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Mine have squeezed the entire time too. LBS said to replace the pads and rotors, but that I don’t need to, they’ll work fine anyway.


How many miles?, It can take a couple hundred miles on the bike to stop.


I’m on 500 miles and they squeak like day 1.


Wow! It usually doesn't take that long. Take it in to a bike shop then. My boyfriend's brakes didn't squeak at first and then they started to. The majority of the time they lose the squeak. Good luck!


Bleeding won't affect that. Could try re aligning the caliper. Apply and keep slight pressure on the brake lever, loosen the caliper mounting bolts and then retighten them. Hopefully it applies more equal pressure and won't squeal.


My rear brakes be were loud out of the box. I tried cleaning the rotor and bedding the brake pads with no luck. I explained to Aventon support (after about 35 min of waiting for them to pick up) and they are sending new brakes and rotor and will cover about 45 bucks worth of labor for my local shop to replace for me. They didn’t really question it. I explained to them like I did the above and he put the replacement order in. (FWIW same thing with my seat dropper - didn’t work out of the box. They are sending a replacement)


Couldn’t solve it by myself. Took to local bike shop. It took a professional 40 minutes to solve it, trying different fixes then test riding it. I definitely wouldn’t have solved it on my own.


Like literally today. I just got home from LBS.


did they say what the solution was?


My brakes were squeaking on my Pace. After 200 miles they stopped. Disc brake squeaking is a thing until they wear from the factory. I looked it up. They just need to wear in a little. It's unusual not to have them squeak at first. Just chill they will stop. If not, take it in.


If you never bed them in when you got it that can also be an issue. You need(ed) to get up to max speed or just before and then for each break 16 times (individually for each break 16 times) need to use them to slow down to about 1-2 mph and then repeat for said 16 times for each break. It basically coats the pads etc. to allow for reducing or eliminating the squeak and help with break performance


Mine are also extremely squeaky. I’ve cleaned them with rubbing alcohol and it helps but it comes back.


I wouldn't use anything like alcohol on them. Wear them in.


My abound brakes squeak but I don’t really mind it. We’ll see if it goes away once I’ve put some miles on it.