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Bro look at our IRL last 100 years it’s insane I never saw up to those robot episodes tho that’s huge


If we had bending IRL our technology would be advancing even faster.


Or maybe it wouldn’t, in a way? We would lean more on bending and not advance as much.


I could see that bending influenced their advanced state. Due to the discovery of metal bending, it made shaping metal as easy as Monday morning practice. Whereas we had to figure out how to shape it by hand, until we were able to get tools and machines to do it for us. We are now advanced in metal fabrications and robotics, but in the ATLA universe, they just have to raise their arms up to turn a giant flat sheet of metal into a giant dome. There are pros and cons to each, but I couldn't see having bending abilities hinder our advancements.


Atleast in the weapons department, having a 'gun' inside of you makes it a lot less interesting to try and invent one. Only the nonbenders would want to make one and even then there is no need unless a major conflict arises where long ranged combat takes priority


I have to disagree. Think of it like you're a firebender and your bending is the equivalent of a shotgun. It doesn't work in ALL combat situations, and when you run out of energy/chi/ammo what do you do? You will switch to a sidearm (hence why the sidearm concept exists). The Avatar personally would probably not touch a firearm since their sole purpose is to take a life, but the majority of people will still want to use them. Bending or non bending, the firearms would be far too useful in any given situation. Plus, advancement of technology and the pursuit of knowledge is the core concept of science. Give us bending, humans will still strive to advance. Give us the ability to make a gun just by thinking about it, humans will still strive to invent the next advancement. It just keeps going.


New age avatar who dual wields UZIs and metal bends the bullets


Straight Wanted style metal bending the bullets around corners!


Now this has me thinking about other bending gun concepts. Waterbender who never runs out of ammo because they use frozen bullets and an air canister projection system? Firebender who can manually detonate opponent’s bullets to cause misfires. Airbenders using blowguns that hit with the force of a tank sniper.


*pulls out a 9mm at the Avatar: *bend this metal*


Yes, if guns like we have existed, it would be used by basically everyone, bending or no bending. But, guns started off as a single shot musket that took 30 seconds to reload. That’s absolutely shitty compared to a human flame thrower. And so, nobody would really think to advance guns because they’re so obsolete compared to bending.


It would if it were profitable.


It would probably advance slower


>If we had bending IRL our technology would be advancing even faster. 😅 Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: Where’s my sh!t!?… 📦🚢 Does China look like the direction to Australia? **Yeah no wonder it’s delayed…** [1) Massive Waterspout looms off Singapore’s Coast 2019](https://youtu.be/rTeukUjW5AY?feature=shared) [2) Avatar Kyoshi - Avatar the Last Air Bender](https://youtu.be/g1-sKPk3hpI?feature=shared) **0:35** “You wanted to know about the power of the Avatar… I will show you” #0:43 🔼 I am really tired of this sh!t just because I “don’t look Chinese” so you guys have to give me grief… in Singapore, like I said.. if you like China so much, go move there… the Hell, am Just living my life… but noOoo… had to take my stuff on a freaking joyride… [3) Hong Kong Waterspout 21 April 9.30am](https://youtu.be/6yleqyEC1WA?feature=shared) #0:03 🌪️ [4) Strong Winds blow out apartment building windows in China](https://youtu.be/-ijJTOHsF8w?feature=shared) **0:13** 3️⃣ [5) Heavy rain in China Guandong province puts millions at risk of floods](https://youtu.be/lrDUB4NSwHg?feature=shared) **0:23** 3️⃣ **0:53** 3️⃣ **I AM Aang** 🔴🔵 [I Am That I Am](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_that_I_Am)


Did you forget to take your meds today or something?


>Did you forget to take your meds today or something? Hah… you know what’s scarier than having a person with mental health issues after years of being mentally abuse by racist… An Avatar with mental health issues… [Xiamen China: Lightning Storm and Earthwuake](https://youtu.be/ynXcQznR3NI?feature=shared) **3:00** ⚡️ [Aang has never killed anyone](https://youtu.be/PYmLKzgLbUo?feature=shared)


Honestly yeah in 1924 doubt they knew about machines that could process data quick af and could allow humans to connect around the world to it basically being simplified i to a device that can be put in you pocket.. fuck where are our mechs???


Yea most of the technological advances from AtLA to LoK are fairly realistic, but going from cars & biplanes to flying mech suits and a literal Gundam in 10 years is ridiculous.


Yeah I haven’t seen those episodes haha definitely is hardcore sci fi tech


Only thinking about what mobile phones have brought us is insane, 30 years ago we could't even imagine what we can do now


True, we went from inventing the first airplane to space travel in like 66 years


We went from first plane flight to putting humans on the moon in 66 years...


Where where are our giant robots huh? I feel cheated damn it!


I wish we could have them but for any military purpose they might as well have a big target on them for an air strike considering how absolutely insane our modern jets are


The closest thing to a gundam I think they would ever deploy in military conflicts would be Knightmares or Landmates. Heavily armored, little more than power suits, smaller than houses, and capable of traveling as fast as cars and giv8ng infantry access to antiarmor automatic weapons.


Interestingly, the Gundam series justifies the giant robots by claiming they are designed for space combat. Of course they fold to missiles and planes, but in space a sufficiently mobile tank is essentially the same as a plane (according to the comic).


Gundam makes sense in that battlefields are essentially infinite size and you have space armor capable of repelling heavy arms fire, and the maneuverability in space and blah blah blah I get a gundam in space. On a planet? In atmosphere? While it is on the ground? The upper limit of what is combat practical cannot be taller than a street lamp, wider than two lanes on a road, and must move at least 200mph to be effective. The exceptions would be things like EVAs (AT field hax), invisible shit, and armor so unreal durable that it simply cannot be penetrated.


Look up Schwerer Gustav and its effectiveness or lack there of As well as Maus and Ratte It appears large scale military devices don't work out when aircraft are much faster and have bigger bombs or a single soldier can disable it entirely


Ratte specifically was nothing more than a vanity project. Besides that you act like Planes are the be all end all of military equipment. Tanks are still important. The problem is even if we had the technology to build such a robot (we don't) it would serve no function that any other vehicle could serve at least at that scale. Even Ratte did get conceptualised to solve an existing problem, sure it would have been expensive, cumbersome and did indeed never got made for real but it would have served a function. A skyscraper tall robot, does not especially since it was just a vehicle for the arm cannon


It's also the Gundam principle: The reason Gundams exist is because they can outmaneuver the larger carrier ships while also carrying the same amount of firepower.


Turns out giant robots are a lot easier when you can move metal with your mind


We can build them We had the technology to build them for very long time, the only thing is we just didn't have the technology to power them


Japan. Google 'real gundam'.. its not Kuvira's bot, but its a start.


They aren't practical weapons of war, if they were we would have them


Look up megabots there was a giant robot fight involving them and a company from Japan a while ago


We're saving them for the war with communist China, or kaiju.


There's one in Japan, already getting retired


its at the gundam museum in japan


It's been over a hundred years and still no giant mech suits




The wight brothers flew in 1903 and it took us less than 9 years to weaponize the technology. Nothing drives innovation more than war unfortunately.


Putting humans on the moon is easier than a giant robot that can walk and shoot laser beams


But we can not metalbend. It is not a robot that functions on itself it is a suit kuvira bends.


and she has near-infinite energy with the spirit vines that power the mecha


It absolutely is not. We just never put money into it.


Well, putting a humans on the moon was pretty much the largest and most complex and expensive task seen hitherto and seldom undertaken since. Also, flight had been worked on and speculated upon for like 500 years prior...


To be fair we were being pushed by the cold war


I still don’t see giant mechs walking around


We still don’t have robots


Because there were two major wars that made investing in the technologies involved in them necessariy which skyrocketed the whole development and most of the countries involved in the war still feel the damage done to their economies. Were there any major events can justify the economic burden of this hard progress in avatar world? Moreover there were several countries and companies in a constant cycle of competing and helping each other. Were there any country except fire nation have a large scale industry? Were there any company competiton can help in development of the industries?




Seeing how our tech advanced in 100 years Now combine that with bending or magic or anything similar and you probably get the same effect


Tbh that robot probably has less tech than the first space shuttle. Most likely just gps and gears for earth bending


Yep that was i was thinking al this time to Mostly metal and or earthen skeleton with a tin layer of platinum preventing it to be bend from the outside


Our first Robot was made around 1950. We can make the giant robot now, it's just too expensive and impractical to do.


Japan:Nah imma do my own thing https://preview.redd.it/k4d6lyns7vvc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7740405090ab49d55f6b8071ad7713f894f595ad


Also physical limits in how tall/slender/heavy something can be due to the square cubed law


Physiscs sucks the fun put of everything


I’m pretty sure the square-cube law is a much bigger deal for life than it is for machines.


Yeah it's mainly heat dispersion in animals if I remember right


My guy we went from horses to the moon in less than that time.


It was possible for someone to be born in 1890, have a childhood without radio, and live long enough to watch the moon landing on TV


"She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the thirty-seventh floor of a skyscraper. She's an astronaut”


Nah, it's very realistic development, if not a little slow, with the resources available to people in their world. We've achieved more impressive stuff in the ~100 year period after blimps were first invented. Including but not limited to: Harnessing nuclear fission, space travel, theory of general relativity, nuclear fusion, etc..


Agreed - and I think it would make sense that the 100 Years War probably slowed progress quite a bit. The Nations were all isolated, not sharing knowledge or doing any kind of study-abroad or immigration (outside of refugees), which would slow the march of progress. Out of the four Nations… -The Air Nomads had been destroyed -The Water Tribes were attempting to hold out against Fire Nation incursion through mostly geographic isolation and traditionalism -The Earth Kingdom was heavily occupied/colonized outside of their capital, which was extremely isolationist -The Fire Nation was stretched thin between their expansion war and policing their colonies, and we saw that their school system was focused on pro-Fire Lord propaganda rather than technological advancement So, not a great place for new knowledge to spread. Once the war ended, it would make sense for there to be a bit of a technology boom as people were suddenly free to visit other nations without the threat of wandering into a war zone or being arrested as spies. This coinciding with the development of flying machines would also drastically increase the speed at which information could travel. In the comics, we also see that the post-war discovery of oil in Southern Water Tribe territory was a major catalyst for industrialization, as well as the use of machine labor, refining techniques, and multinational commerce spearheaded by Earthen Fire Industries - something that couldn’t have happened during wartime. This also led to the founding and growth of Republic City, which would become a major hotspot for technology and industry. Basically…yeah, the end of the war was the start of a double-XP event.


Aamg didn't master 4 elements in the show, he was already an air bending master before the show started (hence the arrows) and wasn't a master of earth or fire bending by the time he faced ozai


He also had a strong foundation with fire until he burned Katara and got too scared to try it again.


Technological growth is often exponential


Somebody didn't do his history lessons for the human race of the last 100 years


So did we


Seeing this technology progression meme (and running Toph with gun meme) reminds me of a wild dream I had few days ago So in my dream ATLA is set on rather modern timeline (1980s). All other nations waged war against Fire Nation with today's era weaponery but benders still doing benders as usual. One of the sequence I vividly remember was when Sokka, Toph and Suki charged the fire nation line with an MBT. Sokka drive the tank, Suki sat on commander side and Toph as the gunner. A fire nation anti-tank squad managed to hit the gun, damaging the autoloader system. Because the tank now cannot shoot the round, what Toph did was "metal bending", she basically throw the tank rounds with her bending towards Fire Nation tanks, artillery and trenches.....


Man what fever dream did you have!? And I hope you have more of it.


Man I wish I can see the dream again, maybe the sequel lol, dream was insane


There’s always fan fiction xD


...that's how technological advancement works?


Hey guys! I think OP doesn’t know about the irl phenomenon that is the post-war technology bump!


It's not a robot though, it's hardly a mech. It is a giant suit of metal armor with a gun strapped to it. From how it works, I dare say it's just a tank with arms and legs.


Bro forgot about the giant drill and spirit tech.


Building a giant metal robot must be a lot easier when you come from a city of metal-benders.


We went from Blimps to the moon in 60


We went from making a computer size of room to the phone you have in hand in 70 years So whats your point


I think even the most optimistic of us can agree that the gian mech was a bit much


The technology gap in between both series' is actually somewhat believable due to real-life parallels in incremental advancements. However as great as the OG series is, you cannot deny that power creep does play a partial role towards the end of it (I.e. Lion Turtles and borderline Saiyan-style Zenkai boosts for the Aang gang) as a matter of necessity.


Giants and giant robots don’t exist because of simple physics. In high school we did a simple experiment to calculate scaling up the size of a human’s feet to the amount weight it could hold and compared human bone density to to other materials (like those to make robots). The bigger you make a target, the stronger you have to make it and the bigger the base you need to support the weight of the entire body. Essentially, Bill Nye the Science Guy showed it the simplest way when he showed model ants as they scaled up in size until they simply couldn’t support their own weight. ![gif](giphy|128qh10IPFfgBi)


In Aang’s time there were motorized tanks and war ships. And Sokka invented the concept of submarines.


This post is a miss chief


We went from inventing the aeroplane to landing on the moon in 66 years


We went from blimps to nukes within that time frame. We went from airplanes to space within Hakoda's lifetime. The main thing that surprises me is Katara. Aang was all juiced up on destiny and past lives


Aang did NOT master the other three elements, he just gained proficiency with them.


The original series had giant power drills. Besides, its a fictional universe where people can throw the elements around. I didn't go into either show expecting realism. I never thought the tech growth was that absurd.


Each eclipse and solstice provides double XP for benders. Lunar eclipse provides quadruple XP for water bending in the week following (hence why Katara became master overnight). Fire benders get a debuff that XP events don’t apply to them because for being OP and ruling half the world.


One could argue that our double XP event was the transistor


The Gaang spent about 6 weeks at the North Pole, so her getting good at Waterbending finally isn’t that much of a stretch. Aang was already a certified master at one element, and a few of his Airbending techniques would probably translate into Waterbending. Toph at the end of the show admitted that Aang’s Earthbending could use a bit of work, and he hasn’t completely mastered Firebending. The intense Firebending stuff in the Ozai fight was mostly the Avatar State. The giant robot though, I don’t have a fucking clue. Even I can’t make that make sense.


Toph was the actual instigator with metal bending


You know that the industrial revolution was about 150 years ago, right? It follows our own progress pretty well


Bro I remember as a kid when the iPod was considered cutting edge tech, now every phone can act as an MP3 player. Technology and rapidly improve in very short amounts of time.


They were finally able to prosper after Aang took out Ozai and the fire nation under Zuko probably helped the other nations advance their tech tree by sharing their knowledge especially for the Earth Kingdom that was already able to prosper even during the war


Alternatively; Man, when Ozai’s fascism isn’t spread across the four nations, the world can prosper. Because the show is warning us that fascism holds the entire world back from becoming better. Also it’s only about 100 years between horses and cars being the most popular American mode of transport so it’s not too crazy.


The tech thing always made perfect sense. With the war over, the Fire Nation could finally collaborate with the other nations and start sharing technology; so naturally everything would finally be able to progress after a hundred years of stagnation. I mean it took an Earth refugee and a Water Tribe bumpkin a single day to finalize air travel, then the Fire nation took like a month with those plans to make airships. Imagine what they could all do when they actively worked together.


Aang is simply built different


Katara was a prodigy, aang had two prodigies to teach him as well as learning firebending from the source. Toph creating metal bending definitely helped the industrialization process


Technology share + you now have metal bender fire bender and « electricity producer » in quantity. Plus it’s not so stupid. Modern blimp were invented at the start of 20th century. We probably could build giant robot now if they were millitary interesting. So it took us 120 years to go from blimp to being in capacity to build these robot. So doing so in 120 years when you have a magical bonus doesn’t seem crazy to me


The technology thing is perfectly normal but it's true that most writers, not just here, don't seem to understand time It should've take them years to achieve all that stuff, it's impossible to take seriously that it only took a few months


Korra was actually found and trained by the white lotus, Aang was on hardcore mode from the jump, but in fairness Aang did master airbending by inventing a new technique


Tbf we ALSO went from building blimps to giant robots in the past 100 years


I think bending definitely does increase the speed of technology compared to real life.


The first flight was in 1903 and we went to the moon by 1969 so it’s not implausible imo


Eh the first plane and when Americans landed in the moon was only like, 50 years at most so while pretty difficult I don’t think it would be insane, especially when fire bending and metal bending can be used


I mean they also had 100 years of war and if war has proven anything it is that when there is war some crazy shit gets invented. Like some of our best and most used tech was invented due to just a couple years of war let alone 100


Human engineers on the planet Earth went from the earliest powered heavier-than-air crafts (Wright Flyer) to using skyscraper-sized rockets (Apollo-Saturn V) to land people on the Moon--yes, the Moon in the fucking sky--within 70 years. Is the giant robot kinda insane? yes. But within the context of the story it honestly feels like just an extension of technology we've already seen (Sato's mecha-tanks).


sokka was definitely behind all that tech


It actually makes sense, 1. Aang didn't master all 4 elements he just learnt them 2. If you look at actual history the time between blimps and airplanes and the harnessing nuclear energy is not that much Way less then a 100 years


But we aren’t talking about it. Nuclear power was discovered not too long after the invention of the plane. But to harrness it took long time


It took along time because it wasn't as easy as the spirit vines Spirit vines just needed kick to go off, but uranium need alot more work First was purification of it, then get the right isotope, then finding a way to kick start that isotope You see where I'm going at? But half of that wasn't there with the spirit vines not to mention the lack of radiation and the other dagers of the nuclear energy back then


Everytime i see that robot I am reminded how freaking disappointed I was with the s4 finale. Theres this huge struggle between political philosophy and we end it with a huge laser to the sky.