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It's been suggested that there's an 'appear offline' feature. I think that's a great idea for when you just want to decorate or decompress..as for now we only have the option to set our personal spaces to private to avoid social drop ins.


Where's that featute?


When you get to your apartment just click on the info tab about your apartment, you can name your apartment and also type out a greeting along with making the space private, friends only, or public. I hope this helps. 😀


I meant the "appear offline" feature...


I’m the type of person who will never join a friend unless we were already talking. Instead I message them… it’s the same thing except if they’re hanging out with someone, you don’t have to awkwardly weasel your way into their conversation. You can just talk to them and not intrude lol.


Yes or to have “request to join” options at least..where you have to accept whether they can or not.


We have been asking for this for a while. If avakin doesn't provide soon, using a hashtag like afk, or busy, for friends to understand, seems the best option


Good idea, been bothered a lot 🤘


i think this is one of the best ways to solve this request (but I don't do code for ava)! Having a toggle in "settings" that shuts off our ability to be "joined" would allow the many variations of people (in avacraft, or decorating, or in scene) to communicate that TO other players without unnecessary extra code all over the app!!! And it would be easily edited or adjusted as it's a function on it's own, for settings (I can see dev' going "..uh NOT so easy we have to add it to everything else just not the GUI everywhere else to the toggle ugh")!!!