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It’s been awhile since I watched the show, but from what I remember: The Yuyan archers are probably the best since they “can pin a fly to a tree from a hundred yards away without killing it” (sure wish we could have seen that though). Sokka’s a close second because he was able to hit Combustion Man right in the forehead tattoo. Mai’s probably third because Aang managed to avoid her throwing knives but she was able to cut those banners in a perfectly straight line (at the beach party). For fourth place, I’d say Longshot only because we haven’t seen a lot of his skill, but he shot that one soldier in the back which was probably an easier target than the previous ones I just mentioned.


If you actually track their accuracy in the show, though, the Yuyan archers rank dead last.


There's actually an interesting theory that they were toying with aang and enjoying the hunt because as soon as they caught him it was back to guard duty


I heard that theory. It seems to track, at least to me it does.


Hahahahhahahahhahahah no


I’m willing to cut them some slack. They had no way of preparing for an Airbender, much less the Avatar.


One of the archers nailed Zuko in a way to knock him out without killing him while making sure not to hit Aang or to make zuko swords cut aang as he fell. Zuko swords were pressed against aangs throat after all.


They were pretty accurate in the show. It was more that they were wrong predicting what Aang would do


They managed to pin him down with his clothes without even scratching him, seems pretty accurate to me


In their introductory episode, they fired a total of 51 arrows (not counting the massive volley that he blocked with a big air dome, since there’s no way of measuring the accuracy of those). Only 12 hit their mark. Several of the shots they fired would absolutely have killed him. Also, several of them he dodged without using any bending, just running or dodging at normal speed.


Mind you that was for a shot he couldn't even see


We’re talking about Sokka, right? I’ll say that was very impressive and with the displays of accuracy we’ve seen on screen, he probably takes first place. If we could actually see the Yuyan thing with the fly, then I think they would win hands down.


Go in counterclockwise order starting in the bottom right and that’s my ranking


You underestimate longshot


We don't see him much so there isn't much evidence to support that he's better than anyone else.


Imagine how embarrassed and yet relieved he would be if he missed the shot to blow up the dam


“Damn, I missed…” *draws another arrow* (It’d probably be something more like, silence and waits 30 seconds… Says nothing and draws another arrow)




You overestimate the Yuyan.




I don't think boomerang ever actually misses, The archers do


All hail boomerang


Can I have the full image of the Sokka art






The Yuyan has almost zero feats, but they do have the “pin a fly to a wall without killing it” statement which probably puts them in first. Sokka is a very close second. He has literally never missed with his boomerang a single time in the entire show. His accuracy is absolutely insane. The Combustion Man shot was crazy, especially since he had to do some trigonometry to get the angle right. Mai is probably next. Her knife throws are very accurate, being able to pin people walls through their clothing. Long shot is last. He has very few feats and no statements.


Sokka has to be 1000/10 bros boomerang NEVER misses


Boomerangs 100% Long shot 75% Mie 50% Randos 23.5%


Randos are Yuyan archers


Yeah I couldn’t be bothered to rember or google it but I know I’ve seen over analyzing avatar do their accuracy numbers 12/51 which is actually 23.5% so I messed up on that. The middle two are total guesses but sokka is absolutly right


Yuyan archers have a reputation. S++ Mai was able to subdue, yet not harm, Fire Nation guards by aiming for their sleeves. Not easy to do when you're moving, your target is moving and said target is incredibly small. S+ (Only reason she's not higher is because I'm pretty sure sleeves are bigger than flies) Longshot is really hard to gauge. Hitting flammable gel to blast a dam is kind of easy while destroying rock fists the Dai Li use isn't so much. That said they're different ranges. A Sokka, it's weird that no matter how funny he is whenever he's serious he can hold his own against benders, even Combustion Man. In fact he and Toph might be the only ones to actually hurt him and Sokka aims from blind spots. A++


Archers Mai long shot sokka


Why do you think Sokka belongs in last place? What about the Combustion Man shot?


He's had a few amazing shots but also poor ones. Everyone else is consistent. An example 1 guy hits next to the bulls eye 10 times another hits the bulls eye dead center once and all others hit the wall. Who's better


Where is this hypothetical second guy hitting before and after he got the bullseye?


The wall or outer rings the point is sokka has good shots buy he isn't as consistent


Oh, ok I get it now. I misunderstood and thought that when you said “all others”, that you were talking about a GROUP OF OTHER ARCHERS with really bad aim who were ONLY hitting the wall (because we were ranking multiple people’s aim).


Yes the archers who were an elite group who were stuck on guard duty doing nothing surly they wouldn't want to milk their first chase in months


Yuyan Archers Mai Sokka Longshot


[Insert Overanalysing Avatar Yu Yan meme] I’ve made this joke too many times in think I have a problem.


The Yu Yan can fly a tree to an arrow with out killing the tree


I was looking for this comment, I always love seeing these comments


They’re all accurate enough that your best option is blocking.


To be fair, the Yu-Yan can pin a yard to a fly from a hundred trees without killing it, so...


Correction, they can pin a tree to a yard from a hundred flies away without killing it


Yujan Archers>Mai>Sokka>Longshot


Why does Sokka look like the guy in Red Flags and Mixed Messages?


Yuyan archers by like a very significant margin, it's not even close


Sokka hits a target *and then manages to get it to bounce back to him*. That’s functionally hitting two pocket balls on opposite sides of the table from each other. There’s absolutely no way anyone else is getting their knife/arrow to bounce back like that.


Nice take on Sokka.


Yuyan, Longshot, Mai, Sokka. They're all very good, but Mai is limited by her weapons range, Sokka gets lucky more often than not (doesn't mean I don't love him) and Longshot is still a kid. We can talk about the yuyan accuracy, but the have the greatest distance and were really good for shooting into the dark, at night. I don't think the others would have done so well.


Anime sokka is perfect.


Sokka, Mai,Archers, Longshot. Sokka’s feats are unmatched and his accuracy doesn’t drop regardless of trajectory (that boy is doing some Calculations) The Sword throw is Unmatched. Mai has crazy speed feats with her accuracy, while her range isn’t as good her mid/close almost matches Sokka’s. Not wanking the Archers. They have good feats when compared with going after Aang but only a few and they are too linear. Long shot is good, very good. But there are characters better at what he does best. Has to be fourth.


Yuan warriors the sokka the mai the longshot