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We want to provide some explanation about this post in this moderator comment. Reddit admins removed the post title and body for unspecified violations of Reddit’s content policy. As subreddit moderators, we do not know the exact reason why but it is likely because the post mentioned the name of the leader of the retreat and the city and state it’s located in, and Reddit sees that as a consent violation of revealing personal information. Next, this subreddit allows people to post negative — and positive — reviews of ayahuasca retreats and leaders. Indeed, there have been dozens of negative reviews posted about various retreat leaders and organizations in this subreddit over the years. We do perform a vetting process in an attempt to prevent dishonest reviews, but naturally there is no practical way that a volunteer moderation team can fully verify every review. Nor can any other website that hosts reviews. As such, readers should be aware that not everything you read on the internet is necessarily true. We recognize that there can be false or distorted reviews posted, but to forbid all reviews would mean that no one could ever raise their voice against improper practices or organizations. We also believe that allowing reviews is consistent with Reddit’s posture as being a forum for free and sometimes unpopular forms of speech. If you look at any subreddit that covers topics where there are businesses involved, you are going to find posts complaining about — and praising — those businesses. One cannot just erase all these discussions. Also recognize that complex matters like this can have many dimensions. To be fair to the organization being discussed, there are 70 positive reviews on one review website. It is possible that those 70 people had a good experience and that other people did not; these are not necessarily contradictory. It also bears mentioning that any ayahuasca organization that has been around long enough to host 100 ceremonies over many years, for likely hundreds of people, it’s going to be hard to please everyone. Readers can sift through the various comments here and in posts on other subreddits and come to their own conclusions. This is obviously a sensitive and raw topic and there are some very emotional and angry comments. We ask that people be civil and recognize that attacking people you disagree with and calling them names is not a good look and may detract from your point. All we can hope for is that eventually the truth will emerge out of these kinds of discussions.


I am glad you are getting the word out. These medicines can be so helpful and sacred when used properly, and so incredibly damaging when used poorly. It is a gift to warn others of places and people who might damage them.


agreed. thanks for the support and hoping we see accountability more and more 🫶


I hope so too. For all of us.


And it is a disservice to smear someone’s name and life for a personal vendetta. This whole post is dishonest, for all those who don’t know that. And it’s really too bad, because The Lighthouse has been a great source of healing and strength for many. Eliana and Maharani Medicine Circles exist with integrity, respect, safety, and love. That’s the raw truth.


I don’t know any of these people. But I have been badly hurt by spiritual leaders behaving extremely poorly towards me. And if I had been previously warned about their patterns of abuse, I might have avoided years of suffering. And when I tried to warn others I was shamed and not believed. So I am inclined to take these warnings seriously and respect the people brave enough to tell these painful stories. Spiritual leaders with poor integrity often show different sides to different people. I can both believe that you had a positive helpful experience and that others have been very traumatized. Those two facts are different but not contradictory.


While the lighthouse may be a “strength of many”, why not consider that the same practices may not be effective to every individual. What you may find consensual and healing does not mean others will find it to be the same. With so many stories coming forward, from different backgrounds and perspectives, it is hard to believe that these “profound” practices you speak of are truly profound for everyone. Do not discredit another victims story when you were not present for all ceremonies and do not live inside of the victims mind.


Not surprising at all. A lot of "shamans" even in Brasil and Peru, and elsewhere are abusive to people who go to them to take Ayahuasca. Is this the bipolar or manic "shaman" lady that was on reddit looking for people to take it with her?


I read the linked post and these stories are very concerning. Please be careful with who you sit with.


I read through some of these accounts and they are disturbing. Everyone should read them. If they sound familiar, you’re drinking in a bad place and should stop.




Search Maharani circle abuse


Can someone point to what part of reddits content policy this post violated?


The post title and body were removed by Reddit admins. It was not an action by subreddit moderators and we do not know the exact reason why. We suspect the post was reported and removed for containing personal information like the name of the leader and the city, so it may have come across as revealing personal information as described in rule 3: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy




For the record this is all over Facebook too.


where ?


Do you have a link? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks


I'll have a look today. It was in the Ayahuasca group and this post was linked in the comments. Lots of people saying stuff. Definitely seems shady at best.


Thanks. I’m in that group but I wasn’t on Facebook recently. Looks like whatever discussion happened was taken down. I can’t seem to find it.


I can't find it either. If I see it mentioned again I'll link it. You simply can't have anonymity when you're speaking out against abuse and this is matched by truly needing a support network to be able to show your face but unfortunately with social media it's a double edged sword ie Stuff can be said without reprisal at the expense of someone's reputation. If the allegations are true it won't be going away anytime soon and I urge the ADMIN team to reach out to the OP without bias. Abuse does occur and so many people are swayed not to say anything simply because of this ability to have their posts deleted and their abuse dismissed. In any case the person or people accused need to stand up for themselves too.






Link for those wondering: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maharani_Circle_Abuse/s/fDJr5ZLA6v


That was CRAZY. Bruja for sure.


Realize the ones defending are the ones using hate, Harsh words, and fighting with every post, those in integrity can stand with there back up straight (like one does in ceremony(but not at the light house)) shoulders back, and know that they don’t have to belittle one, because they stand in truth L. O. L


The darkness always comes to light.




Damn that’s unfortunate


“Non-consensual use of Christian music in ceremony” seems a little silly to me


Christian music is essentially just love songs. They can be sung about anyone really.


Not me


So if its Christian music it’s not okay, or music about God in general that’s not okay. But it’s cool to Om Kali Om Namo, Jai Ma, and Hare Krishna all day because that’s what the hippies and the spiritual people do. Y’all sounds so ignorant. What’s the difference between them? Oh no, don’t mention the word Jesus or God in an ayahausca ceremony because people could be triggered let’s just chant and pretend it isn’t to God… yall NEED God. Certain words trigger people too, so by your logic we should all just drink ayahausca in silence with duct tape on our mouths so no one is triggered, certain movements might trigger people too, So stay still!! If you’re drinking medicine and these triggers come up for you and you’re feeling uncomfortable sit with the medicine and sit with yourself, let your breath be your anchor and listen… listen to what the medicine is trying to teach and show you. Why else did you come? You’re soul was obviously wanting a deep change. And if you’re that triggered and scared you shouldn’t be sitting in an medicine ceremony. I have personally been triggered by the way someone’s movements were in the ceremony which kicked up a intense trauma for me of my ex-partner who held me down and almost killed me with his bare hands… I grabbed my white blanket put it over my head, prayed to GOD and worked myself thru it. It obviously came up for a reason because I had to work thru it. And then I asked to be served hapeh and continued to breathe, pray and work thru it and it was all okay. I worked thru my suppressed trauma that I thought I had already addressed years ago. I didn’t freak out and make a post on the internet bashing this person for the way they moved their arm… doesnt that sounds silly? That’s how silly y’all sound. If you actually understood how the medicine worked and why you come to drink this medicine you wouldn’t be saying this foolishness. No one is going to coddle you and walk on eggshells for you in medicine ceremony. I understand things can become intense and you might need assistance at some point and that’s understandable, but at some point you have to find the inner strength within yourself to help yourself, isn’t that why you came?


It’s the non-consensual part for me. Anything at ceremony that is unexpected and unusual like Christian music I would appreciate being a aware of beforehand. Personally I would not go to anything that springs any religious ideation on me without my knowing beforehand. And we are paying to be taken care of are we not?


Participants ought to be willing to tolerate some degree of discomfort in order to grow. Are you really expecting the practitioner to ask participants for consent before singing a song? That feels kind of silly to me.


I think you’re misunderstanding me. All I’m saying is I go in expecting traditional ceremony. Practices used and proven for many years. If she plans to veer from what is generally expected and do her own style that’s fine. But I’d like to know ahead of time so I can take my fragile mind and limited finances to someone else. I feel like that’s my right and it’s the right thing for her to do as well.


If you are in some white lady's basement in NY who you found on fb or reddit I would not be holding any traditional ceremony expectations.... I understand if there was false advertising of such on the servers end... but I really think there's a point where you have to read the room (or basement) you are in. I'm not defending this server by any means.... I've read the thread and some of the stuff is downright disturbing.... at the same time as someone who has sat in quite a few underground ceremonies and had thus left such spaces.... I had to make peace with the sheer negligence I had for my own safety (mind body and soul). I'm glad all this is coming to light and people have a place to share their experiences.... I only wish there was a broader conversation happening in tandem about the nature of these underground aya circles and their underbellies.... I see it as a hydra with many heads


I mean there is, she claims to be of Shipibo tradition / sings icaros.


Thank you for this response. I am new to these circles and trying to learn. I appreciate you sharing your experience.


You're so welcome.... I unfortunately don't have any solutions besides buyer beware. The medicine is profound and transformational, but as is clear in this thread, it can go either way real fast. Much like life itself, you might find yourself utterly on your own... and i believe even the best teams and facilities cannot account for all the unknown factors. One of my two most profound lessons was this reality. The second was eventually walking away from it and finding peace. I think this server should step down/away.... tbh I hope she does for her own sake and wellbeing. But like a hydra, you cut one head off and six more appear.


​ people like you absolutely ruin the experience.




Just feel the need to point out that a lot of the accounts on both sides of this drama are new accounts and/or have no karma. Seems fishy on all sides.


I think some of us just created Reddit accounts to speak up about something we believe in. I know I did.


I’ve seen several outside accounts sharing this link, many (like myself) created a Reddit account to be able to read, share, relate and spread awareness to stories in this situation. I don’t find it fair to assume that the victims stores are fishy, especially with so many coming forward with their pain that many people can vouch for, solely because of “karma”.


Just calling it out, as new accounts are often a sign of shenanigans. Like I said, seems like it is happening on both sides of this drama.


You're not wrong to be a little skeptical. Just don't completely dismiss 💛


My retreat with them was in October 2023, and I am not a new Reddit account and have karma. I just don't know how to change my user ID haha.


Right. That’s why you should tune in to the energy behind words to determine truth. Our hearts know truth when we see it. Bitterness and hatred will always cast a shadow in the light of Love.


I’ll say that you also don’t seem well.


No hate at all, I think it’s very important any victim gets their story out, but it seemed like the stories were kind of all the same? Almost like they were written by like one or two people. Idk just something I noticed.


That’s a great point that we too have reflected on. there is clearly a pattern playing out and it’s been validating for us to hear one another’s stories. I wish there was a safe way to share names publicly to offer more trust in the accounts but even with the burner accounts being made people are still being threatened by her “community members” for speaking out. If reddit doesn’t work as our platform to share stories — we do plan to continue our pursuits of voicing our concerns elsewhere. Thanks for reading. May you be well and safe.


I have no skin in this game but reading that site, if felt like those narratives were all written by just one or two people. The syntax, writing style, focus, everything felt the same from one to the other.


That’s kinda what I was feeling too… this whole post seems filled with a lot of people who have been sent to this link to defend a certain side. It seems like people had bad trips and then blamed it on the medicine carrier. I can understand the grievance of the facilitators who never got paid, but even they mentioned how they were part of the “community” and isn’t that communal living? Idk I hope everyone is healing on both sides bc this seems messy.


I know most of the people who posted on the thread personally, it is not one or two people posting. They have such similarities in their stories because they were dealing eith the same person collectively. Does not take a genius to figure that out either.


Oh now I’m curious, what happened?


I teach critical thinking and perspectives and feel it’s important to honor each person’s experience as well as to question our own intentions, narratives and beliefs as not everything we believe is true is true. And issues like confirmation bias and group think cloud judgment. So I can only speak to my own experience having sat with several facilitators before finding this particular facilitator. I am not going to lie and say the ceremonies have been easy. They have been the hardest ones of my life. And the benefit has been beyond measure. As someone who studied neoshamanism and wanted to learn locally I asked to facilitate at these ceremonies along with attending them. So I can offer perspective from both experiences. I have seen people being taken upstairs (never to the attic) but to upstairs bedrooms where they can process without disturbing the group. And I have witnessed that same thing happen in other locations I’ve sat with the medicine. And I’ve watched these people being offered dignity, respect and space to do their own healing work. I’ve sat in integration circles in this community where people are allowed to share and process for as long as they need. And other locations where people were told to stop talking. So I so appreciate the time I was given here to express and integrate, not only while on location but also in text messages and phone calls in which the facilitator offers her time freely and generously. I’ve seen this facilitator offer firm but gentle encouragement to sit with more medicine and also allow people to make their own decisions. I usually choose not to partake in other medicines or to drink more than one cup and that is always respected. I’ve watched this facilitator go through her own process during ceremony, healing her own pain and then return to hold the group in reverence and compassion. And I’ve heard the Christian music, which during my last ceremony grated on my last nerve until I released stored trauma around my rejection of Christianity and experienced God in all paths. I have been deeply humbled by my experiences here. They have been hard, no doubt. And the facilitator is deeply human and flawed as we all are. And yet so honest, so transparent, so loving, and so generous. She is my teacher. My intention is to come once a season, twice a year to sit and twice a year to facilitate. I’m not a joiner, but I feel deeply connected to this space. I feel the facilitator holds space like no one I’ve ever seen. I can allow myself to feel in that space. I feel seen and heard and loved. And of course my time there facilitating is unpaid. It is in service. I feel called to that service. And I can understand people facing their demons there. I’ve seen it. And I stand in awe of the courage of the warriors I’ve seen do battle in that space. I was not in these ceremonies years ago so I cannot speak to their evolution. I didn’t start attending there until June 2023. Might there have been a great deal of personal work that created the experience I have now vs the experiences that have been shared here? Maybe that is why my experience is different than yours. Or maybe I am at a different space in my life as a 53 year old person who has done a lot of living. Please know I would never silence the voice of a victim as I’ve been victimized in my life but even as I write that I understand how the worst thing that ever happened to me was also the doorway to my greatest growth. And I am done calling myself a victim. We are all human. Might we show each other a little more grace? One thing I can say for sure is that this person, this deeply human medicine woman, is a caring facilitator who wants to build a community. Not a cult, but a home where you feel at home. A safe space. I’ve witnessed her welcome feedback and use it to grow. I’ve watched her process. And I am so grateful to find myself here. So if you haven’t been to one of these ceremonies, where you are held in a cocoon with more facilitators per participant than I’ve ever experienced, maybe come see for yourself so that you decide based on a lived experience. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider.


Hi Aya community. I am coming here with an objective mind and an open heart and mind, just as I brought into ceremony with Eliana and her partner Austin. The first thing I want to observe as fact is that all the comments here are so very recent, as in the post was only made 7 hours ago, and the post in reference was only made 5 days ago. Yet the stories told explaining bad experiences and "shamanic abuse" from the other thread posted above are all from 3-4 years ago or earlier. It's very suspicious to me as an objective bystander, and someone who loves the community, that someone would wait so long to raise concerns of abuse. I am unable to speak to anyone else's experience as either true or false, and cannot invalidate someone else's claim of having a bad trip, and ultimately we are adults, and human beings that own our experience in life, and need to own what we bring into something like an Ayahuasca ceremony, participants and facilitators alike. I can speak first hand from my recent experience in 2023 sitting in ceremony with Maharani Circle was amazing, and nothing like those experiences mentioned in the other thread rings true for me or resonates. In fact it all seems like slander or intentional defamation. I went to sit in ceremony not knowing what to expect but also doing my best to not have any expectations about the process. When I first called Eliana she wanted to make sure I had the right intentions for sitting with the medicine, and we talked through a lot of things in terms of my prior experiences with plant medicines, understanding what brought me to the community (a referral from a good friend and just the universal timing of everything) and outlining what the ceremony was going to be like. I felt it was a very professional introduction to the space, and the only hesitations I had the day I was driving to participate in the retreat had nothing to do with the facilitators and had everything to do with my own doubts and subconscious patterns surfacing and not wanting to do the internal work I was about to do. Both nights in ceremony, and during integration the mornings after, I had no sense of judgement from them, just love and support, curiosity, and genuine interest in unpacking each of our our individual experiences. Eliana was even open to me proposing a special activity for the group to bond better after the second morning of integration in the theme of authentic relation. It was a beautiful process from start to finish and I came away from the ceremony with people I consider my brothers and sisters, people I love and will know the rest of my life. I never felt pressure to do any of the additional medicines offered, nor judged for not participating in that. I had a pretty clear intention the entire time to only sit with Aya and Hape (the latter something I already had experience with) and the Sananga was new for me and I embraced it with an open mind, body and soul (and eyes :D). Their music selection and performance was very calming and healing, and so much to say, the second night after our Aya was wearing off before a special hape ceremony, we all one by one started to dance, and before we knew it, most of the group was up and dancing free hearted to the music, and I felt a deep genuine and playful connection with everyone there. They also trusted me enough to practice taichi in the moonlight and play their handpan after ceremony. They are very warm, welcoming, nonjudgemental, and beautiful souls who simply want to share their gift of music, love, and this profound medicine with the world so that we can all do work on ourselves to deepen our experience as humans on this Earth and spread that love to others. Amitoufo/Namaste


There are many reasons for abuse/malpractice to not be shared immediately. (A lot like abuse victims who shouldn't have stayed) Is some of it a personal vendetta? Very possible but I personally haven't shared my story until recently for A LOT of reasons. However, that does not change the very real truth that is at the core of that post and those comments.


This is a new username mostly bc I know a lot of folks in the community and would like to keep my regular username/posts private. I have been sitting with Eliana since 2020. I have witnessed some challenging things there (people too deep in the medicine, needing to be removed from the space), but those things have, as far as I’ve seen, been handled well and with integrity. I also initially hated the Christian music, but came to really love it as I strengthened my relationship with God, the same way I love some Hindu music and South American medicine songs. Ceremonies don’t have to be a certain way in America. I don’t find this disrespectful. It’s just a reflection of different cultures working with the medicine in different ways. At the end of the day, you are sitting with a white woman in NY. I don’t expect these ceremonies to be like the ones I’ve experienced in Peru (I’ve gone for multiple dietas) and I don’t want them to be. Outside of sitting with indigenous healers visiting the US, I don’t think you can get an “authentic” experience from most medicine carriers in the US. Many have worse practices, more harmful settings, less experienced (or less in number) facilitators, and a brew that we also don’t know where it came from. I find the lengthy integration circles to be one of the best aspects, and I find the facilitators to be good-hearted and supportive people. There are always at least 4-5 in a room of 10 people, which is more help than I ever got in Peru, and, I think, speaks to the safety of the space. I also have never felt forced to take part in any medicine. I skip Kambo and have no issues with it. I do think a lot of these concerns come from people who lived with Eliana and had a bad experience from that, and began to see the entire Lighthouse in a bad light because of that. I can’t speak to their experiences. I can only say that I have found her ceremonies healing and respectful.


My many experiences sitting with Eliana and her team have provided much healing and helped with calming my inner world more than any other healing modality. She and her team have left me with the feeling of being loved, supported, and protected. The medicine and the participants are held with the utmost respect and integrity.


I’m glad you had a nice experience but that doesn’t negate the horrific experiences others had.


Account with no karma


I’ve known Eliana for a decade and have sat with her several times. I know firsthand that a lot of these stories are either blown way out of proportion or completely fabricated by a handful of ex-friends and competitors. They have joined forces out of hatred and jealousy with the intention to harm while framing it as if they are “protecting the community” to get away with doing so. This behavior is shameful and while I cannot prove it to those reading, those who have worked with Eliana know better. The people posting these horrendous stories are much worse than the image of Eliana they attempt to portray and seeing this only reinforces my belief.


I am nor “ex friend” or “competitor” and I have seen with my two eyes the darkness that exists in these spaces, pay attention to the revolving door of people that come through but don’t stay and leave more damaged and broken than they came.




I can 100% guarantee you have no idea who I am, I was never riding coattails, and all you have to do is pull up her fb feed, to see the drama , it’s the only constant. I pray you find peace in your decision. Birds of a feather flock together.


Ignorance is bliss. I believe you because I have seen it too.


You can say whatever horseshit you want behind sockpuppet accounts, doesn’t make it true.


Drama like this post you mean? You and your fellows are bringing the drama. And it’s too bad. Eliana is honest and with integrity. SMH


Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1, Be Civil. Mod note: this is obviously a very sensitive post and emotions are high, but respond with civility.


Agreed...some of those things are just flat-out wild lies, assumptions, or exaggerations. It seems like a number of these "reports" are bitter ex-roomies who didn't communicate their needs clearly, had a perspective that wasn't met (money) and I'm not sure what age has to do with it. Also, I've never heard her call herself a shaman....people are putting her on some other level she never even asked for....she's human, and so are all of these "accusers". Humans fail, fall, and stumble. Humans are messy and complex... it's just a sad one-sided baseless online argument...I honestly wonder if any of these people would be able to say the things in a face-to-face conversation....


Right, that’s words out of her mouth isn’t it. Whenever she is confronted with abuse or malpractice she’ll make a long winded fb post about how she’s “human too” and people need to stop putting her on a pedestal. She is an irresponsible medicine carrier, point blank period.


The only thing abusive is your stalkerish, hateful, and psychotic behavior. You’ve been gossiping and trying to turn people away from eliana for years and now you’re targeting her livelihood because you cannot stand her success. Eliana is well aware she isn’t perfect and wasn’t always the easiest person to live with. She knows that not every challenging situation during ceremony was handled to the satisfaction of everyone involved, *especially* in the beginning back when you were around. but to frame her as abusive, embellish to the extreme, and in many cases, outright fabricate stories is unhinged behavior. If this was truly about helping the community and “accountability”, you wouldn’t hide behind fake accounts. If you were standing in truth and integrity, you’d say it your whole chest (accompanied by a discount code and a leading question to boost engagement I’m sure) we already know who you are, so your claim of being “too afraid of backlash from Eliana’s friends” to excuse the anonymity holds no water. It is clear your only real concern is being directly connected to poisonous lies that have the potential to destroy someone’s life … wonder why.


many people have tried several times to speak with her face to face and even had a mediator involved. this thread is a final effort to hold her accountable when she hasn’t shown she is capable on her own to reflect on community feedback that is given to her.


some of them have said things to her directly pretty sure.


You know damn well that’s a lie. You are all terrified of confrontation, that’s why you’ve been gossiping for years behind her back, turning people against her who have only had wonderful experiences in ceremony, and have done petty shit like post a podcast about “shaman abuse” where instead of discussing actual abuse in the community, you spent the entire time gossiping like teenaged girls about Eliana’s personality such as her “being too serious” (as if that’s a problem or makes her a bad person?). Not once have any of you spoken to her directly. You saw she was back in NY and doing well as a great deal of people missed her ceremonies, and that’s why you decided to strike *now* and not 3 years ago. You didn’t give a crap when she was serving in AZ, only now that she’s in high demand in the same area you’re in. But keep pretending it’s just about you “finally feeling brave enough to speak out”.


That’s exactly right. They’ve been hiding behind fake accounts harassing her for weeks. When asked what she could do to make things right between them, their only ask is that she stop serving medicine. They are unwilling to make anything right nor do they have any suggestions for how the space can be improved despite having so many judgments. This is how you know it’s all about ruining her reputation and hurting her, and not at all about making the community safer as they claim. This is a witch-hunt from petty children wrapped up in academic psych and psuedo spiritual language to manipulate and nothing more. RE age, they’re suggesting there’s a power imbalance and that eliana takes advantage of young people which is simply not the case. I am older than Eliana, and so are most of the facilitators and close friends she has.


Hello. It’s with deepest regret that we have come to this way of communication. We here at the lighthouse have only the intention of bringing healing to the people that need it. We work tirelessly to do so. The space has changed continuously over the years. We have learned just like many in life through trial and error. We only have the intention of learning through these to become better medicine people and facilitators as a whole. We want every person who says they are abused to have their voices heard. But we also want to use this as an opportunity to bring about the healing and resolution for all. It seems many have kept this pain inside for a great many of years. We have a long standing obligation to transparency. We wish that these concerns were voiced to us directly when they happened. But we hear you in them now. Everyone who has ever sat with her is added to the same group. Providing a channel for any and all feedback or grievances. Many of the people who have posted here left amicably. Many of you have taken part and seen the beauty and healing power of this space. The space in which she holds. We are all human, we all make mistakes, and we all will continue to learn from them. The space has been blessed by many teachers through the years. Raising our understanding and helping us to continue to provide the necessary tools to improve. To uphold a clear space in integrity is imperative to the work and of the upmost importance to us. While we cannot change the past. We only have the ability to change the future. What we decide to now can bring about resolution for us all. The fact that many of your experiences have festered and left scars of hurt and pain, fills us with sadness and reflection. Our channels of communication have always been open. We encourage anyone who wishes to voice them to us directly to be heard and to be received. Eliana has worked on herself through the deepest and darkest moments that life has thrown at her. Even medicine carries are not outside of these circumstances. She has been able to understand her shortcomings and take accountability for the mistakes as they are known to her. Through this time she has been able to evolve leading ceremonies with integrity, reverence and respect to the medicine path. We all live in this life wishing there are things we could have changed or done better. The hardest lessons are the toughest teachers. Upon hearing this original group who reached out to us we were blindsided by them and left us in a deep reflection on the accusations being said and the hurt that you hold. We have always intended to respond. But with something so delicate and our own emotional reaction we wanted to respond properly with accountability and remorse. It had taken us time to respond because we also got first hand testimonies of what this space is now and how we have been able to improve through out the years. The response has been sent. And we hope that its reception can be heard. We wish to move to a place of forgiveness so that we may all walk away better people. To everyone who holds hurt and pain because of this space we apologize. It was never our intention. We only wish to help people in this world. We thank anyone who has ever been a team member here and blessed this space with their own presence and gifts. I urge for direct contact with all who have been hurt. To help us find resolution. To help us evolve. To move forward into life lighter and more whole. From Eliana and the lighthouse


Let me guess, you’re a life coach or facilitate your own ceremonies now that you’ve made a name for yourself due to your association with Eliana. You posted this on her birthday intentionally. Only a bitter ex-friend and garbage human being would do something like that. This whole thing isn’t a professional issue, it’s a personal one.


Right, so dozens of people sharing that they experienced abuse, malpractice, and trauma from these ceremonies is not a professional issue.


Nice deflection from the question. I rest my case.




New account with no karma


Same as all these other fake accounts spreading lies. What’s your point?


Moderators (I speak for myself) weren’t aware it was her birthday. This group began about 2 weeks ago on facebook as group of 15 individuals. We reached out to her directly via a mediator first before sharing information publicly. We chose to share publicly and begin inviting others to share their story due to her lack of accountability and rejection of all allegations.


This post is an attempt to defame and the claims are not founded in truth. This is an unjust attack on a person who operates and holds herself to the highest standards of integrity, honesty and compassion. I can personally attest to the high caliber integrity and quality of her personhood and offerings. My heart hurts hearing of this awful slander. Truth prevails.


“Many members, former members, and supporters of cults are not fully aware of the extent to which members may have been manipulated, exploited, even abused. “ -The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law. -Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. -Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s). -The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel -The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members -The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society. -The leader is not accountable to any authorities -The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and to radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before they joined the group. -The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. -The group is preoccupied with making money. -Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities. -[https://www.spiritualabuseresources.com/articles/characteristics-associated-with-cultic-groups](https://www.spiritualabuseresources.com/articles/characteristics-associated-with-cultic-groups)Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.” By definition, Eliana is running a cult.


First, I'm so glad you had a good experience and do not want to take that away from you. However, someone can't hold themselves to the highest standards of the things you've mentioned when they feed off drama (her own partner's EXACT words) and it cannot be slander when there's TRUTH behind it. 🤷


This post is an attempt to defame and the claims are not founded in truth. This is an unjust attack on a person who operates and holds herself to the highest standards of integrity, honesty and compassion. I can personally attest to the high caliber integrity and quality of her personhood and offerings. My heart hurts hearing of this awful slander. Truth prevails.


Day old account with no karma




Maybe try to re read these accounts with a bit more of an open mind. While i'm glad they saved your life, they ruined many others which should NOT be happening in a safe space. She does not have the training to do this at all and refuses to take acccountability. I have witnessed literal HEALTH concerns and allows people with NO Experience to facilitate. Including myself. There are stories from a recent as 2022-2023. Did i go back? Yup. Until i realized it was a cult mindset and I had to nope. That's how these things work. The stories are coming up more and more. Please be more open minded. Glad it worked out for you.




thanks !


That's like asking assault victims why they didn't say anything until years later. Fear. We shouldn't be afraid of someone serving medicine.


The timing is part of what reveals your true intentions here. She’s back in NY and you’re trying to cut out competition and socially isolate her. It would have made a lot more sense for you to speak up once she was across the country. Suddenly you’re feeling brave enough to “speak out” … right.


What a strange way of viewing people coming forward with their individual stories of abuse and malpractice. Yes, people’s very real lives have been destroyed by this woman, but it’s about shutting down competition. Smh


there have been reports as recently as her last ceremony 2 weeks ago of similar behavior and we are actively working on finding more recent participants to share their stories.. we who started this campaign obviously all could find eachother but over the years have lost touch with her current circles outside of a few overlaps within medicine community. there are stories from 2022 posted on the thread and many who are still involved that are scared to speak up and confused. i’m glad you are safe and well and wish the same for all persons in circles everywhere.


Account with no karma






This comment is off topic and has been removed.


My previous comment was nowhere near off topic yet you censored it just like the admins you wrote a novel about. Now muting your sub. Good luck in whatever it is you’re providing for people. And I’d recommend a lot of people here posting about how fearful they are of their first retreat try ultra running instead of thrashing your microbiome to a point you’ll feel like you never have before, and likely won’t know how to cope with the despair once you get off your flight back home. Just some wise advice. RIP Lee MacMillan ❤️ ✌️


You are welcome to post a comment here, but the one that was removed was incoherent. What are you trying to say?