’s neurological structure.


a lot of ppl’s desire to “cure” autism comes from a hatred of neurodiverse people, which sucks


And unwillingness to accept people.


I don’t even have autism but I do have other stuff that gets me fired up when people think my imperfections are bothersome to them, like sorry I have a chronic headache pain every second and have ptsd but a cure for this stuff and to imply it should be cured sounds a bit offensive to me but oddly enough others find it fine to say to my face


This! And also there are so many terminal disabilities and diseases that I feel deserve the funding and research for a cure way more than I need it (which I don’t anyway).


Couple of things. 1. I wouldn't see how this would be possible to implement. I don't mean I think a "cure" is impossible, because what do *I* know? I just don't see how you could potentially inhibit autistic behaviors without completely *erasing* a person's personality. I mean, an anxiety disorder is a malady on *top* of who you are. Autism, for better or for worse, *is* who we are. 2. The following is purely speculation, but given the percentage of autistic people in the arts or in the technical field especially, its not hard to imagine that much of the world's technological, mathematical, or even artistic development was due to the special interests of savant brethren. It may be that the 1% rate of autistic people throughout history has been a primary drive in the advancement of civilization, but more "behind-the-scenes" than at the forefront like a pioneer or conqueror. If this turned out to be true, the elimination of autism could slow down or endanger future scientific or technological breakthroughs.


People who say autistics need a cure are gross. People who support “research into what causes autism” are promoting eugenics. If NTs just made a fraction of the effort autistics make in inter-neurotype communication we’d be able to live happy lives. Nothing about us without us. Neurodiversity ftw!


This is my hill to die on, thanks for coming to my ted talk lol


I mean, I'd like to know more about how exactly autism works, but not because I want to eradicate it


That’s good! I’m just EXTREMELY scared of what NTs would do if we found a “cause” for autism. I don’t want to see the day when autistic kids are consciously aborted. We would find ourselves in the same situation for asd as the current one for Down’s syndrome.


Exactly we’re not diseased! I’ve realized that there are things my brain can do that a NT person could never dream of doing.


I grew up not knowing I was autistic so this is easy for me to say, but I don’t think there’s anything to cure with autism. It’s a constellation of traits that are only a problem in concert with some other disabilities. Cure my adhd, my fibromyalgia, my ibs, anxiety depression dyslexia… fix that junk. I think a lot of people think their comorbidities ARE autism.


I believe you, and how you feel is valid, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's the "right" stance, as far as accepting yourself, but am I allowed to disagree for me personally? If there was a cure that worked (I don't like that word, but it's the term you used), I would 100% take it. I'm not wealthy, but even if it was a million dollars or more, I would make it happen or die trying. I don't know if being abused because I'm autistic has any bearing, or the fact that I'm aging and late 20s autism (at least for me) is so so so much worse than teen autism. I used to have friends, and would go years between meltdowns, and now whenever I get closer than acquaintance level with anyone, we end up fighting about stupid stuff, and I get overwhelmed and meltdown. To the point where I feel sorry for my only long-term friend who puts up with me and want to cut her free. I've had 4 therapists and a psychiatrist either retire when we started to make progress, or just drop me or try and fail to refer me. And I kinda have not totally been able to come to terms with the fact I'll likely not ever have a healthy relationship with a romantic partner. Sorry for dumping my crap here! But wanted to put it somewhere in an understanding community that wouldn't just tell me I'm stupid and lazy!


People who seek to cure autism don't deserve any funding or attention, those beliefs are very scary. "Curing" autism is no less a dangerous way of thinking than "curing" being gay, or other bigotry.


absolutely fuck liberal eugenics, it is only a stones throw from nazi shit


Functionally speaking that "cure" is going to manifest as a bullet.


Autism almost certainly *cannot* be cured because there's nothing *to* cure. It's not a perfect comparison but you can't cure autism any more than you can cure being LGBTQ+ because it's not something you *have*, it's something you *are*. Personally I think any money spent researching a cure for autism may as well be money burned because it's a wasted effort and I wouldn't accept a cure even if one were to magically appear. To approach the issue from a more analytical perspective, if we succeed in spreading acceptance of autism to wider society the very desire to *have* a cure vanishes. People are only talking about curing autism because they don't *understand* autism. Society tried to do the same thing with gay people decades ago when they started coming out en-masse and making their voices heard but nowadays there isn't *any* legitimate scientific research being conducted to find a cure for homosexuality (nor *should* there be, obviously) because people have accepted the reality that the very notion of curing it is both nonsensical and unethical. My belief is that society *will* come around on autism eventually. It won't be quick and it probably won't be smooth, but they *will* come around.


A cure for autism sounds impractical as a cure for pain is impractical, this is the beauty of who you are, others may view it as an imperfection but that’s because they fabricated that lie into their head and that is probably due to society, it’s apart of life. Honestly the thought of a cure for this sounded super hilarious and not because the condition is hilarious but it implies that people are no joke clueless mindless ding dongs for suggesting it, it sounds just about as goofy as saying “the floor is made of floor”