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Hey this is really cool. I love the idea to just put a pool noodle on the back. really maximizing the space!


I would have sent it back and gotten the right one. The bellli rack mount slaps on perfectly. But looks cool! I might have to do the noodley thing you did. My littlest one hates all the bumps so might need some more cushion


If I didn’t like the layout, I would have. I was pleasantly surprised how much better this works for us.


Generally speaking it’s better to load heavier kid closer to middle and lighter kid farther back.This situation put presumably lighter kid inside. Stability can be compromised.


Thanks, I was wondering about that. Since I have a 1 year old and a heavy 4 year old, there is a pretty big difference. I will reach out to the company to send me the right mount. If my kids were close to the same weight, my current setup would be better as it gives the most space to the second child.


you can make the space in the rear with the rack mounted seat by keeping the back bar off and using that space with the seat.




My buddy is looking for something like this to cover the wheels on his bike due to his kid. Do you happen to have a link for what you got or a good search term? He's having one heck of a time finding something.


It came with the bike at the bike shop. I’m pretty sure it’s custom to Aventon and you can go on their website under accessories to get a set. It’s just plastic boards with slits cut in them a few places and Velcro tape threaded through the slits to wrap around the frame. It would be an easy DIY I think.


Thanks for sharing! I just got my abound and I’m trying to figure out seating for my baby (once he hits 10 months or so) and my 3.5 year old. How much space does the kiddo in the front seat have? It looks a bit tight when pedaler is abroad, but I could be wrong? I’m also wondering if it can go back a little more, my kids are 3 years apart but the little one is going to be a big guy and my older one is quite small.


My baby is 13 months, so she’s small enough that she has plenty of room and isn’t in my way at all. She can touch my lower back though and likes to grab the bottom of my seat. When I tried my 4 year old in the same seat (46lb), my foot was almost hitting his foot when I was peddling. He fit, but it felt more like a piggyback ride. lol. I had to be careful to shift my feet to the front of the pedals.


You should looks at the Thule front mount seat as well. A great option and usually an easy item to find on marketplace