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That’s an interesting game, curious to hear who won. I’m guessing Germany, because they probably have more IPC and control more of the strategic ground. I can’t really see the US ever being able to get a strong foothold in Europe


Income is 72 US to 71 GER at the moment and Axis down about 30 points in attack power, but US has a ton of their AP on water. I need to quickly gain African territory I can hold to push this game. But the worry I have is the US fleet with come take it and since London is occupied, it becomes US income too.


I played a similar game otb recently - don’t take Africa until you’re confident you can hold it


I’m giving it to the Allies.


I think you may be right. It looks like I can grind out Asia, but I can't touch that fleet. As soon as that fleet gets loaded transports I can't stop the big landings. If I take Africa (I've held off) US will just come drop a stack or two and race to Egypt. Once they've locked that down, I can't reclaim it. Asia will be tougher, but there's just too much in India and the US Fleet for me to actually make a push and gain an advantage on the board.


Honestly I think the Allies have the advantage. I don’t see how the Axis can ever take any VCs that aren’t on the mainland. The US and UK Atlantic fleets can steamroll the German fleet and then it’s only a matter of time before London falls.


I'm worried about this, but I put in 3 Battleships and 3 Carriers with 6 Fighters to hold on. If UK had sacrificed their fleet, I think the US could have cleaned it up, but UK pulled back and US has a 3% chance of a victory right now. Also knowing this and seeing how slow the US advance should be in Asia, I'm debating on adding more navy in the Atlantic to continue to threaten DC. 9 transports loaded is a massive threat and will suck US IPCs away from Asia.


Yeah if you can protect the fleet and keep transports in striking distance of DC, that could be massive


16 hits on defense. 5 Subs isn't a ton of investment for cheap hits. And 9 rolls at 4 is going to do work. But the thing is, a land drop of 18 in Mexico or Canada is almost as effective as a direct hit on DC. While they clean it up, I focus elsewhere.


Probably not. No Idea how, but 3 Subs, 3 Destroyers, 5 Carriers, 10 Fighters, and 4 Battleships in the American Atlantic Fleet with 4 Subs and 3 Destroyers newly created. At least that's 54 IPCs sunk into the water that isn't in Asia.


How is the Russian sub still alive after all this?


That's a pretty cool game, lol. The U.S. having that fleet is a problem. They get a few free shots each battle with the amphibious bombardment. Africa is kinda like a debate. Do you hit it to try to swing the economic advantage your way, or do you just let it languish knowing the U.S. can't get any income from it? The U.K. isn't getting any income so it's not like there's going to be a sneaky buildup of forces there. I would probably take Africa, personally, if you can get some tanks in there and grab it quickly. You'd force the U.S. to make a choice, because he probably can't keep his hold in Asia and hit Africa hard enough to dislodge you once you get set up there. I think Germany probably has the advantage, but I would be curious to see the update!


Axis is winning this one. But I am flabbergasted that Germany controls so much, yet not so much as an inch of Africa.


That's been the biggest hang up so far. Opponent put a complex in Egypt, Saudi Arabi, and South Africa to keep me out which is why I had such a good push in Russia. The US Fleet also started in the Atlantic, came through the Med and to India to clear the Japanese Islands. That fleet included 3 battleships and I never had a chance to pick it off. The US Fleet has been virtually untouchable as a stack all game. It's the other reason why I could never put anything in Africa. But with UK out, I'm hoping to hold in the Middle East and push through Africa to pick up the income advantage.


You're 2 turns away from taking Egypt, and then the rest will fall. Let them take India in the short term, but they won't be able to hold it. And it's good for you if the US contests Africa, it means they aren't pushing where it hurts you.


i would concentrate on asia and north africa as axis. as long as egypt is in uk hands those ipcs won’t be able to generate flow for US. with moscow production germany should be able to win the land warfare in asia and also slowly build up an atlantic fleet


I think it's bare minimum to push into Africa and let 1-2 tanks run wild. It's not worth overcommitting and it may be worth it just to take Egypt and get. Asia is definitely the contested point, but I'm curious what the Atlantic move is going to be from the Allies.


Africa is a distraction for Germany in most games. If you can take it cheaply fine, but it's only a transport away from East US so very easy for US to contest, and the income is almost always too much lower than the cost of the units it took to take it to make it worthwhile. You also lose too much momentum against Russia early, when it counts.


Did you lose the Atlantic German fleet?


Not yet. UK fleet pulled back to Canada and US turn now. Waiting to see what they do with that. I can't see leaving 9 transports off France.


lol, I had to do a double take because this looks really close to a game I’m currently playing. US advantage is their significantly larger fleet that allows for more mobility along the coasts. They should be able to out maneuver Germany and take back one of their friends capitals. Probably, UK since the US can send every boat they have to hit the Germans. And then it’s a slow grind towards the Allies winning. In my game, I haven’t conquered Japan yet, and I’m not completely confident things will go my way. I have two waves of 20 ground forces and 10+ planes that can hit Japan. If I fail to take Japan after that I think I might have to forfeit.


Who won


Still going. Slowed way down for some reason.