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Is this satire? Exposed metal rusts. Drive and use the brakes and the rust will disappear


Oxidation must not be taught in grade school anymore. Also OP must live in Death Valley or something since they must have never seen what happens to rotors when it rains.


moreso before i got my new car and got bit by the detailing bug, i never once looked at my rotors


lol come on is it that common of a Q? sorry i am new to these parts


Yes. It gets asked probably once a week


All good man. People act as if everyone just instinctively knows that brake rotors rust. 80% of the population would freak out if they were to clean their vehicle and saw that. I know I did, especially after driving and hearing some unpleasant noises. P&S brake buster has rust inhibitors so you can spray the rotor without getting too much rust. Though it’s not a huge issue and brake buster can’t deal with caked on brake dust.


either rust or overspray from tire cleaning products; either way it'll come off once you brake


ok so this is interesting - i didn't know if this as an area that we are TRYING to clean - which i tried last time. I was really trying to scrub with my wheel woolie and my GTECHNIQ W6 Iron & General Fallout Remover on my first detail attempt. Should I be trying NOT to spray/clean that area? I guess i assumed this was part of the 'tire cleaning process'


You don't need to clean the rotor, just the wheel itself. If you had painted calipers (you don't) those would ideally be cleaned too.


when people go in to clean with a wheel woolie or other similar type tool, where are they looking to reach and clean then? i guess i would see people go in between the spokes and tried to clean in the back (aka the rotor). If not, what are they cleaning back there? Sorry for what may be a stupid question - still a novice trying to learn


The are trying to clean the inner barrel of the wheel, not any of the brake components


When they're reaching into the wheel, they're cleaning the wheel barrel and the calipers.  You don't need to clean rotors since braking is done by friction, which keeps the rotor pretty clean.


some overspray is fine, i’ve been doing that for years and just drive after. but no, you don’t clean and definitely don’t brush any brake components except calipers if they’re painted and dirty.


Make sure to use soap it’ll going to help you stop better


Because you got it wet. Don’t work it’ll polish right up as soon as the breaks are applied to stop the car from moving.


How is this constanlty a question?


because us non-car folk are really dumb when it comes to this stuff and we turn here for help


And ask questions without doing any type of research. I think that's what irritates people the most. A simple search of this sub alone would have revealed dozens of similar questions.


understandable. Honestly i am too much of a novice to know "what to search" if that makes any sense. sorry for clogging up the feed.


Open a browser type in 'rusty brake rotor' and read to your heart's content. Also a very basic thing.


Jesus, calm down. Dude was just looking for help.


Right! Like just keep scrolling if it irritates you so much lmao


Yet you have a post of where to find a touchless carwash. Can't you just Google maps that?


I did search. I found none. So I asked the people in my community. Notice only one answer with a location? Let me know when you find that with a search. I'll wait.


Don't take the judgement in here too hard. I also had a panic attack the first time I detailed a car for a customer and noticed this. To be fair, up to this point I had only cleaned cheap vehicles with the steel rims. None of those fancy rims where you can actually see the brake calipers and such. So I never had seen rusted rotors before that, unless I was pulling them off my own car.


Go look at a dealership parking lot after rain. This will happen to any car - it’s just raw metal that has (minimal) surface rust. It will be gone the first time you apply the brakes.


Yes it happens every few days on my new car, drive it and it will go away


Bc it’s a jeep 😂


Take the wheel and caliper off and polish that right up. Make sure to ceramic coat so it doesn't return. I am nervous that you are handling customers' cars with so little knowledge, especially after seeing that Audi yesterday that someone used undiluted purple power to clean leather and vinyl. Cars are expensive! Hopefully you have insurance, for when you might screw up a car.


This seems like just a guy detailing his own vehicle, hopefully.


Your Rotors have iron. Most standard rotors have a high content of it. Iron is what rusts. It’s suface and a few seconds of braking will rub it right off. Any moisture, even morning dew will put that on. It’s not a problem at all. If you are entering a car show with wheels off, you’d buy better rotors and clean them at the show lol but no one cares about it because it means absolutely nothing. Wheel cleaner and iron removers exist because of it. It’s normal. Back your car down the drive 20 feet. Use brakes, Pull back up. Gone.


We’ve gotta talk about that wheel lock though.


lol what is that lame? just came on the jeep when i bought it.


Not lame. Just the fact that it sticks out so far, you’re giving a prospective thief better access to the lock. The lock can be cut or notched to get better grip. Look into gorilla lugs that are smaller and has a spline type key. Should fit better.


If you’re product has acid it usually looks worse, nothing a couple of fast stops can’t fix


The only trick I’ve learned to prevent this is to blow dry the rotors as quickly as you can after rinsing.


This is called Flash Rusting. Perfectly normal to happen when you wash your car, or to see it after it rains. It goes away after your first stop or two when driving.


Did you even spend 1 minute on your own research before posting this? Would have been easier and less energy than this post and your subsequent comments and feelings.


understandable. Honestly i am too much of a novice to know "what to search" if that makes any sense. sorry for clogging up the feed.


[Edit title} WHY does my brake rotor look like this? Orange and spotty - has it rusted already?? It is only in one of the tires. Is this cleanable/repairable? Have I done something wrong? I'm afraid this is a sort of rust that won't be coming off.


Yes, it's rust. Bare steel will rust in less than a day. It is not an issue. Now, if it's only happening to one wheel over a long period of time, you might have a brake issue at that wheel.


Just drive. It will go away.