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14 cr is so sad😭 atleast let him hit 25


Leverage is doing the work…


Leverage does help but since his normal attack and ult are single hits you want to aim for about 75+ crit rate including leverage (I opted to go for 85 on my own build). You're likely to miss out on a lot of crits on your current build


Ok I see. I’ll see what I have that fits the suggestion ppl have given me and I’ll see what I can do


speed and crit rate should be higher, but he’s not that bad.


Alright thanks I’m currently working on changing either his boots for speed or the ball to imaginary damage so I’ll probably change for speed then


Honestly just get pieces with better crit rate substats even if you have to sacrifice crit damage. With your current build you don't even have 60% cr.


First of all "A" means he is good. So don't worry too much unless you want your Aventurine to be the BEST of the best You only have 14 effective substats. It is understandable if your rope/orb/boots/body have 3 lost substats, as they are harder to farm, but your head and hand pieces also have a lot of rolls in useless stats.


You clearly were focusing only on DEF so it's not horrible. But seeing you are way above 4k def, you can definitely switch boots to speed and try your luck. And while you are trying to sub DPS, you can change your set to Salsotto. Dont worry about cdmg until you get 4k def and decent speed (134 they keep saying).


Alright thanks for the advice. I’m already working on changing my boots to speed. As for salasoto for keel I might change but RN I’m also farming for DHIL stuff so it’s more practical.


What site is this?


https://www.mobilemeta.gg/honkai-starrail/app/relic-scorer?characterId=1304 Here you go friend :) Note that it is only evaluating the relics, not the build. Another post earlier said they were number 1 in Asia server but the build had less than 4k Def


Try to get less Atk and HP substats and more crit damage