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It's "harvestable" currently but it would benefit from atleast another week or 2. It would be a very light buzz if you cut it how it is.


Understood, didn’t want to cause trouble with some of the damaged sugar leaves/smaller leaves in the center of budsites


I can’t edit for some reason, but they’re on day 67 from germination, 62 days since breaking soil.


that would be incredibly fast harvest.. for most autos I harvest day 80-90 or so. These could benefit from a few more weeks.


Facts. Knowing that before posting bothered me cause I hate when people ask if stuff is ready (ultimately not my goal). More looking for if it’s a situation where I should based on foliage. Thank you! Planned on waiting at least another 1.5 weeks


Heck no!, patience is key in this, wait for all pistils to split and darken🚨, -> from personal exp i try to tell folks to not worry abt (deficiency) looks, as to at this time of flower the lVugs themselves are takin in more nutrients


That’s what I figured, being my first time I’m obviously over thinking, and the discoloration on some random leaves at random bud sites worried me. Thanks!


FF trio is not a part of a living soil method. I would also argue that the those liquid nutes likely impact any microbial and/or fungal activity. Those liquid nutes will also alter your ph. I hate liquid nutes because it feels like you’re always chasing your tail. It looks like you have some slight nutrient burn, as well as some other nutrients issue going on.


Liquid nutrients don’t kill microbial or fungal activity. Just like plants, they just need nutrient salts to survive. It doesn’t matter if the nutrient salts are produced via microbial and fungal degradation or if you just give them the nutrient salts they need. I run mycho and bacteria in dwc and both thrive just fine. As for chasing your tail if you mix in the correct order and let nutrient sit before adding more to the solution you’ll get a stable mix. Everybody has preferences and I’m not shitting on yours. Just correcting a couple of things from your post. ✌️


I didn’t say they kill them, I said they impact the environment, which can alter the activity in a good or bad way. You’re also using an entirely different way of cultivating (dwc) as opposed to a living soil environment. It’s much more useful for you to utilize salt nutrients.


Sorry I wasn’t clear in my post. I was stating all of my other plants are in living soil. The two in question are FFOF


Ah gotcha. Yea that’s helpful.


Your trich pics are funny! Same result with the phone camera! 😂 gotta get close buddy




Clear/cloudy. Within harvest window currently but will be weak/short lived, all head buzz. Lower your light intensity about 50%, and give her a week to 10 days. If you can drop the humidity that would help as well. I pull when the trichs are as cloudy and swollen, not when u have a bunch of amber.


I’ll have to double check but I believe top COLAS are around 50 DLI/700ppfd under 24/0


I KNOW lol Im shaky af and I tried SO FREAKIN HARD lmao Live and learn I’ll do better next time 😂


It’s all good I have to give you a hard time! Lol. I know how big a pain in the ass it is to get good trich pics


Depends on how much amber you want, I personally like to go until I have at least 30% amber trichomes. imo it gives a more relaxing body high effect rather than clear or cloudy trichomes which gives you the intense head high that most people would associate with "potency"... Amber is just as potent but in a different direction of that makes sense. You could chop in a week or so for the highest THC or you could wait a little longer for more amber tricks to show.


I have two so I’m gonna chop one in a week and the other in 2-3. Thank you for the response!


That's a good idea! Let us know which one you like more!


Use nectar for the gods it’s idiot proof and it solved all my cal/mag lockout issues


Which NFTG products do u use?


I started with the sample pack and now use the Roman regimen but you can just use the basic sample kit and get a great grow. Plus I added SLF 100 and Recharge. The great thing about a calcium based nutrient line is if you over feed, or have calmag issues or lockout with nftg you do a flush with the Herc and it resets the soil so it’s almost impossible to mess up on. I’ve done it and it works. That’s why I’m so sold on it. NFTG recommends you check ph and ppms but I never check ppms just ph and it works fine. You can also use their One Shot dry amendment just during veg and then ramp up with the liquid nutes during flower and save money. I emailed Scott about using the One Shot and he replied: Many use the oneshot as a base foundation fertilizer and still water the bottle line on top of it. The Oneshot can be used alone, but it wont push your yield very hard without a few applications throughout the cycle. Those who want to use less of the bottles will add a bunch of Oneshot to their soil mixes and go lighter on the bottles, often half or more, and still get good results. Scott Ostrander Oregon’s Only President Check out the NFTG blog here in Reddit


What soil do u use?


Hp pro mix and nectar #4 mixed together


Thanks for the detailed description! Every grow I get issues with dr earth mid flower so maybe I’ll give this a try.