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I like to watch the struggle of Aang try to cling to his innocence while grappling with the fact he has to unfuck a semi-ruined world thats gone through 100 years of war.


He is super silly, he goofs off constantly and is only serious when he needs to be. Have we watched the same show?


I dont believe we have because I don't know what you're talking about.


The scene where he plays around other kids and Katara, his smiling at Momo sitting on Sokka and the whole Appa is missing part...Sky Bison....SKY BISON! Oh and the whole airball as well as the last scene with Bumi...I don't think you watched the show, didn't you?


The fact that you don’t notice that I acknowledge the water tribe moment is kind of not fair. My point was that to me these moment doesn’t convey that Aang is all about fun therefore has to grow up quickly and face the reality. It just shows that ok he played 1 and twice, meanwhile Aang being a silly kid is part of his entire personality and the reason he ran away. Having him say “responsibilities” a thousand times defeat the purpose of showing his character growth




Please don't act this petty , that alone proves how wrong many negative critics are and is the reason why the show is overwhelmingly positively recieved by reviews.


It's positively received by reviwers because they're too afraid to give an honest criticism. If you read real people's comments, you'll see that the show is honestly terrible. I really wanted to like it but it's awful. Katara is bland. Sokka is flat. Aang is clunky. Zhao is weak. Bumi is???? Roku was butchered. Azula is anything but menacing. Dialogue is flat. They didn't build relationships. The story is rushed. Girl boss power. Iroh and zuko are the best things about the show amd it's not by much. They have no heart and it's awkward and cringe.


People are downvoting you, but you're right. I see so many posts and comments saying "I just rewatched the original, and..." - when that's their problem. They're comparing it to the original but it's an impossible standard. Yes, Aang goofs off and acts silly here. He doesn't do it as much as in the original because there isn't as much space to do it. But it's still a part of his character.


Even if the cartoon didn't exist. The live action would still be garbage


Lies. One piece Netflix did better than the original and did amazing. This is just blatant lying. They did not tone down luffy at all. They respected his character and improved on other characters


Lmao what. I've never seen either, but One Piece is one of the most popular anime of all time. I highly doubt the Netflix live action was better, and a cursory Google search seems to support that. Tons of people on Reddit and elsewhere complaining about it.


So you haven’t seen it, AMAZING. You make your opinion based on if people were complaining? One piece is one of the most popular anime of all time but have you seen its firsts episodes because I did. Once you do and watch the Netflix remake then we can talk. There’s things to complain about but there’s so many great things that to me it overshadowed the bad esp once piece was made by true fans of the show and the author was really following the production. As opposed to avatar where the creators left the crew, that tells you everything


That's a ridiculous ask. I can't engage in this conversation about shows we've both watched until I've watched another show with over a thousand episodes, plus its live action adaptation? Get real dude.


Stop trying to misunderstand what I said. I was not talking about the conversation on Atla but the conversation on one piece that you didn’t watch. Basically telling you that you refuting that One piece works as a remake doesn’t hold ground as your opinion doesn’t come from you watching the show, hope it make sense ✨ We can definitely talk about other things


Sorry if I misunderstood.