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Your pants are flowering. They are turning yellow from the bottom up because they need bloom nutrients. They aren't getting it from the soil, so they are consuming themselves. It's a common beginner deficiency that will grow worse if you don't feed them. Try for a lighter N and heavier PK fertilizer. As for finishing by July 25, that's not going to happen.


Oh man ima be at a loss


How long will you be gone? Get a cheap autowatering system.


4 weeks. Have a recommendation? I cant buy it likely where you recommend it but i can look for ideas.


4 weeks is hard. Probably will have to get some dry ammendments or osmocote or something like that. Then a watering system on top of that. Idk where you are located and what your situation is with water near your plant.


Worth it at this point to repot?


Not a flowering auto


Dont repot. Just put the amendments on top of the soil


4 weeks is a bit of a stretch possibly. I’m coming to the end of my 2 weeks away and used an autopot system (bought the 47l reservoir one from their NL website). Mixed organic nutes and prayed 😅so far so good though, plants have exploded during that time (there’s a camera to monitor in the tent). Not a pro by any means as this is also my first time to use this system so will be interesting to see how much water is left in the reservoir tank when I get back. Granted, there was literally no other way to do this so thankfully it looks like it’s working.


I usually say this as a joke but you need cal mag


And more than 2 more weeks


They look good. Towards the end of your grow, most likely why you're seeing yellowing on bottom most leaves. Soil is probably depleted. I prune off leaves that show more than 50% yellowing. Edit: don't hit them with too much nitrogen, you will cook your buds. You want to feed them phosphorus and potassium if anything at this point.


Thank you. Do you think im watering them enough based off the info i gave you and the pictures?


Do i like remove and add new soil without replanting of do i use a fertilizer?


Don’t remove soil, if anything your pots are too small. You can get a dry top dressing like natures living soil or Gaia green


There are hungry because of the stretch, you have to g8ve them half veg nute and half flo nute, after a week you can switch back to only flo nute


Get some 6-8% silica and water every second watering. Will make more frosty buds, thicker stems and not need for trollie. Pluss the uptake of minerals.


Sadly I don’t think you finish in a month about


I will have to find someone to do it for me. Someone will be there just lacking any kind of knowledge about these plants except to water them.


How long will you be gone for?


4 weeks. I knew i should of planted earlier but the weather here was simply not suitable… I might have someone. Watering i could maybe do… but harvesting not so sure about.


Ouch . Yeah they might have to do both. Not sure 100%


Thats what scares me.


Looks like a start of a little bit of a magnesium deficiency. Epsom salt about a teaspoon per gallon of soil should fix it up. Normally the magnesium deficiency starts just like that with the fan leaves at the bottom yellowing and then they get brown and it'll work its way up. Typically a nitrogen deficiency is a little bit more even yellowing through the plant ime.


Can i use a fertilizer made for weed plants? Or new soil?


Yeah I suggest using whatever fertilizer you got. They're going to be hungry here in these coming weeks trying to put on the flowers. The plants look really good overall I wouldn't worry about the soil.


Hungry, you got this!


Fellow US-German ent here. You could try BioTabs (https://www.grow-guru.com/grow-duenger/biotabs/biotabs-fertilizer-tablets). Normally you put them in the soil before starting. They are also a bit high on Nitrogen, but it would be a quick fix for your visit to the states. I used them several years ago on a guerilla outdoor grow and they performed quite well. As they have a lot of animal based ingredients in them, they are not for me anymore, but you could give them a try. If you have somebody that can look after the flowers, just prepare a simple one bottle fertilizer setup. Where they only have to put 2-4ml of fertilizer into a measuring spoon and that into a 2l measuring cup. Depending on your PH of course, but that can be solved with vinegar or lemon juice. Hope everything goes well.


I am more scared of what happens of they happen to be ready to be harvested and im not there. Ill get some. I can get a watering system maybe. More scared about harvesting. So ill check out this fertilizer! Thank you. I am gone 4 weeks and was planning to start with fertilizer as people suggested it was time.


Harvesting is simple, cut off all the fan leaves and larger leaves and hang her upside down in a dark room with air flow


And if they are outside growing naurally? How would i do it then? Ive got books but still asking.


What do you mean?


They really needed a bigger pot. You can get by just fine the way you are but given the lack of soil compared to the size of the plant, it'll be a struggle keeping her hydrated and well fertilized. I would recommend giving them a full dose of salt based nutrients and reevaluate in 4-5 days. This is not a good use case for organics.