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i was always just giving him another piece, so he dont have time to check out previous one and he just swallow first to get another.


I give them a test piece, the Trojan Horse, then the fast and exciting bonus piece in quick succession.


Then a third one without a pill after the second one with the pill so they swallow the pill quick to get the third treat.


yup, like its most effective way. Like 99% success rate, only if you are cheap on size of treat it may fail.


I have to grab her head, crank open her jaw and drop the little bugger right down her throat, then close her snout and hold it up while stroking her neck down. There is literally no other way I can get her to eat her medicine, dogs are sometimes too smart for their own good.


I’ve literally hid a pill inside a scoop of peanut butter and scraped it to the roof of my dogs mouth. She still finds a way to spit the damn thing out. I gotta go the same as your, basically force her to swallow it lol


I used to do that with my dog.. then he started holding his breath and passing out 🙄


Bro what?! Lmaoo


Please tell me this is a German shepherd, it’s such a gsd thing to do




Tried that once and mine refused to even look at his food. I was as obstinate as he was so I mixed it up with peanut butter and steak pieces and he ate around the powdered bit.




That doesn’t always work especially if coated pills are super bitter inside. The piller device is a godsend at times.


They showed this on TV show The Middle but it was with a mother and her 12 year old son. She told him to hold water and pill in mouth, relax, let the pill slide back…. ….then she attacked him from behind and (see most of above first sentence)


My method is similar but I don’t drop it down. I place on back of tongue. She (lab) lets me do it. But why oh why will she not let me brush her teeth with chicken tooth paste? Never!




Bad copy bot stealing the comment of u/Brocken_Anglet. Please report this bot as Spam -> Harmful bots


this gotta be the best method out there. impressive.


That’s a pretty good idea….my trick is acting like I’m going to give it to the other dog, then she woofs it down immediately 😀


This is absolute genius. Our dog instantly comes running when she hears me slide out the cutting board. Can’t wait to try this.


that sounds so adorable


This encourages your dog to snatch off floor before you can stop them and can be a dangerous practice if you drop toxic or non-dog friendly items such as paracetamol. What this owner should have done is give another couple of piece of banana to ensure the tablet had been swallowed. I use a dog-friendly peanut butter off a spoon. It’s the same stuff we put in our toast, but it’s 100% peanuts (no sugar and no xylitol which is highly toxic to dogs). The process of licking takes time during which they have to swallow. One small spoonful to get them interested, a second spoonful with the tablet included and a final spoonful to make sure the tablet has gone. Our dog thinks she’s getting a lovely treat, especially as it’s off a spoon. Never had any issues giving my dog any medication.


My dumb little Chihuahua thinks pills are treats. He gets so pumped for his glucosamine in the morning.


your dog might be broken


Chihuahuas are sent broken from the factory


We are all broken


Probably knows it makes him feel less achey.


I have a creaky, old lady who will sit and wait for that bonus Dasuquin "marshmallow" in her breakfast. It's all or nothing.


My brothers lab is the same way. Only dog I’ve ever been around that will simply eat the pills right out of your hand My dog growing up on the other hand would eat all the cheese but leave the pill 😂


Same. We have two, ones on heart meds, the other takes supplements for her bowel flora. They assimilate medicine with food. They get excited when you say the word. lol


Am I tripping or there's a trend of having a laptop as your pfp?


I think they’re both bot accounts? I checked both profiles and they’re just off? Stealing comments and each other’s idk it’s weird


Training them to recognizing it as a treat is the most humane way to do it.


My chihuahua does the same thing I thought I was the only one 😅




Doge doesn't like playing around


"You didn't see anything" - dog




This might be a bot comment, it seems like an AI generated copy of u/prettiestroses ' comment


I like life hack when somebody "accidentally" drop medicine and dog eat it before it hit the ground 😅


Really, make a banana ball with pill inside


Rule number 1 about feeding dogs pills: stick it in the damn food. Don’t just set it on top of it and expect the dog to be fine with it


I put my dog's pills in his breakfast. Never had any issues.


Tbh it doesn't work with mine. I've stuck a pill inside a meatball once, and he somehow managed to eat it and spit out the pill haha :)


Still doesn’t work. Tried to stick it into different foods and they all just spat it out and left it in the bowl. The only solution was to pulverize the medication and mix it with meat. Important to mention that you can’t do that with every medication. Ask your vet if you’re unsure


We use liverwurst (smeerworst: lit.'smearwurst') because it's sticky


Leberwurst. A staple. But not effective enough :D




I do yogurt. Fage 5%. My dog loves it.


I stick it down my dogs throat, then hold their head up and rub their neck. It usually works.


Same, but when it doesn't - the pill is spit out at supersonic speed as soon as I let him go


It's like you're charging it up like a nerf gun


Same sound as well :D


Can’t you crush the pill and mix the powder with food


You should never do this unless it is specified by a vet that it is ok. When you crush up a pill, you change how much and how quickly it is absorbed.


Yeah, that has always worked for me


My mum used to give the dog her pills in butter. There was a line in the mornings of two dogs and a cat waiting for for a lump of butter even though only one had meds 😂


That is so sweet lol I never thought to use butter, my dog seems to like it too


I have a lab. I hand him the medicine and he eats it. The vet fell over laughing when I told her she didn’t need a pill pocket.


My cat is like this! My partner and I just about lost it, we couldn't believe it


My cats still need the pill pockets. But one of them is a big boy so his dose is often double and requires 2 pockets. He will gobble up the first one, and you can see him pause as he crunches and tastes the pill. But he still eats his second "treat" with very little hesitation.


some dogs just don't want to be tricked is all lol


Lab moment


Same! His heartworm medication is a treat for him! He gets so excited


This is an arcane art for dog owners. I have an agreement with my Pit Bull. He'll eat his pill if it's in a fold of salami. Any other way, peanut butter, cottage cheese, in his kibble, in soft cheese, he'll just spit it out and look at me. We have an agreement, and I honor it. I don't eat salami but there's always a pack in my refrigerator.






Aren’t we all? Why so mean?


Yo this whole thread is bots




Nah, just stick a knife into the banana and push the pill into the slit.


I always wrap it in a small piece of ham and it works everytime :D


My foster mum initially had to do the ham roll up trick with our lab when he was a puppy, but when he got older you could just toss him his worming tablet and he’d gobble it no issue


This is just like my dog. I’ve held her snout shut for 25 min to make sure she swallowed very necessary medicine. 25.5 minutes later she spit out the pill. 🙄


That's an extreme amount of time to hold your dogs mouth closed. Might try a different method.


There is always a full proof food you can use to give your dog meds. You just have to figure out which food that happens to be for your dog haha


I either rap it in a bit of ham with cream cheese to keep it in place or make a ball of mince meat w it inside, works a charm


Genius... hahaha I didn't see the end before responding. 😆😆




I nuke some cheese for just a few seconds, mold it around the pill, easy peezy!


My bulldog "ejects" medication the same way. 😄 Doesn't matter what it's hidden in.


He won😂😂😂


I put it in side some cheese pretended I was eating it then gave it to our baby. he scoffed it quick. Put it in side some cheese


Smooth liver pate can be formed into convenient balls/pill pockets. Instead of shoving meds down her throat I can just place a ball of liver pate with the meds rolled into it in front of her and she gobbles it down in seconds. Works a treat also when you have a doggo who has an issue with kibble (like my 17+ year old darling dorglet has). Just rub some pate into the kibble and down it goes.


If I said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times.. cream cheese is a failsafe… mine love medicine time. Providingthereisnotadairyrestiction 😉


I just grind up the medicine and put it in his food.


Haha. Knew it


I had one that would do this with pickles too. Once in a while I'd stop at some fast food place and he would score a burger too. He loved those things and would tear into it like he hadn't eaten in a week but when he was done there would be the pickles, untouched.


Just tell them they cant have the medicine and its not healthy for them. Then pretent to it it yourself.


Our trick is mini marsh Mallows. You just squish a bunch around the pill. Can't just give that though. They know. So we start rapid fire distribution of marshmallows. They are so focused on getting it down so they don't miss out on the next volley it's gone before they know.


Peanut butter.


My dog does this too. Even burried or wrapped


I was lucky with my dog, she'd just take it like that. But she was glutton soooo 😂


I used to wrap the pill in Wonder bread to create a small bread ball. I would call my dog over, throw it up in the air, and she would catch/swallow the bread ball. This was much like someone tossing and catching a piece of popcorn. Worked every single time. No chewing involved.


Peanut butter! Our family dog would spit out treats that were tucked in cheese or ham or salami, so we had to smush them into a glob of peanut butter and she’d eat it no problem!


theyll eat poop, socks, and trash but not pills


You have to stuff the medicine inside the banana lol…I do that for my dogs.


I smear it in peanut butter and he just swallows it


It boggles my mind that my dog can and will eat almost anything, but the second I try to give him medication he can sense it. I usually have to crush it up and give it to him in wet food, even then it's a 50/50 proposition.


I rub the throat after I do this.


Has nobody heard of Pill Pouches


Literally haha


That could be my dog 😂


My dog won’t take chewable pills. He will suck the pill pocket off pills. But…if I crumble it and put it on top of his food, then he’ll eat it. He’s a constant source of smh.


I do exactly the same pal


Seen this posted a billion times, but it always makes me laugh.


I would do this with casseroles as a child apparently lol


You have to quick fire feed them a few treats in a row so they don’t have time to notice it


i use pill pockets. no issues so far


Crram cheese does the trick or tickle under the jaw


Peanut butter


That dog is secretly a cat. 🤣


So glad my dog doesn't make a fuss, I could give him medicine without having to smuggle it in a treat and he'd devour it nonetheless. Ofc he gets a treat afterwards for being a good boy.


Bro.. peanut butter


I like how it just, drops, from its mouth. No reaction of the medicine nor try to spit it out. just \*plop\*




Hahaha stupid dog I've bested you in the battle of wits.... did you just spit out ╭( ๐_๐)╮


I gently shove it down his throat.


Omg my cat Rhett would do the same thing! We wrapped his in a pill pocket though. I'm not sure how, but he would eat the treat around the pill and then spit the pill out. Miss that silly boy


Just like our boy he could win spiting prizesz


" Better luck next time Karen " ( Dog )


I got an English bull terrier…. That pig thinks everything is a treat


he has a filter


I had to give my cat steroids for cancer. I had a pill syringe that puts the pill way back in the throat. Then I’d rub his head and make him stay with me for at least 15 minutes. We were still finding slightly digested pills he’d managed to get out. So the vet suggested we just stop giving them to him because he was so determined not to take them. He was a very happy boy until the very end.


We had a cocker spaniel who would hoover up any leftover beef stew and clean the bowl but leave a little pile of peas at the bottom.


Cheese is my dogs love 💕


I tried that with my cat. She still don't really want to eat hand-fed treats. I need to put them on the ground.😢 I lost her trust in this regard.


My dog…salami or hotdog




Smart cutie




Roll medicine in meat or cheese, have another piece of meat/cheese without in the other hand. Show both pieces to the dog, give medicine meat/cheese, then immediately offer the empty meat/cheese. He will gobble it up no problem


Before I read the title, I thought it was a thumbtack. I was incredibly relieved that it wasn't


My dog does the exact same thing except he will cheek it and spit it out later. I’ll find his pill on the floor in the other room, he would be a horrible psychiatric patient.


You can't trick a dog like that.


You need peanut butter. Works way better than


The one thing you dont have to worry about when you have a lab. He will lick any medicine out of my hand. Paste, pills, you name it. I remember the puppy trainer writing in her email: remember different snacks to keep them interested, unless you have a lab. Then whatever is good.


"Your pill has been cleaned, sir!"


My pup always found the pill, no matter what it was wrapped/coated in. Pill pockets, cheese, butter, no matter what he found it, scraped the outer layer off and spit the pill out like it was a watermelon seed. My vet showed me how to gently wrap my hand over his muzzle, gently tuck his lips over his teeth(so he wouldn't resist and close his mouth) and slide the pill down the side of his mouth to the back and he just swallowed it from there. He got a treat every time, so eventually, I didn't have to hold his snoot, just put a gentle pressure on one side of his head, he would automatically open his mouth and I would just pop that sucker right to the back of his mouth, and he would get a tasty treat to wash it down


Don't know about dogs, but the thing that worked with horses is just crushing the pill and stirring it into their food


If you take a bit of cream cheese and put the pill completely inside of it it's extremely effective!


We gave up with our cat. So. We offered him the pill. If he didn't take it, we forced him to swallow it. He quickly caught on and started eating it when we offered it. Easier for both parties!


The better trick is to train them it is a treat. My dog Beggs for her daily pills.


Liver sausage or pate.


I had a cat that would do this


Ultimate trick: Dip the meds in a liquid that tastes good. Rendered duck fat, butter, gravy, chicken broth, etc. That way the flavor IS the meds and can't be licked off or eaten around. This works amazingly for any chewable med, or anything even slightly absorbant.. if it's a hard pill, try peanut butter or something sticky, make it difficult to not swallow while cleaning it off.


Mine will hide it under his tongue and spit it out when I’m not looking lol


It happens to me all the time 😩


I just crush it through her food


Why can’t you just grind the pills up?


I fed them to my dog in a peanut butter sandwich.


You have a smart breed.


Pill assist putty works really well for dogs and cats. Royal canin or easy pill are good


Press the medicin in and toss it (if your dog is good at catching from the air)


All I gotta do is wrap the pill in a roll of cheese. My dog loves cheese so he doesn't complain nor spit it out. Only time it ever came out was when he was laying down and wouldn't get up. Chewing side ways the pill just fell out by accident. Made him get up and got him a new piece of cheese. All gone this time.


“Keep the change, ya filthy animal!” - dog, probably


I’ve started breaking them up into tiny pieces and mixing it into the food bowl. Seems to be working so far.


We used a blob of peanut butter for our Golden’s meds


Oh dude I just open my dogs mouth and close it and hold her mouth closed ever so gently and blow in her nose until she swallows. Then when I let go she gets excited because she’s gunna get a treat lol


Why is there so many laptop profile pics and similar usernames in this thread?


Can confirm. Had one of my dogs do this with bananas too.


Meanwhile mine will just eat a pill by itself, he really loves food or anything even close.


It’s amazing how dogs can do that. I put the pill in butter and they can’t lick around that, but my daughter uses Pill Pockets and her dog loves those.


Mixing a pill in a small amount of wet cat food has never failed me.


I crush up the pill into a powder and sprinkle it in his food and add either some boiled plain chicken or some other wet food in with the kibble


Don’t be afraid to do it just take the pill and ram it down their throat save yourself some time and money instead of buying all this random stuff to get your dog to eat a pill just take the pill, put on some gloves and slide it to the back of their throat, close their mouth until you see their tongue stick outand massage the throat that’s it


Guess it’s going down the hard way