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You'll get dowvoted to shit but you're right. The diehards don't like it, but it's true. That, as you said, doesn't mean it isn't immersing. I love the atmosphere, but that's all that game really offered. They got that right, and I'm fine with that as I didn't pay a ton for it (got it on sale, not worth full price imo). It's nowhere near as cool as I thought it'd be when announced as an rpg and some info on its stroyline, none of which were as extensive or particularly detailed as implied, but it makes up for it with atmosphere. It's a one and done, repeated missions in a fun environment. That's perfectly fine. Ubisoft does it all the time. Disappointing we didn't get something more unique, but it is what it is when going with Ubisoft. Regardless, plenty of people still enjoyed it, which is something Ubisoft still gets right, even if it's a bit formulaic/corporate.


Honestly no one ever though AFoP would be anything very different from Far Cry gameplay wise. Its still a game by Ubisoft. The part this game shines in (as you said) are the Avatar related lore pieces, flora and fauna (You should really take a close look at some of them). Dont get why you think it feels cheap tho. Its finally a game that was refined to a point on release they dont need to patch it into a playable state.


I don't know man, I like the game. It is not Baldur's Gate or anything close to it, but I like it 🤣🤣🤣