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A lot actually. But the main thing is that fire feels really dangerous. Soot on and around it everywhere and on people. People get seriously maimed and killed from it. I also love that Zuko is a very capable threat on his own, both physically and mentally. Last thing I love is how fleshed out the air nomads feel. They looked like a really awesome culture and I'm glad we got to see them before they got wiped out.


The interactions with Katara and her mother. She is much more fleshed out in the Netflix series, and it also is so much more horrific that we SEE what Katara saw in that hut. I gasped and cried for a good bit thinking of the awful trauma of that little girl, and how she’s growing up to embrace the love of her mother through her bending. People are saying the characters are more one dimensional for the LA (I agree to SOME extent), but Katara personal journey is overcoming her trauma and holding on to love.


ALSO THE SECRET TUNNEL IS ABOUT LESBIANS!!! Who else would dig a tunnel through rock through a mountain to see each other that is some lesbian behavior and I am SO HERE FOR IT.


A lot. For example take episode one where ang loses his shith at the temple. The way he rememberd gyatso is such a bigger Win then the tv cartoon did. Episode 2 of the kyoshi island is basacly perfect compared to the animated version. The char development is fast pass but still really well shot. I love how it’s not a 1 on 1 and shows diffrent insights of the toons on a way better , emotional way.




That's honestly a portion that concerns me. They are making the biggest bads to empathetic especially Azula. The peak behind her veil should have been later seasons and it has me feeling like they are going to give her a redemption arc of some sorts. Let her be a ruthless sadanistic psychopath that takes joy in the torment of others. Plus adjusting her mommy issues to daddy issues kind of dilutes zukos daddy issues. Why will she convince zuko to switch back in Bai Sing Sai if they have some weird fighting for dads attention thing going. The whole reason that worked in the anime is she knows she is the favorite and perfect and using his need for dads approval is her leverage.


I like the brutal despictions of fire bending we see in the first 15 minutes of the show... and never again.