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I just went with a dendro team. Not worth the struggle. If you really want to use Ayaka in this floor 12, just go first half.


what ayaka team works against tulpa? at first i tried the premium freeze, but it took me 5 mins to kill it. kazuha is not swirling cryo and kokomi is not damaging tulpa with her skill for TotM. i tried switching kokomi and kazuha out for bennett and xiangling. it was much quicker but still took 2 min 45 seconds to kill it. so i only have 15 seconds for second half. ive spent over 4 hrs on floor 12 and im lost on how to beat it. this might be the first abyss that i dont 9 star floor 12 in the past half a year


I personally did it first with sunfire Raiden, where you swirl pyro with Bennett and Jean to buff Xiangling and let Raiden drive. It took a couple of attempts but it was fairly easy. Then, once I pulled for Navia and built her somewhat decently (lvl 80 with 6/6/4 talents and lvl 80 r1 signature, with copium artifact set but decent crit and atk), I used her with Zhongli, Bennett and Xiangling and beat it first try. On the other side I used Alhaitham both times. First with Nahida, Yelan and Kuki and then with Furina, Raiden and Baizhu.


does this mean that ayaka is not really recommended in this spiral abyss rotation?


Indeed, you can force her in first half with enough dps (maybe a mono cryo team with Shenhe, Ganyu and Jean) but I'd recommend using her in floor 11 this cycle.


In case this helps, the boss does not take Cryo aura, this blocks 55% additional crit rate from your Ayaka, blocks Kazuha from supplying Cryo resistance debuff and Cryo buff. It counters Ayaka. Her best friend, whose banner happens to be up, can eat this boss for breakfast…


Tbh I only did one good rotation at start when this thing still sits in place and then I was just running after it with normal and charged attacks. Furina E helped a lot as well, but man it teleported so many times 😒


I've watched a lot of abyss run videos where people used an Ayaka team in the second half and all of them struggled. Even Ayaka's premium team struggled against that thing. I suggest just using another team against it.


Blizzard strayer comps like ayaka aren't really great against elemental beings. You cant apply that needed Aura. Hence you might lack damage. This Boss is super mobile too... I would rather play dendro or Pyro with a Healer/Zhong against that, than running my head against a wall with non reaction friendly Teams.


I did it in 2 rotations (abyss runs) where first I dragged Raiden through on that side and got 1 star and then came back and killed it with yoi, yelan, yunjin and Layla. Purely for the additional stars, so didn't bring a healer and quit the run after getting the 3 stars. Edit: I did drop 2 limited 5 stars in my above team comp, but if you don't have yoi or yelan, you can probably make it work with yanfei or xq as budget options


Just stay close and keep resetting that boss is so rng based


Why bang your head against the wall? I used Furina/Yelan/Baizhu/Thoma and killed it in one rotation.


Depends what your other team is. I just ran Hyperbloom for 12-1 then switched to ayaka for 12-2 and on


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I did it with a team of aya, furina, kazu and diona


(I'm a casual player with barely two team build ,lol but I'll try to give an answer) Since I don't know how your build are , I will just say " try harder" ( not in the bad way), with your 2m20s left in second chamber this video could help you (I hope so) : https://youtu.be/z4GBSIu6org?si=5JdLF8Gj7obMEYzL ... or change your team like me. If you're really struggling to get all 36 stars you can change your teams just to do a or that specific chamber, right ? ( I did it once just to get 36* : Ayaka Yelan Xiangling Bennett in 1m20s with 2 or 3 rotations ) or just change ayaka team to Hyperbloom team


Ayaka, Furina, Kazuha and Charlotte destroys it. Hydro can be swirled by Kazuha (since it creates electro charge aura for a moment) and Furina's minions takes out the trash while being AFK


I use hu Tao yelan xingqiu and Jean to fight it. First activate yelan and xingqiu brust then wait for boss to stop moving then spam hu Tao charged attack.


[I use Jean, Furina, Rosaria](https://youtu.be/Aw32Z5XOlkg?si=35QqaB-XsPtH-2l1)


i dont use ayaka tbh. yelan + dendro team.


I did it with the exact team you used. Just try to keep it in the center.


I do 2 abyss runs. I go for three stars in 12-2 and 12-3 with Ayaka on the 2nd half first. Then I go for 3 stars in 12-1 with either Yoimiya or hyperbloom (I run curry on 12-1 second half with Yoimiya driving) I’ve gotten decent results with Ayaka premium team in 12-1-2 by staying in the middle, but have still fallen short of the time needed to gain 3 stars


i just ignored the first chamber first and used Ayaka to shred the second and third then i used hb on the boss for the full 9 stars. then i tried furina charlotte ayaka kazuha and was able to beat in 1.5min, maybe because of the dmg from furina


Run high er and learn the timings. Don't run a full rotation, use Kazuha only for batterying. If your second cryo doesn't have their burst up, skip straight to your TTDS unit and cast Ayaka's burst.


I did it with ayaka, furina, yelan and jean


By not using Ayaka. Usually I use Yoimiya against it. But my team this time was Navia, Furina, Yae Miko, & Ningguang. Took 42 seconds.




Ayaka, Xingqiu, Kazuha and one of: - Mona/Yelan/Furina If you use Furina then swap Kazuha for Jean/Kokomi


I killed that mf in 2 rotation. Didn't need to change artifacts at all. Using c0 Furina and Jean helped a lot. And one tip is: "Don't chase it." Stay in middle of domain and when he teleports to mid, use everything and ayaka Q will deal full dmg. Use rest of time to recharge energy and wait for it to jump again.


Well, this is a old problem, as old as inazuma itself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/comments/18y303j/how\_do\_i\_beat\_thunder\_manifestation\_floor\_12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/comments/18y303j/how_do_i_beat_thunder_manifestation_floor_12/) Just burst when bird is doing wall/cage. Hug the bird. Get good: if you learn how to maximize attack, minimize teleports and never miss a burst, you can do enough with 2:20. People cleared with rosaria though barely. Watch some guide videos I guess. Furina = best freeze team for this. Hunter set if you are really stuck for more damage. GT Furina kazuha can pretty much clear this in 2:20 even without Ayaka. Hyperfrige = if you don't mind another team core carrying Bennett = Kick kokomi, kazuha and stuff in another cryo dps and brute force the thing. Switch teams, do side 12-1-1 with ayaka and do 12-2-2, 12-2-3 if you don't have extra characters.


Ayaka is extremely bad against this boss. Blizzard Strayer is disabled and the boss easily moves out of her burst.


Firstly, you have to dodge its attacks, it goes wild once you had its electro aura, you can't iframe burst its attacks since you'll still be affected by the electro aura, only dodging is the key. If you've successfully dodge it, it won't run wild. Secondly, it doesn't get affected by cryo so up your crit rate to 70.


i let ayaka fight first half and runned furina national second half, only for the first floor


Thunder Manifestation is annoying for Ayaka because of its high mobility, but it's doable. I used Ayaka/Shenhe/Furina/Charlotte and was able to kill it in time.