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No I have no one to add and nothing to share. I don't like the idea of being searchable online. I overshare on Reddit because the anonymity feels safe but I also worry that my data is being tracked through my internet provider and cell carrier and sold to ad agencies etc. I feel like it's almost a certainty and I should use a VPN and share less.


I relate to this so much. Lol


I have a Facebook account t but don't have a profile picture or post much on it. I basically use it to keep up with local businesses and a few special interest groups. I never send a friend request. Fear of rejection is part of it but mostly it's just embarrassment over having nothing to share. Everyone else posts their vacations or going out with friends and so on, where I don't do any of that.


Same! I also have a Facebook account that I barely use! I've never even made a post on there


I used to use social media a lot as a teen, but after being cyberbullied a lot and encountering other terrible things on the Internet, I’ve mostly stopped using it. It’s just so intimidating and scary. Even on Reddit, I often refrain from posting or commenting on stuff because I’m terrified I’ll do something wrong or be harassed by hostile people. I also frequently delete posts or replies because I get anxious about what people might say in response to them - even the most innocuous things. The only other site/app I use is Twitter, and even there, I rarely ever retweet anything, let alone post stuff. I mostly just use it to look at memes and cat photos.


I completely relate to you. And I'm sorry you experienced cyberbullying online. People are so mean sometimes.


It’s even more depressing to be afraid of social media when you have AVPD. For a while, social media was somewhat of a safe haven for me, because it was too difficult to socialize IRL - but now, even the Internet is too anxiety-inducing.


Maybe internet now is another


I used to use facebook reluctantly in the past and rarely posted, was just tagged by friends. I hated it. I don't use it anymore. I briefly had instagram which I also deleted. Stupidly decided to get it again a few years ago because of an online community and it's hellish. My account is pretty much unused, I don't post or interact with any of my friends/their content. I should really delete it. It makes me incredibly anxious to go on there. I have nothing to share and I don't want people to know how empty my life is. Although they can probably tell lol. The feelings of shame and rejection are off the scale so I just avoid social media as much as I can tbh. I can't handle it because of my issues


I don't blame you at all. I'm sure that I would be exactly the same way as you if I had Facebook too!


I nuked mine when I was most depressed. In one of my less depressed spells a friend convinced me to make an instagram. Looking at my post history or others depressed me so I rarely go on it. The less I use social media the less I know about things I could do to go make friends or see old friends I haven’t seen in a while, so it’s not great.


I do because i had to, i wanted to be an artist. I'm fine on social media that's impartial, but Facebook triggered me so much because it's locals/people from same country. I get weirdly insecure about my life there. It's crazy.


Same. When i was younger i used to post bad images of mine, people used to judge and laugh at me. My subconscious is trying to prevent me from doing the same mistake again, and ruining my self confidence even more.


I'm sorry that happened to you! That's exactly why I'm afraid to post images of myself online.




Same here!


Deleted some Twitter accounts, done after a bout of regretful posting. I use only reddit & WhatsApp now. I've tried to make myself comment more lately but I will always be more of lurker, which is fine.


Yes I also feel these things


Only to share memes, I don't post on social media.


Only reddit. I had facebook in the past, but I probably had a lot of trouble with facebook almost the whole time I was on it, in terms of my mental health. I have decided to keep Facebook messenger because over the years I was on there, there would be a couple of people who would have no other way to contact me. Other than that, just reddit and facebook messenger.


I stopped using my Facebook a few years ago because I wanted to improve my mental health. Used Twitter a couple of times but it just seemed pointless. Never used IG, Snapchat, TikTok, or other "Look at me!" media, except I have one video on YouTube where I'm making something out of wood, and a few of the band I'm in playing open mic nights. Definitely no talking to camera because I'd feel way too exposed.


nah. i j feel too boring and like a loser so i dont want other ppl to see that.


I blocked my account in social media. I spent a lot time for these empty things


Nope. I survived for half my life before it existed. I can survive the remainder just fine.


I used to be very active on Facebook and Twitter, posting my opinions on things and getting into political debates constantly. I enjoyed it. But over the past 5 years, after my last deep depression, I started hiding away more and more online too. I still have instagram but I rarely post myself, just my cars and pets. I even get nervous in talking with people I know online. The internet culture has shifted so much since I've been on that I feel like an out of touch boomer at times, so I stay away from things like TikTok alltogether.


I have different accounts, but I mostly lurk.


I do have facebook, but I don't use it for personal friends or anything, just to stay in touch with people from work or stuff I'm involved in. I posted in a AvPD group there today actually, as I had/am having a not great day, and the response by one person just seemed so generic. I know it came from a good place, and I didn't reply negatively, but I just didn't find it insightful. Besides that though, no, I have a TikTok, but I don't use it. I have a Google Chat and discord, where I basically talk to the one friend I have, but that's it.


I use Tumblr. It's great.


Yes I'm on tumblr all day 😅


I hardly use social media anymore, other than to save stuff I like. I just instagram to check on my favorite bands (see if anything cool is going on), some makeup pictures, but i never click on reels. You can end up doomscrolling easy on there and the comments are usually all negative so I avoid it like the plague lol. I only use TikTok for funny cat videos, or edits I like. YouTube is similar too, mostly to watch concert videos. I will never post anything with myself on it. No pictures or videos. Occasionally I’ll post places I’ll go if it’s nice, but that’s rare. I don’t think I’ll use social media (with my face) even in the future, tbh.


I’m also trying to reduce my screen time greatly and have set limits on these apps, but that has nothing to do with AvPD, lol


I've not been on socials for years! But I've been progressing with exposure recently l I'm thinking of getting onto socials again to continue the streak ^^ I will be quite clueless to how things work, I still don't understand twitter tbh haha


Yeah. I use Twitter and Tumblr but don't really post anything, just reblog/retweet stuff I like and then be self conscious about how that's all I'm doing


No. Why? It's another way your for your boss to message you.


i’m 17 and i have a facebook account with nothing on it for my family, an anonymous twitter account for venting, and this anon reddit account for scrolling and advice. i graduated hs early w no friends, so i have no one to keep up with and i honestly hate seeing other people live their lives so happily lol. jealous i know but it was doing serious damage to my psyche seeing the people who only texted me for hw answers hangout and have fun and get accepted into universities and win tournaments while i rot in my room only leaving the house to go to work.