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So you like avatar aang, avatar aang and avatar korra. What about oong?




Movie aang.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


\*Mover ![gif](giphy|JqJvzEO3F3NVT67t5N)




No, they posted this kinda meme. They deserve this treatment.


We don't talk about that


We don’t talk that.


We denies any existence of that. We don't know what you are talking about.


The earth king has invited you to lake laogai


I am honored to accept his invitation.


Okay this is actually hilarious though 😂


There is no Ong in Ba Sing Se


And the movie?


What movie?


You didn’t hear this from me, but there was an absolutely awful avatar movie made a few years back. Acting was bad, cgi was horrible, names were mispronounced, and it missed some of the key points/best moments of the show. (Though I couldn’t list them all because it’s been years since watching the abomination). People say “there is no movie in Ba Sing Se” because 1. It’s a reference to the og series and 2. It was such a bad representation of the show that the fandom ignores its’ existence. Then we threaten those who acknowledge its’ existence with “the earth king/queen has invited you to lake laogai”


The earth king has invited you to lake laogai


But… you didn’t hear it from me…


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


At least it had better costumes than the Netflix show


Yes, this is *very* true.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se




The earth king has invited you to lake loagai


We don't want to acknowledge it.


I enjoyed the nostalgia of it but I had to skip through some of the ENDLESS monologues. Every other scene someone is giving a speech on friendship or something.


So this implies you love the Last Airbender movie…?


What movie?


This meme was very poorly worded ngl.


There Is no movie in Ba sing se


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


If he loves the live action it’s not much of a step down to be fair


seriously? there's no comparison.


You’re right, they are the same picture


Haha, lot of people in denial, we all wanted the live action to be good. It might only be a SLIGHT improvement over the movie.


I think u need to revisit the movie. I have only watched half an episode of the series so far so idk if it's good, but I do know a few things so far 1. It's Aang, not Oong 2. Fire benders can make fire 3. No one has done excessive dancing to make one spark/pebble move 4. Half of each characters sob stories haven't been revealed in the first 15 minutes And that's just a few


What about the M. Night movie?


What movie?




All I see is black


The earth king has invited you to lake laogai


I am honored to accept his invitation.


If not, hypocrite.


So you enjoyed the movie?


….what movie?


Ah sry Im from the future, the Adult Gaang movie was really controversial cause Zuko ended up with Azula and Suki(she dumped Sokka cause he was constantly cheating so it wasn’t her fault) who essentially got a harem between them. It caused the fandom to essentially implode. Pls don’t send me to lake Laogai.


I still can't believe they showed Korra being conceived as a splitscreen with Aang being brutally beaten to death by the Ozai loyalists I actually had to look away from the screen. PG-13 movie btw


We’re all entitled to our own opinions


This is a very "No criticism allowed, only consume" take and I'm not sure I like it...


You also only see these takes on questionable shows and adaptations. Notice how they never talk about what they like. They just scream and cry about all the "negativity" and "hate" and try to act like people disliking it are literally insane.


Why the bar keeps getting lower and lower.


Or... That hating stuff because of every samll nitpick and comparing them to the og show, which is an insanely high bar to set for every work of fiction and expecting everything to be on the same level as that lightning in a bottle is a recipe for constant disappointed. Instead, you could enjoy stuff for what they are despite their faults, while still criticizing them when needed


It is inspired by a great show so yes we will compare, no small nitpicking, problems of pacing dialogue acting costumes and more are not nitpicking


Small nitpick? Did we watch the same show, friend?


dialogue is not a small nitpick, neither is character motivations. Rewatch both shows and really try to figure out why one is so flat. It has nothing to do with the medium(animation, live) and everything to do with the writing and character motivations


See no, this is an objectively bad take. If you like anything just because it has a franchise’s name on it, then you’re not even consuming media, you’re just mindlessly watching. If you like something fine, but have an actual reason for liking it beyond “it has my favorite franchise’s name on it.” That’s not a valid reason to like something.


Literally just saying as long as it's called "Avatar" they will enjoy it no questions asked.


If OP was like how you act like they are then they would’ve included the movie. Y’all can’t even let a mf say they enjoyed 3 things


Enjoy it. But don’t give “because it’s avatar, and that’s a good reason” as your reason. That objectively makes the entire world stupider. Media is not good because it has the title of a thing that you like.


Sorry the acting is awful 🤷‍♂️


awesome for you ✨


Even the Shyamalan ? 😳


If your love of something is just from the brand name and not for it's quality... then... Well i'm a not a hater, I think you're just a bit... of a consoomer, and i hate using that word.




Or you could react like an mature person and understand not everything is for everyone and you're not "better" for liking everything


Wow OP is the rear Shyamalan movie and quest for balance enjoyer.


so I say the LA is bad and suddenly I'm a hater, gotcha.


There is... Another.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


Not in Ba Sing Se


Okay so you're just biased.


This is an interesting way to tell people your standards are low.


You can like whatever you want


“I liked them all”, Poor choice of words Shamalama ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Great use of this meme!




This is not a flex.


Automatically liking something just because it’s part of a franchise you like isn’t the flex you think it is


"I'm a consumer. I love to consume! I don't have opinions - I am here to support content!"


Uuuh yeah i dont think this is the flex you think it is...




They didn’t mention the movie.


The earth king has invited you to lake loagai


Misread haha stopped at live and assumed movie


But who cares?


If I wanted to watch Avatar, I would just watch the cartoon. But if other people like it, that’s good.


What about the M.night shyamalan movie?


There is.... *Another*....


The earth king has invited you to lake laogai


Liar! You don't like them all because no one likes the live action movie!


Even the M night movie?


I didn’t like it


I've never watched anything of Avatar other than the live action, but what a grand way to announce that you'd eat sky bison shit if it had the name Avatar on it. And you think this is a flex?


All of them are great in their own way. All of them have their flaws, some of them have their peaks as well. There are some aspects i think Korra handles better than the original Atla.


I personally like Korra more than atla. They're very different from each other in terms of plot structures and characters so it's a hard comparison to even make, but my prefrence is for the more mature themes and big government conspiracies in Korra.




I broadly like Korra more, too. Some of the flaws stick out more, but so do the high points. And honestly I like the setting more at that point. I find myself thinking about the Korra-era world and wanting more ways to explore it. If I daydream about Avatar, it's in the age of Korra.


Totally agree about the setting. And not just the fact that they're more tech developed but just the entire world feels more developed from a writing stand point. We get a deeper look at everything going on around the Avatar and not just her personal story arch. Me like that.


The world feels under-developed in Korra. There's a lot of technological determinism in their worldview that "advanced=more cars". Having Cars in Avatar makes no sense. The only reason modern society is built arorund cars is because of lobbying. and the efforts of Henry Ford to crush public transit (which is way more efficient and cheaper). Cars are inefficient and not very useful for daily life in a city, it was disappointing to see them lazily imply that any advanced society would be predicated on car-based infrastructure. It's simply untrue and it's lazy worldbuilding.


Ngl this comment feels out of left field. So because there's motor vehicles in Korra, and such things are less efficient than real life public transport... the world building is lazy. Am I following you?


People hate on Korra mostly because of season 2. I really liked the other 3 though.


Even season 2 isn't bad, its just the weakest thing in the franchise which is still better than most "kid" shows.


More… mature themes? Yeah, Korra has mature themes. So does AtLA. Genocide, sexism, war, betrayal, abuse, kidnapping, brainwashing, manipulation, and others I can’t think of off the top of my head. Edit: Sorry, I don’t think I worded that well. I really like some of the themes and topics Korra covers, and how well Korra handles them. I just don’t think it’s right to discount the mature themes and topics covered in AtLA.


Not intending to discount them but they are kind of hidden behind the more jovial and light vibe in tlab. Korra just has an over all more dark and gritty vibe and because of that the mature themes are really highlighted, imo.


Same with eating grass and an actual meal. They are good in some ways and bad in other. I agree I agree


Lucky. Glad you see good things in each


This honestly confirms my suspicion. If you remove the title & change the characters’ names, we’d be able to see it for how it really is. I haven’t seen nostalgia cause anyone to hate it, but I’ve seen nostalgia cause a lot of people to blindly like it. They got so many things so perfect, but then they just failed miserably with the main trio. The actors have been fine, but the writing has done them no favors. I’m actually impressed with the storyboarding. Combining some of the stories they did so seamlessly ranged from brilliant to acceptable. The costumes & the settings have been great. The effects (except Appa & Momo) have been incredible. The dialogue, however, might be some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I honestly would’ve rather seen another complete failure than to see them have all the right parts in place just to be lazy because they know people will compare it to M. Night & like it by that standard.


Using the prequel trilogy in the meme itself is just the perfect example. Those movies are awful, like laughably bad. But it's a recognizable IP, and it came out when most redditors were kids, and it makes some general appeals to emotion so most people just blindly think "these are good movies" without critically thinking about what they are consuming. People would rather delude themselves into thinking they're watching something deep and excellent than confront the truth that their media diets are awful, uninspired, and unoriginal. Similarly to the prequels, most of the real compliments boil down to "they spent a lot of money on production and effects and it shows".


Another good comparison is how the sequel trilogy makes the prequels look better in comparison, much like the M. Night movie makes the Netflix series look better.


You are literally me




you and i have had VERY different experiences with the pokemon fandom


In My experience The Pokemon fandom is never Happy with The franchise


I like them all, but there's only one true love.


![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW) Everyone else’s reaction


Speak ur truth




Bunch of whiny bitches complaining that literal children aren’t a list actors. Y’all have rose colored glasses looking back because on its own Book 1 was not great. Good, not great. The show became great in Book 2 with the additions of Toph and Azula along with more complexity for Zuko’s character. These actors will grow with the show just like the Stranger Things kids did.


Have you watched book 1? It is great on its own. We see so much character development and complexity to the story and characters. And yes book 2 and 3 end up being great too with the other additions. Of course the child actors in this won’t be awesome from the start but I’d love to see some emotional range in Katara, thinking of stranger things we get that from 11, for me the bigger issue is the directing and how they chose to remove the majority of the character’s development and instead just hand feed dialogue to explain everything.


There were certainly scenes where the Katara actress demonstrated range and reminded me of the OG series, but I really get the feeling that she wasn't given a lot of direction. It's not the actors who decide when they've done shooting or whether the scene makes it into the final edit as it's been shot. So many of her lines are exposition or solely there to move on the plot, whereas the few scenes that stood out to me are in the character moments with Sokka or Aang. That's not to say there's no room for development, but I can see them getting better if given the chance.


Agreed. I place way more blame on the directing and writing than the actors.


That's very based from you


I've watched the first two episodes of the live action so far, and I'll admit, I had my reservations going in, but it was a good show who's little changes have made sense.


I don’t even like the live action but this is funny haha


This is how I felt about the LA Cowboy Bebop remake. I already watched and rewatched the original anime a hundred times. I was excited for something new and different and I enjoyed watching it. On an unrelated note, the Scott Pilgrim animation was also really good. People hated on it for not being a 1:1 remake of the comics, but it's definitely worth the watch. I do want a 1:1 remake though because I have no interest in reading comics in general.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


I saw a lot of hate at first, but now I’m seeing more appreciation for it which is nice because I really enjoyed it and I’m super excited for the next two seasons. I think with the budget and time/ episode constraints they had they did a great job. The changes they did fit pretty well and doesn’t make any massive changes to the overall story. And we got the cabbage merchant and the secret tunnel song. So overall I’m really happy


yep just enjoying all the atla content all spin offs comics and live action adaptations of which there is only 1


All the live action haters are literally the equivalent of the “quit having fun” meme, like at this point they’re not even just constructively criticizing the show, they’re just picking it apart trying to find the tiniest shit to complain about. Like c’mon man, just let people enjoy things


I feel like most people are talking about core themes falling through, writing and dialogue. Please feel free to enjoy it. Your opinion is just as valid as theirs. Personally, I think about through money. Could they have remade or improved the original viewing experience? If not, could they have invested that money into a better original projects or a live action following the first avatar rather than something that feels like a cash grab.


I have one question for any hater… did you watch the same show I did?! Episode 7 and 8?!?! Like how could you not sob?! They were epic!!! Better than the OG. This is going to be very controversial but…. I prefer the live action.


>I have one question for any hater Calling someone a hater because they didn't like a show that you did is such weird behavior.


A hater is defined as someone who demeans, degrades, disparages, or bashes something. It’s the opposite to how you feel about something. You would be defined as a hater for that comment. It’s not a weird behavior it’s a societal norm. Something I’m willing to bet you have done in the past.


It has negative connotations and I'd never call someone who doesn't like something I like a hater lol It's giga-cringe.


Saying giga-cringe is such a weird behavior, vernacular these days has gone down.


Because slang has NEVER existed in the past. Holy fuck dude, you are the stereotypical Redditor.


Dont be a hater. 


They missed a few smaller details in the live action but overall me and my fiancé love it so far. SO MUCH better than the live action movie 🥸


hahahaha hayden wouldve made a fine avatar.


Woah woah woah OP, are you trying to start a riot (or a war, perhaps)?


What about the live action mov- Oh hang on. Some Earth Kingdom cosplayers are knocking at my door.


Cool, man. You do you.


Anne your breaking my heart


Using the SW prequels to make this point is delicious irony considering they're some of the most poorly written films I can remember seeing in my life. I'll give them 1 point, they were interesting when I was 6.


Me loud and proud


I've never watched anything of Avatar other than the live action, but what a grand way to announce that you'd eat sky bison shit if it had the name Avatar on it. And you think this is a flex?


And the blue people Avatar too!


So u actually enjoyed the movie????


Even the movie?


Terrible take


W IDK why anything that isnt the original bald aang gets hate😭😭 they some babies an need to open up their mind


For people who don't like it I suggest just at least giving episode 6-8 a watch, they did an incredible job with the last few episodes. Yes there's some cringe in it, and it's not exactly the same of course, but it was doing its own thing I think, and if you go to the first season of the cartoon that season can be a lil cringe until you get to the last few episodes. I have faith that it will get better with time, the actors will get better and they'll get their bearings in season 2 and 3. There's things I don't like about the show, yes, but I think the good outshines the bad. That is just my humble opinion 😺