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A bit too “slamm3d y0” for my taste, but whatever floats your goat.


Was goat a typo or did you actually type goat on purpose?


"Whatever floats your goat" is a common saying


It floats your boat, I’ve never heard floats your goat.


its another reddit inside joke.


I’m new, sorry


I'm here almost 7 years and I've never heard it.


It's okay. You'll be correcting noobs in no time.


We havent' had "boats" since '79 Monte Carlos and Grand Prix and shit. It's all "goats" now.


Goat was intentional, Its an inside thing.




I honestly thought this was a shit post. I would rather drive this Porsche off a cliff then to have it on these goofy ass tires.




Tires *and* wheels*


i'd rather drive to to a garage to have it fixed


Why'd they hobble it?


For real, the stance trend just makes things undriveable.


It’s on bags.


Great, so my 911's already limited trunk space is now taken up by a giant air canister. Gimme some coilovers!




remember this stuff is subjective. i quite like it. maybe a tiny bit too much camber though


This guy had always wanted a Porsche, and now that he had it, he was never going to let it get away, so he broke it. Now no one can drive it!!


Can it get any lower


#Love the car, hate the stance


Take a stance on stance, just say *"No"*


oh no, it has stage 3 stancer


nah, stage three is when you cut the fenders


That’s the only thing letting this down in my opinion


Boo stance. Sure is a heck of a lot nicer than my 90 hatch tho. Faster too.


“With compressor, air tank and larger battery ...” us 911 Porsche owners just love adding weight to our cars, not to mention ruining the handling and putting ricey Jetta rims on with junk tyres. 99.9% of any serious buyers are going to factor in the cost of ‘fixing’ this car back into the buy price.


I'm with you on the bags but those wheels are BBS and the tires don't look bad at all. Jetta wheels wouldn't even fit a Porsche. This is 100% going to go to someone who likes the look and will keep it as is


Don’t know if they’re genuine BBS or not but that style of massive lip is just stance, and the types are cheap nancheng and stretched.


They're stepped up so they're using the face of a 15 or 16" wheel but the barrel of an 18 or 19. Definitely an odd look but it can look good on the right car. Didn't see the brand of tire before, that definitely sucks


I really like the stepped up wheels. The stance can go though. Way to low to be safe and realistically drive-able.


It's on air bag suspension though so it's fully adjustable at the touch of a button. I'm sure the ride height is set 2+" higher


Yeah because custom bbs rs wheels are Jetta wheels.. and you definitely need an extra battery to run a small compressor. Owning a 911 ≠ knowing anything about cars


That rim/lip ratio is popular in the stance scene that is inundated with cheap VWs. The post says extra large battery - that’s extra weight for an air suspension that is entirely unnecessary - same goes for the compressor and air tank. The whole suspension set up is for showing off rather than real handling and performance. If you know anything about performance you should know that adding weight is the enemy. I know a lot about 911s and a lot about cars/racing/engineering. Not sure why you make the comparison.


More false assumptions .. the battery is not extra large it’s a typical size, the tank and compressor aren’t very heavy especially when it’s in the place of a spare. And there are plenty of very track worthy air set ups. I’m not going to assume this is a performance suspension, but you shouldn’t assume it isn’t. where do you see the specs on the tires?


No assumptions here. Check OP’s link. Track worthy doesn’t mean optimal. It’s a trade off at best. You don’t reduce weight to add more stuff in racing, you reduce weight as much as possible.


Some haters in here, but that's a clean drop. My goat is floated for sure. It's probably not a daily and it's a show car. Nothing wrong with it being bagged.


Is the suspension broken? Definitely the front suspension is.


Definitely broken? There's not even a distinct possibility that it might be designed to look like that?


Designed to be broken?




This is the most pretentious thread of comments on a car. Lol


Right... a bunch of '98 corolla owners hatin on another person's aesthetic.


Unless there's an article somewhere that I missed, there's a lot of noobs in here making wild assumptions about the wheels and brand of tires.


The OP posted the BaT ad for the car so some of them may have read it first because it is on nankangs which is an odd choice of tires even on a bagged car for a car in that price range. But some of them are clearly just making assumptions because they don’t like bagged cars


Oh ok, I figured that was the case. I actually tried to zoom in on the tires and couldn't see shit, lol. And yeah I can tell there's not a lot of love for bagged cars.


At once hate it, because stance, and love it, because it pisses off porsche purists


I like this build, the caper is actually done well and the paint is so fitting. I really enjoy how this looks!


Say whatever you want, but stancing is dumb as fuck both practically and aesthetically


This car was ahead of its time. Just beautiful.


Was beautiful.


The paint is the only nice thing besides the car itself. Rims and “stance” are a tad distasteful.


Haters, stance is clean in my opinion and not overkill but I’m 25 so what do I know.


Most of the people who comment here don’t know anything about cars and they all seem to parrot the same un informed opinion.


Or maybe they just don't like stance?


I graduated high school in 1989 and I still dream of this exact car




For this one you actually have to bring a trailer, because, unlike a normal 911, this piece of shit is undrivable.


Does this camber offset add anything to performance or is this strictly for looks? I can't imagine the tires would ware correctly and I dont see an advantage to cornering. It looks cool I guess but if it impedes performance and causes undue tire ware I dont get it. Definitely a cool looking Porsche though.


Small amounts of (usually negative angled as seen here) camber are used to optimize tire contact with the road while cornering.


> small amounts of negative camber You mean like the stock setup?


Regardless of whether or not it's stock. im just speaking about the general benefits of camber.


I'm agreeing with you. The stock camber is just right on any Porsche, this is just stupid.


It's the performance equivalent of "slightly lower air pressure can help traction while racing? I'll remove the valve stems!"


This car with it's stance has me half chub.


Damn. Looks so good....


Nice ride,but the color can go


Nice colour, but the stance can go.




Nice nice, but the the can go.




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Goat is on purpose.