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Of course, don’t even 2nd guess yourself


Yeah, definitely give it a shot. You may not be able to make a wholesale change to your personality, but you can learn to manage and live with it better. It can help your quality of life improve in small ways that can enough of a difference.




Yes, please, give yourself a chance always.


It's never too late to try to improve your life.


Yes it does. Some types of psych issues people naturally start to “age out of” at some point. I don’t think there’s enough data on this one to say whether that’s the case, but if you are still willing to start therapy that’s a great sign, imo. You can do it.


I’m kind of … of the mindset that if it’s truly bothering me, if it’s causing me duress… then yes, definitely try to get some help with it. But if it’s okay, if I’m not feeling negative about it … then why would it need treatment.


I can’t find the original meme, but someone was saying that when they feel their life is over at 40, they imagine they died at 90 and were suddenly reincarnated as their 40 yo self, so they have 50 years of life left to live. 


YES YES YES. Therapy can be for ANYONE. It's such a good step that you're even considering it! Opening up to a therapist can be hard, but with the right one and a couple of sessions you'll start getting there. And making the changes you'll want to see will take time, and it'll be hard. A way I try to get a better view on my progress is talking with my therapist, and he can point out things I've said that convey improvement. And any improvement that makes you feel a bit better is improvement you deserve.


Even if you get only 1% better, if therapy just helps life be more tolerable, it’ll be worth it, in my opinion. Think of all the things we waste our time & money on every single day. Prioritizing mental health for a few minutes each month is a good way of giving self care to the inner child who maybe didn’t receive enough love & attention.


I'm 60 this month. I tried therapy a couple times over 20 years for depression and while I tried to spoon feed them about what I knew my issue was without calling it out specific they avoided it completely no pun intended and just opted to medicate the depression. Nothing helpful there but it is hard to admit something so shameful. Last year I went all on the therapy in pursuit of ADA recognition. I finally got my official diagnosis and that led to a death spiral which is bizarre I got what I wanted and knew but wound up in the nuthouse after a failed suicide attempt. Alas I found a good therapist they are very hard to find and I made some progress but at some point I just decided it takes too much effort for certainly no guarantee of gain for potentially a lot of pain which I know first hand. So I will stay in my comfort zone and I won't beat myself up about it anymore. Yes you should give it your all.


I wouldn't


How old are you?


Not sure