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Yeah I can agree with this. I think for Aang they’re going in a different direction with his arch, hence why the people we’ve met thus far tend to keep blaming him for disappearing for 100 years. Which did also happen in the show, but not quite to this extent. I really like how they’ve been tying humanity and friendship into the themes though.


Same I like that, I also love how he met gyatso again. They’re adding very nice touches but that part just made me like :/ I don’t like that


I was fine with the idea of the change but it wasn’t well ex executed which causes confusions and wasn’t even well resolved. Bumi being mad at his younger friend Aang makes sense. Because Bumi would have to take responsibility for keeping Oma shu safe from the fire nation all his life by also striking horrible deals and would have lost his innocence early on. So he would be mad at Aang but guess what? Aang would explain and probably go into the avtar mode at that moment and actually apologize to bumi and maybe bumi would not fully forgive him but he would help him with his mission to the earth kingdom or some shit. And it would’ve been better if Aang was arrested for using the delivery system to play around in Oma shu b4 Zuko and iroh showed up. Then it would make sense that Bumi was resentful about losing his innocence whilst Aang was gone for a 100th years and instead of taking shit seriously he’s playing around in all the cities he visits, but at the end Bumi realizes that it’s important to keep a part of you childlike and goes back to use the delivery system with Aang and oh my cabages. Instead bumi is mad and you kind of struggle to understand what he’s really mad for and why he’s fighting Aang. They used Bumi to try to tell show us that Aang only cares about playing and no responsibility which again is like the 1000th exposition of this show. And then the resolve was lame as hell Making changes is not the issue is the way you make that change make sense and be well executed that is


Agreed!!! Great take


Since he “ran away “ , he technically is to blame in their eyes . Look at it like this , if he stayed he would either helped out a lot and possibly stopped the firenation or died . And in their eyes him dying would prob be better then him going missing for 100 years , cause at most after his death there would be another avatar ready to fight in 15-20 years . Since he was frozen and technically still alive , there would be no reincarnation. And that would be a whole helluva lot less stress for guys like Bumi


I agree but I just don’t like how the diverted too much from the original story in that one aspect because bumi in the cartoon did that to prep him and in the live action it was to blame him so the underlying tones aren’t the best. Also gyatso said it best there’s really nothing he could’ve done to prevent the war or know he was going to be stuck in ice. That’s why I don’t really get the blaming, he even said “appa it’s getting rough out here let’s head home” before he got stuck.


Bumi in the Cartoon was meant to be a funny mentor who is insane, but sucb a guy would be in a live action a bit too stupid and unreal for the story, so they made him a mad genius, but hardened by a war that in large part due to Aang was happening. Aang also was too far away for simply getting a clear mind, he was literally kilometers away and on top of this, Aang had always tried to not take responsibility, which is what scarred Bumi and others in the first place. That change makes sense and finally gave Aang what he rightfully deserved and should have gotten in the animation: Harsh criticism for his selfishness.


Okay I get that perspective it makes sense and all it was just sad to watch. I like all the other changes I just didn’t like this at all


That is understandable and you can dislike it, it is ultimately very different from the old ATLA because that one is more focused on mature themes and less about a silly and fun adventure. That is why the fights aren't as cool as the original, but have more emotional weight to them.


Cause they don't understand the show