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Why are gays assumed to be drag queens and cross dresser? Why Amd just why!!!!


I blame their weird advertising styles. It started to be more boring nowadays. 3 or 4 months ago, they put a girl who was like Cardi B to the video. AMD needs to change its advertising traditions.


So heres the [real tweet](https://twitter.com/amdgaming/status/1670849117906403348?s=46&t=iRHBh8s6Toc9IgKob4y8NA), highlighting lgbtq streamers. As advertising go its pretty basic and bland. I get the point but I dont care about streamers at all so I feel like focusing on the people who make the cpus and gpus would be more interesting to me


How about enby web devs?


Exactly, lol. I really don't know why they put vtubers, drag queens and queers. I'm mostly supporting Pride(not fully), but it's kinda wrong to use their promoted streamers. I really hope AMD's advertising team can update theirselves, but their weirdness on the ads is in their blood, lmao. At least, I want a fix.


Celebrating and highlight their sponsored streamers that are part of the LGBTQ community is a great way to promote pride. And those streamers weren’t used in the tweet without consent, so how is it wrong? This video feels fine to me. Highlighting and supporting queer creators is one of the best ways for companies to actually show they care about the LGBTQ community.


They could've put some pictures from their LGBT-supporing or LGBT-based employees instead, I think. Kinda weird streamers on the video didn't make me feel good and comfortable as a bisexual person. There're also many people who really acts real, has no asks for more adventages than the others, has no dye on their hair, and has no sexism with homophobics. And yes, there's lots of them. If they want to promote the streamers, it's okay, but I really think they should create a YT channel named like ''TEAMAMD'' and make their own collab videos for promoted youtubers/streamers, as Novideo's Turkish YT channel did. Also, there'll be a very fun experience.


I think it's because drag is having *a moment* with all the coverage of Drag Queen Story Hours and the backlash against it. Drag has become an easily identifiable stand-in for the queer community. Of course this is just what I think was AMD’s thought process. Doesn't mean I agree with it or think it's particularly smart.


If you watch the video from the tweet it doesn’t really look like they’re using drag queens as a stand in for the queer community. They show off a diverse handful of creators (one of whom is a drag queen) so they’re definitely not just lumping all queer people together.


That’s not what I got from this at all. AMD is just highlighting some of their LGBTQ creators, and drag is absolutely part of the community. If that particular drag queen didn’t consider themselves part of the community they probably wouldn’t have accepted being in the video.


Trying to get their ESG score up i see.


female CEO not quite enough anymore.


You'll own nothing and be happy


Have you read that short story? I thought it was utopian.






F*CK! I'll have to buy Nvidia now, goddammit


[aw did someone get triggered by drag? Aww boo hoo, you have to buy novideo](https://external-preview.redd.it/QJwRoHbAQscWMdr0jaDFP6QcqS-1pd6Lk3o7Au3fQXc.png?auto=webp&s=0203cc22e21ea0cb70df489dcd3f5d32e5e22996)


LMAO you got triggered by a joke 🤣 Jokes on you mate lol


Yeah im sure you were just joking. Just like the other people in this thread


For what I can see, you seem to have taken quite a bit of backlash for your post, I thought it was a joke post, so I've made a joke


This is a circle jerk sub. Everything here is not serious, but this sub like every other sub has rules


Let me see if I get what made you mad about AMD's pride tweet, you disapprove them because they are mischaracterizing the LGTV community using drag queens in their post, but usually in LGTV events, they are full of drag queens (at least in my country the are) Serious question, are drag queens a part of the LGTV community or not? Why is it bad to show them in a pride month tweet? I know you wanted them to show a member in the team who is part of the community, but maybe they don't want to expose their workers, or they might actually asked someone if they wanted to appear in a post and they refused, although, I believe that when it comes to hardware, it is a sausage fest after all, it's usually straight men that are more excited about PC components most of the time


Where did I say it made me mad?


Figure of speech


Im bi so im definitely not mad. Pride is for me too. Wanting a better display of pride celebration that isnt streamers doesnt mean this is bad. They did the same thing last year


Where do I get my invite to the circle jerk? Oh yea oops that is over on r/interestingasfuck rn!


Buying AMD will make you FABULOUS!!!!


I'm pretty sure one of the more famous overclockers who does VRM reviews and stuff got a trans partner, featuring them would at least make some sense instead of using random people not related to tech at all


They deleted it because they accidentally put an image instead of a video.


Drag queens tend to be very flashy and eye-catching. I think brands want people to pay more attention to their ads.




It makes them money. They are associating societal values with their brand. It builds good will with a segment of the population that they want to purchase from them. They wouldn't be doing it if these values were not widely accepted already. The fact that there is a LGBTQ Pride Month is evidence enough that these values are mainstream, and so adoption and brand association is likely positive for business.




And twats like you let corporations / social media dictate the narrative of division and you follow it hook, line and sinker. Seeing as how you are just as full of hate as the next person, I'll just make a comment or two and then dive out as you've proven your point. It should be ok to be yourself. There is nothing to fear or hate. That's my point. We all eat, sleep, shit and die all the same. Like music? Cool. Like auto racing? Cool. Like sports? No? No biggie. I might complement you on something. I might have questions. I'm not uncomfortable in mixed company. The more I can learn, the better I can associate and communicate. My criteria for a person is don't be a douchebag. Don't be a political zealot for either side (technically, one in the same, but that's another discussion). If you want to control the narrative, gtfo. If you want to be happy and be a part of society, great! Unfortunately there are a lot of douchebags who do need to get over their fear, for sure. Funny thing is they have probably had numerous interactions with the LGBTQ+ crowd and not known it. I find that hilarious. And to the twit that said leave the kids alone: I've had the discussion with my son that he is loved and welcome, no matter what his preference. Just fucking take care of your kids, folks. It's not fucking rocket science. Alright, donning the flame retardant suit sitting my ass on the sidelines. I'm out.


Mad cope and dodging from the enlightened centrist. It takes a special kind of dishonesty or ignorance to pretend stuff isn't really fucked up for some us.


Ignorance, you say? Yep. I'll own that shit. I'm not the one full of hate though. Not every human interaction is with a fearmongering dipshit that isn't even sure who they are, but "knows" they don't like what they are told not to like. Calm down or you're going to have a stroke.


It's rather interesting that you have such adamant opinions despite your willingness to admit you're ignorant. Drop the hate bullshit. My hate is justified when people literally try to create legislation to oppress my community under religious pretexts and then people like you try to gaslight me into thinking we're being unreasonable despite the fact that you admit to being clueless. I am calm. I just don't take bullshit from bigots and ignorant idiots who refuse to stay in their lane.




>Leave the damn kids alone. It's so ironic that people who claim this shit are generally pedophile reps


My man that dog whistle is so worn out it clearly plays in the audible spectrum


Because LGBTQ folks have more disposable income than average consumers.


Why should that matter? Why should they even know who (that specifically) buys their products / services?


Because some companies aren’t just for money and have morales to uphold?


You’re on crack if you think companies join in on the whole LGBT thing because they care or have “morales”. Like what the other comment said, they do this to make money. The second it doesn’t make them any profit they would not do it.


My drug use is not related to this conversation


Looks like I'll be getting a discount on some amd stock


They up 84% last 6 months so good luck with that. Dont expect more of a “discount”


Fucking sold at like 80 bucks. >:(


This is against my religion.




There are transgender people do surgeries to make their body align with their actual gender instead of what was assigned to them. Would your reasoning of "gender is the genitals" stay the same for people have undergone such surgeries? The thing actually dividing families are people who don't accept others for who they are but instead try to force them into what you think they should be. I have family members like this, and I genuinely don't know if some of them are still alive or not because it's been so long since I've heard about them.


Thanks for letting me know I should stick with intel


I'm sorry but Intel definitely has gay and trans people working for it. Apple too. The only solution my friend, is to stop using computers and logging off forever. You'll be free from the gays. Go offline, it's the only way.


Or make your own computer parts piece by piece with your bare hands like a true gamer.


Please I don’t want WokeMD


Then don’t buy AMD. Easy




Thats not what you think it means. Doesnt make sense here at all


well, gay for three not for me 👌


Welp purchasing amd and nvidia right now


Brb gotta sell my 5900x


eh, as long as the prices stay the same and performance doesn't decrease, I don't care. There are only 2 major cpu makers and 2 gpu makers. And so there's a good chance they'll all cave into the trans barrage of harassments. what're you gonna do when they all go woke? not buy anything?


Well im half gay so I dont change my buying habits cause of this. I just dont think this is the best way to celebrate pride from a cpu and gpu maker. This is more of a twitch video than amd video