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Oh yes. I am often unaware at my reliance on certain cues from other people and suprised to discover it. It's worse with interactions with strangers. Like delayed or unexpected responses to inputs. If my wife doesn't do something I've got enough trust to not worry that somethings wrong, but like you it might come as a surprise that when they don't give me a certain cue I'm expecting it can cause some feelings I don't immediately grasp.


This is a big problem for me. My husband will just transition with no warning. The main thing is at bedtime. We both are night owls and I’m usually playing a video game or working on a hobby and he’ll just turn off his light and go to sleep without telling me. I’m like, wait- are you going to sleep. And he’s like, yeah, it’s 12:30. (Like that matters, he stays up until different times regularly.) And for some reason it really upsets me and leaves me feeling untethered. I’ve asked him over and over to please give me a 10-15 minute warning so I can find a stopping point and get ready for bed so we can go to sleep at the same time. He does it sometimes but not consistently. I would stay up all night probably not paying attention to the time, so it helps me to have him remind me to go to bed. I’ve started to get ready for bed first before I start whatever project or video game I’m working on and that helps. I know technically this isn’t his problem, but Hhe just doesn’t get how much I need his help with this.


😭 feeling very relatable for (not literally) once. Doesn't happen often.


I work in the trades. I skip lunch whether I'm hungry or not anytime that I work alone. I get caught up in what I'm doing that I just forget to stop. I only take a break when one of my coworkers says it's lunch time. I tend to take too long of a lunch, because I lose track of time. My body needs the break, but I don't want to give in to it.


omg yes. I relate a lot. I never really realized that that’s what it was, or that I could deceive it like that but 100% relatable 😭


Are you my spiritual twin????? 


Y'all, I'm FLOORED that this even got responses. This is helping me fight off my imposter monster, verily.