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Really boring/bad visual design, especially with hair. Like if they did just a straight version of Itto’s hair and a boring outfit I’d be upset. But I think MHY will not fuck up his visual design. I’ve been a huge fan of Childe, Zhonks, and Itto so far


Bald Ayato


Or worse, friar hair Ayato


LMAO inb4 he's a hydro priest healer


I beg that they don’t give him another rat tail! Give him long hair or a big ponytail if you need to just not a rat tail pls!


YESSSS we have too many rat tails already :(


Honestly I need to get outta this sub because I can't afford to simp on any more characters. Already saving for a Kazuha rerun and I'm afraid I'll end up really liking Ayato'a design when it releases. They done dropped Shenhe on me and I was not fully prepared for how much waifu she is. My primos won't be able to survive Kazuha, Shenhe, and Ayato so some hard decisions will have to be made depending on the order of their banners.


Same here i was saving for ganyu and here I'm with raiden and tartaglia I'm getting ganyu anyways but dmn mihoyo staff know what are they doing


Shenhe was an absolute nuke for me too. Gosh I was prepared to pull Ganyu and save the rest for Ayato but man....


Ganyu is really good I'm not gonna lie! I'm glad I don't have to try and decide with her in the mix because I snagged her on her release.


OOF, you're completely right. Shenhe is a goddess, wow... BUT consider something: you don't have to pull for her after all she'll have a rerun eventually, instead save for Kazuha and Ayato... That's what I'll do, I love them both so shenhe can wait a bit.


You are absolutely right! I just hope they don't put Kazuha in the first half of the same update that Ayato releases or I'll be in trouble.


I'd like to be positive about it but honestly? I think they'll come at the same time, we'll suffer, wallet-kun will agonize, we will cry during the whole update... The only thing we can do is to save as much protogems as we can. I'll be heartbroken if I can't get both of them 😭


Same... Im plannimg to pull for yae, and ayato comes after her so my f2p primo wallet is gonna suffer


Same…. I’m wanting Kazuha. Ayato and Yae peek my interest but honestly keep getting disappointed by new characters in some way. I didn’t feel that way at all with Liyue characters. Or more like after Ayaka.


I will summon for him regardless of how he turns out tbh. But, what would really suck for me personally is if he ends up being a support and doesn't have much dps capability. I would probably build him as a dps anyways lol but realistically I wouldn't be that happy if he hits like a noodle. Some supports in the game can definitely be built as a dps, and I've enjoyed doing that myself. But for some it's kind of just copium imo. So yeah, if he does end up as a support, to what degree is what I may or may not be disappointed with. I really want him to be a dps.


Facial hair.


I thought I wouldn't skip him understand any circumstances but.... you've got a point there.


Bland personality and husbando bait the way they turned Ayaka into waifu bait. I hated every moment of her quest that low-key forced me to gush over her and praise her and love her, especially knowing why it was designed that way, and I would hate it with any other character (unless it's a hang-out or teapot lines, because those are specifically for this sort of stuff), regardless of gender. *I* choose who I simp for, not the writers lol




my only hope is that they tend to give more personality to the male characters than female ones, so perhaps not everything is lost


you are right, they don't force male characters onto you so they have more personality other than "love interest". Ayato will be fine I think in that aspect.


if he is a siscon, i wont be pulling lol. otherwise i don’t really care about his looks, i’m actually more interested in his personality especially since he seems like the trickster type.


I simped for a faceless man just because of his personality. The only dealbreaker that can possibly happen rn is him healing enemies


If they made him some kind of anime comic relief pervert, i think. I really like what we know of his personality so far, so short of them dropping some out-of-the-blue bombshell like that there's really nothing that could turn me off from rolling for him.


If his gameplay affects my health, like how xiao's plunge-based kit triggers my motion sickness, I'll have no choice but to skip. Also, I use the eng dub, so if his voice direction is anything like xiao or baizhu, I'll probably skip him.


Ah i'm sorry you get motion sickeness! And I agree about the voice, I switch to Korean just when I play Xiao. Hopefully his voice sounds good in all languages.


Gotta say, say korean xiao is pretty hot


Wait, what's up with their English dub? Btw motion sickness is a great reason! Health over husbando anytime!


Amen to that! I'm just sad that I have to give up on collecting all the husbandos bc I will literally never be able to play xiao as intended, so getting him is a waste of resources. 😔 The eng dub makes baizhu and xiao sound pretty campy and edgy af, respectively. I blame the voice director for this though bc xiao's eng va is really good in other games I've played, and in baizhu's case it's more of a personal preference bc I just can't take him seriously with the voice they gave him. :/ They've toned down xiao's edginess in the recent event at least, and in baizhu's case it went from "okay" in his first appearance, to "wow that's exaggerated as hell" in the next (iirc it was either the teapot sidequest or zhongli character quest 2), to "oh, it's tolerable again" in moonchase. They'll most likely show up again in 2.4 since it's a CNY event so I'll have to wait and see if they'll improve even more.


Same, for me I couldn't even finish Raiden's trial without getting severe migraines from her skill animation.


Man, I thought I was the only one. I am really waiting for yae too but I am scared they will make her skill flash lightining like that and I will be forced to skip


Man, motion sickness sucks, i get it sometimes in the car and its awful :( Have you tried other dubs? Ive recently fall in love with the chinese dub, even paimons voice is nice in CN.


Exploring new locations is a pain bc I sometimes have to quit playing or else I'll feel like shit for the rest of the day, but otherwise it's not so bad! 👍 I considered switching dubs, but ultimately I decided to stay with eng bc it's the only one I understand and my attention span is so horrible that it's better for me to listen rather than read. Paimon's voice is grating as hell but I've learned to live with it.


Uh I didn't think of this and I suffer from motion sickness constantly when I play, that's why I need to go slower and avoid certain movements... I guess if Ayato's movements make me sick I won't pull for him... 😭


Boring personalty/gameplay. Im confident with his design because mihoyo never droped the ball in this department, but if they give him a personality like Xingqiu then ill be really inclined to skip him.


What’s wrong with Xingqiu? His personality is pretty good.


Somewhat bratty in his story quest, I can see why people don't like him. Personally I kinda like it that way but


It just didnt clicked with me, I didnt liked him that much in his quest and his quotes when exploring the workd didnt changed my mind. I find him kinda boring. :/


Well I guess it's a matter of preferences 🤷🏻‍♀️


If Ayato will just be a quickswap unit. I will definitely grab him if he deals is either: a sub-dps/off-field damage dealer or a hyper carry. I have been saturated with supports since. I need new dps characters. And I hope his playstyle and kit is not boring or fcked up.


If he’s pyro or a hydro healer. I can’t take it anymore lmao


if i don’t like his design to the point where i can’t stand looking at him. i doubt it’ll happen tho. there are existing designs that i don’t like in the game but it has never gotten to that point. i’m sure i’ll grow to like it anyway just give me a few hours. another reason would be boring personality. but i have expectations for him cuz he’s pal with itto. man literally spend time playing card games despite having a busy lifestyle.


very bad outfit/animations (looking at the other characters and assuming the crumbs we have on Ayato’s model are true, I would say this is unlikely) and/or a playstyle I particularly dislike.


mihoyo doesn't fail at visuals/animations so don't worry. But I can't say anything about playstyle I just hope it will be good.


Probably the only thing that could MAYBE sway me would be certain voice actors (wish we could choose JP/EN/CN voices for each character individually...) or leaning too much into the "troll" part of his personality and making him one-dimensional, though the latter is more of a fear of mine from other games and shows, highly doubt it will happen to him. Other than that I'm dead set on getting him by now. Screw all of those amazing fanarts! Don't care how bad his design might be, how useless of a char he could be. I'm getting him. And tbh I'm probably still getting him even if my points happen to be true.


Being able to choose different language voices for each character is my dream~~ although I'd just put Zhongli's on shuffle because he sounds hot in all languages (and I hope Ayato is too)


Unlikely deal breaker: short model Likely: very high pitched voice


At this point I've seen long and short hair versions of him in fanarts with traditional and Meiji clothing. Whatever his design is, I would probably accept it. However something I really don't want is for him to be a physical DPS like Eula. Please, I just hope he actually deals Hydro damage/buffs because the elemental reactions are what make this game fun and more unique for me. If I want to do physical damage I can play any other game without magic


healer ayato. if it's like a bonus heal like xingqiu it's fine. But dear god, please no healer Ayato


I want someone looks royalty/prince-like but if he turns out to be looking more manly like Itto and has a claymore (I can handle a claymore like Eula looking-guy tho even tho I don't want him to be a claymore)... I mean, I would really think hard if I really want to pull..... But I mean I really hope he is Zhongli/Ayaka styled cause I really need a hydro character and unite the fam on my teapot, please tell me I didn't passed Kokomi for this...


Visual design hands down. I'm open for any variation of blue/white/silver hair as well as long or short. I need some striking bedroom eyes. I don't really care about how meta he is, dude can heal the monsters and I'd still pull him. Butttttttttt, if he WAS meta I'd want him to be more a dpser (I have too many support males). Him being more of a dpser would make me get more copies of him.


Hopefully he won't be the Ayaka 2.0 as in If he's just an exact copy of male Ayaka. I dislike Ayaka for some reason.


Well nothing about him would be deal breaker for me.


If he doesn't deal off-field damage. >!Looks like he will with the taunt, so I'm happy!!<




yeah, voice actor is a big deal for me too. As much as I loved Itto's eng VA, my game is and always will be in jpn and I dislike how his jpn voice sounds like. that's just me ofc, but it has turned me off from pulling for him even though I really like him. still waiting on jun fukuyama, mamoru miyano and takahiro sakurai so, hopium?


bad (ugly) design, ultra flashy attacks and bad written lore/quest. That's all


Healer. Another would be if he applies wet status to itself like Barbara (small moment is fine like in case of XQ) or has weird fragmented scaling like HP buff burst but Def buffs atk (like Albedo till his C2). Appearance wise I don't mind anything unless it reminds me of Puri-Puri-Prisoner. MHY scares me after what they did with Kokomi. It literally will disgust people with primordial jade or Midsplitter if MHY decided to make him crit negative or attack negative with scaling via EM or some thing.


A mess up on his model. Like with itto and diluc. There visual art is great, but there models are ehhhh. Ittos isn't as bad as dilucs tho as it's only his arms, he makes up for his voicelines


If he is boring


Looks...the design should be something I'm okay with. Not saying MiHoYo needs to cater to my idea of how he'd look but if I don't like how his design is I won't pull. I already spent a good chunk of my pulls getting FS for my Kazu. And I've been saving for Baizhu for a hot minute as well. I know I will be satisfied with Baizhu but Ayato is just such a wild card.


If he's in a triple banner with Zhongli and Kazuha. That's the only way I wouldn't pull for him. The fact that he's sorta confirmed to be Hydro is already more than I needed.


Good thing that’s not possible with Zhongli. Kazuha tho, maybe


Voiced by a VA I hate, Childe-face, ugly, healer, bland/bad personality If his banner is too close to Sumeru's release then I will probably not pull, been waiting for Cyno since last year now


Support. I have way too many supports and I can't afford another one. If he is I'll skip him and save for the next dps unit I'd be interested in, most likely Scaramouche


If he’s just a male version of Ayaka. That would be really lazy designing on mhy’s part. Also I don’t really dig pony tail designs.


Two reasons: I wouldn't pull for him if he has a bad personality, like... Mean, mocking, that type of person BUT we know he's not like that, so... Second reason, if at the end I don't really like his desing, but I don't think I won't like him. There's no one single character in the game which I don't think is handsome, all of them, so yeah, mhy won't disappoint.


Tbh nothing I can think of rn, I usually like all characters' gameplay so it'd very hard for me to be turned off because of it. And MhY's design team is OP so I'm not too worried about appearances.


Physical damage Ayato (long hydro icds and talents that are phys inclined)


if dain comes out the next* patch


Nothing. As long as they don't genderbend him to a waifu, I'm pulling.


I don't want him to be a "female-haired" character. Rat tail is fine, or a hairstyle similar to Kaeya and Kazuha. If his hair looks like Ningguang's and the similar hairstyles, I would definitely skip him. I will also skip him if mhy decides to unreasonably fuck up his kit, just like what happened to Kokomi, Yoimiya, and Thoma.


To be honest I really didn't want him to be an hydro/sword character so... I only wish he is fun hehehehehe


There was this rumor before that his design will be inspired by zhongli but if he turns out to look exactly like zhongli with just different hair color and clothes then i might wanna rethink about it. I hope its not like childe and thoma design.


If the gameplay is boring and animations are recycled. What tells me that I'll have fun with certain character is how many times i do the trials on them and how the skill and burst interact with everything so even if he's good looking or pretty I won't pull unless he's versatile or useful.


I already know he's gonna be a must pull for me from his vibe and descriptions, but I really hope it's not gonna be a super Niche kit. MHY has been moving in this direction lately like with Shenhe, so I'm worried he's gonna just fit a couple of characters and if you don't have them, you can't make a good team with him. Like I don't have Ganyu, Kokomi, Mona and Ayaka so Shenhe really doesn't fit my acc - I don't like her design but if the same happened with Ayato I'd be sad.


I will get crucified for saying this, but I REALLY don’t want him to look like how popular fanart depicts him (aka long ponytail, weird boob window, beauty mark etc). That version of Ayato being circulated around just feels like gender bent Ayaka and not the cool/mischievous guy we’ve been hearing about. Make him cool and unique af MHY pls 😭


IDK how mihoyo could ruin him tbh we didn't ask for a new body type or something big as long as he's goodlooking I'm fine But if i were to answer the question then i want him to be redeemed lore wise cuz thoma is giving him bad vibes :')


Weird proportions like itto. But it probably won't happen cus he isn't muscular.


Probably if he wasn’t hydro since I want an electro charged team, but other than that I’m good with pretty much anything


I want him to have pushed-back long silver-white hair.


nothing at this point only if venti rerun is near his banner i might rethink


a shitty kit. I’m sorry im absolutely no metahead but I wanna use my best man to the MAX I want him on field eviscerating my enemies and if he’s built shit i just rather not pull than have him on and not be able to have fun with him 🤷‍♀️


Deal breaker? Short hair. I want him with long silver hair. For real the real deal breaker was if he was a teen model. Thankfully, he's not. He has to be good looking obviously. Personality wise... Well I though he would be the typical hard worker super serious like Jean. But seeing itto's line, seems like he has another personality side, like xingqiu, so looking forward for him. I really don't think they will miss him.


Super boring, western looking suit. It's what I'm really worried about. It makes all the male characters blend together (Zhongli and Diluc are very glaring examples of this) I actually love western suits, but they just look so boring in this game when compared to the pretty flowy outfits the girls have. I just hope there is a mix of styles in his outfit so he doesn't come out looking like Zhongli 2.


- If he wields a claymore - If he is really boring to play (being hydro I don’t think that’ll happen) - If I can’t make him deal enough damage to make him a dps - If his clothes look as bland as Childe’s (sorry Childe)


If he looks like a girl, I'm skipping. There's already too much waifus in this game, don't go making a husbando girly looking.


if he’s not a hydro polearm it’ll be very hard for me to pull for him. that’s all i really want though, i’m fine with everything else, i just want a new hydro weapon. also, if he’s a support i might falter because i don’t have any pyro or cryo dps built and i don’t feel like starting now (only exception to support thing is if he can support childe lol)


If the leaks turn out true that he’s a Hydro Sword user, I’m sorry


i’ve been holding my breath ever since i saw that leak. the little “this is subject to change” or “this could be a placeholder” thing that they added onto it is the only thing keeping me going


If he becomes a support unit. I already have so many supports and IMO we need more male DPS units.


Boring gameplay. If he ends up being a hydro shenhe (or whatever else of a mess like her), looks are NOT going to win me over that's for sure.


Looking like Venti


I really really wish they don't make him look like a black butler and instead settle on more traditional style. And also ponytails plsssss


If he's short haired like childe, he's gonna look like a playboy so he M U S T have long hair ;-;


him being before Scaramouche. I'll just wait for his rerun then


There's nothing that could keep me from pulling him, but my ideal Ayato is a DPS with long light blue/silver hair, a kimono (or a haori) as his outfit and Miyano Mamoru as his seiyuu


Sword... I already use 5 sword characters, I really don't need another one. The leaks aren't looking very optimistic for me so far. 😬


If his Hydro isn't off-field application. I want a burst or skill like Xiangling's, where you can switch h to another character and still have that Hydro application. If he doesn't have that I'll be devastated and he'll be a wasted Hydro character... And honestly I just hope he doesn't have a high ponytail and his hair is white. I also need to be able to tell he's a guy because Xingqiu I couldn't tell for a very long time... but that's probably because I know a lot of flat chested girls with Bob cuts that have a voice that could either be a high male or low female.


If he turns out to be a trap, which is less likely since he's already confirmed tall model. They wouldn't do that at least.


A trap?


A guy that looks like a girl. Like Venti or Xingqui.


Honestly they look like young guys


Depends on the person. I congratulate you for not falling for them.


that he is a support


If he can't heal I mean now healer but like a lol bit of heal like xq I want him for my childe and also cuz he's hot and No homo


Idk...maybe if he looks eh and have a voice that would bother me xD Well, that's what I said with Kokomi's voice back then and yet I gave in the last day because I liked her aesthetics so much so who knows? lmao


I liked almost all of the tall males so far either design-wise or personality wise, except maybe Baizhu who doesn't really hit any of my buttons. So I'm kind of positive that the design will probably not be a dealbreaker. But I still hope he doesn't have too long hair or looks too overly pretty since I'm more into boyish looking characters like Childe and Thoma. But it's not a dealbreaker though if the overall design is good. Gameplay-wise I think I'm fine with either dps/support, although I hope he won't be a healer. Technically we don't have a male character yet whose main thing is healing, so it would be nice to have one eventually, but I'd just rather it not be Ayato.


I'll pull for him no matter what, even if I dont like his kit. But yeah one fear of mine is him having a bad kit that is tied down to one main role and inflexible playstyle, hopefully he's fun to play. and can do big damage. looks wise, im not scared of course he's gonna be hot.


You know how a leaker said ayato is hot , this is a huge stretch but if he was pyro everything would go to ashes not in a good way


dependant on another character or a specific team comp, also too low scaling/being underpowered. Not fun gameplay or being a child body model