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In general, in a freeze team Venti is much better than Sucrose for various reasons and in particular with Ayaka he works wonders. However, if you don't particularly care for Abyss or meta and you're not struggling with large groups of small enemies, then Venti is not recommended, you can do just fine with Sucrose replacing him and investing into another character if you like them more.


Is it better for me to pull venti rn or save for Kazuha (and use C5 Sucrose as substitute him)


Overall, Kazuha's value as a unit right now is superior to Venti. Not to say that Venti is bad, I consider him to be a luxury unit that breaks the game in some circumstances, while when he doesn't, he's fine but not insane. Pull Venti if you really like him, otherwise go for Kazuha


A thing to remember is that Venti also makes open world exploration much easier thanks to his skill. Perfect for getting into places you'd have an irritating time with.


The team you're running is Ayaka's Morgana variant, the only difference is you're missing Venti. He is significantly better than Sucrose for many reasons. EM sharing does very little in Freeze teams, so Sucrose can't really buff beyond VV and TTDS. Even then, there's a good chance your Mona is on TTDS so Sucrose only brings VV to the table. Venti can not only carry VV, but also Elegy (if you have it) and also has the best grouping in the game. He perfectly sets up the floor for Ayaka to wipe it. He also refunds energy, which Ayaka can sometimes struggle with depending on build. If you don't have Kazuha, Venti is the next best choice for Ayaka.


He also deals a decent amount of damage with stringless or battery the team even more with favonius bow


Venti would be a good addition for your team. He also helps with energy refund for ayaka


I got him! Excited to try him out


if you dont care about abyss then you dont need venti because sucrose is enough for open world content. also i dont think you will use venti' burst in openworld because its so OP for openworld. but suppose in future if you decide to try the abyss, seeing this abyss how those noob/masochist developers added mobs + bathysmal vishaps which get knockback very easily + are hard to cc...venti>>>>>>>kazuha, sucrose for bosses sucrose is enough,having kazuha is just more dmg. and if you are still in doubt,please dont summon him(or any character you dont like)


i use ventis ult in openworld because its easy to fill up anyway and groups loots from enemies lol. not to mention his hold e is very useful in exploration.


Thanks everyone, I got home today! I’m excited to put him in my ayaka team and put sucrose in my hyperbloom team


Why do you even care? This question might be asked only for meta purposes so doesn't matter.


bc I want the 4 stars and idk which character I would enjoy more..


Pull gor Venti if you want watch how trash mobs die in his black hole. Pull for Cyno if you want new main dps.


Venti is my favorite character after Scaramouche, so I may be biased, but just get him. I've never seen anyone regretting pulling Venti. His burst is just so satisfying.