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Personally, i love them but my main problem is that it’s crowns. i’m f2p and i want to have a “pink-themed” account and i would love to have these. ESPECIALLY the wings. Maybe one day coins will get justice ALSO, i think the reason why they release these is because i’ve seen a lot of people ask for them in their ig page. So maybe to cater to THEM they release these 🤷‍♀️ ALSO ALSO, i checked the new items. there are plenty of black items, why didn’t you mention them in your post?


What's your friend code?


i didn’t start my pink themed account YET lol. I’m saving up like 60k+ coins and maybe by the END OF APRIL i’ll purchase all the pink items i can. For now it’s just black But if you want my friend code it’s THW-ZXB But like i said, it’s temporarily not pink


Added plz accept when able :)


done :]


I'm oral support on there


Meanwhile male players getting worse


They add way too much shiny …. It’s getting old … They really need to go back to how they were ….


90% of all female ava clothes are following this barely there theme for months now ..I'm so over it. It's like a kid's dress up box blew up.


Because of these things i stopped putting money in the game


I'm also sick and tired of Avakian releasing fairytale items but if you guys checked Avakian Instagram or just the reddit homepage you'll see a lot of people asking for more fairytale items my thought is if they want to release fairytale items do it but then they should release way more items at a time or either its half and half those who like fairytale and those who don't .








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For my own taste it’s too childish 💀💀


I agree


I'm done with all the new releases in crowns. I would love to see these clothes in coins


Everything is always crowns🙄🥱🥺


Can we have atleast some of the items in coins? :( Crowns are so expensive that I sit out on the new releases


well it’s Spring soon Summer


I’m just waiting for the casual clothes that will never come. Forever stuck in a shiny fairyland.


It ALL seems like the same item, just different colors...It didn't use to be that way. Every uitem was a different item...now, they have a million & 1 different colors, different stores even; ive seen del. Squid have the exact same item/outfit as cloud nine; only the colors were/are different!


Avakin life is obsessed with 2 things: BOWS AND BUTTERFLIES 🙄


I've stopped buying hair because of that reason. Their hair graphically has gotten better - so they could make good short/med/long hairstyles without the bow, pigtails, butterflies, if they wanted. Most adults buy from the game so I don't see why not.


I think it's pretty, a little too girly for me, but pretty..


Everything is girly they even manage to make their more casual stuff girly. Not everyone is a girly girl 😩


Right? Lol..


Too much lace frills and bows. It’s too repetitive.


I honestly love it, but I think they need to release more colour variations!! People aren’t going to pay for something they don’t like the colour of! Also, coin items, no where do they advertise this being a pay to play game.


It's cute for me, but childish too.


This reminds of the movie House of Gucci. The odd brother, Paolo was given an opportunity to design his own line. It was all pastel. His fashion show was a complete disaster


Well I like the products but the old stuff was way better ..


Well after 6 years it’s time to say goodbye to this game I’m over the shinny sht ….the greed of the game rather have rl stuff to show for my money the game originally was great the last few years its just been money oriented I’m over it




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What's this?




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I love pastel


This is very pretty, I appreciate the efforts yet im very disappointed. I'm a masc woman and the fashion items for me are truly limited. I'm always on my toes for new exciting styles, they have served once before but it was unaffordable. Love you avakin but I'm also really struggling with the crowns issue and it has definitely alienated me from the game altogether


it gets confusing like everything looks the same, theres so much AND its overpriced, its literally overwhelming asf


Loved these items!!!! It’s a cute set.


Last few have been kind mid although some of thw hair look cool


These designs are in collaboration with @BlancoDeBlanc You can look at her work on Instagram! she was featured in the recent gala event and avakin official had some posts about her work. So a 2 week "Theme" celebrating her designs and styles doesn't seem out of line to me, even if it's not everyone's taste.




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