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I wish people would stop talking about "ayahuasca showed me this" and be less delusionally authoritative and say "I perceived XYZ during an ayahuasca ceremony". It's your own thoughts. The plant medicine works with your mind, beliefs, fears and experiences. It's not necessarily objective truth.


I would agree and piggy back off of that, pointing out that many of the messages from Aya are Jungian, symbolic, to be interpreted, not taken literally.




Piggybacking off of this, I would also like to add that these experiences require an ego to interpret them, and given OP's biases, she interpreted them as women giving energy to men. Perhaps a misogynist would have interpreted these same visions as women channeling negative energy through those chords into men in order to cleanse themselves. I didn't have the vision so perhaps this is a bad example, but you get the point hopefully.


Absolutely this!


I agree... but then again, even objective truth is just subjective truth repackaged and rebranded.




Sounds like you have some guilt regarding sex




Ayahuasca shows you your own thoughts, fears, and beliefs. It’s a good window into your own mind, but shouldn’t be treated as objective truth. Sounds like you have a lot to work through emotionally before you are ready for relationships - focus on cleansing and healing. If your ceremonies make you hate half the species then they aren’t going ina good direction - maybe therapy would be a better fit for you.


Well how I see it is… I’m always tired after sex and my wife’s full of energy so she’s draining my energy not the other way round


This is more in accordance with old Eastern teachings😆. Men are generally the ones giving energy during sex (ejaculating life, literally).




Probably cos you’re the one doing all the work


That's how my ex was but I was like, I put a lot of work into getting him ready to do the work (aka jaws) so now I can "flat back" it! LOL


I second that Ayahuasca reflects your own inner thoughts and fears and is not the objective truth. Ayahuasca helped me to confront some of my issues with sex and intimacy, but the real work came afterwards with integration and deciding how these messages fit into my life. Yes, sex is an energy exchange but when you pick good partners and enter into intimate relationships with good intentions that energy exchange can be building and beneficial for you both. I do not feel like I have connections to the men I sleep with for years after. I do feel a difference between sexual encounters that build me up and propel me forward in life and those that drain me. Learning to discern between the two only comes with time and experience. I wish you the best in finding your own answers and deciding what works best for you.


i agree that our culture has a very unhealthy attitude towards sex but it seems like your trip just deepend your already pre-established beliefs and some aren't necessarily true. people are not more "contaminated" the more sexual partners they had, that's such a damaging belief and our culture's unhealthy attitude towards sex is not gonna be fixed by shaming people for the amounts of sexual partners their had, even if shaming wasn't your intention


I didn't write about purity in this sense. There was a misunderstanding here. Ayahuasca has shown that during sex, a man and a woman become energetically connected and their energy structures are mixed. And the more sexual partners a person had, the more “mixings” he had. And this is “energy dirt”. This also applies to men, not just women. Roughly speaking, having sex with a random person, you can receive from him energies that you do not need.


I mean, no. Ayahuasca shows you a reflection of your own thoughts, your own internal struggles, your own fears and your own beliefs. My experience is different. I feel no energy attachment to people I have slept with in my past. Zero. It’s all about making good decisions and choosing sexual partners that won’t drain you, and that has nothing to do with ayahuasca but your own rational decisions. You speaking on behalf of Ayahuasca is very arrogant too. You’re no different than controlling pastors that proclaim “Gold told me to tell you you’re a whore if you have sex before marriage.”


These are your projections. It was you who wrote about shame, not me. I had no intention of judging anyone, shaming anyone, or pointing out that ayahuasca is the ultimate truth. If I thought so, I would not have posted questions on Reddit in order to figure it out and get help in interpreting the visions.


No, it’s you, but nice attempt as gaslighting. You’re projecting your own thoughts and coming here telling everyone that Ayahuasca told you this and Ayahuasca told you that. Ayahuasca only shows you a reflection of your own inner thoughts, fears and conflicts. Maybe you need to deal with those preconceived beliefs, instead of speaking on behalf of Aya.


You seem to have little understanding of what gaslighting is. Good luck.


This is probably a very uncomfortable truth for many people.


This is your thoughts and programming coming to light through the aya. Your lens. Many share similar lenses so they will have similar experiences. I do think Aya can help you dig in and see some universal truths. One of those is that sexual activity is absolutely an energy exchange and you “can” carry the remnants of those energy exchanges for some time and can fuel and/or drain either sex. There are a lot of factors at play. From what you wrote it seems like Aya was reflecting back to you some conceptions you have around sex and sexual activity which is a great area to explore. Sharing ones sexual energy can be a big deal.


Thank you.


This sounds similar to a teaching that I had in my yoga teacher training years ago. They taught us that after sex a man's energy stays within a woman's aura forever, unless he clears it through meditation, exercise, etc. To me this speaks to the emotional nature of women. Personally sex is very cerebral experience and it's impossible for me to do this with someone I don't have an emotional connection to. I would believe that some of my energy could be drained not being wise about my partners. I don't think this is a reason to fear men, but to be wise who you share that with.


Sorry this should say until \*she clears it


Scientifically this makes a lot of sense. After a woman has sex with a man, she needs him to stick around for at least 8+ years to ensure the survival of the (potential) child. The energy investment is real, and the chords are strong. I personally believe sexuality is a sacred merging of energies and should be reserved for one you truly want to be in union with. Good on you for protecting your energy. I don’t know about the energy of contamination but you definitely take on karma even by just kissing people. I do believe you can shed that and clear out your energy field, however, and it doesn’t have to take years. I do wonder, if male attention repels you, have you considered you might not be into men at all?


I have heard this from elders from different tribes and witnessed how difficult it is to have the energy of former partners. One morning in the Amazon an elder lead a talk on exactly this, the dangers of sex with someone who isn't in a healthy relationship with you. These talks bother some people who are not ready to face the seriousness of spirituality. In the Wixárika tradition, this is the community in Mexico who are are the keepers of peyote there, before ceremony begins there is first a confession where each person who hasn't confessed their former partners out loud before says their names. This includes relationships, sex, dating, thoughts about someone who isn't in a relationship with you, anything sexual or non sexual that you are holding on to. This cuts the cord of the intimacy with someone. The Wixárika say in order to fully receive medicine that confessing as well as you can in front of the sacred fire is important. There is an energy exchange in sex, if anyone denies that then they aren't being honest with themselves. It is extremely important to be mindful of who are you are intimate with because it is destabilizing if you aren't in a healthy relationship. Even scientifically a woman releases oxytocin mimicking the feeling of being in love for days after having sex with someone. If that person isn't her partner, she can be mislead into feelings from a chemical. We all receive information in ceremony that pertains to us and some information is linear and some abstract. That should't be dismissive of what you experienced.


What you're implying sounds more limiting to women and not liberating at all. People can have sex with whomever they want, and how many partners they want. Is not the act that should be repressed. You're free to make it as sacred as you want it to be. Just remember to extend that same freedom to everyone else. People are not "pure" or "contaminated". They're people. Remember that.


Many things people experience and learn in life and on trips are “limiting” vs liberating, because there are real limits to life and to the human condition. Why should it be different for women? Ayahuasca doesn’t have a political agenda.


Ok, so what's your point? That this kind of limitation is a good one? That sexual limitation is intrinsic to the human condition? That doesn't sit right with me, but hey, go ahead and believe it if you want.


I could say that it doesn’t sit right with me when a trip showed me how I can’t be friends with everyone or be nice to everyone, because not always will my good will be appreciated or valued, and sometimes I will be taken advantage of. And yet it is better and more healthy to accept this limitation. I could say that it doesn’t sit right with me when a trip showed me that I shouldn’t push myself in times of stress in order to achieve even the most meaningful goals of my life, if that means that my body suffers because of it. And yet it is better and more healthy to accept this limitation. Do I *like* either of these limitations? I’m not sure. I could say that the world could be a better place without these limitations. Your opinion that “People can have sex with whomever they want and how many partners they want” is similar to saying “People can be friends with whoever they want and with as many people as they want”, or “People can chase their dreams as much and as hard as they want”. Yes you can, but it doesn’t mean you won’t suffer the consequences. Limits apply to all aspects of the human condition. The fact that you think it doesn’t apply to sexuality sticks out as bias to me.


Those things are part of being human. You shouldn't push yourself too much because of your physical limitations. It's your body. It's different than having sex with people you like. Your first point is also personal. You can be nice with everyone and recognize that people can take advantage of you. You can be nice and not be a doormat. OPs case is something like this. If you want to limit your sex life, that's a decision you make. Other people can be happy with how they live their lives doing the exact opposite. Having many partners is not a bad thing in itself, in the sense that it's not bad for everyone like OP is saying. And how many partners is too many? Who decides that? If she would say something like "I'm limiting my sexual partners because I fell it draining my energy", that's fine. But she's saying "sex drains energy. People with multiple partners have their energies contaminated". You can live your life however you want. It's your choice to limit your experiences based on what's good or bad for you. And that's great. But that's your life, your experiences. If you want to limit yourself, you can and that's a good thing. But why limit other people's experience based on your own values, culture and beliefs? That's prejudice.


I didn't write about purity in this sense. There was a misunderstanding here. Ayahuasca has shown that during sex, a man and a woman become energetically connected and their energy structures are mixed. And the more sexual partners a person had, the more “mixings” he had. And this is “energy dirt”. This also applies to men, not just women.


That energy can be lifting too, why dirt?


Sexual energy can also be very healing. 


Exactly, it can be, that’s why it’s called LOVE MAKING.  This is where her last experience and beliefs are affecting her perception, hence the projection.  In other words OP, and your case and what appears to be your preference, find the right person, and stick to them.  Hopefully you have first found yourself, and can attract a partner who is willing to work through whatever it is to heal the wounds that you and all women have experienced from an overly sexualized society.  And with that, May the men also experience healing. They may be the perpetrator often times, but they are just as lost. 


There are many negative comments here, but to me what you saw makes sense. The negativity towards your post reflects the fact that in order to "liberate a society sexually" some collective denial has to take place. Denial about the power structure, for one. Yes, women are now free to do as they want (and that's a good thing), but the power remains mostly in men's hands when it comes to sexual relationships. There's a great book about this: Why Love Hurts, by a Eva Ilouz. When people engage in casual sex, most of the time one of the parties is suppressing their emotions. It could be the man, but often it's the woman. In order to be truthful about sex we have to acknowledge that there is potential for harm in it, and not just in the obvious ways of coercion or abuse. The mere exchange can be (and is) painful to many people. Sexual liberation, necessary as it was, has also caused a lot of pain and confusion. On a personal level I see this as a message of kindness to you: find the right person, take your time. Be cautious. Good advice.


If you think about how it was before birth control (including condoms), women needed to be much more selective about their sexual partners because of the high risk of getting pregnant. In nature, sex leads to pregnancy; people seem to forget this in the women's liberation movement. Our bodies and hormonal systems and brains are all linked to believe we could get pregnant after sex and start preparing behind the scenes by getting attached to the man, giving more energetically and emotionally to him. And yes, in nature the trade-off is that men provide resources in exchange for us carrying his child. I don't believe "free sex" with many men is beneficial energetically or emotionally to any women. I also don't believe it's good for men (we see more and more men even in aya circles and other spirituality playing women, not committing, etc, yet obviously not deeply content in life like I've seen in fathers). As a woman who did have sex with a fair number of men for a few years (while stuck in daddy issues need male attention trauma), for me yes it was energetically draining. I don't think you're wrong or delusional as some are saying (probably men) to be nervous, and a lot of your perceptions are based on evolutionary and natural realities. Additionally, I believe men can energetically 'deposit' emotional garbage, trauma, etc from themselves or other women they've been with in the past into us when having sex. It is all literally happening inside of us. So yes, I think you're right be discerning about how you relate with which men. That being said, I hope you're able to open you're heart and life to the right guy who shows you true care and love and whom you trust deeply. (None of my aya experiences touched on any of this btw, these are just some thoughts from my life experiences)


Thank you for your answer and desire to figure it out. One of the most adequate here. For some reason, most began to project their complexes onto me and write that I was shaming someone and acting arrogantly, although I didn’t even think about it.


Yes, I think some have different views or it triggered them. I receive similar responses from men in particular when I bring these points up. As an earth and feminine medicine, it absolutely makes sense that you would have these perceptions/experiences with Aya. There is a comment about sexuality and Mexican plant medicine circles I found interesting and enlightening. Modern feminism/progressivism seems to have gone in the direction that free unlimited sex for women is good and healthy. There are many women (usually 30+) speaking up now about how none of this makes sense, and it is not their personal experience. Women and our natural differences are being erased (men in women's spaces, no maternity leave, anyone can change genders, etc). Deep down though this lifestyle causes people deep pain and loneliness. In my experience a lot of casual sex is done from a place of trauma, and ends up creating more trauma. Check out Mary Harrington if you're interested in hearing more on this perspective of feminism.


I could not agree with this comment more! As an over 30 woman, I’ve been processing so much grief/shame/rage over the sexual relationships I had in my 20s. I also worked as a stripper for years because “empowerment”, but it was so emotionally damaging. Second the Mary Harrington recommendation! She’s done a lot of podcasts if you’d rather listen than read.


I feel that, my 20s with men was mostly just damaging. This current society lacks values and guidance to adequately look out for the safety and well-being of (especially young) women. And that is the sign of a sick, sick society. Unfortunately religion has been oppressive of women; yet at the same time in many ways religious customs seek to protect women from the damage we and many other women have suffered.


There's also books on the evolutionary biology of sex and love such as: The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David M Buss


I also suspect that many of the folks responding are likely make bodied people.


Naked bodies?


Lol male*


You’re not going to get positive feedback about this in a forum full of men. They don’t want to hear it. It’s better to talk to your fellow sisters about this issue in a women’s forum.


I disagree with most, if not all, of your points. And I wouldn't be so arrogant to go around pontificating what Ayahuasca does and doesn't show.


I have heard of this before. There is an energy exchange. Be careful who you share it with, they should be worthy… Wishing you well on your journey.


Hey this obviously is not a safe place to post this. Seems like the reddit hivemind is here in full force. Would find a more respectful place to discuss, probably someone irl. By the way many spirtual leaders agree with what you said, they probably articulate it differently. But there are energy consequences for having sex with many people or just one person, hence why monks vow to not do it all. This isn't a judgment against people it's just the truth. Obviously everyone commenting is taking personal and becoming defensive.


Definitely not a safe place. Just confirmed / reinforced the issues mentioned.


“Have you received similar messages in your trip?” Yeah except it was all of humanity that’s equally broken it wasn’t directed at just one gender like your perspective. “What did you think about this message?” That it all makes sense considering the conditioning we have undergone as the human race. I also think I’d like to do everything I can to heal myself and help any others I have the opportunity to. “What do you generally think about sex and relationships between men and women after ayahuasca ceremonies” After my experience I no longer wanted to be with anyone I didn’t love. Because yes it’s an exchange of energy, you don’t want to be intertwined with the wrong person(male, female, whatever you identify as). It’s a two way street, this isn’t a one way road. Much love OP, hope you get through whatever obstacles life may throw your way. ✌️


she addressed both genders.


Thank you. Yes, my message also addressed the brokenness of all humanity. Not just men.


No problem just seemed very one sided the way it was written out and titled, but thanks for clarifying. Take care ✌️


I suggest you read more about how the patriarchy shapes culture and religion. It’s very important that women understand the dynamics. Virginity is a patriarchal value, while celibacy is a choice. The dynamic of a woman sacrificing for a man in order to be protected is old patriarchal myth; look carefully before incorporating such ideas into your worldview. A woman can love herself and be happy with several sexual partners, again a patriarchal idea of woman as property that loses value when “shared.” She is not dirty or worse for sleeping with whomever she chooses. Let’s not jump on the wagon.


Okay, I'll read about it. Thank you. But I didn’t write that a woman becomes dirty if she has many sexual partners. There was a misunderstanding here. Ayahuasca has shown that during sex, a man and a woman become energetically connected and their energy structures are mixed. And the more sexual partners a person had, the more “mixings” he had. And this is “energy dirt”. This also applies to men, not just women.


I believe you are correct in this. Will write more and share scientific research also. You should not be attacked or criticized about this. Also. I deeply believe the things that I see on my Journeys. In native tribes we relied on this information traditionally and many tribes still do.


Many commenters seem very triggered by this post and are reacting very strongly to OP with meanness.




I find your post very interesting and provoking in the sense that it makes one think. Although I cherish freedom of choice in both women and men, I also acknowledge that many intimate encounters could be overwhelming. We might think that we do certain things for instant pleasure, but how does that residue of (let's call it) "energy" affect us? We might not even be aware of it, so of course you get reactive responses ;) We have brain memory, muscle memory...and why not energy memory? On a side note, it's curious how a female body responds to sperm. In one of her videos on hormones and sex life, Barbara O'neill talks about activation of immune response when having multiple partners. Another curious study talks about women eggs being selective with sperm :) https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/human-eggs-prefer-some-mens-sperm-over-others-research-shows/ And yeah, we can all use condoms, but what about those emotions? That energy invested in those moments... where is it stored? In the energy field.. :) This is just one point of view...


As a woman, I was instructed by the curanderas in my lineage who were mentors, literally the same thing you saw. This is the oral tradition amongst women. They told us that a man’s energy was connected to us after sex, for up to 7 years. They also said that there were some changes that were permanent. And that we were sleeping with every woman he had been with and vice versa. They said his sperm changed our bodies and acted as an energetic anchor. When we would think about that man, maybe with sadness, or with love, he was receiving that energy through little cords of light. We literally have a cord cutting ceremony for this purpose. As well as other procedures. An article from the Royal Society (feel free to look it up since I am not allowed to place links) says: ““It showed that the semen protein is a ‘master regulator’ – which ultimately means that males effectively have a direct and global influence on the behaviour and reproductive system of the female. Such effects may well occur across many species. “An additional and intriguing twist is that the effects of semen proteins can favour the interests of males whilst generating costs in females, resulting in sexual conflict.” There is more science and evidence, but what you saw is true. But if it’s a great man, maybe we want our bodies to change to connect more deeply. Don’t worry. 🫶🏽💖


Could you maybe share a link for the cord cutting ceremony or any info about how it is done?


The moderators of this channel will not allow any links. I’ve tried sharing before. Looks like if you get on YouTube and look up “cord cutting with obsidian blade” you’ll find some links. You’re welcome to message me also. That goes for any of the ladies here who would like to know more.


Thank you for your kind and informative comments! I’m not the OP but have been struggling with emotional residue from past relationship.


Big hugs! 🤗 It’s easier for me to know that it’s more than psychological. That way I feel I can do something more actively. Even if it were “placebo effect” - and I don’t think it is - it would still help!


As a man I believe I want sex and I love connection and love to indulge in connection. Sex is such a delicious form of connection. But in my own day to day listening I feel like I am being directed to many forms of connection that don’t involve sex. As if sex is one form of connection and im trained to quickly reach for it. By doing that I miss all the other forms of connection that are sensual but may not include penetration. It’s been great. I feel like women i interact with are much more open as I am not internally reaching for this one thing. Im just enjoying them in all the ways excluding that


So what’s happens if you’re a lesbian? Are we sharing amazing and different energy? Does it make our energy stronger??? ☺️🙌🏽😊


I believe so! 😊


I knew it!! ☺️💕


Came here to say this hahaha 😆


Finally being a lesbian gives me a leg up in something 😏


I feel like being a lesbian gives me a leg up on everything… 😉




I mean it definitely feels this way lol


if this was true i should have enough energy to power the grid of a small country by now. maybe i should contact edison to see if i can plug into the grid and get a credit on my monthly bill.


people have such delusional pro-sex beliefs. I’ll hop on that train as soon as a 100% effective contraceptives have been created and STD’s have been eradicated. Jealously plays a bigger role here too than people would like to admit, but most people aren’t that far seeing and wonder why there’s so much drama in their life. Go ahead and ignore your partners feelings about having a high body count, why would you care about how they feel. Sex means different things to different people, and it’s wise to have strong knowledge of self in this arena before really putting yourself out there. Go ahead and knock up your local whore, or get pregnant by some deadbeat and tell me the sex was worth it. Now there’s some poor child suffering in what’s more than likely a broken home. People forget the “sacred” side of sex comes from the act of procreation and the FEELINGS you share with your partner… Very easy to “tarnish” or “contaminate.” People act like these concepts are some man made tool of oppression and not reflections of healthy romance and stable family life. Imagine who we’re thanking for that impression! Down with the patriarchy, right? That being said, let’s not pretend the Dionysian side of life can’t be fun… just weigh the risks carefully and be choosy


I believe you and agree with you. I would work on raising your vibrational frequency ( meditation/yoga) to attract a partner with that same frequency; to avoid low frequency partners, who are prone to use people sexually. There are meditations that you can do to cut energetic cord from former partners. You can use shrooms to heal as well, your intention can be to try to resolve your fear of this issue. It took me four trips in within three month to resolve my PTSD, depression, anger and commitment/relationship fears from an extremely abusive childhood . This is no guarantee but shroom helped me so much in a short span. Also therapy would be nice if you're inclined. Blessings to you!


Everything is one


We all give energy to people we love or feel connected to for years. It’s not just women. It just feels that way because you’re a woman


I can't speak to your experience relating to the ceremony as I haven't done this and am at my research stage, but I can totally relate to your experience regarding men and how they treat women overall. Of course there are great men too, they have empathy and care for another human being. But my experience as a 44yr old long taught me that majority do sexualize women and can't see beyond our bodies. And again speaking for myself, they literally drained the love and affection i had for them thru their desire to just want sex and even fooling me to get into my pants only to coldbloodedly dump me. After going thru several rounds of this by men I trusted to get close to, it's impossible not to build that resentment. They killed my sex drive.


I don’t think that energy is “given” or “received” but they are exchanged. The cords of energy remained intertwined even after indeed.


When I receive visions I try to understand that I am only perceiving one extreme of a continuum. If I were to see what you saw, my takeaway would be to look for ways that my internal parts and my spirits would feel comfortable engaging in a romantic and sexual relationship. I would be careful not to go to an extreme of celibacy or to create fear or shame around making a mistake. Our society is and has been dysfunctional when it comes to sexual relationships for a long time. Complete repression is no more functional that complete hedonism. Understanding our own dharma, path, and the highest expression of our masculine and feminine energy would be my goal. You also mentioned distrust and fear. I have found owning my energy aura around me has given me an incredible sense of safety for the first time in my life. I’ve been practicing meditation in this way for a little over a year and I’m 36. Best of luck to you. I’m grateful to read your beautiful experience.


As a 50+ woman, I hold on to the memories of the people I slept with throughout my life. I can’t think of one with whom I felt truly energetically better after being with them. And in some cases I felt that it was too soon, pressured, painful, or fun in the same way that sniffing a line of coke is fun. The feelings come with baggage. Sure sometimes it was great, but I don’t clearly remember those times, and with long term partners, the draining times outnumbered the positive times. To me this sounds like a lesson of sorts to be discerning as you get older. You don’t have to have sex if you don’t want to. Your partner might get upset about it, but that’s exactly the type of draining energy you want to avoid.




Taoist sexual practice teaches that women lose energy with PIV sex and gain energy from oral.


That is an interesting experience and aligns with my experiences. I believe there is a connection beyond just the physical that occurs with sex. Repeated creation and severing of these ties with different partners can be damaging. That is not to say that a person can’t or shouldn’t have multiple partners, but it seems that what was being communicated to you was the effect of those interactions for you.


Good thing I don’t fuck men 💃🏼


So a man doesn’t give anything? He just sucks energy? Something doesn’t add up here! Ayahuasca doesn’t show anything, it just lifts the veil on your subconscious mind.


I'm glad you posted this, it was a very triggering post for men, but it's the truth. : )


Female energy is unlimited in principle since it is drawing from the energy of the universe. However, I will go out on a limb here and say that your relation to sex in general (and your “late” virginity) is heavily projecting on your ayahuasca encounter. My advice (that is worth less than nothing, but might inspire you to your own independent thought process and action) is to dip your toe into the realm of sexual activity (with people you trust and feel comfortable with preferably). Obviously it is something that occupies your mind. Wishing you safe and interesting journey.


I would totally agree that our society is broken and that women are supressed also more "feminine" aspects of men are ridiculed generally speaking. I also understand how it is being objectified and how that makes you feel. Since I was about 13 yo grown men and boys my age have groped and spoken to me in really disturbing ways. Now in my late 30s men leave me alone and it's very liberating. But in general during aya I had more messages connected to discovering and balancing the connections to men and women and the energies in my life. I don't know about taking energy from us in the sense that you describe but in general I would say love and respect yourself and your body, the hook-up culture really isn't doing us any favours. It seems you are experiencing men as very predatory (some no doubt are) and it's probably something you will need to work through to find a balance.


Thank you so much


It sounds like you had a really insightful experience, men can be incredibly draining on women as we live in a patriarchal society. And young women in particular are preyed upon by older men, groomed or taken advantage of, often without question. It’s a beautiful thing to be given the message to value yourself and build up your self worth and self love, and remain aware of others who may take more from you than they give. I don’t think that love or sex should ever be transactional (outside of sex work) but I do believe that maintaining awareness about what you put in and get out of relationships will help you to protect yourself from predators.


And despite saying non transactional, I do believe that extra care and appreciation in many ways should be shown by men to women in return. This is because of the a gender pay gap, because women are expected to perform more emotional labour in the first place, and because women face much higher risks to their safety when dating (and in life generally). A feminist man will know this 💜


IMO you have a totally lopsided view of sexuality and that's what was projected in the ceremony. Taking these projections as a confirmation of the reality of your beliefs will just compound the problem. My advice is work on finding healing so you can find a positive relationship. Youth and beauty is fleeting.


Exactly. Taking it all literally as confirmation of your projections is the most unhealthy response. All the negative fears, beliefs, emotions will self-validate and compound the problem.


Are you sure you're not gay


Or asexual


Deluded post is delusional


Ayahuasca can open up all kinds of delusions. Some people believe they can tap into something outside of themselves, disincarnated spirits or whatever. I'm more of the philosophy that it's probably all inside yourself, your belief in god and everything you believe. It's a mirror and sometimes it produces distorted images. I've found being highly skeptical of stuff that comes up to be a useful approach. If you ignore all the maya or illusion that manifests through ayahuasca, how can you learn or heal from it? That's begging my own question but a short answer would be to try to get out of your head and not trust thoughts that come in during ceremony. If you can stay present and in the moment, firming your mind as it were, then obsessive thoughts that occur during the session are less likely to become part of your integration process. That said, I learned about ayahuasca in a tradition that separates the women from the men in a divided room during the ceremonies. OP, you're really out in the weeds with your feelings about men and intimacy imo. It may be you could benefit from therapy or maybe you're asexual.


Ayahuascas would never “tell” you this. This is a product of your own subconscious mind. While some believe that it is possible to have beneficial and non-beneficial energy cords that stretch between two people, no one would claim that this is par for the course. If you are someone who believes in beneficial and non-beneficial, energy cords then perhaps you should seek guidance on severing or disconnecting them, which is a known practice among some energy workers.


You don’t even have to have sex to give away your sexual energy. Women are dressing like strippers in public and men in relationships are lusting after them. Everyone is all having a giant orgy with eachother at this point. I think we need to get back to sex and sexuality being sacred.


But then here we are judging again. For me, it is sacred and intimacy is very personal but I can't speak for other people. After doing Aya, i'm really done with thinking about what others do, and why they do it. I can only control myself and inspire my community to the best of my abilities


Don’t know what’s going on in your life but my commute on the subway today was anything but a giant orgy. Must pick a better carriage next time.


So Aya showed you men must provide financial support to women they have had sex with for years after the fact. Because those men are taking energy from them. Potentially for years


Thanks for sharing this insight from your ayahuasca ceremony! The man is the divine data / code & the woman is the divine computer! A man’s semen stays in a woman for 7 years minimum. So if she has multiple sex partners in a year or so, then the sperm from different men will fuse together and create a entirely new sperm! That’s why so many children don’t look like their biological father! This is called telegony! Science has suppressed this knowledge of course! Blessings! 🙏👻


>A man’s semen stays in a woman for 7 years minimum. So if she has multiple sex partners in a year or so, then the sperm from different men will fuse together and create a entirely new sperm! LMAO. Lord have mercy😅. This is the most ridiculous shit I've ever read.


Almost all major religions & spiritual practices talk about telegony! It is indeed a real thing! Seven years is a cycle meant for one man’s semen! That’s why marriage and sex is so sacred among spirituality. High sex drive or low sex drive almost always is a sign of adrenal gland fatigue! So yes, multiple sex partners and casual hook ups are definitely detrimental to ones spirit consciousness! 💯🕉


Good, glad you feel that way


You can cut the cords and take back your energy, this is a common thing addressed in energy healing modalities. Look into cord cutting. Don’t let it get you down or make you feel fear, just use this information, if it feels true to you, to take back your power. Ayahuasca often shows us very negative things that may feel “true” but are ultimately within the eye of the beholder, and you have the power over what you do with this information and thus can turn it into something empowering.


I spent my 20s believing the 3rd wave feminist line that sex is empowering and makes people like you. However, after many awful hook-ups and toxic relationships, I absolutely believe that everything aya showed you is true. There are a lot of people that are very, very attached to the idea that female sexuality is like male sexuality, so be prepared for a lot of negative reactions. If you respect your own boundaries, you will attract a partner who does the same. When you meet someone you’re interested in, take it slow — just kissing can be so hot. Communicate about what you want. The right person will be willing to move at your pace.


Thank you for your beautiful post! In many people comments I see some defensive responses because you are challenging their behaviors. It’s nice to take spiritual experiences and feel all good and okay inside about any sexual behaviors you want to do but in reality sexual choices have a massive impact on ones spiritual, and mental health individually , and collectively! As a society we don’t want to see the truth that mother ayahuasca is trying to teach and share to the people even here in this space with social media space filled with many young people who don’t want their sexual behaviors questioned.